998 resultados para Receptor Noise


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This paper proposes a novel noise optimization technique. The technique gives analytical formulae for the noise performance of inductively degenerated CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) circuits with an ideal gate inductor for a fixed bias voltage and nonideal gate inductor for a fixed power dissipation, respectively, by mathematical analysis and reasonable approximation methods. LNA circuits with required noise figure can be designed effectively and rapidly just by using hand calculations of the proposed formulae. We design a 1.8 GHz LNA in a TSMC 0.25 pan CMOS process. The measured results show a noise figure of 1.6 dB with a forward gain of 14.4 dB at a power consumption of 5 mW, demonstrating that the designed LNA circuits can achieve low noise figure levels at low power dissipation.


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We present the design of a wide-band low-noise amplifier (LNA) implemented in 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS technology for cable and terrestrial tuner applications. The LNA utilizes current injection to achieve high linearity. Without using inductors, the LNA achieves 0.1 ~ 1GHz wide bandwidth and 18. 8dB gain with less than 1.4dB of gain variation. The noise figure of the wideband LNA is 5dB, and its 1dB compression point is - 2dBm and IIP3 is 8dBm. The LNA dissipates 120mW of power with a 5V supply.


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Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structures were fabricated by RF-plasma-assisted MBE using different buffer layer structures. One type of buffer structure consists of an AlN high-temperature buffer layer (HTBL) and a GaN intermediate temperature buffer layer (ITBL), another buffer structure consists of just a single A IN HTBL. Systematic measurements in the flicker noise and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) measurements were used to characterize the defect properties in the films. Both the noise and DLTFS measurements indicate improved properties for devices fabricated with the use of ITBL and is attributed to the relaxation of residue strain in the epitaxial layer during growth process. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transport in a semiopen Kondo- correlated quantum dot is mediated through more than one quantum state. Using the Keldysh technique and the equation of motion method, we study the shot noise S for a wide range of source- drain voltages V-sd within a model incorporating the additional states as a background continuum, demonstrating the importance of the Fano interference. In the absence of the interference, the noise is revealed to be a probe of the second moment of the local density of states, and our theory reproduces the well- known peak structure around the Kondo temperature in the S-V-sd curve. More significantly, it is found that taking account of the background transmission, the voltage dependence of the noise exhibits rich peak- dip line shapes, indicating the presence of the Fano effect. We further demonstrate that due to its two- particle nature, the noise is more sensitive to the quantum interference effect than the simple current.


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Shot noise through a closed Aharonov-Bohm interferometer carrying a quantum dot in one of its two current paths is investigated. It is found that the shot noise can be modulated by the magnetic flux Phi, the dot level, and the direct tunneling. Due to the interference between the two transmission channels, the Kondo correlation manifests itself in the flux dependence of the shot noise, which exhibits oscillation behavior with a period of Phi(0)/2 (Phi(0) is the flux quantum) for small voltages below the Kondo temperature T-K. At voltages well above T-K or outside the Kondo regime, the shot noise is determined by high-energy Coulomb and hybridization processes, and its Aharonov-Bohm oscillations restore the fundamental period of Phi(0). As a result of its two-particle nature, the shot noise contains higher-order harmonics absent in the current, demonstrating the fact that the noise is more sensitive to the effects of quantum interference than the current.


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In this paper, the design and analysis of a new low noise charge sensitive preamplifier for silicon strip, Si(Li), CdZnTe and CsI detectors etc. with switch control feedback resistance were described, the entire system to be built using the CMOS transistors. The circuit configuration of the CSP proposed in this paper can be adopted to develop CMOS-based Application Specific Integrated Circuit further for Front End Electronics of read-out system of nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics research, etc. This work is an implemented design that we succeed after a simulation to obtain a rise time less than 3ns, the output resistance less than 94 Omega and the linearity almost good.


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We describe here the chemical synthesis and in vitro drug delivery response of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-functionalized magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles, which were activated with a stable ligand, folic acid, and conjugated with an anticancer drug, doxorubicin. The functionalization and conjugation steps in the chemical synthesis were confirmed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The drug-release behavior of PEG-functionalized and folic acid-doxorubicin-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles was characterized by two stages involving an initial rapid release, followed by a controlled release. (C) 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report here a facile method to obtain folic acid (FA)-protected gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) by heating an aqueous solution of HAuCl4/FA in which FA acts as both the reducing and stabilizing agent. The successful formation of FA-protected Au NPs is demonstrated by UV/Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). ne intracellular uptake of these nanoparticles is facilitated by HeLa cells overexpressing the folate reporter, which itself is significantly inhibited by free FA in a competitive assay as quantified by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). This simple one-step approach affords a new perspective for creating functional nanomaterials, and the resulting biocompatible, functional Au NPs may find some prospective applications in various biomedical fields.


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A folate-conjugated copolymer PEG-PLA-PLL/folate was synthesized and mixed with pure PEG-PLA-PLL and a fluorescent model drug mFITC to prepare folate-conjugated micelles. The distribution of micelles was studied on cancer-cell-bearing mice via frozen slicing. The results show that mFITC is successfully encapsulated into folate(+) and folate(-)micelles; PEG-PLA-PLL micelles the latter can be internalized by both HeLa and CHO cells without selectivity due to their cationic surface charges, while folate(+)micelles exhibit more preferential endocytosis by HeLa cells than by CHO cells. The folate(-)micelles showed retention in both organs and tumors. The folate(+)micelles are a promising active targeting drug delivery system for FR over-expressing cells and they accumulate in tumor beds.


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The present study reports an application of the searching combination moving window partial least squares (SCMWPLS) algorithm to the determination of ethenzamide and acetoaminophen in quaternary powdered samples by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Another purpose of the study was to examine the instrumentation effects of spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the Buchi NIRLab N-200 FT-NIR spectrometer equipped with an InGaAs detector. The informative spectral intervals of NIR spectra of a series of quaternary powdered mixture samples were first located for ethenzamide and acetoaminophen by use of moving window partial least squares regression (MWPLSR). Then, these located spectral intervals were further optimised by SCMWPLS for subsequent partial least squares (PLS) model development. The improved results are attributed to both the less complex PLS models and to higher accuracy of predicted concentrations of ethenzamide and acetoaminophen in the optimised informative spectral intervals that are featured by NIR bands. At the same time, SCMWPLS is also demonstrated as a viable route for wavelength selection.


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beta-Adrenoceptors(beta-ARs) play a critical role in regulating cardiac functions under both physiological and pathological conditions. To further explore the mechanisms through which beta-ARs perform its actions, proteomic approaches were adopted to study the global protein patterns in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes exposed to isoproterenol (ISO). A modified method, "Mirror Images in One Gel", was used to improve the reproducibility and resolution power of two-dimensional electrophoresis. A 2-DE map with a good reproducibility was obtained in which 1281 70 spots were detected and about 1191 +/- 54 spots were matched, with an average matching rate of 92.9%. Nine proteins with significant changes were identified by using peptide mass fingerprinting(PMF) data obtained via MALDI-MS.


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Retinoid X receptor (RXR)/ultraspiracle (USP) is the heterodimeric partner of ecdysteroid receptor and is required for the molting process of arthropods. To better understand the molecular aspects governing the process of molting in shrimp, the full-length cDNA of two RXRs, named as FcRXR-1 and FcRXR-2 were obtained from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis which were of 1715 and 1700 bp long, revealed a 1315 and 1300 bp open reading frame (ORF) respectively. Quantitative Real time PCR analysis showed a marked tissue-specific difference in the expression of FcRXR transcript, which revealed that the expression of FcRXR Could be regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Moreover, high expression of FcRXR mRNAs was observed in late pre-molt period (D3) and post molt stages (A-B) of shrimp. Among the two isoforms, FcRXR-2 appeared in a considerably high level in all the stages compared to the FcRXR-1. In addition, we examined the temporal expression of two chitinase genes: FcChitinase (FcChi) and FcChitinase-1 (FcChi-1) during the molt cycle of F chinensis. Both the FcChi and FcChi-1 transcripts were detected in all stages of molting, although considerable fluctuations observed through the molt cycle. Injection of double stranded RXR (dsRXR) into juvenile shrimp resulted in a maximum silencing effect at 48 h post injection. We analyzed the expression levels of FcChi, FcChi-1 and the ecdysone inducible gene E75 (FcE75) in samples of dsRXR injected shrimp. Significant reduction in levels of both FcE75, FcChi and FcChi-1 transcripts Occurred in the silenced shrimp. This correlation suggested that RXR might involve in the downstream regulation of E75 and chitinase gene transcription in the ecdysone signaling pathway of decapod crustaceans. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.