999 resultados para Proteína miofibrilar
Introducción: El manejo quirúrgico de ciertas malignidades en el paciente anciano crea preocupación sobre la posibilidad de realizar cirugías agresivas y sus resultados. Este es el caso del paciente anciano con carcinoma hepatocelular donde se pueden suscitar difíciles decisiones terapéuticas. Comparamos los resultados obtenidos entre pacientes mayores y menores de 70 años de edad. Material y Métodos: Se realizaron 36 resecciones hepáticas curativas para tratar cáncer hepatocelular. Dividimos nuestra población en dos grupos (14 pacientes &70 y 22 mayores o igual a 70 años de edad) y comparamos su morbimortalidad, periodo libre de enfermedad y sobrevida global utilizando curvas de Kaplan Meir y prueba de Log rank. Además buscamos factores de mal pronósticos en la población. Resultados: Ambos grupos son similares en cuanto al estado pre-operatorio. El tiempo quirúrgico, tipo de procedimiento, estancia hospitalaria y morbimortalidad fueron similares. La sobrevida global para los pacientes jóvenes y seniles a 3 y 5 años fue 85,7% vs. 68,7% y 47,6% vs. 60% respectivamente (p=0,813). El periodo libre de enfermedad a 3 y 5 años fue de 69,3% vs. 35,2% y 39,6% vs. 23,4% respectivamente (p=0,539). El análisis multivariado reveló la enfermedad multicéntrica y la alfa-feto-protein elevada como factores pronósticos independientes de una sobrevida libre de enfermedad y global más cortos. Conclusión: Los pacientes mayores de 70 años con carcinoma hepatocelular deben ser manejados en una manera similar a pacientes más jóvenes. Hay que tomar en cuenta factores de mal pronóstico como la multicentricidad y alfa-feto-proteína elevadas.
La recurrència postquirúrgica en els pacients amb malaltia de Crohn intervinguts és molt freqüent i, al seu torn, té implicacions terapèutiques importants. No s'han caracteritzat fins ara marcadors biològics que, pel seu valor predictiu, poguessin ser d'utilitat en el maneig postquirúrgic d'aquests pacients. En aquest estudi s'analitza el perfil evolutiu després de la cirurgia de diverses citocines (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL1B, IFN-g i TNF-a), marcadors fecals (calprotectina) i paràmetres serològics (proteïna C reactiva, fibrinogen), per determinar la seva possible utilitat com a marcadors predictius de recurrència després de la cirurgia resectiva.
El sarcoma de Ewing es el segundo tumor óseo infantil más frecuente y presenta una alta incidencia de enfermedad metastática. Este tipo de tumores presentan una traslocación génica característica que da origen a una proteína de fusión, normalmente EWS/FLI1. Esta proteína de fusión actúa como factor de transcripción aberrante regulando la expresión de diferentes genes implicados en la iniciación, mantenimiento y progresión del tumor. Nuestro grupo describió como uno de estos genes diana a la caveolina 1 (CAV1) describiendo además su papel determinante en el fenotipo maligno del sarcoma de Ewing, en la tumorigénesis y en la resistencia a apoptosis inducida por quimioterapia. Para investigar el papel concreto de CAV1 en el proceso metastático de este sarcoma, creamos un modelo de baja expresión de CAV1 en líneas celulares de sarcoma de Ewing y determinamos cambios en su capacidad migratoria, invasiva y metastática. En los ensayos in vitro hallamos una menor capacidad migratoria de las células knockdown de CAV1 y una reducción en la expresión de MMP9 y en la actividad de MMP2. La regulación de la actividad de MMP2 parece estar relacionada con la posible regulación que ejerce CAV1 en la función de MT1-MMP, proteína fundamental para la activación de MMP2. Por otro lado, en este estudio proponemos que CAV1 promueve la expresión de MMP9 tanto transcripcionalmente, regulando la vía de señalización ERK1/2, como a nivel post-transcripcional regulando la vía RSK1/rpS6. Además, en los ensayos de metástasis experimental in vivo las células knockdown de CAV1 presentaron una menor incidencia de metástasis pulmonar, hecho que correlacionó con una disminución en la expresión de SPARC, una proteína de adhesión importante en procesos metastáticos. En resumen, nuestros resultados evidencian la importancia de CAV1 en el proceso metastático del sarcoma de Ewing.
L'estudi a nivell molecular de la ruta de senyalització activada per TGF-B té un impacte notable en el panorama actual donada la seva implicació en processos autoimmunitaris i carcinogènics. D'altra banda, l'elucidació a nivell estructural dels mecanismes moleculars que permeten a les ubiquitin lligases de tipus E3 marcar específicament llurs dianes per a la degradació proteosòmica - entre d'altres - resulta fonamental donada la seva importància pel que fa al control sobre el turnover proteic a nivell intracel•lular. En aquest projecte es pretén elucidar els mecanismes d'activació i catlàlisi de les ubiquitin lligases E3 tipus HECT Smurf1 i Nedd4L al mateix temps que se n'estudia la implicació en la regulació dels agents missatgers de la ruta del TGF-B. Així, la tasca es divideix en tres sub-projectes els quals se centren en a) l'estudi de la interacció d'aquestes lligases amb llurs dianes; b) l'elucidació del mecanisme d'activació i c) del de catàlisi d'aquests enzims. Per tal d'assolir aquests objectius ens servim principalment dels avantatges que ens aporta la Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear i altres tècniques biofísiques, principalment la ITC. Durant el temps que he gaudit de la beca FI, m'he centrat principalment en la preparació de pèptids per SPPS, llur purificació per HPLC i caracterització per MS i RMN. Aquests pèptids representen diferents patrons de fosforilació de certes dianes de les lligases esmentades, de manera que han estat emprats per a l'estudi d'interaccions proteïna-proteïna per ITC i RMN. M'he iniciat doncs en l'ús d'aquestes tècniques. D'altra banda, també he preparat mostres protèiques mitjançant l'ús de sistemes d'expressió bacterians basats en E.coli, incloent l'amplificació i clonació del gen que codifica per la proteïna d'interés així com la seva expressió, purificació i caracterització per MS i RMN.
Els processos de senyalització a través de receptors acoplats a proteïnes G (GPCRs) estan implicats en una gran varietat de processos fisiològics i patològics. Els objectius de la meva recerca es centren en l’estudi de la funció de les proteïnes heterotrimèriques de la família G12, en particular, en el paper que aquestes proteïnes poden tenir en la inducció de la migració cel•lular. Des del seu descobriment, s’han descrit diversos efectors que s’uneixen i es regulen per aquestes proteïnes. Les proteïnes de la família de RhoGEF semblen ser els efectors més directes i que juguen un paper més important en els processos de senyalització de les proteïnes G12. Tanmateix, resultats recents semblen indicar que altres vies independent de l’activació de Rho són també necessàries perquè els efectes fisiològics de les vies de les proteïnes G12 tinguin lloc. En aquest camp, els resultats que he obtingut, juntament amb resultats previs del grup, han descrit una nova via d’activació independent de Rho. Hem trobat que la proteïna G12 s’uneix a una catenina: la catenina p120. La seva unió sembla tenir lloc a través l’extrem N-terminal de la catenina i condueix a la reducció de la fosforilació en algun dels seus residus de tirosina, ja sigui per la quinasa Src o per l’activació a través d’EGF. Per tant, aquests resultats suggereixen que una altra via d’acció de la proteïna G12 seria mitjançant la regulació de la catenina p120 i, com a conseqüència, alguns processos d’adhesió cel•lular es podrien veure afectats. A fi d’entendre millor la regulació i la interacció de la catenina p120 hem iniciat l’estudi de la seva distribució cel•lular en l’espai i temps mitjançant tècniques de microscopia. Així, vam intentar construir una sonda de G12 fluorescent amb GFP. Després de diversos intents i experiments amb proteïnes no funcionals hem aconseguit, amb la col•laboració de T. Meigs, una construcció funcional que activa Rho. Això ens permetrà acabar els experiments de seguiment in vivo.
La família de proteïnes HERC contenen dos dominis característics: HECT i RLD (RCC1-like). Proteïnes amb dominis HECT funcionen com ubiquitina ligasas i proteïnes amb dominis RLD actuen com a reguladors de GTPases. En humans, la família HERC està formada per sis membres: les gegants (HERC1-2) i les petites (HERC3-6). HERC1 va ser la primera a identificar-se, conté dos dominis RLD (RLD1 i RLD2) i ha estat implicada en tràfic de membrana, proliferació i creixement cel.lular per les seves interaccions amb clatrina, M2-piruvat quinasa i tuberina (TSC2). Aquí es descriu la caracterització del ratolí "rescat" d'una mutació espontània i recessiva anomenada tambaleante, que causa una degeneració progressiva de les cèl.lules de Purkinje amb atàxia severa, un creixement reduït i una menor supervivència. Aquest rescat va ser realitzat amb un transgèn de cDNA de HERC1 humà i demostra que HERC1 és el responsable del fenotip oscil.lant. Hem generats animals knock-outs de HERC1 que no expressen el extremo ubiquitina ligasa de la proteïna, i que no mimetitzen el fenotip tambaleante. La resposta de MEFs de tambaleante a insulina tampoc mimetitza l'activació reduïda dels substrats de mTOR, ni l'autofàgia observats en l'animal tambaleante. Els nostres resultats suggereixen que HERC1 podria estar implicada en la regulació de la biogènesi ribosomal. Aquestes observacions contribueixen a la caracterització funcional de la ubiquitina ligasa HERC1 i demostren un paper fins ara desconegut de HERC1 en creixement i neurodegeneració.
BACKGROUND The role of genes involved in the control of progression from the G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle in melanoma tumors in not fully known. The aim of our study was to analyse mutations in TP53, CDKN1A, CDKN2A, and CDKN2B genes in melanoma tumors and melanoma cell lines METHODS We analysed 39 primary and metastatic melanomas and 9 melanoma cell lines by single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP). RESULTS The single-stranded technique showed heterozygous defects in the TP53 gene in 8 of 39 (20.5%) melanoma tumors: three new single point mutations in intronic sequences (introns 1 and 2) and exon 10, and three new single nucleotide polymorphisms located in introns 1 and 2 (C to T transition at position 11701 in intron 1; C insertion at position 11818 in intron 2; and C insertion at position 11875 in intron 2). One melanoma tumor exhibited two heterozygous alterations in the CDKN2A exon 1 one of which was novel (stop codon, and missense mutation). No defects were found in the remaining genes. CONCLUSION These results suggest that these genes are involved in melanoma tumorigenesis, although they may be not the major targets. Other suppressor genes that may be informative of the mechanism of tumorigenesis in skin melanomas should be studied.
Androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells turn androgen resistant through complex mechanisms that involve dysregulation of apoptosis. We investigated the role of antiapoptotic Bcl-xL in the progression of prostate cancer as well as the interactions of Bcl-xL with proapoptotic Bax and Bak in androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancer cells. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to study the expression of Bcl-xL in a series of 139 prostate carcinomas and its association with Gleason grade and time to hormone resistance. Expression of Bcl-xL was more abundant in prostate carcinomas of higher Gleason grades and significantly associated with the onset of hormone-refractory disease. In vivo interactions of Bcl-xL with Bax or Bak in untreated and camptothecin-treated LNCaP and PC3 cells were investigated by means of coimmunoprecipitation. In the absence of any stimuli, Bcl-xL interacts with Bax and Bak in androgen-independent PC3 cells but only with Bak in androgen-dependent LNCaP cells. Interactions of Bcl-xL with Bax and Bak were also evidenced in lysates from high-grade prostate cancer tissues. In LNCaP cells treated with camptothecin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I, the interaction between Bcl-xL and Bak was absent after 36 h, Bcl-xL decreased gradually and Bak increased coincidentally with the progress of apoptosis. These results support a model in which Bcl-xL would exert an inhibitory effect over Bak via heterodimerization. We propose that these interactions may provide mechanisms for suppressing the activity of proapoptotic Bax and Bak in prostate cancer cells and that Bcl-xL expression contributes to androgen resistance and progression of prostate cancer.
BACKGROUND ErbB2-positive breast cancer is characterized by highly aggressive phenotypes and reduced responsiveness to standard therapies. Although specific ErbB2-targeted therapies have been designed, only a small percentage of patients respond to these treatments and most of them eventually relapse. The existence of this population of particularly aggressive and non-responding or relapsing patients urges the search for novel therapies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cannabinoids might constitute a new therapeutic tool for the treatment of ErbB2-positive breast tumors. We analyzed their antitumor potential in a well established and clinically relevant model of ErbB2-driven metastatic breast cancer: the MMTV-neu mouse. We also analyzed the expression of cannabinoid targets in a series of 87 human breast tumors. RESULTS Our results show that both Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the most abundant and potent cannabinoid in marijuana, and JWH-133, a non-psychotropic CB2 receptor-selective agonist, reduce tumor growth, tumor number, and the amount/severity of lung metastases in MMTV-neu mice. Histological analyses of the tumors revealed that cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cell apoptosis, and impair tumor angiogenesis. Cannabinoid antitumoral action relies, at least partially, on the inhibition of the pro-tumorigenic Akt pathway. We also found that 91% of ErbB2-positive tumors express the non-psychotropic cannabinoid receptor CB2. CONCLUSIONS Taken together, these results provide a strong preclinical evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based therapies for the management of ErbB2-positive breast cancer.
OBJECTIVE Increasing evidence indicates that the Fas/Fas ligand interaction is involved in atherogenesis. We sought to analyze soluble Fas (sFas) and soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) concentrations in subjects at high cardiovascular risk and their modulation by atorvastatin treatment. METHODS AND RESULTS ACTFAST was a 12-week, prospective, multicenter, open-label trial which enrolled subjects (statin-free or statin-treated at baseline) with coronary heart disease (CHD), CHD-equivalent, or 10-year CHD risk > 20%. Subjects with LDL-C between 100 to 220 mg/dL (2.6 to 5.7 mmol/L) and triglycerides < or = 600 mg/dL (6.8 mmol/L) were assigned to a starting dose of atorvastatin (10 to 80 mg/d) based on LDL-C at screening. Of the 2117 subjects enrolled in ACTFAST, AIM sub-study included the 1078 statin-free patients. At study end, 85% of these subjects reached LDL-C target. Mean sFas levels were increased and sFasL were reduced in subjects at high cardiovascular risk compared with healthy subjects. Atorvastatin reduced sFas in the whole population as well as in patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes. Minimal changes were observed in sFasL. CONCLUSIONS sFas concentrations are increased and sFasL are decreased in subjects at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting that these proteins may be novel markers of vascular injury. Atorvastatin reduces sFas, indicating that short-term treatment with atorvastatin exhibits antiinflammatory effects in these subjects.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to determine whether the consumption of low protein dietetic foods improved the quality of life and nutritional status for vitamins B and homocysteine in patients with chronic renal failure. METHODOLOGY This nutritional-intervention involved 28 men and 21 women, divided into two groups. The control-group consumed a low-protein diet prescribed, and the experimental-group consumed a diet in which some commonly used foods were replaced by low-protein dietetic foods. The study lasted 6 months. Food consumption was assessed by 24-h recall. Vitamin B6 as alphaEAST was measured in blood. Creatinine, urea, vitamin B12, folate and homocysteine were measured in plasma. The impact on the patients' quality of life from consuming the dietetic foods was assessed via the SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS After 6 months, the protein intake among the experimental-group had decreased by 40%, and the urea/creatinine ratio and alphaEAST activity were also lower. The results of the SF-36 questionnaire show that the patients in the experimental-group obtained higher scores in the categories of general health and physical status. CONCLUSIONS The dietetic foods were very well accepted by all patients and their use allowed a better control of the protein intake, improved B6 status and a better quality of life.
CONTEXT GH treatment is effective in children born small for gestational age (SGA); however, its effectiveness and safety in very young SGA children is unknown. OBJECTIVE The aim was to analyze the outcome of very young SGA children treated with GH and followed for 2 yr. The results after 24 months of treatment, compared with a control group without treatment during 12 months followed by 12 months of treatment, are shown. DESIGN We performed a multicenter, controlled, randomized, open trial. SETTINGS The pediatric endocrinology departments of 14 public hospitals in Spain participated in the study. PATIENTS Seventy-six children, aged 2-5 yr born SGA and without catch-up growth, were studied. INTERVENTION Children received GH at 0.06 mg/kg.d for 2 yr (group I) or were followed for 12 months with no treatment and then treated for 12 months (group II). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Age, general health status, pubertal stage, bone age, height, weight, biochemical and hormonal analyses, and adverse side effects were determined at biannual check-ups. RESULTS The mean height sd score gain for chronological age in children treated for 24 months (group I) was 2.10, whereas in those treated only during the last 12 months (group II) was 1.43. In both groups, children under 4 yr of age had the greatest gain in growth velocity. No significant acceleration of bone age or side effects related to treatment was seen. CONCLUSION Very young SGA children without spontaneous catch-up growth could benefit from GH treatment because growth was accelerated and no negative side effects were observed.
CONTEXT Expression and activity of the main lipogenic enzymes is paradoxically decreased in obesity, but the mechanisms behind these findings are poorly known. Breast Cancer 1 (BrCa1) interacts with acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) reducing the rate of fatty acid biosynthesis. In this study, we aimed to evaluate BrCa1 in human adipose tissue according to obesity and insulin resistance, and in vitro cultured adipocytes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS BrCa1 gene expression, total and phosphorylated (P-) BrCa1, and ACC were analyzed in adipose tissue samples obtained from a total sample of 133 subjects. BrCa1 expression was also evaluated during in vitro differentiation of human adipocytes and 3T3-L1 cells. RESULTS BrCa1 gene expression was significantly up-regulated in both omental (OM; 1.36-fold, p = 0.002) and subcutaneous (SC; 1.49-fold, p = 0.001) adipose tissue from obese subjects. In parallel with increased BrCa1 mRNA, P-ACC was also up-regulated in SC (p = 0.007) as well as in OM (p = 0.010) fat from obese subjects. Consistent with its role limiting fatty acid biosynthesis, both BrCa1 mRNA (3.5-fold, p<0.0001) and protein (1.2-fold, p = 0.001) were increased in pre-adipocytes, and decreased during in vitro adipogenesis, while P-ACC decreased during differentiation of human adipocytes (p = 0.005) allowing lipid biosynthesis. Interestingly, BrCa1 gene expression in mature adipocytes was restored by inflammatory stimuli (macrophage conditioned medium), whereas lipogenic genes significantly decreased. CONCLUSIONS The specular findings of BrCa1 and lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue and adipocytes reported here suggest that BrCa1 might help to control fatty acid biosynthesis in adipocytes and adipose tissue from obese subjects.
Obesity is associated with a low-grade chronic inflammation state. As a consequence, adipose tissue expresses pro-inflammatory cytokines that propagate inflammatory responses systemically elsewhere, promoting whole-body insulin resistance and consequential islet β-cell exhaustation. Thus, insulin resistance is considered the early stage of type 2 diabetes. However, there is evidence of obese individuals that never develop diabetes indicating that the mechanisms governing the association between the increase of inflammatory factors and type 2 diabetes are much more complex and deserve further investigation. We studied for the first time the differences in insulin signalling and inflammatory pathways in blood and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) of 20 lean healthy donors and 40 equal morbidly obese (MO) patients classified in high insulin resistance (high IR) degree and diabetes state. We studied the changes in proinflammatory markers and lipid content from serum; macrophage infiltration, mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines and transcription factors, activation of kinases involved in inflammation and expression of insulin signalling molecules in VAT. VAT comparison of these experimental groups revealed that type 2 diabetic-MO subjects exhibit the same pro-inflammatory profile than the high IR-MO patients, characterized by elevated levels of IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, JNK1/2, ERK1/2, STAT3 and NFκB. Our work rules out the assumption that the inflammation should be increased in obese people with type 2 diabetes compared to high IR obese. These findings indicate that some mechanisms, other than systemic and VAT inflammation must be involved in the development of type 2 diabetes in obesity.
BACKGROUND Mutational analysis of the KRAS gene has recently been established as a complementary in vitro diagnostic tool for the identification of patients with colorectal cancer who will not benefit from anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapies. Assessment of the mutation status of KRAS might also be of potential relevance in other EGFR-overexpressing tumors, such as those occurring in breast cancer. Although KRAS is mutated in only a minor fraction of breast tumors (5%), about 60% of the basal-like subtype express EGFR and, therefore could be targeted by EGFR inhibitors. We aimed to study the mutation frequency of KRAS in that subtype of breast tumors to provide a molecular basis for the evaluation of anti-EGFR therapies. METHODS Total, genomic DNA was obtained from a group of 35 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded, triple-negative breast tumor samples. Among these, 77.1% (27/35) were defined as basal-like by immunostaining specific for the established surrogate markers cytokeratin (CK) 5/6 and/or EGFR. KRAS mutational status was determined in the purified DNA samples by Real Time (RT)-PCR using primers specific for the detection of wild-type KRAS or the following seven oncogenic somatic mutations: Gly12Ala, Gly12Asp, Gly12Arg, Gly12Cys, Gly12Ser, Gly12Val and Gly13Asp. RESULTS We found no evidence of KRAS oncogenic mutations in all analyzed tumors. CONCLUSIONS This study indicates that KRAS mutations are very infrequent in triple-negative breast tumors and that EGFR inhibitors may be of potential benefit in the treatment of basal-like breast tumors, which overexpress EGFR in about 60% of all cases.