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The ability of the hydrated oxides of manganese and iron to adsorb ions from solution (scavenging) is considered in relation to some problems in marine geology, chemistry, and biology. In the ferruginous sediments of the Pacific Ocean, iron oxides are accompanied by titanium, cobalt, and zirconium in amounts proportional to the iron content. Similarly, copper and nickel are linearly related to the manganese content. These observations are explained on the basis of scavenging. An electrochemical theory for the formation of manganese nodules is presented. Marine sediments are classified on the basis of the geosphere in which the solid phases originate. The distribution of certain ionic species in sea water between the solid and aqueous phases is considered on the basis of scavenging and co-ordination compound theory. The concentration of minor elements by members of the marine biosphere is explained either by the direct uptake of the element or by the uptake of iron or manganese oxides with the accompanying scavenged element.


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Coral reefs are increasingly threatened by global and local anthropogenic stressors, such as rising seawater temperature and nutrient enrichment. These two stressors vary widely across the reef face and parsing out their influence on coral communities at reef system scales has been particularly challenging. Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and nutrients on coral community traits and life history strategies on lagoonal reefs across the Belize Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS). A novel metric was developed using ultra-high-resolution sea surface temperatures (SST) to classify reefs as enduring low (lowTP), moderate (modTP), or extreme (extTP) temperature parameters over 10 years (2003 to 2012). Chlorophyll-a (chl a) records obtained for the same interval were employed as a proxy for bulk nutrients and these records were complemented with in situ measurements to "sea truth" nutrient content across the three reef types. Chl a concentrations were highest at extTP sites, medial at modTP sites and lowest at lowTP sites. Coral species richness, abundance, diversity, density, and percent cover were lower at extTP sites compared to lowTP and modTP sites, but these reef community traits did not differ between lowTP and modTP sites. Coral life history strategy analyses showed that extTP sites were dominated by hardy stress-tolerant and fast-growing weedy coral species, while lowTP and modTP sites consisted of competitive, generalist, weedy, and stress-tolerant coral species. These results suggest that differences in coral community traits and life history strategies between extTP and lowTP/modTP sites were driven primarily by temperature differences with differences in nutrients across site types playing a lesser role. Dominance of weedy and stress-tolerant genera at extTP sites suggests that corals utilizing these two life history strategies may be better suited to cope with warmer oceans and thus may warrant further protective status during this climate change interval. Data associated with this project are archived here, including: -SST data -Satellite Chl a data -Nutrient measurements -Raw coral community survey data For questions contact Justin Baumann (j.baumann3 gmail.com)


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Experimental results of the absolute air-fluorescence yield are given very often in different units (photons/MeV or photons/m) and for different wavelength intervals. In this work we present a comparison of available results normalized to its value in photons/MeV for the 337 nm band at 1013 hPa and 293 K. The conversion of photons/m to photons/MeV requires an accurate determination of the energy deposited by the electrons in the field of view of the experimental set-up. We have calculated the energy deposition for each experiment by means of a detailed Monte Carlo simulation and the results have been compared with those assumed or calculated by the authors. As a result, corrections to the reported fluorescence yields are proposed. These corrections improve the compatibility between measurements in such a way that a reliable average value with uncertainty at the level of 5% is obtained.


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A newly developed framework for quantifying aerosol particle diversity and mixing state based on information-theoretic entropy is applied for the first time to single particle mass spectrometry field data. Single particle mass fraction estimates for black carbon, organic aerosol, ammonium, nitrate and sulfate, derived using single particle mass spectrometer, aerosol mass spectrometer and multi-angle absorption photometer measurements are used to calculate single particle species diversity (Di). The average single particle species diversity (Dα) is then related to the species diversity of the bulk population (Dγ) to derive a mixing state index value (χ) at hourly resolution. The mixing state index is a single parameter representation of how internally/externally mixed a particle population is at a given time. The index describes a continuum, with values of 0 and 100% representing fully external and internal mixing, respectively. This framework was applied to data collected as part of the MEGAPOLI winter campaign in Paris, France, 2010. Di values are low (∼ 2) for fresh traffic and wood-burning particles that contain high mass fractions of black carbon and organic aerosol but low mass fractions of inorganic ions. Conversely, Di values are higher (∼ 4) for aged carbonaceous particles containing similar mass fractions of black carbon, organic aerosol, ammonium, nitrate and sulfate. Aerosol in Paris is estimated to be 59% internally mixed in the size range 150-1067 nm, and mixing state is dependent both upon time of day and air mass origin. Daytime primary emissions associated with vehicular traffic and wood-burning result in low χ values, while enhanced condensation of ammonium nitrate on existing particles at night leads to higher χ values. Advection of particles from continental Europe containing ammonium, nitrate and sulfate leads to increases in Dα, Dγ and χ. The mixing state index represents a useful metric by which to compare and contrast ambient particle mixing state at other locations globally.


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Head motion during a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) brain scan can considerably degrade image quality. External motion-tracking devices have proven successful in minimizing this effect, but the associated time, maintenance, and workflow changes inhibit their widespread clinical use. List-mode PET acquisition allows for the retroactive analysis of coincidence events on any time scale throughout a scan, and therefore potentially offers a data-driven motion detection and characterization technique. An algorithm was developed to parse list-mode data, divide the full acquisition into short scan intervals, and calculate the line-of-response (LOR) midpoint average for each interval. These LOR midpoint averages, known as “radioactivity centroids,” were presumed to represent the center of the radioactivity distribution in the scanner, and it was thought that changes in this metric over time would correspond to intra-scan motion.

Several scans were taken of the 3D Hoffman brain phantom on a GE Discovery IQ PET/CT scanner to test the ability of the radioactivity to indicate intra-scan motion. Each scan incrementally surveyed motion in a different degree of freedom (2 translational and 2 rotational). The radioactivity centroids calculated from these scans correlated linearly to phantom positions/orientations. Centroid measurements over 1-second intervals performed on scans with ~1mCi of activity in the center of the field of view had standard deviations of 0.026 cm in the x- and y-dimensions and 0.020 cm in the z-dimension, which demonstrates high precision and repeatability in this metric. Radioactivity centroids are thus shown to successfully represent discrete motions on the submillimeter scale. It is also shown that while the radioactivity centroid can precisely indicate the amount of motion during an acquisition, it fails to distinguish what type of motion occurred.


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With increasing prevalence and capabilities of autonomous systems as part of complex heterogeneous manned-unmanned environments (HMUEs), an important consideration is the impact of the introduction of automation on the optimal assignment of human personnel. The US Navy has implemented optimal staffing techniques before in the 1990's and 2000's with a "minimal staffing" approach. The results were poor, leading to the degradation of Naval preparedness. Clearly, another approach to determining optimal staffing is necessary. To this end, the goal of this research is to develop human performance models for use in determining optimal manning of HMUEs. The human performance models are developed using an agent-based simulation of the aircraft carrier flight deck, a representative safety-critical HMUE. The Personnel Multi-Agent Safety and Control Simulation (PMASCS) simulates and analyzes the effects of introducing generalized maintenance crew skill sets and accelerated failure repair times on the overall performance and safety of the carrier flight deck. A behavioral model of four operator types (ordnance officers, chocks and chains, fueling officers, plane captains, and maintenance operators) is presented here along with an aircraft failure model. The main focus of this work is on the maintenance operators and aircraft failure modeling, since they have a direct impact on total launch time, a primary metric for carrier deck performance. With PMASCS I explore the effects of two variables on total launch time of 22 aircraft: 1) skill level of maintenance operators and 2) aircraft failure repair times while on the catapult (referred to as Phase 4 repair times). It is found that neither introducing a generic skill set to maintenance crews nor introducing a technology to accelerate Phase 4 aircraft repair times improves the average total launch time of 22 aircraft. An optimal manning level of 3 maintenance crews is found under all conditions, the point at which any additional maintenance crews does not reduce the total launch time. An additional discussion is included about how these results change if the operations are relieved of the bottleneck of installing the holdback bar at launch time.


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Energy efficiency and user comfort have recently become priorities in the Facility Management (FM) sector. This has resulted in the use of innovative building components, such as thermal solar panels, heat pumps, etc., as they have potential to provide better performance, energy savings and increased user comfort. However, as the complexity of components increases, the requirement for maintenance management also increases. The standard routine for building maintenance is inspection which results in repairs or replacement when a fault is found. This routine leads to unnecessary inspections which have a cost with respect to downtime of a component and work hours. This research proposes an alternative routine: performing building maintenance at the point in time when the component is degrading and requires maintenance, thus reducing the frequency of unnecessary inspections. This thesis demonstrates that statistical techniques can be used as part of a maintenance management methodology to invoke maintenance before failure occurs. The proposed FM process is presented through a scenario utilising current Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology and innovative contractual and organisational models. This FM scenario supports a Degradation based Maintenance (DbM) scheduling methodology, implemented using two statistical techniques, Particle Filters (PFs) and Gaussian Processes (GPs). DbM consists of extracting and tracking a degradation metric for a component. Limits for the degradation metric are identified based on one of a number of proposed processes. These processes determine the limits based on the maturity of the historical information available. DbM is implemented for three case study components: a heat exchanger; a heat pump; and a set of bearings. The identified degradation points for each case study, from a PF, a GP and a hybrid (PF and GP combined) DbM implementation are assessed against known degradation points. The GP implementations are successful for all components. For the PF implementations, the results presented in this thesis find that the extracted metrics and limits identify degradation occurrences accurately for components which are in continuous operation. For components which have seasonal operational periods, the PF may wrongly identify degradation. The GP performs more robustly than the PF, but the PF, on average, results in fewer false positives. The hybrid implementations, which are a combination of GP and PF results, are successful for 2 of 3 case studies and are not affected by seasonal data. Overall, DbM is effectively applied for the three case study components. The accuracy of the implementations is dependant on the relationships modelled by the PF and GP, and on the type and quantity of data available. This novel maintenance process can improve equipment performance and reduce energy wastage from BSCs operation.


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According to Solitander C. P., the extraction of lake ore from Eastern Finland lakes considerably rose in the 1870 - 1880 period in relation with the increasing demand from the ironworks being operated in the region. In St. Petersburg, Nicholas Putiloff, a business tycoon and State Minister owned the Haapakosken, Huutokosken and Oravin ironworks which were using 99% of lake ore for their supply. During this period the biggest production came from lake Sysmäjärvi in the Joroinen county with 3676 tonnes at an average concentration of 35.94% Fe, 4.55% Mn, 0.26% P and 0.04% S. The Värtsilä ironworks used the lake ore coming from 49 lakes, the biggest production coming from lake Loitimojärvi with 14535 tonnes of ore with a medium at concentration of 30.8% Fe. Möhkö ironworks took advantage of the 59 lakes, the largest of which was from lake Koitere with 4301 tonnes at 41.3% Fe. The Karttula ironworks were also significant in the consumption of ferromanganese lake ore.