993 resultados para Empirical quantitative


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The objective of the thesis is to enhance understanding of the evolution of convergence. Previous research has shown that the technological interfaces between distinct industries are one of the major sources of new radical cross-industry innovations. Despite the fact that convergence in industry evolution has attracted a substantial managerial interest, the conceptual confusion within the field of convergence exists. Firstly, this study clarifies the convergence phenomenon and its impact to industry evolution. Secondly, the study creates novel patent analysis methods to analyze technological convergence and provide tools for anticipating the early stages of convergence. Overall the study combines the industry evolution perspective and the convergence view of industrial evolution. The theoretical background for the study consists of the industry life cycle theories, technology evolution, and technological trajectories. The study links several important concepts in analyzing industry evolution, technological discontinuities, path-dependency, technological interfaces as a source of industry transformation, and the evolutionary stagesof convergence. Based on reviewing the literature a generic understanding of industry transformation and industrial dynamics was generated. In the convergence studies, the theoretical basis is in the discussion of different convergence types and their impacts on industry evolution, and in anticipating and monitoring the stages of convergence. The study is divided in two parts. The first part gives a general overview, and the second part comprises eight research publications. Our case study is based historically on two very distinct industries of the paper and electronics companies as a test environment to evaluate the importance of emerging business sectors and technological convergence as a source of industry transformation. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology are utilized. The results of this study reveal that technological convergence and complementary innovations from different fields have significant effect to the emerging new business sector formation. The patent-based indicators in the analysis of technological convergence can be utilized on analyzing technology competition, capability and competence development, knowledge accumulation, knowledge spill-overs, and technology-based industry transformation. The patent-based indicators can provide insights to the future competitive environment. Results and conclusions from empirical part seem not be in conflict with real observations in the industry.


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More and more innovations currently being commercialized exhibit network effects, in other words, the value of using the product increases as more and more people use the same or compatible products. Although this phenomenon has been the subject of much theoretical debate in economics, marketing researchers have been slow to respond to the growing importance of network effects in new product success. Despite an increase in interest in recent years, there is no comprehensive view on the phenomenon and, therefore, there is currently incomplete understanding of the dimensions it incorporates. Furthermore, there is wide dispersion in operationalization, in other words, the measurement of network effects, and currently available approaches have various shortcomings that limit their applicability, especially in marketing research. Consequently, little is known today about how these products fare on the marketplace and how they should be introduced in order to maximize their chances of success. Hence, the motivation for this study was driven by the need to increase our knowledge and understanding of the nature of network effects as a phenomenon, and of their role in the commercial success of new products. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises a theoretical overview of the relevant literature, and presents the conclusions of the entire study. The second part comprises five complementary, empirical research publications. Quantitative research methods and two sets of quantitative data are utilized. The results of the study suggest that there is a need to update both the conceptualization and the operationalization of the phenomenon of network effects. Furthermore, there is a need for an augmented view on customers’ perceived value in the context of network effects, given that the nature of value composition has major implications for the viability of such products in the marketplace. The role of network effects in new product performance is not as straightforward as suggested in the existing theoretical literature. The overwhelming result of this study is that network effects do not directly influence product success, but rather enhance or suppress the influence of product introduction strategies. The major contribution of this study is in conceptualizing the phenomenon of network effects more comprehensively than has been attempted thus far. The study gives an augmented view of the nature of customer value in network markets, which helps in explaining why some products thrive on these markets whereas others never catch on. Second, the study discusses shortcomings in prior literature in the way it has operationalized network effects, suggesting that these limitations can be overcome in the research design. Third, the study provides some much-needed empirical evidence on how network effects, product introduction strategies, and new product performance are associated. In general terms, this thesis adds to our knowledge of how firms can successfully leverage network effects in product commercialization in order to improve market performance.


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Latviassa ja Venäjällä heikko demografinen tilanne on lisännyt keskustelua seksuaali- ja kansalaisoikeuksista sekä valtion merkityksestä niiden toteuttamisessa. Väestöpolitiikassa näkyy yhteiskunnallinen tilanne sekä sen kyky ja mahdollisuudet huomioida nuorten perhesuunnitteluun liittyviä tarpeita. Huomion kohteena on myös palvelujärjestelmä ja siinä toteutuva yksilöllinen taso. Tutkin perhesuunnittelua kokonaisvaltaisesti, mikä ilmenee erilaisten polkuriippuvuuksien tarkasteluina. Mielenkiintoiseksi kohteen tekee entisten sosialististen valtioiden erityislaatuisen murroksen läpikäyminen. Perhesuunnittelu on osa seksuaali- ja ihmisoikeuksia. Siihen kuuluu seksuaaliterveydestä tiedottaminen ja ohjaus sekä siihen liittyvät toimenpiteet. Perhesuunnittelu sisältää niin sosiaaliset, kasvatukselliset kuin lääketieteellisetkin näkökulmat. Siihen liitetään myös moraalisia ja taloudellisia näkemyksiä, sekä politiikkaa ja henkilökohtaisuutta. Tutkimustehtäväni on nuorten perhesuunnittelun esteet ja tarpeet Riiassa ja Pietarissa. Sovellan metodologisena lähestymistapana sosiaalihistoriallista ja etnografista tutkimusotetta, jolloin perinteen vaikutusten, kulttuuristen rakenteiden ja yksilöllisten toimintatapojen ymmärtäminen mahdollistuu. Aineisto koostuu viranomaishaastatteluista sosialismin kaudella toteutuneesta sekä nykyisestä perhesuunnittelusta ja nuorten haastatteluista Pietarissa ja Riiassa. Perehdyn myös lisääntymisterveyteen liittyviin sanomalehtiartikkeleihin sekä Latviassa että Venäjällä. Lisäksi havainnoin seksuaalineuvontatilanteita Pietarissa. Sekä sosialismin aikana että nykyään painottuvat väestönkasvun odotukset, joita tuetaan sukupuoli- ja moraalikasvatuksen avulla. Perhesuunnittelun esteiden analyysin tuloksissa on nähtävissä sosiaalisten olosuhteiden ja rakenteiden merkitys. Jälkisosialistisesta riskiyhteiskunnasta puuttuvat yhteiskuntaan integroitumisen mahdollistavat instituutiot. Tämä ilmenee yhteiskunnallisena vastuuttomuutena. Universaalit palvelut ovat suurelta osin peräisin sosialismin ajalta. Kaupalliset yritykset tekevät lähinnä teknisiä, yksittäisiä ehkäisyvälineisiin liittyviä interventioita nuorten elämään. Teini-ikäiset jätetään oman harkintansa varaan. Latviassa perhesuunnitteluun liittyvä ennalta ehkäisevä toiminta on huomioitu uudessa lisääntymisterveyslaissa, mutta sen heikko toteutus tuo sen lähelle neuvostoaikaista kulttuurikonventiota, jossa määrällisillä suoritteilla ja sekundaaripreventiolla on arvoa. Venäjällä voimavarat kohdentuvat jälkihuollon palveluihin. Foucaultin valta-analyysi kertoo strategiasta, jossa ihminen sisäistää vallankäytön osaksi omaa ajatteluaan ja toimintaansa. Tässä näkökulmassa yksilöllinen, yhteiskunnallinen ja historiallinen ulottuvuus limittyvät toisiinsa. Vallan muodot ovat yhteiskunnan rakenteissa. Väestöpolitiikan avulla tuotetaan tietoa ja muovataan hallitsemisen kohteita. Osa haastatelluista nuorista omaksui yhteiskunnan passiivisuuden osaksi omaa toimintaansa. He eivät tiedostaneet palvelujärjestelmän puutteita eivätkä kyseenalaistaneet sen oikeutusta. Myös lehtiartikkelit ja viranomaishaastattelut tukivat osittain seksuaalikasvatuksen sivuuttamista. Silloin hyväksyttävänä totuutena pidettiin väestöpolitiikkaa, jossa on annettu tilaa populistisille suuntauksille. Sekä Latviassa että Venäjällä ilmaistiin tavoitteita väestön kasvusta. Kansainvälisten seksuaalioikeuksien maihinnousu ei ole poistanut ääri uskonnollisten ja osittain kansalaisjärjestöjen puitteissa tapahtuvaa perhesuunnittelun vastustusta. Näissä suuntauksissa vaikutetaan ihmisten moraaliin ja vastustetaan yhteiskunnan interventioita kieltämällä seksuaalikasvatus. Sosialismin aikana sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoa toteutettiin totalitaristisessa, suljetussa yhteiskunnassa tiukasti rajatuilla voimavaroilla. Tuolta ajalta peräisin oleva viranomaisten yleinen medikalisoitunut ja tekninen lähestymistapa estää osittain nuoren valtaistumista. Vieläkin heikko tiedottaminen ja puutteellinen koulutus vaikuttavat ammattilaisten keskuudessa. Yksi haitallisista perhesuunnitteluun kuuluvista uskomuksista oli hormonaalisen ehkäisyn aiheuttamat ongelmat. Lisäksi pelättiin heikkotasoisesti tehtyjen aborttien aiheuttavan hedelmättömyyttä. Uskomukset ovat eläneet vieläkin, kun osa asiantuntijoista kannusti ensimmäisen raskauden päättymistä synnytykseen. Näillä käsityksillä on ollut taipumus siirtyä sukupolvelta toiselle myös kansalaisten keskuudessa. Sukuyhteisöjen ja verkostojen oleellinen merkitys teini-ikäisen arjessa ja selviytymisessä painotti perinteistä sosialisaatiota. Uskomusten lisäksi nuorten heikko taloudellinen tilanne on ohjannut heitä ehkäisyssä luonnonmenetelmien käyttöön. Neuvostoaikainen seksuaalikielteisyyden perinne on vaikuttanut myös sukupolvien kyvyttömyyteen keskustella aiheesta. Yleisen ennaltaehkäisevän neuvonnan puuttuminen on suunnannut suurta osaa nuoria mallioppimiseen, jossa esimerkit ovat nousseet satunnaisista löydöistä. Toisaalta työntekijöiden neuvokkuus ja aloitteellisuus erilaisissa ohjaamistilanteissa, toimintatavoissa ja instituutioiden perustamisissa kuvaavat eettistä vastuunottoa ja paneutumista nuorten perhesuunnittelun toteutumiseen sekä sen mahdollisuuksiin. Perhesuunnitteluun liittyvän tiedonsaannin parantamiseksi viranomaiset ovat aloittaneet nuorten vertaisryhmiä. Lisäksi yhtenä uutena virallisena lähestymistapana oli neuvostoaikana kielletty psykoterapeuttisen suuntauksen avoin käyttöönotto. Myös nuorille suunnattuja palveluja niin lainsäädännön kuin instituutioiden tasolla on saatu aikaan. Nämä myönteiset tapaukset jäivät kuitenkin yksittäisiksi, osittain joidenkin työntekijöiden omakohtaisen sitoutumisen varaan toimiviksi. Tutkimuksessa nousee esiin yhteiskunnan vastuu erityisesti haavoittuvien ryhmien kohdalla. Nuoret ovat tiedoiltaan ja kokemuksiltaan heikossa asemassa. Sosiaalipoliittisesta näkökulmasta julkisilla ja ennaltaehkäisevillä palveluilla on keskeinen merkitys etenkin niiden kohdalla, jotka tarvitsevat runsaasti palveluja. Usein tähän ryhmään kuuluvat ovat passiivisia tiedon hakijoita. Tutkimus tuo esille perhesuunnittelun palvelujärjestelmään ja sen kohderyhmään kuuluvan moniulotteisuuden, jossa toisiinsa nivoutuvat kulttuuriset myytit, uskomukset, tabut, toimintatavat ja tietämys. Näiden polkujen avaaminen tässä tutkimuksessa edistää perhesuunnittelun esteiden tunnistamista ja niihin soveltuvien ratkaisukeinojen löytymistä.


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Earlier management studies have found a relationship between managerial qualities and subordinate impacts, but the effect of managers‘ social competence on leader perceptions has not been solidly established. To fill the related research gap, the present work embarks on a quantitative empirical effort to identify predictors of successful leadership. In particular, this study investigates relationships between perceived leader behavior and three selfreport instruments used to measure managerial capability: 1) the WOPI Work Personality Inventory, 2) Raven‘s general intelligence scale, and 3) the Emotive Communication Scale (ECS). This work complements previous research by resorting to both self-reports and other-reports: the results acquired from the managerial sample are compared to subordinate perceptions as measured through the ECS other-report and the WOPI360 multi-source appraisal. The quantitative research is comprised of a sample of 8o superiors and 354 subordinates operating in eight Finnish organizations. The strongest predictive value emerged from the ECS self- and other-reports and certain personality dimensions. In contrast, supervisors‘ logical intelligence did not correlate with leadership perceived as socially competent by subordinates. 16 of the superiors rated as most socially competent by their subordinates were selected for case analysis. Their qualitative narratives evidence the role of life history and post-traumatic growth in developing managerial skills. The results contribute to leadership theory in four ways. First, the ECS self-report devised for this research offers a reliable scale for predicting socially competent leader ability. Second, the work identifies dimensions of personality and emotive skills that can be considered predictors of managerial ability and benefited from in leader recruitment and career planning. Third, the Emotive Communication Model delineated on the basis of the empirical data allows for a systematic design and planning of communication and leadership education. Fourth, this workfurthers understanding of personal growth strategies and the role of life history in leader development and training. Finally, this research advances educational leadership by conceptualizing and operationalizing effective managerial communications. The Emotive Communication Model devised directs the pedagogic attention in engineering to assertion, emotional availability and inspiration skills. The proposed methodology addresses classroom management strategies drawing from problem-based learning, student empowerment, collaborative learning, and so-called socially competent teachership founded on teacher immediacy and perceived caring, all constituting strategies moving away from student compliance and teacher modelling. The ultimate educational objective embraces the development of individual engineers and organizational leaders that not only possess traditional analytical and technical expertise and substantive knowledge but are intelligent also creatively, practically, and socially.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on määritellä miten organisoidaan hankintoja eri tuote- ja palveluryhmissä julkisessa tutkimusorganisaatiossa. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan millaisia hankintastrategioita voidaan hyödyntää, millaisia ominaispiirteitä liittyy tuotteisiin, palveluihin ja julkiseen hankintaan. Tavoitteena on analysoida case-organisaation toimintamalleja valituissa hankintaryhmissä ja luoda malli hankintojen analysoinnille ostoportfolion avulla. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus, joka sisältää lyhyen kvantitatiivisen osuuden. Empiirinen aineisto perustuu toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä ja haastatteluista saatuihin tietoihin. Valittujen hankintaryhmien analysointi on toteutettu aiemman tutkimuksen ja case-organisaation ominaispiirteiden pohjalta luodulla ostoportfoliomallilla. Tärkeimpänä tuloksena on, että ostoportfolion hankintastrategioita voidaan hyödyntää myös julkisella sektorilla, mutta strategiat tulee aina räätälöidä organisaation tarpeisiin soveltuviksi. Tulosten mukaan tuotteiden ja palveluiden ominaispiirteet vaikuttavat hankintastrategioihin ja toimintamalleihin. Tutkimuksen mukaan ostoportfolion hankintastrategioiden suosituksissa tulisi huomioida nykyistä paremmin myös palveluhankintojen piirteet.


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The present research was carried out at the DER/FCAV, São Paulo State University - Brazil, with the purpose of analyzing the quantity and quality of biogas produced by six types of substrates. The substrates used in the anaerobic digestion were characterized as: 1- Litter of broiler (LB); 2- Grinded broiler litter (GBL); 3- Broiler litter with wood shavings (BLWS); 4- Grinded broiler litter with wood shavings (GBLWS); 5- Broiler litter with peanut hulls (BLPH); 6- Grinded broiler litter with peanut hull (GBLPH). It was concluded from the collected data that: the (GBL) substrate showed a superior biogas accumulated production in relation to the other substrates, while the BLWS presented an inferior accumulated production; the grinded substrates showed higher quantities of accumulated biogas in relation to the non-grinded substrates, except for GBLPH, with 20.9 m³ inferior than BLPH; the period of maximum biogas production started from 45 to 60 days, declining after 120 days; at 57 days after filling up the digesters the biogas produced had levels of CH4 superior than 53%, and from 99 days all of them produced biogas with levels of CH4 superior than 70%; LB and GBL presented higher concentrations of CH4 in the biogas.


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Evapotranspiration is the process of water loss of vegetated soil due to evaporation and transpiration, and it may be estimated by various empirical methods. This study had the objective to carry out the evaluation of the performance of the following methods: Blaney-Criddle, Jensen-Haise, Linacre, Solar Radiation, Hargreaves-Samani, Makkink, Thornthwaite, Camargo, Priestley-Taylor and Original Penman in the estimation of the potential evapotranspiration when compared to the Penman-Monteith standard method (FAO56) to the climatic conditions of Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A set of 21 years monthly data (1990 to 2010) was used, working with the climatic elements: temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and insolation. The empirical methods to estimate reference evapotranspiration were compared with the standard method using linear regression, simple statistical analysis, Willmott agreement index (d) and performance index (c). The methods Makkink and Camargo showed the best performance, with "c" values ​​of 0.75 and 0.66, respectively. The Hargreaves-Samani method presented a better linear relation with the standard method, with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.88.


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The aim of this dissertation is to investigate if participation in business simulation gaming sessions can make different leadership styles visible and provide students with experiences beneficial for the development of leadership skills. Particularly, the focus is to describe the development of leadership styles when leading virtual teams in computer-­supported collaborative game settings and to identify the outcomes of using computer simulation games as leadership training tools. To answer to the objectives of the study, three empirical experiments were conducted to explore if participation in business simulation gaming sessions (Study I and II), which integrate face-­to-­face and virtual communication (Study III and IV), can make different leadership styles visible and provide students with experiences beneficial for the development of leadership skills. In the first experiment, a group of multicultural graduate business students (N=41) participated in gaming sessions with a computerized business simulation game (Study III). In the second experiment, a group of graduate students (N=9) participated in the training with a ‘real estate’ computer game (Study I and II). In the third experiment, a business simulation gaming session was organized for graduate students group (N=26) and the participants played the simulation game in virtual teams, which were organizationally and geographically dispersed but connected via technology (Study IV). Each team in all experiments had three to four students and students were between 22 and 25 years old. The business computer games used for the empirical experiments presented an enormous number of complex operations in which a team leader needed to make the final decisions involved in leading the team to win the game. These gaming environments were interactive;; participants interacted by solving the given tasks in the game. Thus, strategy and appropriate leadership were needed to be successful. The training was competition-­based and required implementation of leadership skills. The data of these studies consist of observations, participants’ reflective essays written after the gaming sessions, pre-­ and post-­tests questionnaires and participants’ answers to open-­ ended questions. Participants’ interactions and collaboration were observed when they played the computer games. The transcripts of notes from observations and students dialogs were coded in terms of transactional, transformational, heroic and post-­heroic leadership styles. For the data analysis of the transcribed notes from observations, content analysis and discourse analysis was implemented. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was also utilized in the study to measure transformational and transactional leadership styles;; in addition, quantitative (one-­way repeated measures ANOVA) and qualitative data analyses have been performed. The results of this study indicate that in the business simulation gaming environment, certain leadership characteristics emerged spontaneously. Experiences about leadership varied between the teams and were dependent on the role individual students had in their team. These four studies showed that simulation gaming environment has the potential to be used in higher education to exercise the leadership styles relevant in real-­world work contexts. Further, the study indicated that given debriefing sessions, the simulation game context has much potential to benefit learning. The participants who showed interest in leadership roles were given the opportunity of developing leadership skills in practice. The study also provides evidence of unpredictable situations that participants can experience and learn from during the gaming sessions. The study illustrates the complex nature of experiences from the gaming environments and the need for the team leader and role divisions during the gaming sessions. It could be concluded that the experience of simulation game training illustrated the complexity of real life situations and provided participants with the challenges of virtual leadership experiences and the difficulties of using leadership styles in practice. As a result, the study offers playing computer simulation games in small teams as one way to exercise leadership styles in practice.


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The definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been developed since 1950s but even today there is no consensus what CSR includes. The main purpose of this thesis was to find out whether financial performance is better among first adopters of CSR standards in forest industry. To support the main purpose it was critical also investigate what kind of companies adopt CSR standards. The empirical part of the thesis based on a survey which was done in 2010 to forest industry companies and financial data that was gathered from different databases from years 2003-2010. According to the research results it seems the early CSR standards adopters benefits the position of the first adopter many times. Especially cash position and solvency of early adopter companies were better than later adopters or those who did not adopt CSR standards at all. Profitability seemed to be better among CSR standards adopters but early adopters did not have significantly better position compared to later adopters. CSR standards adopters were companies that considered themselves as environmental performance pioneers and had employee oriented management.


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This thesis investigates the effectiveness of time-varying hedging during the financial crisis of 2007 and the European Debt Crisis of 2010. In addition, the seven test economies are part of the European Monetary Union and these countries are in different economical states. Time-varying hedge ratio was constructed using conditional variances and correlations, which were created by using multivariate GARCH models. Here we have used three different underlying portfolios: national equity markets, government bond markets and the combination of these two. These underlying portfolios were hedged by using credit default swaps. Empirical part includes the in-sample and out-of-sample analysis, which are constructed by using constant and dynamic models. Moreover, almost in every case dynamic models outperform the constant ones in the determination of the hedge ratio. We could not find any statistically significant evidence to support the use of asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model. In addition, our findings are in line with prior literature and support the use of time-varying hedge ratio. Finally, we found that in some cases credit default swaps are not suitable instruments for hedging and they act more as a speculative instrument.


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This master’s thesis aims to examine the relationship between dynamic capabilities and operational-level innovations. In addition, measures for the concept of dynamic capabilities are developed. The study was executed in the magazine publishing industry which is considered favourable for examining dynamic capabilities, since the sector is characterized by rapid change. As a basis for the study and the measure development, a literary review was conducted. Data for the empirical section was gathered by a survey targeted to chief-editors of Finnish consumer magazines. The relationship between dynamic capabilities and innovation was examined by multiple linear regression. The results indicate that dynamic capabilities have effect on the emergence of radical innovations. Environmental dynamism’s effect on radical innovations was not detected. Also, dynamic capabilities’ effect on innovation was not greater in turbulent operating environment.


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Target company of this study is a large machinery company, which is, inter alia, engaged in energy and pulp engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) supply business. The main objective of this study was to develop cost estimation of the target company by providing more accurate, reliable and up-to-date information through enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Another objective was to find cost-effective methods to collect total cost of ownership information to support more informed supplier selection decision making. This study is primarily action-oriented, but also constructive, and it can be divided in two sections: theoretical literature review and empirical study on the abovementioned part of the target company’s business. Development of information collection is, in addition to literature review, based on nearly 30 qualitative interviews of employees at various organizational units, functions and levels at the target company. At the core of development was to make initial data more accurate, reliable and available, a necessary prerequisite for informed use of the information. Certain development suggestions and paths were presented in order to regain confidence in ERP system as information source by reorganizing work breakdown structure and by complementing mere cost information with quantitative, technical and scope information. Several methods to use the information ever more effectively were also discussed. While implementation of the development suggestions outreached the scope of this study, it was forwarded in test environment and interest groups.


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Tässä pro gradu –tutkielmassa perehdyttiin globaalin telekommunikaatiosektorin allianssitoimintaan vuosina 2000-2010. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella kvantitatiivisin menetelmin yrityskohtaisen ja makrotaloudellisen epävarmuuden vaikutusta solmittujen allianssien rakenteeseen, muotoon ja osapuolten maantieteelliseen sijaintiin. Lisäksi oli tarkoitus tutkia, kuinka allianssien vuosittainen määrä ja niihin osallistuvien yritysten määrä muuttuu epävarmuuden vaihtelujen myötä. Tutkielman empiirisen rungon muodosti sekundaarinen data SDC Platinum ja Thomson Datastream –tietokannoista. Lopulliseen aineistoon sisältyi 50 maailman suurinta telekommunikaatioyritystä useasta eri maasta. Tilastollinen analyysi suoritettiin logistisen ja paneelidataregression avulla. Tutkielman viidestä hypoteesista vain kaksi vahvistuivat osittain. Kyseiset hypoteesit olettivat epävarmuuden kasvun negatiivista vaikutusta vertikaalisten ja kotimaisten allianssien suosioon yrityksen silmissä. Muut regressiomallit tuottivat ristiriitaisia ja tilastollisesti ei-merkitseviä tuloksia.