984 resultados para Degenerate bifurcation


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Resonant states are multiply excited states in atoms and ions that have enough energy to decay by emitting an electron. The ability to emit an electron and the strong electron correlation (which is extra strong in negative ions) makes these states both interesting and challenging from a theoretical point of view. The main contribution in this thesis is a method, which combines the use of B splines and complex rotation, to solve the three-electron Schrödinger equation treating all three electrons equally. It is used to calculate doubly excited and triply excited states of 4S symmetry with even parity in He-. For the doubly excited states there are experimental and theoretical data to compare with. For the triply excited states there is only theoretical data available and only for one of the resonances. The agreement is in general good. For the triply excited state there is a significant and interesting difference in the width between our calculation and another method. A cause for this deviation is suggested. The method is also used to find a resonant state of 4S symmetry with odd parity in H2-. This state, in this extremely negative system, has been predicted by two earlier calculations but is highly controversial. Several other studies presented here focus on two-electron systems. In one, the effect of the splitting of the degenerate H(n=2) thresholds in H-, on the resonant states converging to this threshold, is studied. If a completely degenerate threshold is assumed an infinite series of states is expected to converge to the threshold. Here states of 1P symmetry and odd parity are examined, and it is found that the relativistic and radiative splitting of the threshold causes the series to end after only three resonant states. Since the independent particle model completely fails for doubly excited states, several schemes of alternative quantum numbers have been suggested. We investigate the so called DESB (Doubly Excited Symmetry Basis) quantum numbers in several calculations. For the doubly excited states of He- mentioned above we investigate one resonance and find that it cannot be assigned DESB quantum numbers unambiguously. We also investigate these quantum numbers for states of 1S even parity in He. We find two types of mixing of DESB states in the doubly excited states calculated. We also show that the amount of mixing of DESB quantum numbers can be inferred from the value of the cosine of the inter-electronic angle. In a study on Li- the calculated cosine values are used to identify doubly excited states measured in a photodetachment experiment. In particular a resonant state that violates a propensity rule is found.


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In this thesis we study three combinatorial optimization problems belonging to the classes of Network Design and Vehicle Routing problems that are strongly linked in the context of the design and management of transportation networks: the Non-Bifurcated Capacitated Network Design Problem (NBP), the Period Vehicle Routing Problem (PVRP) and the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PDPTW). These problems are NP-hard and contain as special cases some well known difficult problems such as the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Steiner Tree Problem. Moreover, they model the core structure of many practical problems arising in logistics and telecommunications. The NBP is the problem of designing the optimum network to satisfy a given set of traffic demands. Given a set of nodes, a set of potential links and a set of point-to-point demands called commodities, the objective is to select the links to install and dimension their capacities so that all the demands can be routed between their respective endpoints, and the sum of link fixed costs and commodity routing costs is minimized. The problem is called non- bifurcated because the solution network must allow each demand to follow a single path, i.e., the flow of each demand cannot be splitted. Although this is the case in many real applications, the NBP has received significantly less attention in the literature than other capacitated network design problems that allow bifurcation. We describe an exact algorithm for the NBP that is based on solving by an integer programming solver a formulation of the problem strengthened by simple valid inequalities and four new heuristic algorithms. One of these heuristics is an adaptive memory metaheuristic, based on partial enumeration, that could be applied to a wider class of structured combinatorial optimization problems. In the PVRP a fleet of vehicles of identical capacity must be used to service a set of customers over a planning period of several days. Each customer specifies a service frequency, a set of allowable day-combinations and a quantity of product that the customer must receive every time he is visited. For example, a customer may require to be visited twice during a 5-day period imposing that these visits take place on Monday-Thursday or Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday. The problem consists in simultaneously assigning a day- combination to each customer and in designing the vehicle routes for each day so that each customer is visited the required number of times, the number of routes on each day does not exceed the number of vehicles available, and the total cost of the routes over the period is minimized. We also consider a tactical variant of this problem, called Tactical Planning Vehicle Routing Problem, where customers require to be visited on a specific day of the period but a penalty cost, called service cost, can be paid to postpone the visit to a later day than that required. At our knowledge all the algorithms proposed in the literature for the PVRP are heuristics. In this thesis we present for the first time an exact algorithm for the PVRP that is based on different relaxations of a set partitioning-like formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is tested on a set of instances from the literature and on a new set of instances. Finally, the PDPTW is to service a set of transportation requests using a fleet of identical vehicles of limited capacity located at a central depot. Each request specifies a pickup location and a delivery location and requires that a given quantity of load is transported from the pickup location to the delivery location. Moreover, each location can be visited only within an associated time window. Each vehicle can perform at most one route and the problem is to satisfy all the requests using the available vehicles so that each request is serviced by a single vehicle, the load on each vehicle does not exceed the capacity, and all locations are visited according to their time window. We formulate the PDPTW as a set partitioning-like problem with additional cuts and we propose an exact algorithm based on different relaxations of the mathematical formulation and a branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm. The new algorithm is tested on two classes of problems from the literature and compared with a recent branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm from the literature.


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Zusammenfassung:In dieser Arbeit werden die Abzweigung stationärer Punkte und periodischer Lösungen von isolierten stationären Punkten rein nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen in der reellenEbene betrachtet.Das erste Kapitel enthält einige technische Hilfsmittel, während im zweiten ausführlich das Verhalten von Differentialgleichungen in der Ebene mit zwei homogenen Polynomen gleichen Grades als rechter Seite diskutiert wird.Im dritten Kapitel beginnt der Hauptteil der Arbeit. Hier wird eine Verallgemeinerung des Hopf'schen Verzweigungssatzes bewiesen, der den klassischen Satz als Spezialfall enthält.Im vierten Kapitel untersuchen wir die Abzweigung stationärer Punkte und im letzten Kapitel die Abzweigung periodischer Lösungen unter Störungen, deren Ordnung echt kleiner ist, als die erste nichtverschwindende Näherung der ungestörten Gleichung.Alle Voraussetzungen in dieser Arbeit sind leicht nachzurechnen und es werden zahlreiche Beispiele ausführlich diskutiert.


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Bioremediation implies the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to convert environmental contaminants into less toxic forms. The impact of the consequences of hydrocarbon release in the environment maintain a high research interest in the study of microbial metabolisms associated with the biodegradation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons but also in the analysis of microbial enzymes that can convert petroleum substrates to value-added products. The studies described in this Thesis fall within the research field that directs the efforts into identifying gene/proteins involved in the catabolism of n-alkanes and into studying the regulatory mechanisms leading to their oxidation. In particular the studies were aimed at investigating the molecular aspects of the ability of Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 to grow on aliphatic hydrocarbons as sole carbon and energy sources. We studied the ability of Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 to grow on gaseous (C2-C4), liquid (C5-C16) and solid (C17-C28) n-alkanes that resulted to be biochemically correlated with the activity of one or more monooxygenases. In order to identify the alkane monooxygenase that is involved in the n-alkanes degradation pathway in Rhodococcus sp. BCP1, PCR-based methodology was applied by using degenerate primers targeting AlkB monooxygenase family members. As result, a chromosomal region, including the alkB gene cluster, was cloned from Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 genome. We characterized the products of this alkB gene cluster and the products of the orfs included in the flanking regions by comparative analysis with the homologues in the database. alkB gene expression studies were carried out by RT-PCR and by the construction of a promoter probe vector containing the lacZ gene downstream of the alkB promoter. B-galactosidase assays revealed the alkB promoter activity induced by n-alkanes and by n-alkanes metabolic products. Furthermore, the transcriptional start of alkB gene was determined by primer extension procedure. A proteomic approach was subsequently applied to compare the protein patterns expressed by BCP1 growing on n-butane, n-hexane, n-hexadecane or n-eicosane with the protein pattern expressed by BCP1 growing on succinate. The accumulation of enzymes specifically induced on n-alkanes was determined. These enzymes were identified by tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Finally, a prm gene, homologue to the gene family coding for soluble di-iron monooxygenases (SDIMOs), has been isolated from Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 genome. This gene product could be involved in the degradation of gaseous n-alkanes in this Rhodococcus strain. The versatility in utilizing hydrocarbons and the discovery of new remarkable metabolic activities outline the potential applications of this microorganism in environmental and industrial biotechnologies.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die binäre intermetallische Verbindung TixFe1-x im C14 Laves-Phase Stabilitätsbereich anhand von dünnen Schichten untersucht. TiFe2 weist zwei energetisch nahezu entartete magnetische Grundzustände auf. Dies führt zu einer starken Korrelation von strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden. Es wurden daher epitaktische Schichten mit variabler Zusammensetzung im C14 Stabilitätsbereich auf Al2O3 (001)-orientierten Substraten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie präpariert und strukturell charakterisiert. Die temperatur- und magnetfeldabhängigen magnetischen Eigenschaften dieser Proben wurden mittels DC-SQUID Magnetisierungsmessungen bestimmt. Es zeigte sich eine magnetische Phasenseparation von Antiferromagnetismus und Ferromagnetismus in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung. Aus den charakteristischen Ordnungstemperaturen konnte ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm für dünne Schichten und niedrige Aligning-Felder erstellt werden. Ein Phasendiagramm für Volumenproben bei hohem Magnetfeld unterscheidet sich von diesem im Wesentlichen durch den Einfluß von Fe-Segregation in den Volumenproben, welche bei der epitaktischen Präparation nicht auftritt. Anhand von Monte-Carlo Verfahren, denen ein „quenched random disorder“ Modell zugrunde lag, wurde das Verhalten der Dünnschichtproben simuliert und daraus ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm abgeleitet. Das simulierte und experimentelle Phasendiagramm stimmt in den wesentlichen Punkten überein. Die Unterschiede sind durch die speziellen Wachstumseigenschaften von TiFe2 erklärbar. Als Ergebnis kann die magnetische Phasenseparation in diesem System als Auswirkung einer Symmetriebrechung durch Substitution in der Einheitszelle beschrieben werden.


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Das Vorkommen von Häutungshormonen in adulten Insekten, insbesondere solcher, die eine lange Imaginalphase durchlaufen, wirft die Frage nach der Regulation der Ecdysteroidsynthese außerhalb der Prothorakaldrüse auf. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt kann Gryllus bimaculatus mit einem ausgesprochen langen Adultstadium und rapiden zeitlichen Veränderungen des Ecdysontiters als ein geeignetes Versuchsobjekt angesehen werden.Der vorliegenden Dissertation liegt die Arbeitshypothese zugrunde, daß die Ecdysteroid-Synthese bzw. Sekretion von Adultgeweben in männlichen Imagines der Mittelmeerfeldgrille durch Neuropeptide hormonell reguliert wird. Als Quelle für die Ecdysteroidsynthese wurde auf Grund immunohistochemischer Befunde sowie der Ergebnisse von Sekretionsprofil-Analysen unter anderem die Oenocyten in Betracht gezogen.Zur Überprüfung dieser Hypothese wurde ein in vitro Bioassay entwickelt, der es ermöglichte, die Wirkung von extrahierten Substanzen auf die Hormonsynthese mittels RIA/HPLC zu bestimmen. Aus Köpfen adulter G. bimaculatus ließen sich durch HP-SEC Faktoren isolieren, die die Ecdysteroidsekretion in Oenocyten und Tergiten stimulierten, die aber keinen Einfluß auf die Hormonsekretion von Fettgewebe sowie der Prothorakaldrüsen hatten. Die Wirkung des aufgereinigten Extraktes in Oenocyten war zeit- und dosis-abhängig. Die ecdysiotropen Faktoren besaßen ein Molekulargewicht zwischen 26,5 und 30 kDa. Die Größe der Molmasse der ecdysiotropen Faktoren entsprach somit bei adulten männlichen Grillen etwa dem des Neurohormons PTTH bei Lepidopteren. Dennoch zeigten Antikörper, die gegen PTTH von Bombyx mori gerichtet waren im Western-Blot keine Bindung an Gryllus bimaculatus Kopfextrakte. Die Sekretionsprodukte von Oenocyten, die mit Ecdysiotropinen behandelt waren, wurden durch RP- und NP-HPLC identifiziert. Es konnten zwei zusätzliche Peaks neben einem deutlichen Anstieg von 20-Hydroxyecdyson nachgewiesen werden. Auf Grund identischer Retentionszeiten mit Referenzsubstanzen handelt es sich bei einem Peak vermutlich um Makisteron A.Obwohl die Applikation von Azadirachtin in G. bimaculatus zu einer Senkung des Hämolymph-Ecdysteroidgehalts führte, konnte keine Anreicherung von Ecdysiotropinen erzielt werden.Die die Ecdysteroidsekretion-beeinflussenden Faktoren waren resistent gegen Kochen und Alkylierung aber nicht stabil gegen Reduzierung durch DTT und Behandlung mit Neuramidase. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, daß das Vorhandensein von Disulfidbrücken und Oligosaccharidketten für die biologische Aktivität notwendig ist.Die Aminosäuresequenz-Analyse und der enzymatische Verdau der stimulierenden Faktoren durch Exopeptidasen wiesen auf geschützte N- und C-Termini hin. Ferner wurden einige interne Peptidfragmente von fünf Proteinbanden sequenziert, die keine Homologie zu bereits bekannten regulatorischen Neuropeptiden zeigten. Als einziges bekanntes Protein aus diesem Bereich konnte das „14-3-3-like Protein“ mit Hilfe MALDI-MS identifiziert werden.Die Stimulierung der Ecdysteroidsekretion in Oenocyten von G. bimaculatus durch Oenocyten-stimulierende Faktoren (OSF) aus Kopfextrakten konnte mittels Signalstoff-Effektoren in vitro nachgeahmt werden. Außerdem wurde mit Hilfe eines RRA nachgewiesen, daß der intrazelluläre cAMP-Spiegel von Oenocyten durch OSF erhöht wird. Daraus kann geschlossen werden, daß cAMP als „Second Messenger“ an der Wirkung der OSF beteiligt ist. Calcium-Ionen schienen für die Ecdysteroidsekretion notwendig zu sein. Allerdings führte eine artifizielle Erhöhung der intrazellulären Calcium-Konzentration durch das Ionophor Ionomycin zu einer Hemmung der Sekretion. Schließlich wird ein Modell zur Erklärung des Wirkmechanismus von OSF in Gryllus bimaculatus postuliert und diskutiert.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei physikalischeFließexperimente an Vliesstoffen untersucht, die dazu dienensollen, unbekannte hydraulische Parameter des Materials, wiez. B. die Diffusivitäts- oder Leitfähigkeitsfunktion, ausMeßdaten zu identifizieren. Die physikalische undmathematische Modellierung dieser Experimente führt auf einCauchy-Dirichlet-Problem mit freiem Rand für die degeneriertparabolische Richardsgleichung in derSättigungsformulierung, das sogenannte direkte Problem. Ausder Kenntnis des freien Randes dieses Problems soll dernichtlineare Diffusivitätskoeffizient derDifferentialgleichung rekonstruiert werden. Für diesesinverse Problem stellen wir einOutput-Least-Squares-Funktional auf und verwenden zu dessenMinimierung iterative Regularisierungsverfahren wie dasLevenberg-Marquardt-Verfahren und die IRGN-Methode basierendauf einer Parametrisierung des Koeffizientenraumes durchquadratische B-Splines. Für das direkte Problem beweisen wirunter anderem Existenz und Eindeutigkeit der Lösung desCauchy-Dirichlet-Problems sowie die Existenz des freienRandes. Anschließend führen wir formal die Ableitung desfreien Randes nach dem Koeffizienten, die wir für dasnumerische Rekonstruktionsverfahren benötigen, auf einlinear degeneriert parabolisches Randwertproblem zurück.Wir erläutern die numerische Umsetzung und Implementierungunseres Rekonstruktionsverfahrens und stellen abschließendRekonstruktionsergebnisse bezüglich synthetischer Daten vor.


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Wegen der fortschreitenden Miniaturisierung von Halbleiterbauteilen spielen Quanteneffekte eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Quantenphänomene werden gewöhnlich durch kinetische Gleichungen beschrieben, aber manchmal hat eine fluid-dynamische Beschreibung Vorteile: die bessere Nutzbarkeit für numerische Simulationen und die einfachere Vorgabe von Randbedingungen. In dieser Arbeit werden drei Diffusionsgleichungen zweiter und vierter Ordnung untersucht. Der erste Teil behandelt die implizite Zeitdiskretisierung und das Langzeitverhalten einer degenerierten Fokker-Planck-Gleichung. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit besteht aus der Untersuchung des viskosen Quantenhydrodynamischen Modells in einer Raumdimension und dessen Langzeitverhaltens. Im letzten Teil wird die Existenz von Lösungen einer parabolischen Gleichung vierter Ordnung in einer Raumdimension bewiesen, und deren Langzeitverhalten studiert.


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The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of activities in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology worldwide, driven both by the excitement of understanding new science and by the potential hope for applications and economic impacts. The largest activity in this field up to date has been in the synthesis and characterization of new materials consisting of particles with dimensions in the order of a few nanometers, so-called nanocrystalline materials. [1-8] Semiconductor nanomaterials such as III/V or II/VI compound semiconductors exhibit strong quantum confinement behavior in the size range from 1 to 10 nm. Therefore, preparation of high quality semiconductor nanocrystals has been a challenge for synthetic chemists, leading to the recent rapid progress in delivering a wide variety of semiconducting nanomaterials. Semiconductor nanocrystals, also called quantum dots, possess physical properties distinctly different from those of the bulk material. Typically, in the size range from 1 to 10 nm, when the particle size is changed, the band gap between the valence and the conduction band will change, too. In a simple approximation a particle in a box model has been used to describe the phenomenon[9]: at nanoscale dimensions the degenerate energy states of a semiconductor separate into discrete states and the system behaves like one big molecule. The size-dependent transformation of the energy levels of the particles is called “quantum size-effect”. Quantum confinement of both the electron and hole in all three dimensions leads to an increase in the effective bandgap of the material with decreasing crystallite size. Consequently, both the optical absorption and emission of semiconductor nanaocrystals shift to the blue (higher energies) as the size of the particles gets smaller. This color tuning is well documented for CdSe nanocrystals whose absorption and emission covers almost the whole visible spectral range. As particle sizes become smaller the ratio of surface atoms to those in the interior increases, which has a strong impact on particle properties, too. Prominent examples are the low melting point [8] and size/shape dependent pressure resistance [10] of semiconductor nanocrystals. Given the size dependence of particle properties, chemists and material scientists now have the unique opportunity to change the electronic and chemical properties of a material by simply controlling the particle size. In particular, CdSe nanocrystals have been widely investigated. Mainly due to their size-dependent optoelectronic properties [11, 12] and flexible chemical processibility [13], they have played a distinguished role for a number of seminal studies [11, 12, 14, 15]. Potential technical applications have been discussed, too. [8, 16-27] Improvement of the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals is still a prominent research topic. One of the most important approaches is fabricating composite type-I core-shell structures which exhibit improved properties, making them attractive from both a fundamental and a practical point of view. Overcoating of nanocrystallites with higher band gap inorganic materials has been shown to increase the photoluminescence quantum yields by eliminating surface nonradiative recombination sites. [28] Particles passivated with inorganic shells are more robust than nanocrystals covered by organic ligands only and have greater tolerance to processing conditions necessary for incorporation into solid state structures or for other applications. Some examples of core-shell nanocrystals reported earlier include CdS on CdSe [29], CdSe on CdS, [30], ZnS on CdS, [31] ZnS on CdSe[28, 32], ZnSe on CdSe [33] and CdS/HgS/CdS [34]. The characterization and preparation of a new core-shell structure, CdSe nanocrystals overcoated by different shells (CdS, ZnS), is presented in chapter 4. Type-I core-shell structures as mentioned above greatly improve the photoluminescence quantum yield and chemical and photochemical stability of nanocrystals. The emission wavelengths of type-I core/shell nanocrystals typically only shows a small red-shift when compared to the plain core nanocrystals. [30, 31, 35] In contrast to type-I core-shell nanocrystals, only few studies have been conducted on colloidal type-II core/shell structures [36-38] which are characterized by a staggered alignment of conduction and valence bands giving rise to a broad tunability of absorption and emission wavelengths, as was shown for CdTe/CdSe core-shell nanocrystals. [36] The emission of type-II core/shell nanocrystals mainly originates from the radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs across the core-shell interface leading to a long photoluminescence lifetime. Type-II core/shell nanocrystals are promising with respect to photoconduction or photovoltaic applications as has been discussed in the literature.[39] Novel type-II core-shell structures with ZnTe cores are reported in chapter 5. The recent progress in the shape control of semiconductor nanocrystals opens new fields of applications. For instance, rod shaped CdSe nanocrystals can enhance the photo-electro conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, [40, 41] and also allow for polarized emission in light emitting diodes. [42, 43] Shape control of anisotropic nanocrystals can be achieved by the use of surfactants, [44, 45] regular or inverse micelles as regulating agents, [46, 47] electrochemical processes, [48] template-assisted [49, 50] and solution-liquid-solution (SLS) growth mechnism. [51-53] Recently, formation of various CdSe nanocrystal shapes has been reported by the groups of Alivisatos [54] and Peng, [55] respectively. Furthermore, it has been reported by the group of Prasad [56] that noble metal nanoparticles can induce anisotropic growth of CdSe nanocrystals at lower temperatures than typically used in other methods for preparing anisotropic CdSe structures. Although several approaches for anisotropic crystal growth have been reported by now, developing new synthetic methods for the shape control of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals remains an important goal. Accordingly, we have attempted to utilize a crystal phase control approach for the controllable synthesis of colloidal ZnE/CdSe (E = S, Se, Te) heterostructures in a variety of morphologies. The complex heterostructures obtained are presented in chapter 6. The unique optical properties of nanocrystals make them appealing as in vivo and in vitro fluorophores in a variety of biological and chemical investigations, in which traditional fluorescence labels based on organic molecules fall short of providing long-term stability and simultaneous detection of multiple emission colours [References]. The ability to prepare water soluble nanocrystals with high stability and quantum yield has led to promising applications in cellular labeling, [57, 58] deep-tissue imaging, [59, 60] and assay labeling [61, 62]. Furthermore, appropriately solubilized nanocrystals have been used as donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) couples. [63-65] Despite recent progress, much work still needs to be done to achieve reproducible and robust surface functionalization and develop flexible (bio-) conjugation techniques. Based on multi-shell CdSe nanocrystals, several new solubilization and ligand exchange protocols have been developed which are presented in chapter 7. The organization of this thesis is as follows: A short overview describing synthesis and properties of CdSe nanocrystals is given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is the experimental part providing some background information about the optical and analytical methods used in this thesis. The following chapters report the results of this work: synthesis and characterization of type-I multi-shell and type-II core/shell nanocrystals are described in chapter 4 and chapter 5, respectively. In chapter 6, a high–yield synthesis of various CdSe architectures by crystal phase control is reported. Experiments about surface modification of nanocrystals are described in chapter 7. At last, a short summary of the results is given in chapter 8.