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Studies with a diverse array of 22 purified condensed tannin (CT) samples from nine plant species demonstrated that procyanidin/prodelphinidin (PC/PD) and cis/trans-flavan-3-ol ratios can be appraised by 1H-13C HSQC NMR spectroscopy. The method was developed from samples containing 44 to ~100% CT, PC/PD ratios ranging from 0/100 to 99/1, and cis/trans ratios from 58/42 to 95/5 as determined by thiolysis with benzyl mercaptan. Integration of cross-peak contours of H/C-6' signals from PC and of H/C-2',6' signals from PD yielded nuclei adjusted estimates that were highly correlated with PC/PD ratios obtained by thiolysis (R2 = 0.99). Cis/trans-flavan-3-ol ratios, obtained by integration of the respective H/C-4 cross-peak contours, were also related to determinations made by thiolysis (R2 = 0.89). Overall, 1H-13C HSQC NMR spectroscopy appears to be a viable alternative to thiolysis for estimating PC/PD and cis/trans ratios of CT, if precautions are taken to avoid integration of cross-peak contours of contaminants.


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A new frontier in weather forecasting is emerging by operational forecast models now being run at convection-permitting resolutions at many national weather services. However, this is not a panacea; significant systematic errors remain in the character of convective storms and rainfall distributions. The DYMECS project (Dynamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms) is taking a fundamentally new approach to evaluate and improve such models: rather than relying on a limited number of cases, which may not be representative, we have gathered a large database of 3D storm structures on 40 convective days using the Chilbolton radar in southern England. We have related these structures to storm life-cycles derived by tracking features in the rainfall from the UK radar network, and compared them statistically to storm structures in the Met Office model, which we ran at horizontal grid length between 1.5 km and 100 m, including simulations with different subgrid mixing length. We also evaluated the scale and intensity of convective updrafts using a new radar technique. We find that the horizontal size of simulated convective storms and the updrafts within them is much too large at 1.5-km resolution, such that the convective mass flux of individual updrafts can be too large by an order of magnitude. The scale of precipitation cores and updrafts decreases steadily with decreasing grid lengths, as does the typical storm lifetime. The 200-m grid-length simulation with standard mixing length performs best over all diagnostics, although a greater mixing length improves the representation of deep convective storms.


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The chapter examines how far medieval economic crises can be identified by analysing the residuals from a simultaneous equation model of the medieval English economy. High inflation, falls in gross domestic product and large intermittent changes in wage rates are all considered as potential indicators of crisis. Potential causal factors include bad harvests, wars and political instability. The chapter suggests that crises arose when a combination of different problems overwhelmed the capacity of government to address them. It may therefore be a mistake to look for a single cause of any crisis. The coincidence of separate problems is a more plausible explanation of many crises.


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We present the first multi-event study of the spatial and temporal structuring of the aurora to provide statistical evidence of the near-Earth plasma instability which causes the substorm onset arc. Using data from ground-based auroral imagers, we study repeatable signatures of along-arc auroral beads, which are thought to represent the ionospheric projection of magnetospheric instability in the near-Earth plasma sheet. We show that the growth and spatial scales of these wave-like fluctuations are similar across multiple events, indicating that each sudden auroral brightening has a common explanation. We find statistically that growth rates for auroral beads peak at low wavenumber with the most unstable spatial scales mapping to an azimuthal wavelength λ≈1700 − 2500 km in the equatorial magnetosphere at around 9-12 RE. We compare growth rates and spatial scales with a range of theoretical predictions of magnetotail instabilities, including the cross-field current instability and the shear-flow ballooning instability. We conclude that, although the cross-field current instability can generate similar magnitude of growth rates, the range of unstable wavenumbers indicates that the shear-flow ballooning instability is the most likely explanation for our observations.


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A dynamical wind-wave climate simulation covering the North Atlantic Ocean and spanning the whole 21st century under the A1B scenario has been compared with a set of statistical projections using atmospheric variables or large scale climate indices as predictors. As a first step, the performance of all statistical models has been evaluated for the present-day climate; namely they have been compared with a dynamical wind-wave hindcast in terms of winter Significant Wave Height (SWH) trends and variance as well as with altimetry data. For the projections, it has been found that statistical models that use wind speed as independent variable predictor are able to capture a larger fraction of the winter SWH inter-annual variability (68% on average) and of the long term changes projected by the dynamical simulation. Conversely, regression models using climate indices, sea level pressure and/or pressure gradient as predictors, account for a smaller SWH variance (from 2.8% to 33%) and do not reproduce the dynamically projected long term trends over the North Atlantic. Investigating the wind-sea and swell components separately, we have found that the combination of two regression models, one for wind-sea waves and another one for the swell component, can improve significantly the wave field projections obtained from single regression models over the North Atlantic.


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The main goal of this work was to evaluate thermodynamic parameters of the soybean oil extraction process using ethanol as solvent. The experimental treatments were as follows: aqueous solvents with water contents varying from 0 to 13% (mass basis) and extraction temperature varying from 50 to 100 degrees C. The distribution coefficients of oil at equilibrium have been used to calculate enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes. The results indicate that oil extraction process with ethanol is feasible and spontaneous, mainly under higher temperature. Also, the influence of water level in the solvent and temperature were analysed using the response surface methodology (RSM). It can be noted that the extraction yield was highly affected by both independent variables. A joint analysis of thermodynamic and RSM indicates the optimal level of solvent hydration and temperature to perform the extraction process.


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Type XVIII collagen is a component of basement membranes, and expressed prominently in the eye, blood vessels, liver, and the central nervous system. Homozygous mutations in COL18A1 lead to Knobloch Syndrome, characterized by ocular defects and occipital encephalocele. However, relatively little has been described on the role of type XVIII collagen in development, and nothing is known about the regulation of its tissue-specific expression pattern. We have used zebrafish transgenesis to identify and characterize cis-regulatory sequences controlling expression of the human gene. Candidate enhancers were selected from non-coding sequence associated with COL18A1 based on sequence conservation among mammals. Although these displayed no overt conservation with orthologous zebrafish sequences, four regions nonetheless acted as tissue-specific transcriptional enhancers in the zebrafish embryo, and together recapitulated the major aspects of col18a1 expression. Additional post-hoc computational analysis on positive enhancer sequences revealed alignments between mammalian and teleost sequences, which we hypothesize predict the corresponding zebrafish enhancers; for one of these, we demonstrate functional overlap with the orthologous human enhancer sequence. Our results provide important insight into the biological function and regulation of COL18A1, and point to additional sequences that may contribute to complex diseases involving COL18A1. More generally, we show that combining functional data with targeted analyses for phylogenetic conservation can reveal conserved cis-regulatory elements in the large number of cases where computational alignment alone falls short. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, the effects of trans-MUFA, elaidic acid (EA; 18 : 1-9t) and vaccenic acid (VA; 18 : 1-11t) on rat neutrophil functions were compared with those of cis-monounsaturated oleic acid (OA) (18 : 1-9c) and saturated stearic acid (SA; 18 : 0) (10-150 mu M). Trans-fatty acids enhanced neutrophil phagocytic capacity, superoxide (O(2)(center dot-)) and hydrogen peroxide production, and candidacidal activity. The same effects were observed for OA. Cells treated with trans-MUFA showed reduced production of NO(center dot), whereas those treated with OA showed an increase in production. Treatment with SA did not provoke significant effect on the parameters investigated. The increase in O(2)(center dot-) production induced by MUFA was not observed when diphenyleneiodonium, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, was added to the medium. This finding suggests that MUFA stimulate neutrophil NADPH oxidase activity. The addition of 3-[1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-1H-indol-3-yl]-4-(1H-inclol-3-yl)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, and wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) inhibitor, did not affect O(2)(center dot-) production induced by MUFA. Therefore, the mechanisms by which MUFA stimulate NADPH oxidase are not dependent on PKC and do not seem to involve PI3K. Experiments using Zn(2+), an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase H(+) channel, indicated that MUFA activate the NADPH oxidase complex in rat neutrophil due to opening of H(+) channel.


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The use of inter-laboratory test comparisons to determine the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests (or for calibration) [ISO/IEC Guide 43-1, 1997. Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons - Part 1: Development and operation of proficiency testing schemes] is called Proficiency Testing (PT). In this paper we propose the use of the generalized likelihood ratio test to compare the performance of the group of laboratories for specific tests relative to the assigned value and illustrate the procedure considering an actual data from the PT program in the area of volume. The proposed test extends the test criteria in use allowing to test for the consistency of the group of laboratories. Moreover, the class of elliptical distributions are considered for the obtained measurements. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A statistical data analysis methodology was developed to evaluate the field emission properties of many samples of copper oxide nanostructured field emitters. This analysis was largely done in terms of Seppen-Katamuki (SK) charts, field strength and emission current. Some physical and mathematical models were derived to describe the effect of small electric field perturbations in the Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) equation, and then to explain the trend of the data represented in the SK charts. The field enhancement factor and the emission area parameters showed to be very sensitive to variations in the electric field for most of the samples. We have found that the anode-cathode distance is critical in the field emission characterization of samples having a non-rigid nanostructure. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To know how much misalignment is tolerable for a particle accelerator is an important input for the design of these machines. In particle accelerators the beam must be guided and focused using bending magnets and magnetic lenses, respectively. The alignment of the lenses along a transport line aims to ensure that the beam passes through their optical axes and represents a critical point in the assembly of the machine. There are more and more accelerators in the world, many of which are very small machines. Because the existing literature and programs are mostly targeted for large machines. in this work we describe a method suitable for small machines. This method consists in determining statistically the alignment tolerance in a set of lenses. Differently from the methods used in standard simulation codes for particle accelerators, the statistical method we propose makes it possible to evaluate particle losses as a function of the alignment accuracy of the optical elements in a transport line. Results for 100 key electrons, on the 3.5-m long conforming beam stage of the IFUSP Microtron are presented as an example of use. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report a statistical analysis of Doppler broadening coincidence data of electron-positron annihilation radiation in silicon using a (22)Na source. The Doppler broadening coincidence spectrum was fit using a model function that included positron annihilation at rest with 1s, 2s, 2p, and valence band electrons. In-flight positron annihilation was also fit. The response functions of the detectors accounted for backscattering, combinations of Compton effects, pileup, ballistic deficit, and pulse-shaping problems. The procedure allows the quantitative determination of positron annihilation with core and valence electron intensities as well as their standard deviations directly from the experimental spectrum. The results obtained for the core and valence band electron annihilation intensities were 2.56(9)% and 97.44(9)%, respectively. These intensities are consistent with published experimental data treated by conventional analysis methods. This new procedure has the advantage of allowing one to distinguish additional effects from those associated with the detection system response function. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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MCNP has stood so far as one of the main Monte Carlo radiation transport codes. Its use, as any other Monte Carlo based code, has increased as computers perform calculations faster and become more affordable along time. However, the use of Monte Carlo method to tally events in volumes which represent a small fraction of the whole system may turn to be unfeasible, if a straight analogue transport procedure (no use of variance reduction techniques) is employed and precise results are demanded. Calculations of reaction rates in activation foils placed in critical systems turn to be one of the mentioned cases. The present work takes advantage of the fixed source representation from MCNP to perform the above mentioned task in a more effective sampling way (characterizing neutron population in the vicinity of the tallying region and using it in a geometric reduced coupled simulation). An extended analysis of source dependent parameters is studied in order to understand their influence on simulation performance and on validity of results. Although discrepant results have been observed for small enveloping regions, the procedure presents itself as very efficient, giving adequate and precise results in shorter times than the standard analogue procedure. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.