996 resultados para Beef-cattle
The present study was conducted to determine the affect of pre-treating of oocytes and/or sperm with a rabbit polyclonal antibody against recombinant cattle lipocalin type prostaglandin D synthase (alpha L-PGDS) on in vitro sperm-oocyte binding and fertilization. In vitro matured cattle oocytes were incubated (39 degrees C, 5% CO2 in air) for I It in the following treatments either 500 mu L of fertilization medium (FM) or FM with alpha L-PGDS (1:2000). Frozen-thawed spermatozoa were washed by a 45/90% layered Percoll gradient centrifugation and incubated for I h either FM or FM with a L-PGDS. This study utilized five different treatments: (1) no antibody (control); (2) a rabbit IgG against a non-bovine antigen, bacterial histidase (alpha-hist); (3) a L-PGDS at fertilization time (with fertilization medium); (4) alpha L-PGDS-treated oocytes; or (5) a L-PGDS-treated sperm. Pre-treated oocytes were incubated with 10 X 10(4) washed spermatozoa per 25 oocytes. Oocytes used to assess sperm binding were stained with Hoescht 33342, and the number of sperm bound per zonae pellucidae counted. The remaining oocytes were fixed in acid alcohol, stained with 1% acetate-orcein and observed to determine the presence of pronuclei. More sperm bound to the zonae pellucidae when oocytes and/or sperm were pre-treated with alpha. L-PGDS: (1) 26.4 +/- 3.0; (2) 25.6 +/- 3.0; (3) 59.7 +/- 3.0; (4) 56.4 +/- 3.0; and (5) 57.1 +/- 3.0. Addition of alpha L-PGDS with sperm, oocytes, or both, decreased fertilization (P < 0.05) compared with the control: (1) 89.2 +/- 2.0%; (2) 87.5 +/- 2.0%; (3) 19.4 +/- 2.0%; (4) 27.2 +/- 3.1%; and (5) 14.1 +/- 3.4%. The alpha L-PGDS reacts with both oocytes and spermatozoa, resulting in increases of in vitro sperm-oocyte binding and inhibition of fertilization. These observations suggest that L-PGDS may have a role in cattle fertilization. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Maternal recognition of pregnancy in the cow requires successful signaling by the conceptus to block luteolysis. Conceptus Growth and function depend on an optimal uterine environment, regulated by luteal progesterone. The objective of this study was to test strategies to optimize luteal function, as well as prevent a dominant follicle from initiating luteolysis. Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) beef cows (n = 40) were submitted to a GnRH/PGF(2 alpha)/GnRH protocol. Cows that ovulated from a dominant ovarian follicle (ovulation = Day 0) were allocated to receive: no additional treatment (Gc; n = 7); 3000 IU of hCG on Day 5 (G(hCG); n = 5); 5 mg of estradiol-17 beta on Day 12 (G(E2); n = 6); or 3000 IU of hCG on Day 5 and 5 mg of estradiol-17 beta on Day 12 (G(hCG/E2); n = 5). Ultrasonographic imaging of the ovaries, assessment of plasma progesterone concentration, and detection of estrus were done daily from Day 5 to the day of subsequent ovulation. Treatment with hCG induced an accessory CL, increased CL volume, and plasma progesterone concentration throughout the luteal phase (P < 0.01). Estradiol-17 beta induced atresia and recruitment of a new wave of follicular growth; it eliminated a potentially estrogen-active, growing ovarian follicle within the critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy, but it also hastened luteolysis (Days 16 or 17 vs. Days 18 or 19 in non-treated cows). In conclusion, the approaches tested enhanced luteal function (hCG) and altered ovarian follicular dynamics (estradiol-17 beta), but were unable to extend the life-span of the CL in Nelore cows. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ethanol stimulates the production of prostaglandins in many species. The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of ethanol on the production of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) and luteolysis in bovine females. In the first experiment, Holstein cows at day 17 of the oestrous cycle were treated with 100% ethanol (0.05 ml/kg of body weight, IV; n = 5), saline (0.05 ml/kg of body weight, IV; n = 4) or synthetic prostaglandin (150 mu g of D-cloprostenol/cow, IM; n = 4). The plasma concentrations of 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2 alpha (PGFM; the main metabolite of PGF2 alpha measured in the peripheral blood) were assessed by radioimmunoassay (RIA). There was an acute release of PGFM in response to ethanol comparing to other treatments (p <= 0.05). However, only cows treated with PGF2 alpha underwent luteolysis. In the second experiment, endometrial explants of cross-bred beef cows (n = 4) slaughtered at day 17 of the oestrous cycle were cultured for 4 h. During the last 3 h, the explants were cultured with medium supplemented with 0, 0.1, I, 10 or 100 mu l of 100% ethanol/ml. Medium samples were collected at hours 1 and 4 and concentrations of PGF2 alpha were measured by RIA. Ethanol did not induce PGF2 alpha production by the endometrium. In conclusion, ethanol does not cause luteolysis in cows because it stimulates production of PGF2 alpha in extra-endometrial tissues.
The susceptibility of cattle and buffalos to chronic copper poisoning (CCP) was compared by using cattle (n = 10) and buffalo (n = 10) steers distributed into two copper supplemented (n = 6) and two control (n = 4) groups. Supplemented animals received 2 mg copper (Cu)/kg body weight daily for one week, with an additional 2 mg weekly until the end of the experiment (day 105). Three liver biopsies (day 0, 45, and 105) were obtained for mineral analyses; clinical examinations and blood samples were obtained every 15 days. Three supplemented cattle and two buffalos with typical manifestations of CCP died. There were no differences in the frequency of mortality between cattle and buffalos; hepatic copper concentration was higher in cattle than buffalos. These findings suggest that buffalos and cattle might be equally susceptible to CCP. However, buffalos accumulate less liver copper than cattle and have a lower threshold of hepatic Cu accumulation, which leads to clinical manifestation of CCP. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bovines present contrasting, heritable phenotypes of infestations with the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Tick salivary glands produce IgG-binding proteins (IGBPs) as a mechanism for escaping from host antibodies that these ectoparasites ingest during blood meals. Allotypes that occur in the constant region of IgG may differ in their capacity to bind with tick IGBPs; this may be reflected by the distribution of distinct allotypes according to phenotypes of tick infestations. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated the frequency of haplotypes of bovine IgG2 among tick-resistant and tick-susceptible breeds of bovines. Sequencing of the gene coding for the heavy chain of IgG2 from 114 tick-resistant (Bos taurus indicus, Nelore breed) and tick-susceptible (B. t. taurus, Holstein breed) bovines revealed SNPs that generated 13 different haplotypes, of which 11 were novel and 5 were exclusive of Holstein and 3 of Nelore breeds. Alignment and modeling of coded haplotypes for hinge regions of the bovine IgG2 showed that they differ in the distribution of polar and hydrophobic amino acids and in shape according to the distribution of these amino acids. We also found that there was an association between genotypes of the constant region of the IgG2 heavy chain with phenotypes of tick infestations. These findings open the possibility of investigating if certain IgG allotypes hinder the function of tick IGBPs. If so, they may be markers for breeding for resistance against tick infestations.
Jembrana disease virus (JDV) is a newly isolated and characterised bovine lentivirus. It causes an acute disease in Ball cattle (Bos javanicus). which can be readily transmitted to susceptible cattle with 17% mortality. There is as yet no treatment or preventive vaccine. We have developed a gene transfer vector system based on JDV that has three components. The first of the components is a bicistronic transfer vector plasmid that was constructed to contain cis-sequences from the JDV genome, including 5 '- and 3 ' -long terminal repeats (LTRs), 0.4 kb of truncated gag and 1.1 kb of 3 ' -env, a multiple cloning site to accommodate the gene(s) of interest for transfer, and an internal ribosome entry site plus the neomycin phosphotransferase (Neo) gene cassette for antibiotic selection. The second element is a packaging plasmid that contains trans-sequences. including gag, pol. vif, tar and rev: but without the env and packaging signals. The third is a plasmid encoding the G glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-G) to supply the vector an envelope for pseudotyping. Cotransfection of 293T cells with these three plasmid components produced VSV-G pseudotyped. disabled, replication defective, bicistronic JDV vectors encoding the green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and the Neo resistance selection maker simultaneously with a titre range of (0.4-1.2) x 10(6) CFU/ml. Transduction of several replicating primary and transformed cells from cattle, primate and human sources and importantly growth-arrested cells with the JDV vectors showed high efficiency of EGFP gene transfer at 35-75%, which was stable and the expression of EGFP was long term. Furthermore, these JDV vectors were designed to suit the inclusion and expression of genes corresponding to JDV specific proteins, such as gag or env, for the development of vaccines for Jembrana disease. This strategy should also be applicable to other bovine diseases as wall. The design and construction of the JDV vector system should facilitate the study of the lentivirology and pathogenesis of the diseases associated with JDV or other bovine virus infections. To our knowledge, this is the first such vector system developed from a cattle virus. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, is a major pest of cattle in Australia, Central and South America, and parts of Africa and Asia. Control of ticks with organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates, which target acetylcholinesterases (AChE), led to evolution of resistance to these pesticides. Alleles at the locus studied here, AChE2, from OP-susceptible female ticks from Australia and Mexico differed at 46 of 1689 nucleotide positions (20 putative amino acid differences) whereas alleles from three strains of OP-resistant ticks from Australia differed with the allele from the Australian susceptible ticks at six to 13 nucleotide positions (three to six putative amino acid differences). However, the role, if any, of these polymorphisms in the OP-resistance phenotype is unknown. Certainly none of the polymorphisms correspond to sites in ACK that are involved in catalysis or binding of acetylcholine in other organisms. Both of the AChE loci of B. microplus, AChE1 and AChE2, are apparently expressed in synganglia; AChE1 is also expressed in salivary glands and ovaries, in OP-susceptible and OP-resistant ticks. This seems to contradict studies of enzyme kinetics, which indicated that only one form of AChE was present in the synganglia, the site of the action of OPs, in this species of tick. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A study was performed at an abattoir in Australia, in an attempt to correlate focal chronic interstitial nephritis (FCIN) producing the so-called white spotted kidney, with Leptospira spp. and other pathogens in cattle. Samples of kidneys, urine and blood were collected immediately after slaughter from 46 two-year-old heifers, and 72 cows and bulls with gross lesions consistent with FCIN. The same samples were also collected from nine heifers and 12 cows with no gross kidney lesions. Aqueous humour was also collected from the eye of 17 of the adult animals. The sera were processed by a microscopic agglutination test for leptospira antibodies, while all the other samples were cultured for Leptospira spp. and also processed for routine aerobic and anaerobic culture for other pathogens. Sub-samples from all the kidneys were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed histologically. Antibody titers of 1:400 or higher for Lepstospira borgpeterseni serovar hardjo were found in six adult animals with FCIN and in one adult animal with no gross kidney changes, while antibody titers of 1:400 to L borgpeterseni serovar tarassovi were found in only one animal with FCIN. L. borgpeterseni serovar hardjo was isolated from the urine and kidney of one adult animal and from the urine of another adult animal, both with FCIN. No pathogens were isolated from any of the other samples. The histological lesions were consistent in most cases with FCIN. The results suggest that neither Leptospira spp. nor active infection by other bacteria are associated with c the so-called white spotted kidneys. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Hypersensitivity to external stimuli, progressing in some animals to manic behaviour, occurred in a cattle herd that grazed a crop of field peas (Pisum sativum var arvense) in the pre-flowering stage. Haematological and biochemical analyses eliminated hypomagnesaemia and ketosis as diagnoses. Other than two steers euthanased due to injuries sustained during manic episodes, all affected animals survived, recovering over 3 days when moved to alternative pasture. No necropsies were conducted. No microbial pathogens or endophytes were found on or in the plants. A previously reported incident in Victoria in 1987 in cattle grazing peas appeared to be of a similar nature. Environmental factors leading to these incidents were not clearly identified.
Food safety concerns have escalated in China as they have elsewhere, especially in relation to meats. Beef production and consumption has increased proportionately faster than all other meats over the last two decades. Yet the slaughtering, processing and marketing of beef remains, for the most part, extremely primitive when compared with Western beef supply chains. By comparing the economics of household slaughtering with that of various types of abattoirs, this paper explains why household slaughtering and wet markets still dominate beef processing and distribution in China. The negative economic, social and industry development implications of enforcing more stringent food safety regulations are highlighted. The willingness/capacity of consumers to pay the added cost of better inspection and other services to guarantee food safety is investigated. In this context, the paper also evaluates the market opportunities for both domestic and imported Green Beef. The paper questions the merit of policy initiatives aimed at modernising Chinese beef supply chains for the mass market along Western lines. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The grazing trial at Kidston Gold Mine, North Queensland, was aimed specifically to assess the uptake of metals from the tailing and the potential for unacceptable contamination of saleable meat. Further aims included estimating metal dose rates and identifying potential exposure pathways including plant uptake of heavy metals, mine tailings adhered to plants and direct ingestion of mine tailing. It was found that of the 11 metals analysed (As, Zn, Co, Cd, Cr, Sn, Pb, Sb, Hg, Se and Ni) in the animal's liver, muscle and blood during the 8-month trial period, only accumulation of arsenic and zinc occurred. A risk assessment including these two metals was conducted to determine the potential for chronic metal toxicity and long-term contamination, using the estimates of metal dose rate. It was concluded that no toxicity or long-term contamination in cattle was likely at this site. Management procedures were therefore not required at this site; however, the results highlight percent ground cover and standing dry matter (DM) as important factors in decreasing metal exposure from direct ingestion of tailings and dust adhered to plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.