996 resultados para Accountancy capstone


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Increasingly, politicians, bureaucrats, the business community, members of our communities and even members of the teaching profession, are asking questions about professional preparation for teachers, questions like: What is the value of teacher education? What should beginning teachers know and be able to do? How can we make judgements about what they know and are able to do? How can teacher preparation contribute to the retention of high quality beginning teachers who continue to grow and learn?

In this paper, I examine these issues and examine how effective teacher preparation has attempted to respond to these issues, particularly in graduate teacher education programs. I argue that we need to be cognisant of the following aspects when developing and implementing high quality professional education of teachers:

• Connect teacher education to the first year of teaching;
• Prepare teachers who investigate their professional practice within communities of learners
• Prepare teachers with a strong professional knowledge base that helps them make informed professional judgments
• A cohort model that builds strong relationships and professional networks
• Early, regular and sustained school experiences that systematically build professional knowledge and skill. Closely monitored by suitably qualified university personnel and supervising teachers
• Professional standards for beginning teaching and a capstone teacher performance assessment


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This study presents some implications of recent policy moves to enhance the harmonization of financial reporting and disclosure by adopting international financial reporting standards. In particular the impact on small organizations that do not participate in capital markets is considered. The results of a survey of practitioners indicate a perception that the non-capital market sector is likely to be significantly affected by additional reporting burden that convergence with international financial reporting standards imposes. On the whole the results show there was concern that the traditional users of the financial reports of organizations who do not participate in capital markets, would have limited if any, use for financial reports that conformed to international financial reporting standards, The results of this study have implications for nations such as Malaysia and New Zealand, which are currently engaging in the differential reporting debate.


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This study examines whether (1) assurance, (2) the level of assurance (reasonable vs limited) and (3) the type of assurance practitioner (accountant vs specialist consultant) affect users' perceptions of reliability of sustainability reports. Based on an experimental questionnaire, we find that the provision of assurance improves perceived reliability of the environmental and social information. There are no significant main effects for both the level of assurance and type of assurance practitioner. However, a significant interaction is found between these two experimental factors and report users' perceptions of reliability of such reports. More specifically, report users place more confidence in sustainability reports when the level of assurance provided is reasonable (that is, high but not absolute), and when such assurance is provided by a top tier accountancy firm, compared to when the assurance is provided by a specialist consultant. No such difference is found when the level of assurance provided is limited for either type of assurance practitioner group. The results of this study thus highlight the relevance of assurance for sustainability reporting.


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine undergraduate students’ attitudes towards the accounting profession, including accounting as a career, as a discipline, as a profession and perceptions of the work activities of accountants.

Design/methodology/approach – The data set used in this paper was collected via questionnaires. The present study compares several aspects of a prior study of Marriott and Marriott using the Accounting Attitude Scale developed by Nelson.

Findings – Overall, the paper supports the view that exposure to accounting at university does not enhance positive attitudes about accounting as a discipline, but reinforces rule-memorisation, and lack of involvement with conceptual skills or judgement.

Research limitations/implications – The paper only examines students’ attitudes at one point in time and does not attempt to identify whether students’ attitudes change over the period of their study. The paper can only speculate as to why there is a difference between local and international students’ attitude towards the accounting profession. Third, the questionnaire is only administered at one institution. There is a scope to extend this study across institutions as well as conduct a longitudinal study. In order to validate the findings, further research via in-depth interviews with students may help determine the factors that influence students’ attitudes.

Originality/value – The results from this paper are expected to contribute to the body of research by providing accounting educators with insights into how the curriculum may influence students’ attitudes towards the profession, together with implications as to how the profession should be promoted to undergraduate students.


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Strategic matters are extraordinarily complex and involve many different and interlinked processes and influences. This makes the subject difficult for students lacking managerial experience as they are unaware of the intricacy of the problems being discussed. Strategy requires not just a theoretical understanding of the subject, but also a practical feel for business and organisation. We argue that films can help the instructor because they offer elaborate multidimensional and multi-layered contexts which mirror the reality of business. Moreover, their powerful narratives aid the retention of ideas and encourage engagement with issues. To illustrate the appropriateness of films in teaching strategic management, we review the strategy curriculum, highlight some of the teaching difficulties and show how using films could help students’ learning.


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For a long time we held the view that if you had a particular skill – such as accountancy, trades, engineering, IT, management – all you needed to make a success of life was to learn some “soft skills”. These soft skills included communication, presenting and speaking, team building and so on.
Yet the continuing problem with this approach has been that despite lots of training, many people never actually improved their ability to communicate, get on with others, make good speeches or build teams.
Public relations professionals around the world must find the “flat world” message very encouraging. This message is telling corporations that in a flat world, the biggest differentiator is your people. How do people effectively differentiate? We differentiate ourselves by becoming better communicators. PR campaign skills can come to the forefront as organisations seek to thrive in this new world using a strategic planning approach.


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The authors of this viewpoint initially came together as colleagues to debate whether occupational therapy curricula (the programmes that each author teaches into) prepared students to not only survive but thrive within the increasingly complex or supercomplex world of professional practice (Barnett, 2011). Through reflective conversations on our collective experiences working with students at capstone (transition-to-practice) level, coupled with further exploration of literature surrounding graduate attributes, employability and professional issues within occupational therapy practice our attention focussed on capacities of agency and political skill, and specifically, the extent to which our graduates are explicitly or implicitly prepared to be agentic and politically adept in practice. In the context of this viewpoint, we refer to agency as an intentional motivation to work toward strategic goals (both personal and organisational). As a construct, Ferris et al. (2007) propose that political skill is comprised of four critical dimensions: social astuteness; interpersonal influence; networking ability and apparent sincerity. Early professional success in most contemporary workplaces we argue, as have others (e.g. Pollard, Sakellariou & Kronenburg, 2008), relate to graduates’ political adeptness.


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The focus of the paper is to explore the best practices for the delivery of final year
engineering project. Students use their own initiatives to accomplish practical
design projects in their final year of engineering. Each academia proposes
different ways of project approaches that should satisfy engineering accreditation
requirements for capstone projects. This paper analyses and compares various
undergraduate final year engineering project approaches of different universities
in Australia. From this case study analysis, this research will explore the best
assessment practice for the delivery of final year project.

Through desktop analysis methodology, this paper will analyse six universities in
Australia who are practicing different approaches in their undergraduate final
year engineering project. This analysis will look in to the various types of final
year projects undertaken, their learning outcomes, teaching methods and
assessment measures.

From these 6 case studies, this paper will provide a report on its implementation
and assessment impact on final year projects based on the analysed results of
qualitative review of course units in undergraduate programs.

This paper shows the desktop analysis data and compared the six case studies of
Australian universities. The above-summarized different final year engineering
project approaches were extremely successful in identifying and promoting creativity and innovation through final year projects. From the comparison, it is
clearly shown that Deakin University practices one of best assessment methods for
the delivery of final year engineering project.


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In this paper, we challenge the current focus on ‘best practice’, graduate teacher tests, and student test scores as the panacea for ensuring teaching quality and argue for ways of thinking about evidence of quality beginning teaching outside and beyond the current neoliberal accountability discourses circulating in Australia and other countries. We suggest that teacher educators need to reinsert themselves as key players in the debates around quality beginning teaching, rather than being viewed as a source of the problem. To enable teacher educators to assume accountability for quality beginning teachers, we propose the framework of a capstone teacher performance assessment—a structured portfolio called the Authentic Teacher Assessment (ATA)— and examine examples of these assessments through the lens of critical discourse analysis. As a measure of ‘readiness to teach’, the ATA is compared with supervising teachers’ assessments of preservice teachers. We argue that structured portfolios that include artefacts derived from preservice teachers’ practice in classrooms along with graduate teacher self assessments provide a stronger accountability measure of effec- tive beginning teaching and demonstrably address the current anxiety regarding ‘evi- dence’. We suggest that such an approach should be reliable enough to be ‘read’ by external assessors (and moderated across other teacher education institutions). Rigor- ous research on a national basis is called for in order to develop and implement a structured portfolio as rich evidence of graduates’ quality and readiness to teach.


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Purpose – This study aims to examine accounting professionalization in Ethiopia focusing on how the state, occupational group struggle and transnational accountancy bodies influence the realization of closure.

Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative research approach is employed. Data were collected using document review and oral history approaches.

Findings – Accounting professionalization in Ethiopia was initiated by the state to strengthen the country's financial system. Owing to a change of state ideology to communism in 1974, a strategy of developing accounting professionals as government-employed experts was pursued. The return to a market-oriented economy in 1991 has seen a trend towards a more autonomous accountancy profession. Inflow of UK capital in the early twentieth century and activities of the UK-based Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in recent decades have influenced Ethiopia's accountancy. Its professional and financial power has enabled ACCA to make arrangements with Ethiopian Professional Association of Accountants and Auditors (EPAAA) and consolidate its position in Ethiopia's accountancy by controlling EPAAA's member training and certification.

Originality/value – The literature on accounting professional projects in developing countries has focused on imperialistic influence in former British colonies. The present study extends this literature by illustrating how British influence has continued to extend beyond Britain's former colonial possessions. This enables an understanding of the dynamics of accounting professional projects in the developing world with analytical dimensions building on the hitherto dominant lens of “formal” colonial connection.


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Nos últimos anos, a contabilização do resultado das empresas estatais nos números que medem a necessidade de financiamento do setor público e o estoque da dívida líquida do setor público tem garantido o cumprimento das metas fixadas para o superávit primário mas tem limitado a quantidade de recursos que as empresas do governo podem tomar na forma de empréstimo para fins de investimento. Ao examinarmos o tratamento dado às contas das Empresas Estatais nos acordos do Brasil com o FMI em relação ao estabelecido nos manuais do Fundo, na União Européia e em diplomas legais brasileiros, encontramos discrepância de tratamento, o que nos faz supor que há condições tanto para a inclusão como para a exclusão das contas das Empresas Estatais, não apenas na apuração dos resultados em termos de déficit ou superávit fiscal, mas também no cálculo dos valores da dívida pública. Ao considerarmos os manuais e a legislação brasileira, verificamos a possibilidade de se adotar um tratamento similar ao empregado na União Européia, excluindo essas sociedades das contas de déficit e dívida. Essa dissertação se propõe a discutir o tratamento das contas das empresas estatais produtivas no orçamento do setor público, utilizando como exemplo a Petrobras, e analisar duas possibilidades: a primeira é a exclusão das contas dessas estatais não apenas na apuração dos resultados em termos de déficit ou superávit fiscal, mas também no cálculo dos valores da dívida pública. A segunda possibilidade é que as contas dessas empresas pelo menos sejam retiradas do cálculo do superávit primário. A Petrobras, por exemplo, possui todos os seus investimentos custeados por recursos próprios oriundos da comercialização de seus produtos ou por captação no mercado. Além disso, a Petrobras não recebe qualquer recurso do governo. Pelo contrário, ela contribui significativamente para a receita pública da União, dos estados e dos municípios, por meio do pagamento de impostos, taxas, contribuições, dividendos e royalties pela extração de petróleo e gás natural, sendo a maior contribuinte individual do Brasil, além da economia de divisas proporcionada ao longo de sua história. Pelos motivos acima expostos, sugerimos a exclusão das contas das empresas estatais produtivas das contas de déficit e de dívida do setor público. Caso esta proposta não seja adotada, sugerimos que pelo menos essas empresas sejam excluídas do cálculo do superávit primário do setor público. Neste documento, analisamos o caso da Petrobras, a empresa estatal federal que apresenta as melhores condições para essas propostas.


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A implantação do Plano Real em 1994 provocou mudanças na estrutura de receitas dos bancos brasileiros. Em épocas de altas taxas de inflação, o resultado dos bancos era composto substancialmente por rendas oriundas do financiamento da dívida interna do país e em menor parcela de outras receitas como dos empréstimos ao setor privado. Com a estabilização da economia e a globalização dos mercados financeiros mundiais, refletida na entrada de bancos estrangeiros no mercado brasileiro, as taxas de juros tenderam a diminuir, ocasionando uma mudança no foco de atuação dos Bancos que estão se concentrando na intermediação financeira. Neste projeto é apresentada a formação básica do resultado de um banco obtido com a intermediação financeira e explana-se sobre os riscos da atividade bancária. É focado o risco de crédito, abrangendo a descrição das principais metodologias de análise. Estuda-se a Resolução CMN/BACEN nO 2682 que mudou a contabilização das rendas de renegociação de dívidas e estabeleceu parâmetros mínimos para a classificação das operações de crédito alterando os critérios de constituição da provisão para créditos de liquidação duvidosa. É explicado como pode ser utilizado um modelo RARO C - Risk Adjusted Return on Capital - desenvolvido originalmente pelo Bankers Trust - para gerenciamento da Carteira de crédito de um Banco de Varejo típico. Para ilustração e considerando que no mercado brasileiro os dados estatísticos sobre operações de crédito são escassos, além de existirem dificuldades na obtenção de dados de uma Carteira de crédito real relacionadas ao sigilo bancário e estratégias de investimento, o modelo RAROC será aplicado em uma Carteira de crédito fictícia de um Banco de Varejo, especialmente criada para esse fim. O estudo não abrange os recursos necessários para a implementação do modelo, nem customização para outros tipos de Bancos, restringindo-se à análise da utilização da metodologia. Por fim, apresentamos nossas conclusões a respeito da gestão do risco do crédito baseada na utilização de um modelo RAROC.


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Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, estudar os sistemas de custos das instituições particulares de ensino quanto à sua estrutura, funcionamento e utilização no processo de tomada de decisões, em relação à literatura sobre contabilidade de custos. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa bibliográfica e foram pesquisadas três instituições particulares de ensino; houve a opçãoo pelo método de estudo de casos, em virtude de este permitir maior riqueza de detalhes acerca dos sistemas encontrados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram analisar os tipos de sistemas implantados quanto a natureza dos custos, à forma de acumulação, aos métodos de custeio e à utilização dos sistemas para fins gerenciais. Finalmente, comparando-se os resultados obtidos e a literatura, foi possível alcançar algumas conclusões importantes, além de sugerir novas pesquisas e algumas recomendações.


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Esta pesquisa buscou fundamentar o uso da informática no ensino da contabilidade através de um experimento realizado no sétimo período do Curso de Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, da Faculdade de Economia e Administração, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. A revisão da literatura e fundamentos teóricos abordou, principalmente, o sistema de ensino através do computador denominado "COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTlON - C.A.I. ", sua definição, características, utilização e organização. Também fora abordados aspectos sobre o computador e a instrução programada assim como as vantagens e restrições do uso do computador no ensino. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a análise do comportamento dos alunos diante da nova maneira de se estudar e, ainda, um confronto de suas opiniões com as vantagens e restrições encontradas na literatura. A experiência vivenciada pelo pesquisador durante o experimento, permitiu-lhe concluir que o estudo desenvolvido foi importantíssimo na sua carreira, como professor de contabilidade e, ainda, como educador preocupado com aspectos de um ensino crítico. O estudo permitiu que fossem sugeridas recomendações ao governo, universidades, editores e professores sobre a utilização desta nova ferramenta de ensino e sugestões sobre novas pesquisas nesta área.