998 resultados para 510 - Mathematik (Mathematics)


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We provide a characterization of the Clifford Torus in S(3) via moving frames and contact structure equations. More precisely, we prove that minimal surfaces in S(3) with constant contact angle must be the Clifford Torus. Some applications of this result are then given, and some examples are discussed.


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Suppose that X and Y are Banach spaces isomorphic to complemented subspaces of each other. In 1996, W. T. Gowers solved the Schroeder- Bernstein Problem for Banach spaces by showing that X is not necessarily isomorphic to Y. However, if X-2 is complemented in X with supplement A and Y-2 is complemented in Y with supplement B, that is, { X similar to X-2 circle plus A Y similar to Y-2 circle plus B, then the classical Pelczynski`s decomposition method for Banach spaces shows that X is isomorphic to Y whenever we can assume that A = B = {0}. But unfortunately, this is not always possible. In this paper, we show that it is possible to find all finite relations of isomorphism between A and B which guarantee that X is isomorphic to Y. In order to do this, we say that a quadruple (p, q, r, s) in N is a P-Quadruple for Banach spaces if X is isomorphic to Y whenever the supplements A and B satisfy A(p) circle plus B-q similar to A(r) circle plus B-s . Then we prove that (p, q, r, s) is a P-Quadruple for Banach spaces if and only if p - r = s - q = +/- 1.


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Analogous to *-identities in rings with involution we define *-identities in groups. Suppose that G is a torsion group with involution * and that F is an infinite field with char F not equal 2. Extend * linearly to FG. We prove that the unit group U of FG satisfies a *-identity if and only if the symmetric elements U(+) satisfy a group identity.


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In this paper, I explore recreational mathematics from two perspectives. I first study how the concept appears in educational policy documents such as standards, syllabi, and curricula from a selection of countries to see if and in what way recreational mathematics can play a part in school mathematics. I find that recreational mathematics can be a central part, as in the case of India, but also completely invisible, as in the standards from USA. In the second part of the report, I take an educational historical approach. I observe that throughout history, recreational mathematics has been an important tool for learning mathematics. Recreational mathematics is then both a way of bringing pleasure and a tool for learning mathematics. Can it also be a tool for social empowerment?


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This paper deals with younger students’ (grade 2 and 5) conceptions about mathematics and mathematics education. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: (1) statements with a Likert-scale; (2) open-end questions where the students could explain further their conceptions; and, (3) a request to draw a picture of yourself doing mathematics. The results from the statements were summarised and the pictures were analysed. Most students in grade 2 had a positive attitude towards mathematics whereas a larger proportion in grade 5 gave negative answers. All students presented mathematics as an individual activity with a focus on the textbook. The elder students narrow the activity down to calculating. A post-questionnaire confirmed the results.


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This study explores Swedish Natural Science students' conceptions about gender and mathematics. I conducted and compared the results from two questionnaires. The first questionnaire revealed a view of rather traditional feminities and masulinities, a result that did not repeat itself in the second questionnaire. There was a discrepancy between the traits the students ascribed as gender different and the traits they ascribed to themselves.


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This paper explores Swedish prospective teachers’ conceptions of what characterise a gifted student in mathematics. This was studied through a qualitative questionnaire focusing on attributions. The results show that a majority of the students attribute intrinsic motivation to gifted students, more often than extrinsic motivation. Other themes were other affective factors (e.g. being industrious), cognitive factors (e.g. easy to learn), and social factors such as good behaviour and background.


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The Swedish government has authorised the teaching of mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students. Much of that teaching is performed by foreign trained native English speaking teachers lacking training in second language learners. This systematic review summarises international studies from the last ten years that deal with the teaching of mathematics to second language learners. The review shows that second language students working in a bilingual environment achieve higher rates of content and language knowledge than learners in a monolingual environment. This study also summarises some of the teacher practices that are effective for teaching mathematics in English to second language learners.


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Over 20,000 Swedish lower high school students are currently learning mathematics in English but little research has been conducted in this area. This study looks into the question of how much second language learner training teachers teaching mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students have acquired and how many of those teachers are using effective teaching practices for second language learners. The study confirms earlier findings that report few teachers receive training in second language learning but indicates that some of the teaching practices shown to be effective with second language learners are being used in some Swedish schools


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Various applications of electronic technology have contributed to the field of mathematics teacher education, but the array of tools now' available to teacher educators in developed countries can be somewhat daunting. In this chapter, the authors present an overview of some of these tools and the ways that they are being used. In addition, they address issues surrounding the development and applications of digital technology in teacher education programs in a number of countries. In particular, they present recent applications of videotapes, multimedia resources, internet-based communities, and tutorial conferencing facilities in pre-service and in-service education of mathematics teachers. As professionals who have used technology in teacher education, the authors blend their own insights into this review of technological tools and relevant issues.


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Leicha Bragg shares an effective activity for integrating visual arts, technology and mathematics. Such an approach has the potential to enhance students' visual reasoning and spatial ability by using multiple perspectives of learning. 


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In the first stage of a three-year study in which the effects of using computers for the teaching and learning of mathematics are being explored, a questionnaire was developed and administered to teachers of students in grades 7–10 in a representative sample of co-educational post-primary schools in Victoria, Australia. Using open and closed response formats, the information sought included data on the teachers' professional backgrounds, computer ownership and use, and their beliefs and practices in using computers for the teaching of mathematics. In this article, findings related to ownership, professional development, perceptions of technological skills, beliefs about the efficacy of computer use in mathematics, and data on how teachers are using computers for teaching secondary mathematics are presented and discussed.


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Descriptive measurement reliability and validity data are reported on scores from the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES) in two contexts—class and test—for a sample of 302 Australian high school students. Summated scores on the MSES correlated r = .74, and together these items yielded one component that explained 49% of the variance. MSES scores demonstrated internal reliability for both class and test (Cronbach alphas = .86 and .90). Statistically significant correlations between MSES scores, past mathematics grades, and Marsh’s Self-Description Questionnaire III (Math) were used to indicate the convergent validity of scores for the MSES. Discriminant validity of the MSES scores was suggested by the lack of significant correlations between the MSES measures and students’ desired English grades. Statistically significant correlations between MSES scores and students’ desired mathematics grades indicated concurrent validity of the MSES measures. A statistically significant difference between class and test scores supported Bandura’s prescription for context specificity in efficacy research.


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This article presents an examination of the use of Rasch modelling in a major research project, 'Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science' (IMYMS). It is unarguable that it is important to take students' perceptions, or views, into account when planning learning and teaching for them. The IMYMS student perceptions survey is an attempt to make visible these student viewpoints, and report them in a way that is accessible to teachers and researchers involved in the project. The project involves four clusters of schools from urban and regions of Victoria to investigate the role of mathematics and science knowledge and subject cultures in mediating change processes in the middle years of schooling. There are five secondary and twenty-eight primary schools. The project has generated both qualitative and quantitative data, with much of the qualitative data being ordinal in nature. Reporting the results of analyses for a range of audiences necessitates careful, well-designed report formats. Some useful new report formats based on Rasch modeling -the Modified Variable Map, the Ordinal Map, the Threshold Map, and the Annotated Ordinal Map - are illustrated using data from the IMYMS project. The Rasch analysis and the derived reporting formats avoid the pitfalls that exist when working with ordinal data and provide insights into the respondents' views about their experiences in schools unavailable by other approaches.