995 resultados para pore-forming toxin


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Bucain is a three-finger toxin, structurally homologous to snake-venom muscarinic toxins, from the venom of the Malayan krait Bungarus candidus. These proteins have molecular masses of approximately 6000-8000 da and encompass the potent curaremimetic neurotoxins which confer lethality to Elapidae and Hydrophidae venoms. Bucain was crystallized in two crystal forms by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique in 0.1 M sodium citrate pH 5.6, 15% PEG 4000 and 0.15 M ammonium acetate. Form I crystals belong to the monoclinic system space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 93.73, b = 49.02, c = 74.09 Angstrom, beta = 111.32degrees, and diffract to a nominal resolution of 1.61 Angstrom. Form II crystals also belong to the space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 165.04, b = 49.44, c = 127.60 Angstrom, beta = 125.55degrees, and diffract to a nominal resolution of 2.78 Angstrom. The self-rotation function indicates the presence of four and eight molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit of the form I and form II crystals, respectively. Attempts to solve these structures by molecular-replacement methods have not been successful and a heavy-atom derivative search has been initiated.


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The complete amino acid sequence of myotoxin II (godMT-II), a myotoxic phospholipase A( 2 )(PLA(2)) homologue from the venom of the Central American crotaline snake Cerrophidion (Bothrops) godmani, was determined by direct protein sequencing methods. GodMT-II is a class II PLA, showing a Lys instead of Asp at position 49. An additional substitution in the calcium binding loop region (Asn instead of Tyr at position 28) suggests the lack of enzymatic activity observed in this toxin is due to loss of its ability to bind the co-factor Ca2+, since the residues involved in forming the catalytic network of PLA(2)s (His-48, Tyr-52 and Asp-99) an conserved in godMT-II. This myotoxin shows highest sequence homology with other Lys-49 PLA(2)s from Bothrops, Agkistrodon and Trimeresurus species, suggesting that they constitute a conserved family of proteins, yet in contrast presents lower homology with Bothrops asper myotoxin III, a catalytically-active PLA(2). The C-terminal region of godMT-II, which is rich in cationic and hydrophobic residues, shares high sequence homology to the corresponding region in the myotoxin II from B. asper, which has been proposed to play an important role in the Ca2+-independent membrane damaging activity. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Silica sonogels with different porosities were prepared by acid sono-hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane. Wet sonogels were studied using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC shows a broad thermal peak below the normal water melting point associated with the melting of confined ice nanocrystals, or nanoporosity. The nanopore size distribution was determined from the Gibbs-Thomson equation. As the porosity is increased, a second sharp DSC thermal peak with onset temperature at the water melting point is apparent, which was associated with the melting of ice macrocrystals, or macroporosity. The DSC result could be causing misinterpretation of the macroporosity because water may not be exactly confined in very feeble silica network regions in sonogels with high porosity. The structure of the wet gels can be described fairly well as mutually self-similar mass fractal structures with characteristic length. increasing from similar to 1.8 to similar to 5.4 nm and mass fractal dimension D diminishing discretely from similar to 2.6 to similar to 2.3 as the porosity increases in the range studied. More specifically, such a structure could be described using a two-parameter correlation function gamma(r) similar to r(D-3) exp(-r/xi), which is limited at larger scale by the cut-off distance xi but without a well-defined small scale cut-off distance, at least up to the maximum angular domain probed using SAXS in the present study.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Escherichia coli Shiga toxigênica (STEC) e E. coli Attaching- effacing (AEEC) têm sido associadas à doença diarréica em cachorros. Entre janeiro e dezembro de 2006, 92 cepas de E. coli isoladas de 25 cachorros diarréicos foram examinadas. As cepas foram analisadas para a detecção dos genes produtores de Shiga toxina (stx 1 e stx 2) e da intimina (eae). Por meio de PCR foi observado que sete cepas (7,6%) portavam o gene stx 1, cinco cepas (5,4%) carregavam o gene stx 2 e nenhum cepa apresentou ambos os genes associados. Nove cepas de E. coli (9,8%) apresentaram o gene eae isoladamente. Treze das cepas (62,0%) que apresentaram os genes stx ou eae também apresentaram a produção de a hemolisina. As cepas que apresentaram genes de virulência foram também examinadas em relação à resistência a 12 agentes antimicrobianos. As resistências mais comuns foram para cefalotina (85,7%), estreptomicina (81,0%), amoxicilina (71,4%) e gentamicina (71,4%).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The structural specificity of alpha-PMTX, a novel peptide toxin derived from wasp venom has been studied on the neuromuscular synapse in the walking leg of the lobster. alpha-PMTX is known to induce repetitive action potentials in the presynaptic axon due to sodium channel inactivation. We synthesized 29 analogs of alpha-PMTX by substituting one or two amino acids and compared threshold concentrations of these mutant toxins for inducing repetitive action potentials. In 13 amino acid residues of alpha-PMTX, Arg-1, Lys-3 and Lys-12 regulate the toxic activity because substitution of these basic amino acid residues with other amino acid residues greatly changed the potency. Determining the structure-activity relationships of PMTXs will help clarifying the molecular mechanism of sodium channel inactivation. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims: To determine the prevalence and molecular characteristics of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolates from bovine mastitic milk in Brazil.Methods and Results: A total of 2144 milk samples from dairy cattle showing mastitis were screened for the presence of E. coli. A total of 182 E. coli isolates were selected and examined. All were subjected to dot blot analysis using the CVD419 probe for the detection of the enterohaemolysin (hly) gene, and to a multiplex PCR for the detection of stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes. STEC were isolated from 22 (12.08%) milk samples. All the STEC isolates were tested for sensibility to 10 antimicrobials; the resistances most commonly observed were to cephalothin (86.3%), tetracycline (63.6%) and doxycycline (63.6%).Conclusion: STEC isolates were found in bovine mastitic milk in Brazil.Significance and Impact of the Study: STEC isolates from mastitic milk were potentially pathogenic for human in that they belonged to serogroups associated with diarrhoea and haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, some of them were stx2, eaeA and hly positive.


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We studied the effects of a wasp toxin beta-pompilidotoxin (beta-PMTX) on rat hippocampal CA1 interneurons by the current-clamp technique. The firing patterns of pyramidal neurons and pyramidale interneurons were not affected by beta-PMTX, but in oriens and radiatum interneurons, beta-PMTX converted the action potentials to prolonged depolarizing potentials by slowing the inactivation of Na+ channels. In lacunosum moleculare interneurons, beta-PMTX induced initial bursting spikes followed by block of succeeding spikes. Comparison of beta-PMTX with a sea anemone toxin, ATX 11, revealed that ATX 11 altered the firing properties of pyramidal neurons and pyramidale interneurons that were unchanged by beta-PMTX. Our results suggest that beta-PMTX modulates Na+ currents in CAl interneurons differently in various CAl neurons and the toxin is useful to classify Na+ channel subtypes. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.