972 resultados para parties
A presente Tese aborda o tema do efetivo reconhecimento do princípio da lealdade processual à prestação jurisdicional, com as consequências daí decorrentes. Como se trata de um novo modo de se observar a lealdade processual (que, historicamente, tem sido desenvolvida por doutrina e jurisprudência basicamente sob o prisma das partes e, quando, muito de seus procuradores), fez-se necessário desenvolver, em uma primeira parte do trabalho, as premissas teóricas que pudessem dar sustentabilidade ao tema, em particular a constitucionalização do direito processual, as novas feições da jurisdição como implementadora dos direitos fundamentais e a inserção da cláusula geral da lealdade processual, com os respectivos corolários. A segunda parte da Tese, por seu turno, traça parâmetros para a tentativa de definição daquilo que se alcunhou um novo modelo de juiz, a partir de uma necessária revisitação das tradicionais garantias associadas à prestação jurisdicional e à própria magistratura. Nesse propósito, foram elencados, como elementos indispensáveis à configuração de um juiz leal, o contraditório participativo, a cooperação processual e a gestão processual. Na terceira e última parte, após breve estudo das teorias do abuso do direito, foram levantadas algumas hipóteses de abusos jurisdicionais, até mesmo para que, ainda que a contrario sensu, fosse possível se aproximar do já mencionado juiz leal. Por fim, foram investigadas as sanções processuais cabíveis aos magistrados atualmente existentes no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, e propostas algumas sugestões (de lege lata e de lege ferenda) na expectativa de se melhorar as formas de combate aos abusos citados e, principalmente, respeitar-se o processo justo.
A presente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo investigar as características do casal heterossexual moderno praticante de swing. Em especial, busca-se compreender quais fatores influenciam as negociações dos adeptos acerca da prevenção de DSTs/Aids. O swing, também conhecido como troca de casais, é considerado uma das experiências possíveis de não exclusividade sexual dentro da relação conjugal, o que significa dizer que os parceiros que o praticam, em comum acordo, permitem a ocorrência de intercursos sexuais envolvendo terceiros e preferencialmente em ambientes compartilhados. O estabelecimento do swing enquanto estilo de vida é a principal premissa dos praticantes. A partir das observações etnográficas de festas swingers realizadas em uma boate na Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, da análise dos discursos de casais informantes e do levantamento das pesquisas sobre swing realizadas no Brasil, Europa e Estados Unidos, foi possível refletir a respeito das particularidades socioculturais deste grupo, bem como apreender o conjunto de valores que o orientam. As trajetórias dos sujeitos, desde o descobrimento do swing até o envolvimento real com o universo em questão, também são abordados neste trabalho. Finalmente, procura-se descrever e analisar os principais aspectos em torno das condutas sexuais dos swingers e a relação destas com o uso ou desuso de estratégias preventivas a fim de suscitar reflexões contributivas às discussões sobre prevenção de DSTs/Aids entre swingers.
Essa dissertação tem como objeto o estudo da atuação dos Partidos Políticos, que compõem o Fórum de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro - quais sejam: Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU) e Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL) - na luta pela saúde, compreendendo essa última como um elemento táticoestratégico para a transformação social. A análise situa-se no município do Rio de Janeiro e compreende o período dado entre os anos de 2009 a 2013. A pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a saúde como um elemento tático-estratégico na busca pela emancipação humana, analisando os limites e as possibilidades da ação dos Partidos Políticos na área. Sua referência teórico-metodológica é o método histórico-dialético e o principal procedimento metodológico foi o levantamento bibliográfico de fontes primárias e secundárias. Além do levantamento bibliográfico, a observação participante também foi um instrumento utilizado no acompanhamento das reuniões realizadas pelo Fórum de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro. A dissertação está dividida em dois momentos: o primeiro consiste em um debate sobre concepção de saúde e atualidade do Projeto de Reforma Sanitária, no cenário brasileiro, bem como a análise sobre noção de Partido Revolucionário e discussão tático-estratégica e programática da esquerda brasileira. A segunda parte compreende o debate sobre Partidos Políticos e a saúde no município do Rio de Janeiro, na qual se encontram os resultados da pesquisa realizada.
A presente dissertação busca analisar os aspectos subjacentes à celebração do pacto de não concorrência após o término da relação de emprego no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O estudo implica a necessidade de verificação dos limites da autonomia da vontade das partes contratantes na relação de emprego, objetivando demonstrar que a pactuação da não concorrência não atenta contra os princípios protetivos do Direito do Trabalho. Da mesma forma, faz-se necessária a análise do conceito de concorrência e suas repercussões na relação empregatícia, de maneira a determinar quais empregados podem ser sujeitos da cláusula de não concorrência. A investigação feita pela dissertação também abarca o conflito entre a liberdade de trabalho e a livre iniciativa e concorrência, direitos constitucionalmente garantidos, razão pela qual faz necessária uma composição que observe a proporcionalidade dos direitos cuja proteção é almejada. Com essa abordagem, acrescida da consulta a alguns textos legislativos estrangeiros e às tentativas legislativas feitas no Brasil acerca do tema, pretende-se perquirir sobre a legalidade e legitimidade da celebração do pacto de não concorrência no Brasil. Por fim, o objetivo desta dissertação consiste em apontar quais são os requisitos validade da cláusula de não concorrência, considerando-se a inexistência de legislação regulamentando a matéria.
What the real trade-off is among fig-supported wasps and the viable seeds of figs is heatedly debated in the studies of fig/fig wasp mutualism. In the present study, we collected wasp offspring (galls) and the viable seeds of premature fruits, and determined the foundress number in receptive fruits and all the types of wasps supported by Ficus racemosa L. during both the rainy and dry seasons in Xishuangbanna, China. The data show that the galls were positively correlated with viable seeds (n=32;r=0.74; P < 0.001) when the proportion of vacant female flowers (PVFF) was high, in April (68.0%), and were negatively correlated with viable seeds (n=48;r=-0.59; P < 0.05) when PVFF were limited (PVFF 42.6%) during a colder month (January). The mean foundress number per fruit during the colder months is significantly lower than during the warmer months (F-5,F-603 = 27.9; P < 0.001) and pollinator wasps can live longer during the colder months, During the colder months, the proportions of non-pollinators and wasp offspring are higher than those found during other months, whereas the proportion of viable seeds is not different compared with that of other months. Non-pollinator wasps tend to oviposit the female flowers that have been oviposited by pollinator wasps. The non-pollinators only negatively affect pollinator wasps and there is no obvious negative effect of non-pollinator wasps on viable seeds, so ovipositing by non-pollinator wasps will not result in the extinction of the figs during the process of evolution. The results of the present study indicate that figs can allow less foundresses to be in fruit cavities when PVFF are limited, which provides supporting evidence for the previous assumption that the plants have developed a mechanism to maintain a stable system because of the conflicts between the parties involved.
There is growing interest in Discovery Services for locating RFID and supply chain data between companies globally, to obtain product lifecycle information for individual objects. Discovery Services are heralded as a means to find serial-level data from previously unknown parties, however more realistically they provide a means to reduce the communications load on the information services, the network and the requesting client application. Attempts to design a standardised Discovery Service will not succeed unless security is considered in every aspect of the design. In this paper we clearly show that security cannot be bolted-on in the form of access control, although this is also required. The basic communication model of the Discovery Service critically affects who shares what data with whom, and what level of trust is required between the interacting parties. © 2009 IEEE.
Established firms accumulate a significant body of knowledge, expertise and capabilities that are often secondary to their central revenue generating activities. How do they leverage this expertise in non-core technology into future value creation opportunities? In this paper we examine an attempt by the telecommunications firm BT to create value from the accumulated knowledge within its laboratories by setting up an incubator. While conceived by the board as a mechanism for leveraging the value of non-core technology into the workplace, corporate support for the incubator was withdrawn after only three years and prompted the incubator to partner with a venture capital firm, NVP, in the spin-out of ventures. Through analysis of this single case we observe how entering into such a relationship reduces the transaction costs of accessing complementary resources, capabilities and competences, while simultaneously reducing a number of the risks associated with venturing for both parties. Partnering with the venture capitalist allows the established firm to get its intellectual property into the market, for it to be tested by the market and further developed. © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine a buyer's adoption of servitization and the associated implications for the relationships with its suppliers. Design/methodology/approach: The authors use the case study approach to examine the tripartite relationship between a manufacturing company and two of its two suppliers. The paper explores the perspectives of employees on multiple organisational levels, and collects evidence on both sides of a relationship. The authors use template analysis utilising Cannon and Perreault's relationship connectors framework to analyse the data. Findings: There are overarching implications of servitization adoption for buyer-supplier relationships. The implications are notable in all five relationship connectors. Parties expected more open exchange of information, operational linkages were strengthened and changes in the structural arrangements of relationships were witnessed. Legal contracts are complemented by relational norms. The authors also observed a departure away from a win-lose mentality and increased levels of supplier adaptation to support the buyer's provision of integrated solutions. Research limitations/implications: The findings are confined to this tripartite relationship and to an extent are context specific. Practical implications: The study unveils buyer-supplier relationships in a servitized context and provides managers with a better understanding of some of the potential implications that the adoption of a servitization strategy may have for managing buyer-supplier relationships. Originality/value: This is the first empirical study that explores the implications of servitization on buyer-supplier relationships. It advances the understanding of the implications that the adoption of servitization has on the manner in which two parties interrelate and conduct commercial exchange. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Construction of geotechnical structures produces various environmental impacts. These include depletion of limited natural resources, generation of wastes and harmful substances during material productions and construction, ineffective usage of energy during processing of raw materials into construction materials, and emissions of unwanted gasses during transportation of materials and usage of equipments. With increasing interests in sustainability at the global scale, there is a need to develop a methodology that can assess environmental impacts at such scale for geotechnical construction. Using embodied energy and gas emission, quantitative measures of environmental impact are evaluated using a case study of a new high speed railway line construction in the UK. Based on the results, the keys to energy savings are (a) to optimise the usage of materials with high embodied energy intensity value (b) to optimise the transportation network and logistics for processes using primarily low embodied energy intensity materials and (c) to reuse as much materials on-site as possible to minimise the quantity of spoils or distance to disposal sites. The evaluated embodied energy and embodied carbon values are compared to those of other types of structures and of other activities and carbon tax values. Such comparisons can be used to discuss among various interested parties (clients, contractors, consultants, policy makers, etc) to make the construction industry more energy efficient. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011.
Web services can be seen as a newly emerging research area for Service-oriented Computing and their implementation in Service-oriented Architectures. Web services are self-contained, self-describing modular applications or components providing services. Web services may be dynamically aggregated, composed, and enacted as Web services Workflows. This requires frameworks and interaction protocols for their co-ordination and transaction support. In a Service-oriented Computing setting, transactions are more complex, involve multiple parties (roles), span many organizations, and may be long-running, consisting of a highly decentralized service partner and performed by autonomous entities. A Service-oriented Transaction Model has to provide comprehensive support for long-running propositions including negotiations, conversations, commitments, contracts, tracking, payments, and exception handling. Current transaction models and mechanisms including their protocols and primitives do not sufficiently cater for quality-aware and long running transactions comprising loosely-coupled (federated) service partners and resources. Web services transactions require co-ordination behavior provided by a traditional transaction mechanism to control the operations and outcome of an application. Furthermore, Web services transactions require the capability to handle the co-ordination of processing outcomes or results from multiple services in a more flexible manner. This requires more relaxed forms of transactions—those that do not strictly have to abide by the ACID properties—such as loosely-coupled collaboration and workflows. Furthermore, there is a need to group Web services into applications that require some form of correlation, but do not necessarily require transactional behavior. The purpose of this paper is to provide a state-of-the-art review and overview of some proposed standards surrounding Web services composition, co-ordination, and transaction. In particular the Business Process Execution Language for Web services (BPEL4WS), its co-ordination, and transaction frameworks (WS-Co-ordination and WS-Transaction) are discussed.
Interface has been becoming a more significant element today which influences the development of shopping on-line greatly. But in practice the attention arisen from society and study made are quite inadequate. Under this circumstance, I focus my study on the purpose of improving understanding of the engineering psychological factors, which definitely will play a crucial role in shopping on-line representation in future, and of the relations between them through the following experimental research. I hope it can give a basic reference to the practical application of shopping on-line representation pattern and continuous study. In current thesis, an analysis was made on the basis of engineering psychology principles from three aspects, i.e. person (users), task and information environment. It was considered that system overview and information behavior model would have great impact on the activities of users on the web and that representation pattern of information system would affect the forming of system overview and behavior pattern and then further after the performances of users in information system. Based on above-mentioned statement, a three-dimensional conceptual model was presented which demonstrates the relations between the crucial factors, which are media representation pattern, system hierarchy and objects in information unit. Thereafter, eight study hypothesis, which are about engineering psychological factors of virtual reality (VR) representation in shopping on-line system, was taken out and four experiments were followed up to testify the hypothesis. -In experiment one, a research was made to study how the three kinds of single media representation pattern influence the forming of system overview and information behavior from the point view of task performance, operating error, overall satisfactory and mental workload etc. -In experiment two, a study of how the combined media representation pattern of system hierarchy influences users' behavior was carried out. -In experiment three, a study of the hierarchy structure feature of VR representation pattern and the tendency of its width and depth to the effects of system behavior was made. -In experiment four, a study of the location relations between different parties in VR scene (information unit) was made. The result is as follows: -During structure dimensional state: Width-increasing caused more damage to the speed of users than depth-increasing in VR representation pattern. Although the performance of subjects was quite slow in wider environment, yet the percentage rate of causing errors was in lowest level. -During hierarchy representation pattern: 1. Between the representation patterns of the three media, no significant differences was found in terms of the speed of fulfilling the task, error rate, satisfactory, mental workload etc. But the pattern with figure- aided gained the worst results on all of these aspects. 2. During primary stage of the task and the first level of the hierarchy, the speed of subjects' performance in VR pattern was slower than that in text pattern. While with developing of the task and going deeper level of the hierarchy, the speed of users' performance in VR representation pattern reached to the highest level. 3. Effects in VR representation pattern was better than that in text pattern in higher level of the system. The representation pattern in highest level has greatest impact on the performance of the system behavior, whereas results of the only VR representation in the middle part of hierarchy would be worst. 4. Activity error in single media representation pattern was more than that in combined media representation pattern. 5. Individual differences among subjects had effects on the representation pattern of the system. During VR environment, behavior tendency of party A had a significant negative correlation to the quantities of errors. -In VR-scene representation: Physical-distance and flash influenced the subjects' task performance greatly, while psychological-distance has no outstanding impact. Subjects' accurate rate of performing increased if objects with same relation were in the same structure position, in the state of close psychological-distance or if the object target flashed (not reliable). Although the article limits the topic only on the present-existing questions and analysis of shopping-on-line, as a matter of fact, it can also apply for other relevant purposes on the web. While the study of this article only gives its emphasis on the researching-task with definite goal, making no consideration of other task conditions and their relations with other navigation tools. So I hope it lay a good start to make continuous research in this areas.
Bullying incidents in traditional and online settings are a cause for concern to many parties. The goal of the current study was to explore the extent to which a bystander would intervene in a bullying incident and the degree to which this behavior is influenced by group size (the number of other witnesses), the setting (traditional or cyberbullying), and gender of the victim. Using an online survey method, participants were presented with eight bullying scenarios, each of which involved verbal bullying of a victim. Participants (N = 82) were asked to report how likely they would be to intervene in each of these scenarios. Results showed that female victims were more likely to be helped than male victims. Furthermore, female participants were more willing to intervene than the male participants in the cyberbullying scenarios. Altruism was a positive predictor of participants’ willingness to intervene. The present findings suggest that certain gender differences in helping behavior may depend on the context in which bullying is observed (traditional or cyberbullying).