983 resultados para life resistance


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Background and Aims: The evolution of resistance to herbicides is a substantial problem in contemporary agriculture. Solutions to this problem generally consist of the use of practices to control the resistant population once it evolves, and/or to institute preventative measures before populations become resistant. Herbicide resistance evolves in populations over years or decades, so predicting the effectiveness of preventative strategies in particular relies on computational modelling approaches. While models of herbicide resistance already exist, none deals with the complex regional variability in the northern Australian sub-tropical grains farming region. For this reason, a new computer model was developed. Methods: The model consists of an age- and stage-structured population model of weeds, with an existing crop model used to simulate plant growth and competition, and extensions to the crop model added to simulate seed bank ecology and population genetics factors. Using awnless barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona) as a test case, the model was used to investigate the likely rate of evolution under conditions expected to produce high selection pressure. Key Results: Simulating continuous summer fallows with glyphosate used as the only means of weed control resulted in predicted resistant weed populations after approx. 15 years. Validation of the model against the paddock history for the first real-world glyphosate-resistant awnless barnyard grass population shows that the model predicted resistance evolution to within a few years of the real situation. Conclusions: This validation work shows that empirical validation of herbicide resistance models is problematic. However, the model simulates the complexities of sub-tropical grains farming in Australia well, and can be used to investigate, generate and improve glyphosate resistance prevention strategies.


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Augmentation of hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were independently related to be the underlying causes of insulin resistance. We hypothesized that there might be a molecular convergence of activated HBP and ER stress pathways leading to insulin resistance. Augmentation of HBP in L6 skeletal muscle cells either by pharmacological (glucosamine) or physiological (high-glucose) means, resulted in increased protein expression of ER chaperones (viz., Grp78, Calreticulin, and Calnexin), UDP-GlcNAc levels and impaired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Cells silenced for O-glycosyl transferase (OGT) showed improved insulin-stimulated glucose uptake (P < 0.05) but without any effect on ER chaperone upregulation. While cells treated with either glucosamine or high-glucose exhibited increased JNK activity, silencing of OGT resulted in inhibition of JNK and normalization of glucose uptake. Our study for the first time, demonstrates a molecular convergence of O-glycosylation processes and ER stress signals at the cross-road of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.


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Increased mass migration, as a result of economic hardship, natural disasters and wars, forces many people to arrive on the shores of cultures very different from those they left. How do they manage the legacy of the past and the challenges of their new everyday life? This is a study of immigrant women living in transnational families that act and communicate across national borders on a near-daily basis. The research was carried out amongst immigrant women who were currently living in Finland. The research asks how transnational everyday life is constructed. As everyday life, due to its mundane nature, is difficult to operationalise for research purposes, mixed data collection methods were needed to capture the passing moments that easily become invisible. Thus, the data were obtained from photographic diaries (459 photographs) taken by the research participants themselves. Additionally, stimulated recall discussions, structured questionnaires and participant observation notes were used to complement the photographic data. A tool for analysing the activities devealed in the data was created on the assumption that a family is an active unit that accommodates the current situation in which it is embedded. Everyday life activities were analysed emphasizing social, modal and spatial dimensions. Important daily moments were placed on a continuum: for me , for immediate others and with immediate others . They portrayed everyday routines and exceptions to it. The data matrix was developed as part of this study. The spatial dimensions formed seven units of activity settings: space for friendship, food, resting, childhood, caring, space to learn and an orderly space. Attention was also paid to the accommodative nature of activities; how women maintain traditions and adapt to Finnish life or re-create new activity patterns. Women s narrations revealed the importance of everyday life. The transnational chain of women across generations and countries, comprised of the daughters, mothers and grandmothers was important. The women showed the need for information technology in their transnational lives. They had an active relationship to religion; the denial or importance of it was obvious. Also arranging one s life in Finnish society was central to their narrations. The analysis exposed everyday activities, showed the importance of social networks and the uniqueness of each woman and family. It revealed everyday life in a structured way. The method of analysis that evolved in this study together with the research findings are of potential use to professionals, allowing the targeting of interventions to improve the everyday lives of immigrants.


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La presenta investigación centra su atención en evaluar el impacto de las Condiciones de Trabajo en la Calidad de Vida Laboral del talento humano de sector manufacturero de la región Caribe colombiana. Para analizar este proceso se entrevistaron a 518 empleados del sector. El diseño utilizado fue no experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo, puesto que a cada participante se le aplicó una entrevista con el instrumento de Condiciones de Trabajo y la Herramienta de Calidad de Vida Laboral (Condiciones Salariales y Subjetivas). Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis de correlación y modelos de regresión logística. Los resultados mostraron que el ambiente térmico y las normas de seguridad en el trabajo afectan de forma positiva la Calidad de Vida Laboral de los empleados del sector. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y la CVL se basa en la competencia y distan de ser una relación lineal y simple relacionada con la consideración de la presencia o la ausencia de las condiciones de trabajo. Ello tiene implicaciones a la hora de formular políticas, programas e intervenciones para prevenir, erradicar y amortiguar los efectos negativos de las condiciones de trabajo y mejorar la seguridad industrial dentro de las empresas.


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Resistance to the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei was sought in wheat from the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region in the Watkins Collection (148 bread and 139 durum wheat accessions) and the McIntosh Collection (59 bread and 43 durum wheat accessions). It was considered that landraces from this region, encompassing the centres of origin of wheat and where P. thornei also occurs, could be valuable sources of resistance for use in wheat breeding. Resistance was determined by number of P. thornei/kg soil after the growth of the plants in replicated glasshouse experiments. On average, durum accessions produced significantly lower numbers of P. thornei than bread wheat accessions in both the Watkins and McIntosh Collections. Selected accessions with low P. thornei numbers were re-tested and 13 bread wheat and 10 durum accessions were identified with nematode numbers not significantly different from GS50a, a partially resistant bread wheat line used as a reference standard. These resistant accessions, which originated in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, and Tunisia, represent a resource of resistance genes in the primary wheat gene pool, which could be used in Australian wheat breeding programs to reduce the economic loss from P. thornei.


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Concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are increasingly used in bridge piers and high-rise buildings due to their excellent axial load bearing capacity. These columns may experience severe damage or failure due to transverse impact of vehicle collisions. In this study, numerical investigation is carried out to evaluate the effect of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) strengthening CFST columns under vehicular impact. The CFRP composites damage mechanisms are simulated to account four different failure criteria. The cohesive elements are introduced as interface element to properly simulate the adhesively bonded regime. Simplified vehicle model is also developed to represent real vehicle behaviour. The FE analysis results show that externally bonded CFRP composites improve the impact resistance capacity compared to bare CFST column.


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This project reviewed international research conducted on the possible role of plants in alleviating high temperatures in our living spaces. The literature review served to identify the work that has already been carried out in the area and to highlight the gaps to be filled by experimental research. A pilot study then investigated the thermal properties of six of the most common landscaping materials. This project clearly shows that plants can play a significant role in modifying the thermal conditions of urban environments. Tall trees can shade nearby buildings and allow for reductions in cooling costs. In addition to basic shading, the dispersal of heat via the plant’s natural transpiration stream has long been recognised as an important component of the urban energy balance. It has been shown that urban temperatures can be up to 7°C higher than nearby rural areas, illustrating the impact of plants on their environment. These benefits argue against the idea of removing plants from landscapes in order to save on water in times of drought. Similarly, the idea of switching to artificial turf is questionable, since artificial turf still requires watering and can reach temperatures that far exceed the safe range for players. While vegetation offers evaporative cooling, non-vegetative, impervious surfaces such as concrete do not, and can therefore cause greater surface and soil temperatures. In addition, the higher temperatures associated with these impervious surfaces can negatively affect the growth of plants in surrounding areas. Permeable surfaces, such as mulches, have better insulating properties and can prevent excessive heating of the soil. However, they can also lead to an increase in reflected longwave radiation, causing the leaves of plants to close their water-conducting pores and reducing the beneficial cooling effects of transpiration. The results show that the energy balance of our surroundings is complicated and that all components of a landscape will have an impact on thermal conditions.


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Following an invariant-imbedding approach, we obtain analytical expressions for the ensemble-averaged resistance (ρ) and its Sinai’s fluctuations for a one-dimensional disordered conductor in the presence of a finite electric field F. The mean resistance shows a crossover from the exponential to the power-law length dependence with increasing field strength in agreement with known numerical results. More importantly, unlike the zero-field case the resistance distribution saturates to a Poissonian-limiting form proportional to A‖F‖exp(-A‖F‖ρ) for large sample lengths, where A is constant.


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At the 2014 G20 held in Brisbane, Australia took the position that climate change is not an economic issue. Most others thought it was - especially the Turkish Prime Minister who is hosting the 2015 G20. It is certainly an economic issue. But, it is not just an economic issue - either in the source or the solution.


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Cone penetrometer tests were carried out in a 140 mm diameter triaxial chamber by using a miniature cone of diameter 19.5 mm. The rate of cone penetration was varied from 0.01 mm/s to 0.1 mm/s. Tests were performed in (i) clean sand, (ii) silty sand, and (iii) sand added with fly ash. Two different effective vertical pressures (sigma(nu)), 100 kPa and 300 kPa, were employed. It was noted that for clean and silty sand, the effect of penetration rate on the ultimate tip resistance (q(cu)) of the cone was found to remain only marginal. On the other hand, for sand added with 30% fly ash, the variation in q(cu) values with penetration rate was found to become quite significant. The effect of penetratio rate on q(cu) in all the cases was found to increase with a decrease in the rate of cone penetration. It was noted that with an increase in sigma(nu), the effect of penetration rate on q(cu) was found to become smaller. The effect of the cone penetration rate on q(cu) generally reduces with an increase in the relative density of the material.


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Net type net blotch (NTNB) is an important barley disease in Australia and elsewhere, with significant yield reduction. This trait is important in selection along with other traits of quality and agronomic value. Two-hundred doubled-haploid lines were generated through anther culture from a cross between 'Pompadour' and 'Stirling'. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified against five isolates of Pyrenophora teres f. teres, which represent virulences across Australia. QTL were mapped on chromosomes 3H and 6H using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The resistance locus on 6H was detected with all isolates while the 3H locus was detected with two isolates. The 6H QTL from 'Pompadour' contributed resistance to isolates 97NB1, 95NB100 and NB81, whereas 6H QTL from 'Stirling' contributed resistance to isolates NB50 and NB52B. The 3H QTL from 'Pompadour' contributed resistance to NB50 and NB52B. Significant epistatic interactions were detected between QTL on 3H and 6H. These resistance QTL are a useful resource and identifying closely linked SSR markers with allelic combinations will facilitate in marker-assisted selection to develop NTNB resistant breeding lines.


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We investigated the effect of wax-treated and biocide-free wood specimens against three different termite species. A laboratory no-choice test with Reticulitermes banyulensis Clément was carried out in Valencia (Spain) under Mediterranean conditions for eight weeks. Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) fully impregnated with distinct waxes was used. Two field trials were conducted with Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt in northern Queensland (Australia) with wax-impregnated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) for 16 weeks. All three subterranean termites are of major economic importance in their respective regions. The results indicated that feeding pressure by the termites was sufficient within all trials for a valid test. Wax-impregnated Scots pine sapwood was classified as durable. No termites survived the test. The results showed an aging process under submersion conditions, which lead to a classification of moderately durable. The paraffin treatment showed good termite resistance under both test procedures, and was classified as durable. The Australian field trials showed a decreased mass loss of wax-treated beech, in which an amide wax showed excellent termite resistance. The results indicate a clear dependence of the termite resistance on the type and ratio of wax used and the feeding preferences of the specific termite species.


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The root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei causes substantial loss to bread wheat production in the northern grain region of Australia and other parts of the world. West Asia and North Africa (WANA) wheat accessions with partial resistance to P. thornei were analysed for mode of inheritance in a half-diallel crossing design of F1 hybrids (10 parents) and F2 populations (7 parents). General combining ability was more important than specific combining ability as indicated by components of variance ratios of 0.93 and 0.95 in diallel ANOVA of the F1 and F2 generations, respectively. General combining ability values of the 'resistant' parents were predictive of the mean nematode numbers of their progeny in crosses with the susceptible Australian cv. Janz at the F1 (R populations showed relatively continuous distributions. Heritability was 0.68 for F2 populations in the half-diallel of resistant parents and 0.82-0.92 for 5 'resistant' parent/Janz doubled-haploid populations (narrow-sense heritability on a line mean basis). The results indicate polygenic inheritance of P. thornei resistance with a minimum of from 2 to 6 genes involved in individual F populations of 5 resistant parents crossed with Janz. Morocco 426 and Iraq 43 appear to be the best of the parents tested for breeding for resistance to P. thornei. None of the P. thornei-resistant WANA accessions was resistant to Pratylenchus neglectus.


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Fire resistance of cold-formed light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems is enhanced by lining them with single or multiple layers of wall boards with varying thermal properties. These wall boards are gypsum plasterboards or Magnesium Oxide (MgO) boards produced by different manufacturers. Thermal properties of these boards appear to show considerable variations and this can lead to varying fire resistance levels (FRL) for their wall systems. Currently FRLs of wall systems are determined using full scale fire tests, but they are time consuming and expensive. Recent research studies on the fire performance of LSF wall systems have used finite element studies to overcome this problem, but they were developed based on 1-D and 2-D finite element platform capable of performing either heat transfer or structural analysis separately. Hence in this research a 3-D finite element model was developed first for LSF walls lined with gypsum plasterboard and cavity insulation materials. Accurate thermal properties of these boards are essential for finite element modelling, and thus they were measured at both ambient and elevated temperatures. This experimental study included specific heat, relative density and thermal conductivity of boards. The developed 3-D finite element model was then validated using the available fire tests results of LSF walls lined with gypsum plasterboard, and is being used to investigate the fire performance of different LSF wall configurations. The tested MgO board exhibited significant variations in their thermal properties in comparison to gypsum plasterboards with about 50% loss of its initial mass at about 500 ºC compared to 16% for gypsum plasterboards. Hence the FRL of MgO board lined LSF wall systems is likely to be significantly reduced. This paper presents the details of this research study on the fire performance of LSF wall systems lined with gypsum plasterboard and MgO board including the developed 3-D finite element models, thermal property tests and the results.


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Phytophthora root rot (PRR), caused by P. cinnamomi, is a primary constraint on avocado productivity in Australia. Numerous field trials at sites in northern NSW and southern QLD have demonstrated significant variation in tree health amongst commercial rootstocks and recently selected material, grown under high PRR disease pressure. Selections 'SHSR-02', 'SHSR-04', ungrafted 'Hass' (rooted cuttings from clonal propagation) and the commercial rootstock 'DusaTM' were significantly healthier over time than other rootstocks, many of which died during the course of the trials. 'Reed' was consistently highly susceptible. In many cases superior tree health was associated with increased tree height and trunk girth. The trials also clearly demonstrate the negative impact of Phytophthora root rot on establishment of new avocado production blocks, and the importance of identifying and selecting avocado rootstock material that can withstand high P. cinnamomi disease pressure.