1000 resultados para erosivity factor


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BACKGROUND: The mean age of acute dengue has undergone a shift towards older ages. This fact points towards the relevance of assessing the influence of age-related comorbidities, such as diabetes, on the clinical presentation of dengue episodes. Identification of factors associated with a severe presentation is of high relevance, because timely treatment is the most important intervention to avert complications and death. This review summarizes and evaluates the published evidence on the association between diabetes and the risk of a severe clinical presentation of dengue. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: A systematic literature review was conducted using the MEDLINE database to access any relevant association between dengue and diabetes. Five case-control studies (4 hospital-based, 1 population-based) compared the prevalence of diabetes (self-reported or abstracted from medical records) of persons with dengue (acute or past; controls) and patients with severe clinical manifestations. All except one study were conducted before 2009 and all studies collected information towards WHO 1997 classification system. The reported odds ratios were formally summarized by random-effects meta-analyses. A diagnosis of diabetes was associated with an increased risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue (OR 1.75; 95% CI: 1.08-2.84, p = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Large prospective studies that systematically and objectively obtain relevant signs and symptoms of dengue fever episodes as well as of hyperglycemia in the past, and at the time of dengue diagnosis, are needed to properly address the effect of diabetes on the clinical presentation of an acute dengue fever episode. The currently available epidemiological evidence is very limited and only suggestive. The increasing global prevalence of both dengue and diabetes justifies further studies. At this point, confirmation of dengue infection as early as possible in diabetes patients with fever if living in dengue endemic regions seems justified. The presence of this co-morbidity may warrant closer observation for glycemic control and adapted fluid management to diminish the risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue.


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The aim of this study is to confirm the factorial structure of the Identification-Commitment Inventory (ICI) developed within the frame of the Human System Audit (HSA) (Quijano et al. in Revist Psicol Soc Apl 10(2):27-61, 2000; Pap Psicól Revist Col Of Psicó 29:92-106, 2008). Commitment and identification are understood by the HSA at an individual level as part of the quality of human processes and resources in an organization; and therefore as antecedents of important organizational outcomes, such as personnel turnover intentions, organizational citizenship behavior, etc. (Meyer et al. in J Org Behav 27:665-683, 2006). The theoretical integrative model which underlies ICI Quijano et al. (2000) was tested in a sample (N = 625) of workers in a Spanish public hospital. Confirmatory factor analysis through structural equation modeling was performed. Elliptical least square solution was chosen as estimator procedure on account of non-normal distribution of the variables. The results confirm the goodness of fit of an integrative model, which underlies the relation between Commitment and Identification, although each one is operatively different.


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The members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)/ErbB family are prime targets for cancer therapy. However, the therapeutic efficiency of the existing anti-ErbB agents is limited. Thus, identifying new molecules that inactivate the ErbB receptors through novel strategies is an important goal on cancer research. In this study we have developed a shorter form of human EGF (EGFt) with a truncated C-terminal as a novel EGFR inhibitor. EGFt was designed based on the superimposition of the three-dimensional structures of EGF and the Potato Carboxypeptidase Inhibitor (PCI), an EGFR blocker previously described by our group. The peptide was produced in E. coli with a high yield of the correctly folded peptide. EGFt showed specificity and high affinity for EGFR but induced poor EGFR homodimerization and phosphorylation. Interestingly, EGFt promoted EGFR internalization and translocation to the cell nucleus although it did not stimulate the cell growth. In addition, EGFt competed with EGFR native ligands, inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. These data indicate that EGFt may be a potential EGFR blocker for cancer therapy. In addition, the lack of EGFR-mediated growth-stimulatory activity makes EGFt an excellent delivery agent to target toxins to tumours over-expressing EGFR.


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Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) plays an important role in amino acid metabolism and gluconeogenesis. The preference of carnivorous fish for protein amino acids instead of carbohydrates as a source of energy lead us to study the transcriptional regulation of the mitochondrial ALT (mALT) gene and to characterize the enzyme kinetics and modulation of mALT expression in the kidney of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) under different nutritional and hormonal conditions. 5′-Deletion analysis of mALT promoter in transiently transfected HEK293 cells, site-directed mutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays allowed us to identify HNF4α as a new factor involved in the transcriptional regulation of mALT expression. Quantitative RT-PCR assays showed that starvation and the administration of streptozotocin (STZ) decreased HNF4α levels in the kidney of S. aurata, leading to the downregulation of mALT transcription. Analysis of the tissue distribution showed that kidney, liver, and intestine were the tissues with higher mALT and HNF4α expression. Kinetic analysis indicates that mALT enzyme is more efficient in catalyzing the conversion of L-alanine to pyruvate than the reverse reaction. From these results, we conclude that HNF4α transactivates the mALT promoter and that the low levels of mALT expression found in the kidney of starved and STZ-treated fish result from a decreased expression of HNF4α. Our findings suggest that the mALT isoenzyme plays a major role in oxidazing dietary amino acids, and points to ALT as a target for a biotechnological action to spare protein and optimize the use of dietary nutrients for fish culture.


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The β site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) is the rate-limiting β-secretase enzyme in the amyloidogenic processing of APP and Aβ formation, and therefore it has a prominent role in Alzheimer"s disease (AD) pathology. Recent evidence suggests that the prion protein (PrP) interacts directly with BACE1 regulating its β-secretase activity. Moreover, PrP has been proposed as the cellular receptor involved in the impairment of synaptic plasticity and toxicity caused by Aβ oligomers. Provided that common pathophysiologic mechanisms are shared by Alzheimer"s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) diseases, we investigated for the first time to the best of our knowledge a possible association of a common synonymous BACE1 polymorphism (rs638405) with sporadic CJD (sCJD). Our results indicate that BACE1 C-allele is associated with an increased risk for developing sCJD, mainly in PRNP M129M homozygous subjects with early onset. These results extend the very short list of genes (other than PRNP) involved in the development of human prion diseases; and support the notion that similar to AD, in sCJD several loci may contribute with modest overall effects to disease risk. These findings underscore the interplay in both pathologies of APP, Aβ oligomers, ApoE, PrP and BACE1, and suggest that aging and perhaps vascular risk factors may modulate disease pathologies in part through these key players


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on löytää halvin tapa kohdeyrityksen tuotteiden saamiseksi määritellyille kohdemarkkinoille. Logistiset kustannukset ovat erityisen tärkeässä asemassa esimerkkitoimialalla, ja käytettävissä olevien logististen ratkaisujen kirjo tekee tehtävästä erityisen haastavan. Yrityksen ja teollisuudenalan erityispiirteiden esittelyn jälkeen valitaan sopiva tapa päästä markkinoille, minkä lisäksi pohditaan erilaisia kilpailustrategioita yrityksen aikaisempien kokemusten ja teoreettisen käsittelyn pohjalta. Tämä pohdinta on erilaisten analyysimenetelmien esittelyn lisäksi työn empiirisen osan taustalla. Logistiikkaympäristön ymmärtäminen ja sen tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien tunnistaminen ovat tärkeimmällä sijalla koko tutkimuksen ajan. Työssä tarkastellaan myös vientilogistiikan ja kohdemarkkinoiden erityispiirteitä, joita sovelletaan harkitsemisenarvoisiin kuljetustapoihin. Mahdollisten logististen ratkaisujen kustannusrakenteen ja kilpailukyvyn selvittämiseksi päätöksenteon tueksi luodaan yksilölliset vuokaaviot yrityksen omien kokemusten ja eri logistiikkapalvelujen tarjoajien lausuntojen perusteella. Näin voidaan edelleen tunnistaa mielekkäimmät logistiset ketjut ja arvioida niiden kustannustehokkuutta sekä suorien logististen että laatukustannusten suhteen. Lisäksi esimerkkien avulla tarkastellaan mahdollisuuksia benchmarkkaukseen. Työn lopuksi suositellaan johtopäätösten pohjalta tulevia toimenpiteitä, jotta myös jatkossa saataisiin aikaan vastaavaa pohdintaa ja toimintaa.


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Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) are involved in proliferative and differentiation physiological responses. Deregulation of FGFR-mediated signaling involving the Ras/PI3K/Akt and the Ras/Raf/ERK MAPK pathways is causally involved in the development of several cancers. The caspase-3/p120 RasGAP module is a stress sensor switch. Under mild stress conditions, RasGAP is cleaved by caspase-3 at position 455. The resulting N-terminal fragment, called fragment N, stimulates anti-death signaling. When caspase-3 activity further increases, fragment N is cleaved at position 157. This generates a fragment, called N2, that no longer protects cells. Here, we investigated in Xenopus oocytes the impact of RasGAP and its fragments on FGF1-mediated signaling during G2/M cell cycle transition. RasGAP used its N-terminal Src homology 2 domain to bind FGFR once stimulated by FGF1, and this was necessary for the recruitment of Akt to the FGFR complex. Fragment N, which did not associate with the FGFR complex, favored FGF1-induced ERK stimulation, leading to accelerated G2/M transition. In contrast, fragment N2 bound the FGFR, and this inhibited mTORC2-dependent Akt Ser-473 phosphorylation and ERK2 phosphorylation but not phosphorylation of Akt on Thr-308. This also blocked cell cycle progression. Inhibition of Akt Ser-473 phosphorylation and entry into G2/M was relieved by PHLPP phosphatase inhibition. Hence, full-length RasGAP favors Akt activity by shielding it from deactivating phosphatases. This shielding was abrogated by fragment N2. These results highlight the role played by RasGAP in FGFR signaling and how graded stress intensities, by generating different RasGAP fragments, can positively or negatively impact this signaling.


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Recent literature evidences differential associations of personal and general just-world beliefs with constructs in the interpersonal domain. In line with this research, we examine the respective relationships of each just-world belief with the Five-Factor and the HEXACO models of personality in one representative sample of the working population of Switzerland and one sample of the general US population, respectively. One suppressor effect was observed in both samples: Neuroticism and emotionality was positively associated with general just-world belief, but only after controlling for personal just-world belief. In addition, agreeableness was positively and honesty-humility negatively associated with general just-world belief but unrelated to personal just-world belief. Conscientiousness was consistently unrelated to any of the just-world belief and extraversion and openness to experience revealed unstable coefficients across studies. We discuss these points in light of just-world theory and their implications for future research taking both dimensions into account.


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Objectives: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers such as infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis. Patients and methods: The outcome of tumor necrosis factor-alpha blocker treatment was analyzed retrospectively in 59 patients with ankylosing spondylitis who were being treated in our clinic during last nine years. The patients' Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) 20 and ASAS 40 response rates, adverse drugs effects, and treatment compliance were evaluated. Results: ASAS 20 response was achieved by 89.8% of the patients in the third month, and by 93.2% in the sixth month. ASAS 40 response was achieved by 61% of the patients in the third and sixth month. No statistically significant difference was detected between the three tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers with regards to the ASAS 40 response rates. Mild infections, observed in 31 of the patients, were the most common side effects. Serious side effect was observed in only one patient. The number of patients who withdrew from the treatment for various reasons was six.


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In this work, we investigate the influence of finite size on the recombinations dynamics of ZnO nanowires. We demonstrate that diameter as well as lenght of nanowires determine the lifetime of the neutral donor bound excitons. Our findings suggest that while the length is mainly responsible for different mode quality factors of the cavity-like nanowires, the diameter determines the influence of surface states as alternative recombinations channels for the optical modes trapped in the nanocavity. In addition, comparing nanowires grown using different catalyst we show that the surfaces states strongly depend on each precursor characteristics.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia case-organisaationa toimivan Itäisen tullipiirin strategista uudistumiskykyä. Minkälaiset lähtökohdat organisaatiolla on kohdata tulevaisuuden haasteet omassa toimintaympäristössään ja minkälaisia esteitä uudistumiselle löytyy? Pärjätäkseen kiristyvässä kilpailussa on uudistumiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden, kuten osaamisen, tiedon kulun, johtamisen ja suhteiden tunnistaminen ja hyödyntäminen ensiarvoisen tärkeää myös julkishallinnon organisaatioille. Tässä tutkielmassa uudistumiskykyä tarkastellaan kolmiulotteisen organisaatiomallin (mekaaninen, orgaaninen ja dynaaminen) valossa ja kehittämistoimien lähtökohtana pidetään organisaation omaa strategista fokusta. Tutkimus- ja tiedonkeruumenetelminä käytetään kvantitatiiviseksi luokiteltavaa, sähköisessä muodossa tehtävää KM-factor -kyselyä ja kvalitatiivista teemahaastattelua. Tutkimustulokset antavat strategisesti tärkeää tietoa case-organisaation nykytilasta; sen heikkouksista ja vahvuuksista. Tulosten perusteella organisaation toimintatapa on melko yhtenäinen ja strategisen fokuksensa, eli orgaanisen toimintaympäristön vaatimusten mukainen. Kehittämistoimia tulee kuitenkin kohdentaa erityisesti henkilöstön strategian mukaisen osaamisen ja esimiesten tiedon kulun lisäämiseen sekä yleisesti työmotivaatiotason nostamiseen koko kohdeorganisaatiossa. Organisaatiossa on luotava käytäntöjä, jotka tukevat avoimen tiedon kulun ilmapiiriä ja dialogimaista kommunikointia, jotta organisaation uudistumiskyky yhtenäisenä systeeminä parantuisi entisestään.


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BACKGROUND: Gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas rarely metastasize to the central nervous system (CNS). The role of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) in patients with these cancers and CNS involvement is presently unknown. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A multicentre registry was established to collect data from patients with gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinomas and CNS involvement both retrospectively and prospectively. Inclusion in the study required a predefined clinical data set, a central neuro-radiological or histopathological confirmation of metastatic CNS involvement and central assessment of HER2 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridisation (ISH). In addition, expression of E-cadherin and DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins were assessed by IHC. RESULTS: One hundred patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The population's median age was 59 years (interquartile range: 54-68), of which 85 (85%) were male. Twenty-five patients were of Asian and 75 of Caucasian origin. HER2 status was positive in 36% (95% CI: 26.6-46.2) of cases. Median time from initial diagnosis to the development of brain metastases (BMets) or leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LC) was 9.9 months (95% CI: 8.5-15.0). Median overall survival from diagnosis was 16.9 months (95% CI: 14.0-20.7) and was not related to the HER2 status. E-cadherin loss was observed in 9% of cases and loss of expression in at least one DNA MMR proteins in 6%. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of a positive HER2 status in patients with gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma and CNS involvement was higher than expected. The impact of anti-HER2 therapies should be studied prospectively.