999 resultados para Suites (Flutes (2))


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The occurrence of interstitial species in Astrebla grasslands in Australia are influenced by grazing and seasonal rainfall but the interactions of these two influences are complex. This paper describes three studies aimed at determining and explaining the changes in plant species richness and abundance of the interstitial species in a long-term sheep utilisation experiment in an Astrebla grassland in northern Queensland. In the first study, increasing utilisation increased the frequency of Dactyloctenium radulans (Button grass) and Brachyachne convergens (Downs couch) and reduced that of Streptoglossa adscendens (Mint bush). In the second study, seasonal rainfall variation between 1984 and 2009 resulted in large annual differences in the size of the seed banks of many species, but increasing utilisation consistently reduced the seed bank of species such as Astrebla spp. and S. adscendens and increased that of species such as B. convergens, D. radulans, Amaranthus mitchellii (Boggabri) and Boerhavia sp. (Tar vine). In the third study, the highest species richness occurred at the lightest utilisation because of the presence of a range of palatable forbs, especially legumes. Species richness was reduced as utilisation increased. Species richness in the grazing exclosure was low and similar to that at the heaviest utilisation where there was a reduction in the presence of palatable forb species. The pattern of highest species richness at the lightest grazing treatment was maintained across three sampling times, even with different amounts of seasonal rainfall, but there was a large yearly variation in both the density and frequency of many species. It was concluded that the maintenance of highest species richness at the lightest utilisation was not aligned with other data from this grazing experiment which indicated that the maximum sustainable wool production occurred at moderate utilisation.


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Environmentally benign and economical methods for the preparation of industrially important hydroxy acids and diacids were developed. The carboxylic acids, used in polyesters, alkyd resins, and polyamides, were obtained by the oxidation of the corresponding alcohols with hydrogen peroxide or air catalyzed by sodium tungstate or supported noble metals. These oxidations were carried out using water as a solvent. The alcohols are also a useful alternative to the conventional reactants, hydroxyaldehydes and cycloalkanes. The oxidation of 2,2-disubstituted propane-1,3-diols with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by sodium tungstate afforded 2,2-disubstituted 3-hydroxypropanoic acids and 1,1-disubstituted ethane-1,2-diols as products. A computational study of the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement of the intermediate 2,2-disubstituted 3-hydroxypropanals gave in-depth data of the mechanism of the reaction. Linear primary diols having chain length of at least six carbons were easily oxidized with hydrogen peroxide to linear dicarboxylic acids catalyzed by sodium tungstate. The Pt/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2,2-disubstituted propane-1,3-diols and linear primary diols afforded the highest yield of the corresponding hydroxy acids, while the Pt, Bi/C catalyzed oxidation of the diols afforded the highest yield of the corresponding diacids. The mechanism of the promoted oxidation was best described by the ensemble effect, and by the formation of a complex of the hydroxy and the carboxy groups of the hydroxy acids with bismuth atoms. The Pt, Bi/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2-substituted 2-hydroxymethylpropane-1,3-diols gave 2-substituted malonic acids by the decarboxylation of the corresponding triacids. Activated carbon was the best support and bismuth the most efficient promoter in the air oxidation of 2,2-dialkylpropane-1,3-diols to diacids. In oxidations carried out in organic solvents barium sulfate could be a valuable alternative to activated carbon as a non-flammable support. In the Pt/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2,2-disubstituted propane-1,3-diols to 2,2-disubstituted 3-hydroxypropanoic acids the small size of the 2-substituents enhanced the rate of the oxidation. When the potential of platinum of the catalyst was not controlled, the highest yield of the diacids in the Pt, Bi/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2,2-dialkylpropane-1,3-diols was obtained in the regime of mass transfer. The most favorable pH of the reaction mixture of the promoted oxidation was 10. The reaction temperature of 40°C prevented the decarboxylation of the diacids.


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Crystal structures of the title compounds, (I) and (II), have been determined by three-dimensional diffraction methods. Crystals of CsHIoN 4 (I) are monoclinic, space group P21/a with Z = 4, Mr= 162, a = 7.965 (1), b = 16.232 (2), c = 7.343 (1) A, fl = 113.54 (1) °, V = 890.7 A 3, D,n = 1.218, D x = 1.208 gcm -3, g(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 6.47 em -1, F(000) = 344. The crystals of C9H12N4 (II) are orthorhombic, space group P21en, with Z = 4, Mr = 176, a = 7.983 (3), b = 8.075 (2), c = 14.652 (3) ./k, V = 44.43/~3, Dm= 1.219, D x = 1.237 g cm -3, #(Mo Ka, ). = 0.7107 ,/k) = 0.868 cm -1, F(000) = 376. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 5.8% for (I) and 5.3 % for (II). The C-C double-bond distances are 1.407 (3) in (I) and 1.429 (6)/~ in (II), appreciably longer than normal. The steric and push-pull effects result in rotation about the C=C bond, the rotation angles being 20.2 (3) in (I) and 31.5 (6) o in (II).


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Analysis of 35S labled nucleosides prepared from tRNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by phosphocellulose column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography revealed the presence of 2-methylthioribosylzeatin in it. 2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl purine; ms-2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-cis-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-trans-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ms-ribosylzeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; s4U2, 4-thiouridine; s2U*, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine; s2C, 2-thiocytidine; TLC — thin layer chromatography.


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Tension banding castration of cattle is gaining favour because it is relatively simple to perform and is promoted by retailers of the banders as a humane castration method. Two experiments were conducted, under tropical conditions using Bos indicus bulls comparing tension banding (Band) and surgical (Surgical) castration of weaner (7–10 months old) and mature (2225 months old) bulls with and without pain management (NSAID (ketoprofen) or saline injected intramuscularly immediately prior to castration). Welfare outcomes were assessed using a range of measures; this paper reports on some physiological, morbidity and productivity-related responses to augment the behavioural responses reported in an accompanying paper. Blood samples were taken on the day of castration (day 0) at the time of restraint (0 min) and 30 min (weaners) or 40 min (mature bulls), 2 h, and 7 h; and days 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 post-castration. Plasmas from day 0 were assayed for cortisol, creatine kinase, total protein and packed cell volume. Plasmas from the other samples were assayed for cortisol and haptoglobin (plus the 0 min sample). Liveweights were recorded approximately weekly to 6 weeks and at 2 and 3 months post-castration. Castration sites were checked at these same times to 2 months post-castration to score the extent of healing and presence of sepsis. Cortisol concentrations (mean ± s.e. nmol/L) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the Band (67 ± 4.5) compared with Surgical weaners (42 ± 4.5) at 2 h post-castration, but at 24 h post-castration were greater in the Surgical (43 ± 3.2) compared with the Band weaners (30 ± 3.2). The main effect of ketoprofen was on the cortisol concentrations of the mature Surgical bulls; concentrations were significantly reduced at 40 min (47 ± 7.2 vs. 71 ± 7.2 nmol/L for saline) and 2 h post-castration (24 ± 7.2, vs. 87 ± 7.2 nmol/L for saline). Ketoprofen, however, had no effect on the Band mature bulls, with their cortisol concentrations averaging 54 ± 5.1 nmol/L at 40 min and 92 ± 5.1 nmol/L at 2 h. Cortisol concentrations were also significantly elevated in the Band (83 ± 3.0 nmol/L) compared with Surgical mature bulls (57 ± 3.0 nmol/L) at weeks 2–4 post-castration. The timing of this elevation coincided with significantly elevated haptoglobin concentrations (mg/mL) in the Band bulls (2.97 ± 0.102 for mature bulls and 1.71 ± 0.025 for weaners, vs. 2.10 ± 0.102 and 1.45 ± 0.025 respectively for the Surgical treatment) and evidence of slow wound healing and sepsis in both the weaner (0.81 ± 0.089 not healed at week 4 for Band, 0.13 ± 0.078 for Surgical) and mature bulls (0.81 ± 0.090 at week 4 for Band, 0.38 ± 0.104 for Surgical). Overall, liveweight gains of both age groups were not affected by castration method. The findings of acute pain, chronic inflammation and possibly chronic pain in the mature bulls at least, together with poor wound healing in the Band bulls support behavioural findings reported in the accompanying paper and demonstrate that tension banding produces inferior welfare outcomes for weaner and mature bulls compared with surgical castration.


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This thesis summarises the results of four original papers concerning U-Pb geochronology and geochemical evolution of Archaean rocks from the Kuhmo terrain and the Nurmes belt, eastern Finland. The study area belongs to a typical Archaean granite-greenstone terrain, composed of metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in generally N-S trending greenstone belts as well as a granitoid-gneiss complex with intervening gneissic and migmatised supracrustal and plutonic rocks. U-Pb data on migmatite mesosomes indicate that the crust surrounding the Tipasjärvi-Kuhmo-Suomussalmi greenstone belt is of varying age. The oldest protolith detected for a migmatite mesosome from the granitoid-gneiss complex is 2.94 Ga, whereas the other dated migmatites protoliths have ages of 2.84 2.79 Ga. The latter protoliths are syngenetic with the majority of volcanic rocks in the adjacent Tipasjärvi-Kuhmo-Suomussalmi greenstone belt. This suggests that the genesis of some of the volcanic rocks within the greenstone belt and surrounding migmatite protoliths could be linked. Metamorphic zircon overgrowths with ages of 2.84 2.81 Ga were also obtained. The non-migmatised plutonic rocks in the Kuhmo terrain and in the Nurmes belt record secular geochemical evolution, typical of Archaean cratons. The studied tonalitic rocks have ages of 2.83 2.75 Ga and they have geochemical characteristics similar to low-Al and high-Al TTD (tonalite-trondhjemite-dacite). The granodiorites, diorites, and gabbros with high Mg/Fe and LILE-enriched characteristics were mostly emplaced between 2.74 2.70 Ga and they exhibit geochemical characteristics typical of Archaean sanukitoid suites. The latest identified plutonic episode took place at 2.70 2.68 Ga, when compositionally heterogeneous leucocratic granitoid rocks, with a variable crustal component, were emplaced. U-Pb data on migmatite leucosomes suggest that leucosome generation may have been coeval with this latest plutonic event. On the basis of available U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic data it appears that the plutonic rocks of the Kuhmo terrain and the Nurmes belt do not contain any significant input from Palaeoarchaean sources. A characteristic feature of the Nurmes belt is the presence of migmatised paragneisses, locally preserving primary edimentary structures, with sporadic amphibolite intercalations. U-Pb studies on zircons indicate that the precursors of the Nurmes paragneisses were graywackes that were deposited between 2.71 Ga and 2.69 Ga and that they had a prominent 2.75 2.70 Ga source. Nd isotopic and whole-rock geochemical data for the intercalated amphibolites imply MORB sources. U-Pb data on zircons from the plutonic rocks and paragneisses reveal that metamorphic zircon growth took place at 2.72 2.63 Ga. This was the last tectonothermal event related to cratonisation of the Archaean crust of eastern Finland.


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Trials in the Condamine-Balonne basin, Australia, compared 11 promising perennial pasture grass accessions (4 Bothriochloa, 2 Cenchrus, 2 Urochloa and 1 each of Digitaria, Eragrostis and Panicum species) against the best similar commercial cultivars on the basis of ease of establishment from seed, persistence once established, forage yield and ease of seed production. Accessions sown at a site were determined by prior experience with them on a range of soils. High quality seed was relatively easy to produce for both Urochloa species and for Eragrostis curvula CPI 30374 but problematic for the Bothriochloa spp. Once established, all accessions persisted for 3–5 years and most were well grazed, but adequate establishment was sometimes a problem with Panicum stapfianum and Bothriochloa ewartiana. The dry matter yield ratings of the non-commercial lines were similar to those of the commercial equivalents of the same species. While agronomically valuable, none of the promising new grasses was considered worthy of commercialization at this point because their strengths did not warrant the setting up of a seed-production business in competition with current commercial enterprises. Long-standing cultivars such as Gayndah buffel and Nixon sabi grass continued to exhibit their superior pasture qualities.


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The title compound, C14H18ClNO3, adopts an extended conformation, with all of the main chain torsion angles associated with the ester and amino groups trans. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds are observed.


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The vibrationally corrected structure of 2,1,3-benzoselenadiazole is derived from the proton NMR spectrum including 13C-H and 77Se-H satellites, in a nematic solvent. The results indicate considerable bond-fixation in the 6-membered ring. References


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The crystal and molecular structures of C ,,H,IN302 (I) and C14HIsN302 (II) have been determined by direct methods using three-dimensional X-ray diffractometer data. Crystals of (I) are orthorhombic, space group Pna21, with a = 14.662(6), b = 10.492(5), c = 7.375 (3)A, Z = 4, V = 1134.5 A 3, D O = 1.25 (by flotation), D e = 1.269 Mgm -a, g(MoKa) = 0.085 mm -1. Crystals of (II) are monoclinic, space group P21/a, with a = 7.886 (5), b = 22.011 (8), c = 8.100 (3) A, fl = 103.12 (5) °, Z = 4, V = 1369.2 A 3, D O = 1.23 (by flotation), D e = 1.255 Mg m -3, g(Mo Kct) = 0.080 mm -1. Least-squares full-matrix refinement based on 782 (I) and 1400 independent reflections (II) converged at R = 0.040 (I) and 0.042 (II). The effect of electron-withdrawing substituents on the geometry of the cyclopropane ring is discussed.


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C14Ht0F3NO2, P2.Jc, a = 12.523 (4), b = 7.868(6), c = 12.874 (3)A, fl = 95.2 (2) ° , O,,, = 1.47 (4), D e = 1.47 Mg m -3, Z = 4. Final R = 0.074 for 2255 observed reflections. The carboxyl group and the phenyl ring bearing the carboxyl group are nearly coplanar whereas the two phenyl rings are inclined with respect to each other at 52.8 ° . The difference between the two polymorphs of flufenamic acid lies in the geometrical disposition of the [3-(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl]amino moiety with respect to the benzoic acid moiety. As in other fenamate structures, the carboxyl group and the imino N atom are connected through an intramolecular hydrogen bond; also, pairs of centrosymmetrically related molecules are connected through hydrogen bonds involving carboxyl groups.


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The three possible isomers of cyclohexane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid were synthesised and separated in order to study the regiospecificity and stereoselectivity of the α-C alkylation of their trimethyl esters. No definitive conclusions could be reached on this aspect for reasons which became apparent in the course of the work. However, the three independent methods adopted for the synthesis of the isomeric tricarboxylic acids have given dramatically different isomer compositions. The reasons are explored in this paper.


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Thermal rearrangement of diethylamino 5-(m-methoxyphenoxy)-pent-2-yne (3) gives 1-(m-methexyphenoxy)-pent-3,4-diene (14) in about 8% yield. Hydration of the latter yields 1-(m-methoxyphenoxy)-pentan-4-one (6), which has been synthesised by an unambiguous route. A mechanism of formation of the allene (14) from the amine (3) has been suggested.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with 4-cyano pyridine-1-oxide, 4-chloro 2-picoline-1-oxide and 4-dimethyl amino 2-picoline-1-oxide have been isolated for the first time and characterized by analysis, conductance, infrared, NMR and electronic spectra.