999 resultados para Service stock
Objective Undertaking of a complete audit of the service of mammography, as recommended by BI-RADS®, in a private reference institution for breast cancer diagnosis in the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil, and comparison of results with those recommended by the literature. Materials and Methods Retrospective, analytical and cross-sectional study including 8,000 patients submitted to mammography in the period between April 2010 and March 2011, whose results were subjected to an internal audit. The patients were followed-up until December 2012. Results The radiological classification of 7,249 screening mammograms, according to BI-RADS, was the following: category 0 (1.43%), 1 (7.82%), 2 (80.76%), 3 (8.35%), 4 (1.46%), 5 (0.15%) and 6 (0.03%). The breast cancer detection ratio was 4.8 cases per 1,000 mammograms. Ductal carcinoma in situ was found in 22.8% of cases. Positive predictive values for categories 3, 4 and 5 were 1.3%, 41.3% and 100%, respectively. In the present study, the sensitivity of the method was 97.1% and specificity, 97.4%. Conclusion The complete internal audit of a service of mammography is essential to evaluate the quality of such service, which reflects on an early breast cancer detection and reduction of mortality rates.
Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, après un bref rappel du contexte institutionnel et des modes de décisions dans l'organisation hospitalière, nous traiterons des nouvelles règles du jeu sanitaire vaudois et nous nous intéresserons en particulier au premier Contrat de Prestations, passé entre les Hospices Cantonaux et l'Etat de Vaud [en 1997]. C'est à la déclinaison de ce nouveau dispositif à l'intérieur de l'organisation des Hospices que nous consacrerons la deuxième partie, en nous focalisant sur la démarche "projets de service" et sur son impact au niveau de la vie des services. Enfin, nous examinerons les résultats de la démarche "projets de service" une année après son introduction, en tenant de dresser un premier bilan à partir de nos propres constats. Nous avons volontairement restreint notre analyse aux services cliniques, et plus particulièrement à celles du Centres Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). [Auteur]
[...] L'Etat se doit d'imposer aux institutions des objectifs de qualité corollairement aux objectifs financiers. La préparation et la négociation des contrats de prestations ainsi que du cadre budgétaire et le contrôle du respect des éléments y relatifs devient une tâche primordiale de l'Etat. C'est par ce biais qu'il garde un certain contrôle sur les objectifs des institutions. Dès lors, pour ne pas recréer les conditions-cadres que l'on veut justement changer, à savoir le manque d'incitation à la bonne gestion, l'État doit se doter d'instruments de surveillance capables de mettre en évidence suffisamment tôt une éventuelle dérive financière, de manière à permettre la prise de mesures adéquates. Il doit également surveiller l'activité des institutions et en mesurer les effets au sein de la population (qualité des soins, accessibilité, etc.). Cette surveillance nécessite la collecte de données épidémiologiques et elle s'exerce grâce à la création de tableaux de bord composés d'indicateurs pertinents. [...] [Auteur, p. 20]
We expose the ubiquitous interaction between an information screen and its’ viewers mobile devices, highlights the communication vulnerabilities, suggest mitigation strategies and finally implement these strategies to secure the communication. The screen infers information preferences’ of viewers within its vicinity transparently from their mobile devices over Bluetooth. Backend processing then retrieves up-to-date versions of preferred information from content providers. Retrieved content such as sporting news, weather forecasts, advertisements, stock markets and aviation schedules, are systematically displayed on the screen. To maximise users’ benefit, experience and acceptance, the service is provided with no user interaction at the screen and securely upholding preferences privacy and viewers anonymity. Compelled by the personal nature of mobile devices, their contents privacy, preferences confidentiality, and vulnerabilities imposed by screen, the service’s security is fortified. Fortification is predominantly through efficient cryptographic algorithms inspired by elliptic curves cryptosystems, access control and anonymity mechanisms. These mechanisms are demonstrated to attain set objectives within reasonable performance.
The following article is divided into five sections, each one with a specific objective. The first section briefly presents the student mobility experiences obtained basically through the fieldwork practice course in social education studies at the University of Girona. The second section delves more deeply to explore the value of the exchange and the student mobility experience over one semester of intensive fieldwork practice. The third section presents data about the students who have participated in this experience inall ten of the graduating classes. The fourth part offers an assessment of the experience and reports which aspects are considered essential to a good student mobility experience. Finally, various actions to be taken to improve these educational experiences within the social education studies at the University of Girona are specified
This report was requested by the Innovation and Marketing department of the ETHBibliotek, for the purpose of assessing the social cataloguing tool LibraryThing and its potential uses in an academic library.
Project business companies are moving towards solution offering in order to avoid discontinuity of project business and to gain other advantages. An option to implement solution business could be BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) business model where a company is given the responsibilities to design, finance, build, own, operate and maintain for example production facilities of a client. The contract is made for 10-30 years, the client pays the solution during this period of time and after contract termination the facilities are transferred to the ownership of the client. The purpose of this study was to provide knowledge about BOOT business model for the company in question and its employees and to create a settlement of the advantages, disadvantages and risks of it. Furthermore, one of the main objectives was to create a description of the network needed to run a BOOT project. The objectives were met through a literature study and an explorative case study with appropriate interviews. Based on this study, the company should be able to evaluate the applicability of BOOT business model to their business environment better.