969 resultados para Monilicine, Synthesis of dihydromonilicine, Total synthesis of oxalicumone C
Atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) has increased over the last 250 years, mainly due to human activities. Of total anthropogenic emissions, almost 31% has been sequestered by the terrestrial biosphere. A considerable contribution to this sink comes from temperate and boreal forest ecosystems of the northern hemisphere, which contain a large amount of carbon (C) stored as biomass and soil organic matter. Several potential drivers for this forest C sequestration have been proposed, including increasing atmospheric [CO2], temperature, nitrogen (N) deposition and changes in management practices. However, it is not known which of these drivers are most important. The overall aim of this thesis project was to develop a simple ecosystem model which explicitly incorporates our best understanding of the mechanisms by which these drivers affect forest C storage, and to use this model to investigate the sensitivity of the forest ecosystem to these drivers. I firstly developed a version of the Generic Decomposition and Yield (G’DAY) model to explicitly investigate the mechanisms leading to forest C sequestration following N deposition. Specifically, I modified the G’DAY model to include advances in understanding of C allocation, canopy N uptake, and leaf trait relationships. I also incorporated a simple forest management practice subroutine. Secondly, I investigated the effect of CO2 fertilization on forest productivity with relation to the soil N availability feedback. I modified the model to allow it to simulate short-term responses of deciduous forests to environmental drivers, and applied it to data from a large-scale forest Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment. Finally, I used the model to investigate the combined effects of recent observed changes in atmospheric [CO2], N deposition, and climate on a European forest stand. The model developed in my thesis project was an effective tool for analysis of effects of environmental drivers on forest ecosystem C storage. Key results from model simulations include: (i) N availability has a major role in forest ecosystem C sequestration; (ii) atmospheric N deposition is an important driver of N availability on short and long time-scales; (iii) rising temperature increases C storage by enhancing soil N availability and (iv) increasing [CO2] significantly affects forest growth and C storage only when N availability is not limiting.
The comparative genomic sequence analysis of a region in human chromosome 11p15.3 and its homologous segment in mouse chromosome 7 between ST5 and LMO1 genes has been performed. 158,201 bases were sequenced in the mouse and compared with the syntenic region in human, partially available in the public databases. The analysed region exhibits the typical eukaryotic genomic structure and compared with the close neighbouring regions, strikingly reflexes the mosaic pattern distribution of (G+C) and repeats content despites its relative short size. Within this region the novel gene STK33 was discovered (Stk33 in the mouse), that codes for a serine/threonine kinase. The finding of this gene constitutes an excellent example of the strength of the comparative sequencing approach. Poor gene-predictions in the mouse genomic sequence were corrected and improved by the comparison with the unordered data from the human genomic sequence publicly available. Phylogenetical analysis suggests that STK33 belongs to the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases group and seems to be a novelty in the chordate lineage. The gene, as a whole, seems to evolve under purifying selection whereas some regions appear to be under strong positive selection. Both human and mouse versions of serine/threonine kinase 33, consists of seventeen exons highly conserved in the coding regions, particularly in those coding for the core protein kinase domain. Also the exon/intron structure in the coding regions of the gene is conserved between human and mouse. The existence and functionality of the gene is supported by the presence of entries in the EST databases and was in vivo fully confirmed by isolating specific transcripts from human uterus total RNA and from several mouse tissues. Strong evidence for alternative splicing was found, which may result in tissue-specific starting points of transcription and in some extent, different protein N-termini. RT-PCR and hybridisation experiments suggest that STK33/Stk33 is differentially expressed in a few tissues and in relative low levels. STK33 has been shown to be reproducibly down-regulated in tumor tissues, particularly in ovarian tumors. RNA in-situ hybridisation experiments using mouse Stk33-specific probes showed expression in dividing cells from lung and germinal epithelium and possibly also in macrophages from kidney and lungs. Preliminary experimentation with antibodies designed in this work, performed in parallel to the preparation of this manuscript, seems to confirm this expression pattern. The fact that the chromosomal region 11p15 in which STK33 is located may be associated with several human diseases including tumor development, suggest further investigation is necessary to establish the role of STK33 in human health.
Canned tuna is one of the most widespread and recognizable fish commodities in the world. Over all oceans 80% of the total tuna catches are caught by purse seine fishery and in tropical waters their target species are: yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis). Even if this fishing gear is claimed to be very selective, there are high levels of by-catch especially when operating under Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs). The main problem is underestimation of by-catch data. In order to solve this problem the scientific community has developed many specific programs (e.g. Observe Program) to collect data about both target species and by-catch with observers onboard. The purposes of this study are to estimate the quantity and composition of target species and by-catch by tuna purse seiner fishery operating in tropical waters and to underline a possible seasonal variability in the by-catch ratio (tunas versus by-catch). Data were collected with the French scientific program ”Observe” on board of the French tuna purse seiner “Via Avenir” during a fishing trip in the Gulf of Guinea (C-E Atlantic) from August to September 2012. Furthermore some by-catch specimens have been sampled to obtain more information about size class composition. In order to achieve those purposes we have shared our data with the French Institute of Research for the Development (IRD), which has data collected by observers onboard in the same study area. Yellowfin tuna results to be the main specie caught in all trips considered (around 71% of the total catches) especially on free swimming schools (FSC) sets. Instead skipjack tuna is the main specie caught under FADs. Different percentages of by-catch with the two fishing modes are observed: the by-catch incidence is higher on FADs sets (96.5% of total by-catch) than on FSC sets (3.5%) and the main category of by-catch is little-tuna (73%). When pooling data for both fishing sets used in purse seine fishery the overall by-catch/catch ratio is 5%, a lower level than in other fishing gears like long-lining and trawling.
Steroide sind im Organismus weit verbreitete, vielfältig substituierte Naturstoffe mit einem breiten biologischen Wirkungsspektrum. C/D-cis-verknüpfte Steroide kommen in der Natur zwar selten vor, sie sind aber in ihrer pharmakologischen Aktivität nicht weniger interessant. Total- bzw. Partialsynthesen sind bisher in der Literatur kaum beschrieben worden. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit grundlegenden Reaktionen zur enantioselektiven Synthese eines 13,14-cis-verknüpften Steroids. Als Fernziel wurde C/D-cis-verknüpftes Östradiol ausgewählt mit der Option, das Substitutionsmuster dieses Steroids vielfältig variieren zu können. Der Syntheseplan beinhaltet zunächst den Aufbau des Kohlenstoffgerüsts im Sinne einer konvergenten Synthese, abschließende Cyclisierungen sollten dann das vollständige Molekül ergeben. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zunächst das C/D-Ringfragment als Allylamin hergestellt. Das Amin ist dabei als chirales Auxiliar ausgelegt. Als A,B-Ringfragment wurden eine Reihe 4-Aryl-2,3-ungesättigte Carbonsäurefluoride synthetisiert. Im Verknüpfungsschritt, einer zwitterionischen Aza-Claisen-Umlagerung, konnten nun beide Fragmente mit hoher simpler, aber mäßiger induzierter Diastereoselektivität gekuppelt werden. Das Entfernen der Doppelbindung im Produkt erwies sich als erhebliche Hürde, die jedoch durch die Verwendung eines Enolethers genommen werden konnte. Das im Rahmen der Arbeit hergestellte Material sollte nun in wenigen Stufen zum C/D- cis-verknüpften Steroid umgesetzt werden können.
Kurzzusammenfassung Elaeocarpacae-Alkaloide: flexible Synthesen optisch aktiver (-) Elaeokanin C Schlüsselbausteine Im Tier- und Pflanzenreich sind Alkaloide weit verbreitet und werden von der Biogenese her als Produkte des Aminosäure-Stoffwechsels angesehen. Die Elaeocarpacae-Alkaloide zählen zu den Indolizidinen, welche durch ein Azabicyclo-[4.3.0]-nonan Grundgerüst charakterisiert sind und erstmals Ende der 60er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts aus den Blättern der in Neu Guinea beheimateten Ölbaumgewächse isoliert wurden. Für verschiedene Vertreter dieses Alkaloid-Typs wurden sowohl racemische als auch asymmetrische Totalsynthesen entwickelt. Während für das (+) Elaeokanin C bereits Totalsynthesen existieren, gibt es für das (-) Elaeokanin C bis heute keine asymmetrische Synthese. Als Fernziel der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die erste Totalsynthese von (-) Elaeokanin C ausgewählt. Der Syntheseplan sieht zunächst den diastereoselektiven Aufbau eines optisch aktiven Schlüsselbausteins mit Naturstoff-Stereotriade im Sinne einer konvergenten ex-chiral-pool Synthese vor. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte dies durch die Aza-Claisen-Umlagerung realisiert werden. Ausgehend von diesem Schlüsselbaustein wurden verschiedene Synthesewege verfolgt um sowohl das Substitutionsmuster der Seitenkette als auch das des Piperidinsegments vielfältig variieren zu können. Die Einführung der Seitenkette erwies sich durch vielfältige Nachbargruppeneffekte wie die unerwünschte 5-exo-trig Cyclisierung zu einem Pyrrolizidin Derivat als große Hürde. Eine geänderte Synthesestrategie mit einem schrittweisen Aufbau der Kette lieferte schließlich den Baustein, aus dem nun in wenigen Stufen das (-) Elaeokanin C sowie vielfältige Analoga herzustellen sein sollten.
The effect of soil incorporation of 7 Meliaceae derivatives (6 commercial neem cakes and leaves of Melia azedarach L.) on C and N dynamics and on nutrient availability to micropropagated GF677 rootstock was investigated. In a first laboratory incubation experiment the derivatives showed different N mineralization dynamics, generally well predicted by their C:N ratio and only partly by their initial N concentration. All derivatives increased microbial biomass C, thus representing a source of C for the soil microbial population. Soil addition of all neem cakes (8 g kg-1) and melia leaves (16 g kg-1) had a positive effect on plant growth and increased root N uptake and leaf green colour of micropropagated plants of GF677. In addition, the neem cakes characterized by higher nutrient concentration increased P and K concentration in shoot and leaves 68 days after the amendment. In another experiment, soil incorporation of 15N labeled melia leaves (16 g kg-1) had no effect on the total amount of plant N, however the percentage of melia derived-N of treated plants ranged between 0.8% and 34% during the experiment. At the end of the growing season, about 7% of N added as melia leaves was recovered in plant, while 70% of it was still present in soil. Real C mineralization and the priming effect induced by the addition of the derivatives were quantified by a natural 13C abundance method. The real C mineralization of the derivatives ranged between 22% and 40% of added-C. All the derivatives studied induced a positive priming effect and, 144 days after the amendment, the amount of C primed corresponded to 26% of added-C, for all the derivatives. Despite this substantial priming effect, the C balance of the soil, 144 days after the amendment, always resulted positive.
An increased incidence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is associated with the emergence of epidemic strains characterised by high genetic diversity. Among the factors that may have a role in CDI there is a family of 29 paralogs, the cell wall proteins (CWPs), which compose the outer layer of the bacterial cell and are likely to be involved in colonisation. Previous studies have shown that 12 of the29 cwp genes are clustered in the same region, named after slpA (cwp1) the slpA locus, whereas the remaining 17 paralogs are distributed throughout the genome. The variability of 14 of these 17 cwp paralogs was determined in 40 C. difficile clinical isolates belonging to six of the currently prevailing PCR ribotypes. Based on sequence conservation, these cwp genes were divided into two groups, one comprising cwp loci having highly conserved sequences in all isolates, and the other 5 loci showing low genetic conservation between isolates of the same PCR ribotype as well as between different PCR ribotypes. Three conserved CWPs, Cwp16, Cwp18 and Cwp25, and two variable ones, Cwp26 and Cwp27, were characterised further by Western blot analysis of total cell extracts or S-layer preparations of the C. difficile clinical isolates. Expression of genetically invariable CWPs is well conserved in all isolates, while genetically variable CWPs are not always expressed at comparable levels even in strains containing identical sequences but belonging to different PCR ribotypes. In addition, we chose to analyse the immune response obtained in a protection experiment, carried out in hamsters, using a protein microarray approach to study the in vivo expression and the immunoreactivity of several surface proteins, including 18 Cwps.
PRINCIPLES: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hepatitis C (HCV) infection in a sample of pregnant women living in Switzerland in 1990-1991, in order to complement existing data in various populations. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from women from consecutive births in obstetric wards in public hospitals of 23 Swiss cantons over a one-year period. They were tested, among other things, for the presence of hepatitis C virus antibodies (anti-HCV). Statistical analyses were done to explore the association of demographic variables with anti-HCV. RESULTS: The study included a total of 9,057 women of whom 64 tested positive for anti-HCV, resulting in a crude prevalence of 0.71%. Prevalence varied by age and was highest in the 25-29-year age-group (0.90%). 43/5,685 Swiss women were HCV seropositive (0.76%) compared with 21/3,372 non-Swiss women (0.62%). Stratified analysis showed a significant association between anti-HCV and anti-HBc antibody positivity in Swiss (adjusted OR [aOR] 23, 95% CI 12-43) and non-Swiss nationals (aOR 3.3, 95% CI 1.3-8.3). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies in the early 1990s was <1% in this sample of pregnant women in Switzerland and was associated with age, nationality and the presence of anti-HBc antibodies, a marker of exposure to hepatitis B virus. These results are in accordance with those from other published European studies. If an effective intervention to prevent vertical transmission becomes available, information on the current prevalence of HCV in pregnant women would be needed in order to assess how screening recommendations should be modified.
The time course of lake recovery after a reduction in external loading of nutrients is often controlled by conditions in the sediment. Remediation of eutrophication is hindered by the presence of legacy organic carbon deposits, that exert a demand on the terminal electron acceptors of the lake and contribute to problems such as internal nutrient recycling, absence of sediment macrofauna, and flux of toxic metal species into the water column. Being able to quantify the timing of a lake’s response requires determination of the magnitude and lability, i.e., the susceptibility to biodegradation, of the organic carbon within the legacy deposit. This characterization is problematic for organic carbon in sediments because of the presence of different fractions of carbon, which vary from highly labile to refractory. The lability of carbon under varied conditions was tested with a bioassay approach. It was found that the majority of the organic material found in the sediments is conditionally-labile, where mineralization potential is dependent on prevailing conditions. High labilities were noted under oxygenated conditions and a favorable temperature of 30 °C. Lability decreased when oxygen was removed, and was further reduced when the temperature was dropped to the hypolimnetic average of 8° C . These results indicate that reversible preservation mechanisms exist in the sediment, and are able to protect otherwise labile material from being mineralized under in situ conditions. The concept of an active sediment layer, a region in the sediments in which diagenetic reactions occur (with nothing occurring below it), was examined through three lines of evidence. Initially, porewater profiles of oxygen, nitrate, sulfate/total sulfide, ETSA (Electron Transport System Activity- the activity of oxygen, nitrate, iron/manganese, and sulfate), and methane were considered. It was found through examination of the porewater profiles that the edge of diagenesis occurred around 15-20 cm. Secondly, historical and contemporary TOC profiles were compared to find the point at which the profiles were coincident, indicating the depth at which no change has occurred over the (13 year) interval between core collections. This analysis suggested that no diagenesis has occurred in Onondaga Lake sediment below a depth of 15 cm. Finally, the time to 99% mineralization, the t99, was viewed by using a literature estimate of the kinetic rate constant for diagenesis. A t99 of 34 years, or approximately 30 cm of sediment depth, resulted for the slowly decaying carbon fraction. Based on these three lines of evidence , an active sediment layer of 15-20 cm is proposed for Onondaga Lake, corresponding to a time since deposition of 15-20 years. While a large legacy deposit of conditionally-labile organic material remains in the sediments of Onondaga Lake, it becomes clear that preservation, mechanisms that act to shield labile organic carbon from being degraded, protects this material from being mineralized and exerting a demand on the terminal electron acceptors of the lake. This has major implications for management of the lake, as it defines the time course of lake recovery following a reduction in nutrient loading.