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A photoluminescence (PL) study of the individual electron states localized in a random potential is performed in artificially disordered superlattices embedded in a wide parabolic well. The valence band bowing of the parabolic potential provides a variation of the emission energies which splits the optical transitions corresponding to different wells within the random potential. The blueshift of the PL lines emitted by individual random wells, observed with increasing disorder strength, is demonstrated. The variation of temperature and magnetic field allowed for the behavior of the electrons localized in individual wells of the random potential to be distinguished.
The study of structures based on nonstoichiometric SnO(2-x) compounds, besides experimentally observed, is a challenging task taking into account their instabilities. In this paper, we report on single crystal Sn(3)O(4) nanobelts, which were successfully grown by a carbothermal evaporation process of SnO(2) powder in association with the well known vapor-solid mechanism. By combining the structural data and transport properties, the samples were investigated. The results showed a triclinic semiconductor structure with a fundamental gap of 2.9 eV. The semiconductor behavior was confirmed by the electron transport data, which pointed to the variable range hopping process as the main conduction mechanism, thus giving consistent support to the mechanisms underlying the observed semiconducting character.
In this paper, electron paramagnetic resonance, photoluminescence (PL) emission, and quantum mechanical calculations were used to observe and understand the structural order-disorder of CaTiO(3), paying special attention to the role of oxygen vacancy. The PL phenomenon at room temperature of CaTiO(3) is directly influenced by the presence of oxygen vacancies that yield structural order-disorder. These oxygen vacancies bonded at Ti and/or Ca induce new electronic states inside the band gap. Ordered and disordered CaTiO(3) was obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3190524]
Recently, we have found an additional spin-orbit (SO) interaction in quantum wells with two subbands [Bernardes , Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076603 (2007)]. This new SO term is nonzero even in symmetric geometries, as it arises from the intersubband coupling between confined states of distinct parities, and its strength is comparable to that of the ordinary Rashba. Starting from the 8x8 Kane model, here we present a detailed derivation of this new SO Hamiltonian and the corresponding SO coupling. In addition, within the self-consistent Hartree approximation, we calculate the strength of this new SO coupling for realistic symmetric modulation-doped wells with two subbands. We consider gated structures with either a constant areal electron density or a constant chemical potential. In the parameter range studied, both models give similar results. By considering the effects of an external applied bias, which breaks the structural inversion symmetry of the wells, we also calculate the strength of the resulting induced Rashba couplings within each subband. Interestingly, we find that for double wells the Rashba couplings for the first and second subbands interchange signs abruptly across the zero bias, while the intersubband SO coupling exhibits a resonant behavior near this symmetric configuration. For completeness we also determine the strength of the Dresselhaus couplings and find them essentially constant as function of the applied bias.
We report the microwave dielectric properties and photoluminescence of undoped and europium oxide doped Ta(2)O(5) fibers, grown by laser heated pedestal growth technique. The effects of Eu(2)O(3) doping (1-3 mol %) on the structural, optical, and dielectric properties were investigated. At a frequency of 5 GHz, the undoped material exhibits a dielectric permittivity of 21 and for Eu(2)O(3) doped Ta(2)O(5) samples it increases, reaching up to 36 for the highest doping concentration. Nevertheless, the dielectric losses maintain a very low value. For this wide band gap oxide, Eu(3+) optical activation was achieved and the emission is observed up to room temperature. Thus, the transparency and high permittivity make this material promising for electronic devices and microwave applications. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
In this work, we demonstrated the fabrication of two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals layers (2D-PCLs) by combining holographic recording and the evaporation of antimony-based glasses. Such materials present high refractive indices that can be tuned from 1.8 to 2.4, depending on the film composition; thus, they are interesting dielectric materials for fabrication of 2D-PCLs. The good quality of the obtained samples allowed the measurement of their PC properties through the well-defined Fano resonances that appear in the transmittance spectrum measurements at different incidence angles. The experimental results are in good agreement with the calculated band diagram for the hexagonal asymmetric structure. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We theoretically investigate the Rashba spin-orbit interaction in InAs/GaSb quantum wells (QWs). We find that the Rashba spin-splitting (RSS) sensitively depends on the thickness of the InAs layer. The RSS exhibits nonlinear behavior for narrow InAs/GaSb QWs and the oscillating feature for wide InAs/GaSb QWs. The nonlinear and oscillating behaviors arise from the weakened and enhanced interband coupling. The RSS also show asymmetric features respect to the direction of the external electric field. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We present a femtosecond third-harmonic generation Maker fringes technique capable of simultaneously providing the magnitude of the cubic nonlinearity and the refractive index dispersion of optical materials. This technique takes advantage of the high intensity and broad spectral band of femtosecond pulses, but requires the use of a spectrometer to deconvolute the information contained in Maker fringes produced by the broad band light. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We theoretically investigate negative differential resistance (NDR) for ballistic transport in semiconducting armchair graphene nanoribbon (aGNR) superlattices (5 to 20 barriers) at low bias voltages V(SD) < 500 mV. We combine the graphene Dirac Hamiltonian with the Landauer-Buttiker formalism to calculate the current I(SD) through the system. We find three distinct transport regimes in which NDR occurs: (i) a ""classical"" regime for wide layers, through which the transport across band gaps is strongly suppressed, leading to alternating regions of nearly unity and zero transmission probabilities as a function of V(SD) due to crossing of band gaps from different layers; (ii) a quantum regime dominated by superlattice miniband conduction, with current suppression arising from the misalignment of miniband states with increasing V(SD); and (iii) a Wannier-Stark ladder regime with current peaks occurring at the crossings of Wannier-Stark rungs from distinct ladders. We observe NDR at voltage biases as low as 10 mV with a high current density, making the aGNR superlattices attractive for device applications.
We report electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies at similar to 9.5 GHz (X band) and similar to 34 GHz (Q band) of powder and single-crystal samples of the compound Cu(2)[TzTs](4) [N-thiazol-2-yl-toluenesulfonamidatecopper(II)], C(40)H(36)Cu(2)N(8)O(8)S(8), having copper(II) ions in dinuclear units. Our data allow determining an antiferromagnetic interaction J(0)=(-113 +/- 1) cm(-1) (H(ex)=-J(0)S(1)center dot S(2)) between Cu(II) ions in the dinuclear unit and the anisotropic contributions to the spin-spin coupling matrix D (H(ani)=S(1)center dot D center dot S(2)), a traceless symmetric matrix with principal values D/4=(0.198 +/- 0.003) cm(-1) and E/4=(0.001 +/- 0.003) cm(-1) arising from magnetic dipole-dipole and anisotropic exchange couplings within the units. In addition, the single-crystal EPR measurements allow detecting and estimating very weak exchange couplings between neighbor dinuclear units, with an estimated magnitude parallel to J(')parallel to=(0.060 +/- 0.015) cm(-1). The interactions between a dinuclear unit and the ""environment"" of similar units in the structure of the compound produce a spin dynamics that averages out the intradinuclear dipolar interactions. This coupling with the environment leads to decoherence, a quantum phase transition that collapses the dipolar interaction when the isotropic exchange coupling with neighbor dinuclear units equals the magnitude of the intradinuclear dipolar coupling. Our EPR experiments provide a new procedure to follow the classical exchange-narrowing process as a shift and collapse of the line structure (not only as a change of the resonance width), which is described with general (but otherwise simple) theories of magnetic resonance. Using complementary procedures, our EPR measurements in powder and single-crystal samples allow measuring simultaneously three types of interactions differing by more than three orders of magnitude (between 113 cm(-1) and 0.060 cm(-1)).
We introduce an analytical approximation scheme to diagonalize parabolically confined two-dimensional (2D) electron systems with both the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. The starting point of our perturbative expansion is a zeroth-order Hamiltonian for an electron confined in a quantum wire with an effective spin-orbit induced magnetic field along the wire, obtained by properly rotating the usual spin-orbit Hamiltonian. We find that the spin-orbit-related transverse coupling terms can be recast into two parts W and V, which couple crossing and noncrossing adjacent transverse modes, respectively. Interestingly, the zeroth-order Hamiltonian together with W can be solved exactly, as it maps onto the Jaynes-Cummings model of quantum optics. We treat the V coupling by performing a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation. This allows us to obtain an effective Hamiltonian to third order in the coupling strength k(R)l of V, which can be straightforwardly diagonalized via an additional unitary transformation. We also apply our approach to other types of effective parabolic confinement, e. g., 2D electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approximate eigensolutions, we obtain analytical expressions for the nth Landau-level g(n) factors in the presence of both Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings. For small values of the bulk g factors, we find that spin-orbit effects cancel out entirely for particular values of the spin-orbit couplings. By solving simple transcendental equations we also obtain the band minima of a Rashba-coupled quantum wire as a function of an external magnetic field. These can be used to describe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. This procedure makes it easier to extract the strength of the spin-orbit interaction in these systems via proper fitting of the data.
Energy gaps are crucial aspects of the electronic structure of finite and extended systems. Whereas much is known about how to define and calculate charge gaps in density-functional theory (DFT), and about the relation between these gaps and derivative discontinuities of the exchange-correlation functional, much less is known about spin gaps. In this paper we give density-functional definitions of spin-conserving gaps, spin-flip gaps and the spin stiffness in terms of many-body energies and in terms of single-particle (Kohn-Sham) energies. Our definitions are as analogous as possible to those commonly made in the charge case, but important differences between spin and charge gaps emerge already on the single-particle level because unlike the fundamental charge gap spin gaps involve excited-state energies. Kohn-Sham and many-body spin gaps are predicted to differ, and the difference is related to derivative discontinuities that are similar to, but distinct from, those usually considered in the case of charge gaps. Both ensemble DFT and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) can be used to calculate these spin discontinuities from a suitable functional. We illustrate our findings by evaluating our definitions for the Lithium atom, for which we calculate spin gaps and spin discontinuities by making use of near-exact Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and, independently, from the single-pole approximation to TDDFT. The many-body corrections to the Kohn-Sham spin gaps are found to be negative, i.e., single-particle calculations tend to overestimate spin gaps while they underestimate charge gaps.