979 resultados para Global Leadership
The transition of project based manufacturing business, even more into global networks, sets up challenges for companies to manage their business in this new operating environment. One way to tackle these challenges is the successful management of product information through an extended product’s lifecycle. Thus, one objective of this research is to find ways how product information management in global project based manufacturing can be improved. Another objective is to find a solution how the target company can improve its product information management in the offer-to-procurement business process. Due to the nature of the topic, the study follows constructive research methodology with qualitative methods. By combining literature related to this topic a framework is created to improve product information management in global project based manufacturing. The improvement process in this framework is based on a systematic approach from the current state towards target state. A general aim for improvements should be the integrated product and project lifecycle information management through Lean approach. This introduced framework is applied to the target company through two case projects. Data for building view of current state and analysis is collected mostly by theme interviews and also utilizing other material from the target company. Used tools help to analyzing was the BPMN and the Trace matrix for business chains. Results of the improvement process are collected in a solution proposal which contain the strategic target state as well as long and short term objectives. The strategic target state is defined as controlled customization. Also during the improvement process are created the Information requirements chart in the offer-to-procurement business process, and the Project related initial information questionnaire to customer.
This thesis examines the impact of foreign exchange rate volatility to the extent of use of foreign currency derivatives. Especially the focus is on the impacts of 2008 global financial crisis. The crisis increased risk level in the capital markets greatly. The change in the currency derivatives use is analyzed by comparing means between different periods and in addition, by linear regression that enables to analyze the explanatory power of the model. The research data consists of financial statements figures from fiscal years 2006-2011 published by firms operating in traditional Finnish industrial sectors. Volatilities of the chosen three currency pairs is calculated from the daily fixing rates of ECB. Based on the volatility the sample period is divided into three sub-periods. The results suggest that increased FX market volatility did not increase the use foreign currency derivatives. Furthermore, the increased foreign exchange rate volatility did not increase the power of linear regression model to estimate the use foreign currency derivatives compared to previous studies.
Ever since Siad Barre’s regime was toppled in the beginning of the 1990’s Somalia has been without an effective central government. As a result Somalia has remained in an anarchic condition of state collapse for nearly two decades. This anarchy has often been put forward as a potential breeding ground for terrorism. As a response to this threat the United States has undertaken several policies, initiatives, and operations in the Horn of Africa generally and in Somalia specifically. In this descriptive study a twofold analysis has been undertaken. First, conditions in present day Somalia as well as Somali history have been analyzed to evaluate the potential Somalia holds as a terrorist base of operations or a recruiting- or staging area. Second, US strategies and actions have been analyzed to evaluate the adequacy of the US response to the threat Somalia poses in terms of terrorism. Material for the analyses have been derived from anthropological, political, and security studies dealing with Somalia. This material has been augmented by a wide range of news coverage, western and non-western. Certain different US policy documents from different levels have been chosen to represent US strategies for the Global War on Terrorism. Because Somali social institutions, such as the clan system, hold great weight in Somali society, Somalia is a difficult area of operations for terrorist networks. In addition the changing nature of Somali alliances and the tangled webs of conflict that characterize present day Somalia aggravate the difficulties that foreign terrorist networks would encounter in Somalia, would they choose to try to utilize it in any great extent. The US has taken potential terrorism threats in Africa and specifically Somalia very seriously. US actions in Somalia have mainly focused on apprehending or neutralizing terror suspects. Such policies, coupled with backing the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia may have actually turned out increasing Somalia’s terror potential.
Few people see both opportunities and threats coming from IT legacy in current world. On one hand, effective legacy management can bring substantial hard savings and smooth transition to the desired future state. On the other hand, its mismanagement contributes to serious operational business risks, as old systems are not as reliable as it is required by the business users. This thesis offers one perspective of dealing with IT legacy – through effective contract management, as a component towards achieving Procurement Excellence in IT, thus bridging IT delivery departments, IT procurement, business units, and suppliers. It developed a model for assessing the impact of improvements on contract management process and set of tools and advices with regards to analysis and improvement actions. The thesis conducted case study to present and justify the implementation of Lean Six Sigma in IT legacy contract management environment. Lean Six Sigma proved to be successful and this thesis presents and discusses all the steps necessary, and pitfalls to avoid, to achieve breakthrough improvement in IT contract management process performance. For the IT legacy contract management process two improvements require special attention and can be easily copied to any organization. First is the issue of diluted contract ownership that stops all the improvements, as people do not know who is responsible for performing those actions. Second is the contract management performance evaluation tool, which can be used for monitoring, identifying outlying contracts and opportunities for improvements in the process. The study resulted in a valuable insight on the benefits of applying Lean Six Sigma to improve IT legacy contract management, as well as on how Lean Six Sigma can be applied in IT environment. Managerial implications are discussed. It is concluded that the use of data-driven Lean Six Sigma methodology for improving the existing IT contract management processes is a significant addition to the existing best practices in contract management.
The Lutheran Church of El Salvador made a decision, in 1986, to open the ministry to women. How was it possible in the midst of a Latin American macho culture and after having been influenced by the theologically conservative, North American mission work? This research examines the kinds of internal and external factors which led women to leadership and ministry, and the context in which this development occurred. The roles of women have been scrutinised during several time periods. During 1952-1974 the focus was on women as missionary wives and fundadoras (founding mothers). Women’s roles as laywomen grew in 1975-1985. After the outburst of the civil war in 1980, women advanced to lay leaders. The ministry was opened for women and the first deacon pastors were installed in 1986 and the first presbyter pastors were ordained in 1994. In 2009, more women than ever were working in different levels – from laywomen to leaders – in the Lutheran Church of El Salvador. The research shows that the reasons for the development and changes concerning women’s positions and roles lie in the impact of significant individuals, liberation theology, the feminist and women’s movement, civil war and the theology of life.
This Bachelor's thesis takes an outlook on the success factors and the challenges that Born Globals face.
Många kvantitativa problem från vitt skilda områden kan beskrivas som optimeringsproblem. Ett mått på lösningens kvalitet bör optimeras samtidigt som vissa villkor på lösningen uppfylls. Kvalitetsmåttet kallas vanligen objektfunktion och kan beskriva kostnader (exempelvis produktion, logistik), potentialenergi (molekylmodellering, proteinveckning), risk (finans, försäkring) eller något annat relevant mått. I min doktorsavhandling diskuteras speciellt icke-linjär programmering, NLP, i ändliga dimensioner. Problem med enkel struktur, till exempel någon form av konvexitet, kan lösas effektivt. Tyvärr kan inte alla kvantitativa samband modelleras på ett konvext vis. Icke-konvexa problem kan angripas med heuristiska metoder, algoritmer som söker lösningar med hjälp av deterministiska eller stokastiska tumregler. Ibland fungerar det här väl, men heuristikerna kan sällan garantera kvaliteten på lösningen eller ens att en lösning påträffas. För vissa tillämpningar är det här oacceptabelt. Istället kan man tillämpa så kallad global optimering. Genom att successivt dela variabeldomänen i mindre delar och beräkna starkare gränser på det optimala värdet hittas en lösning inom feltoleransen. Den här metoden kallas branch-and-bound, ungefär dela-och-begränsa. För att ge undre gränser (vid minimering) approximeras problemet med enklare problem, till exempel konvexa, som kan lösas effektivt. I avhandlingen studeras tillvägagångssätt för att approximera differentierbara funktioner med konvexa underskattningar, speciellt den så kallade alphaBB-metoden. Denna metod adderar störningar av en viss form och garanterar konvexitet genom att sätta villkor på den perturberade Hessematrisen. Min forskning har lyft fram en naturlig utvidgning av de perturbationer som används i alphaBB. Nya metoder för att bestämma underskattningsparametrar har beskrivits och jämförts. I sammanfattningsdelen diskuteras global optimering ur bredare perspektiv på optimering och beräkningsalgoritmer.
Nowadays the Western companies are considered responsible for the social and environmental issues in their whole supply chains. To influence the practices of their suppliers the Western companies have created suppliers codes of conduct (SCCs) which express their requirements. Suppliers’ compliance with the SCCs is checked through audits. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze SCCs as a means for Western companies to ensure socially and environmentally responsible actions in their global supply chains, and the sub-objectives are to find out 1) how well do the SCCs and their auditing work at suppliers’ production sites and 2) how can possible problems related to SCCs and their auditing be solved. This is a qualitative research carried out in the form of a case study with two case companies. In this study both primary and secondary data is used. The primary data is collected in the form of interviews of the case company representatives and three external experts. Based on a theoretical framework of previous research in the fields of corporate social responsibility and supply chain management, a model with eleven factors, which influence the success of SCC implementation and the auditing of SCC –implementation, is drafted. Also several different best-practices to help to solve and avoid possible problems related to SCC -implementation and auditing have been identified from previous research. Based on the findings of this study the theoretical model has been updated adding two new influential factors. It seems that how well the SCC and its auditing work at suppliers’ production sites depends on the joint effect of thirteen influential factors: buyer’s purchasing policy, supplier’s motivation, buyer’s commitment, the solving of agency problems, the contents of the SCC, supplier’s role and the buyer-supplier –relationship, complexity of supply chain, the limitations of the smaller buyers, cooperation through a business association or multi-stakeholder system, the role of supplier’s employees, SCC –related communication and supplier’s understanding, cheating in audits and the auditors. The possible problems related to SCCs and their auditing can be solved by adopting best-practices. Nine of the theoretical best-practices stand out from the findings of this study: 1) two-way communication and collecting feedback from suppliers, 2) the philosophy of continuous improvement, 3) long-term business relationships with the supplier, 4) informing the supplier about the advantages of SCC –compliance, 5) rewarding code-compliant suppliers, 6) building collaborative, good buyer-supplier relationships, 7) supporting and advising the supplier, 8) joining a business association or multi-stakeholder system and 9) interviewing supplier’s employees as a part of the audits.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The main goal of this thesis was to examine how the emotional intelligence skills and multicultural project leadership style of a project manager interrelate and affect the success of a project. The research methods used are literature review in theoretical part of the thesis and semi-structured interviews in empirical part of the thesis. This study is a single case study i.e. one case company was selected to be the secondary level of analysis. Within the case company, four project managers were selected as research units to form the primary level of analysis. Literature review formed the basis for the empirical research and the interview questions were derived from the literature. Findings from the interviews were mirrored against the literature review findings, based on which both conclusions and generalisations could be made. Thus, both deductive and inductive methods were utilised to get more complete picture about the research topic. In the first part of the literature review the general leadership theories and the project leadership terminology are introduced as a background for the concept of emotional intelligence and the integrated leadership model. Emotional intelligence and its interrelation to different leadership concepts are discussed during the literature review. Chinese cultural aspects affecting the way of making business, and the multicultural leadership styles of the Finnish project managers are introduced in the following part of the literature review. It was found that the most successfully used multicultural leadership styles in Finnish-Chinese context are synergistic and polycentric, and these require emotional intelligence skills. In the empirical part on this thesis the findings from the semi-structured interviews are introduced, discussed and analysed. Interviews were done in private meeting rooms, and they were recorded and transcripted to add reliability and validity. Although the sample was only four project managers, the results show that the sample is quite saturated as the responses to several questions followed the same pattern. It was found that Finnish project managers in the case company are democratic and take cultural differences into account in their project leadership. Both synergistic and polycentric leadership styles are used with Chinese team members. Emotional intelligence capabilities and the emphasis of those differ a bit depending on the interviewee. Though, the results show that EI skills and the multicultural project leadership style used in Chinese context are interrelated. The findings from the literature review and the empirical research in this thesis are similar. Though, there is need for further research as the sample was small, and this thesis is a single case study. It is recommendable to make a multi-company study with larger sample of project managers. Also multi-industry perspective is recommendable for further research.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan voidaanko organisaatioissa määrittää johtajuutta, joka ei ole henkilöitynyt. Jos voidaan, mikä on ei henkilöön sitoutuneen henkilöitymättömän johtajuuden määritelmä ja mitkä ovat tällaisen johtajuuden elementit.