991 resultados para Directly modulated feedback


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Context. The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey has an extensive view of the copious number of massive stars in the 30 Doradus (30 Dor) star forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. These stars play a crucial role in our understanding of the stellar feedback in more distant, unresolved star forming regions. Aims. The first comprehensive census of hot luminous stars in 30 Dor is compiled within a 10 arcmin (150 pc) radius of its central cluster, R136. We investigate the stellar content and spectroscopic completeness of the early type stars. Estimates were made for both the integrated ionising luminosity and stellar wind luminosity. These values were used to re-assess the star formation rate (SFR) of the region and determine the ionising photon escape fraction. Methods. Stars were selected photometrically and combined with the latest spectral classifications. Spectral types were estimated for stars lacking spectroscopy and corrections were made for binary systems, where possible. Stellar calibrations were applied to obtain their physical parameters and wind properties. Their integrated properties were then compared to global observations from ultraviolet (UV) to far-infrared (FIR) imaging as well as the population synthesis code, Starburst99. Results. Our census identified 1145 candidate hot luminous stars within 150 pc of R136 of which >700 were considered to be genuine early type stars and contribute to feedback. We assess the survey to be spectroscopically complete to 85% in the outer regions (>5 pc) but only 35% complete in the region of the R136 cluster, giving a total of 500 hot luminous stars in the census which had spectroscopy. Only 31 were found to be Wolf-Rayet (W-R) or Of/WN stars, but their contribution to the integrated ionising luminosity and wind luminosity was ~ 40% and ~ 50%, respectively. Similarly, stars with M > 100 M (mostly H-rich WN stars) also showed high contributions to the global feedback, ~ 25% in both cases. Such massive stars are not accounted for by the current Starburst99 code, which was found to underestimate the integrated ionising luminosity of R136 by a factor ~ 2 and the wind luminosity by a factor ~ 9. The census inferred a SFR for 30 Dor of 0.073 ± 0.04 M yr . This was generally higher than that obtained from some popular SFR calibrations but still showed good consistency with the far-UV luminosity tracer as well as the combined Hα and mid-infrared tracer, but only after correcting for Hα extinction. The global ionising output was also found to exceed that measured from the associated gas and dust, suggesting that ~6 % of the ionising photons escape the region. Conclusions. When studying the most luminous star forming regions, it is essential to include their most massive stars if one is to determine a reliable energy budget. Photon leakage becomes more likely after including their large contributions to the ionising output. If 30 Dor is typical of other massive star forming regions, estimates of the SFR will be underpredicted if this escape fraction is not accounted for.


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Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) constitutes a critical cortical node in the sensorimotor system in which goal-directed actions are computed. This information then must be transferred into commands suitable for hand movements to the primary motor cortex (M1). Complexity arises because reach-to-grasp actions not only require directing the hand towards the object (transport component), but also preshaping the hand according to the features of the object (grip component). Yet, the functional influence that specific PPC regions exert over ipsilateral M1 during the planning of different hand movements remains unclear in humans. Here we manipulated transport and grip components of goal-directed hand movements and exploited paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS) to probe the functional interactions between M1 and two different PPC regions, namely superior parieto-occipital cortex (SPOC) and the anterior region of the intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), in the left hemisphere. We show that when the extension of the arm is required to contact a target object, SPOC selectively facilitates motor evoked potentials, suggesting that SPOC-M1 interactions are functionally specific to arm transport. In contrast, a different pathway, linking the aIPS and ipsilateral M1, shows enhanced functional connections during the sensorimotor planning of grip. These results support recent human neuroimaging findings arguing for specialized human parietal regions for the planning of arm transport and hand grip during goal-directed actions. Importantly, they provide new insight into the causal influences these different parietal regions exert over ipsilateral motor cortex for specific types of planned hand movements


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Approximately 20 per cent of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) exhibit broad, blue-shifted absorption lines in their ultraviolet spectra. Such features provide clear evidence for significant outflows from these systems, most likely in the form of accretion disc winds. These winds may represent the ‘quasar’ mode of feedback that is often invoked in galaxy formation/evolution models, and they are also key to unification scenarios for active galactic nuclei (AGN) and QSOs. To test these ideas, we construct a simple benchmark model of an equatorial, biconical accretion disc wind in a QSO and use a Monte Carlo ionization/radiative transfer code to calculate the ultraviolet spectra as a function of viewing angle. We find that for plausible outflow parameters, sightlines looking directly into the wind cone do produce broad, blue-shifted absorption features in the transitions typically seen in broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs. However, our benchmark model is intrinsically X-ray weak in order to prevent overionization of the outflow, and the wind does not yet produce collisionally excited line emission at the level observed in non-BAL QSOs. As a first step towards addressing these shortcomings, we discuss the sensitivity of our results to changes in the assumed X-ray luminosity and mass-loss rate, Ṁwind. In the context of our adopted geometry, Ṁwind ∼ Ṁacc is required in order to produce significant BAL features. The kinetic luminosity and momentum carried by such outflows would be sufficient to provide significant feedback.


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iological optimization of proton therapy critically depends on detailed evaluation of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) variations along the Bragg curve. The clinically accepted RBE value of 1.1 is an oversimplification, which disregards the steep rise of linear energy transfer (LET) at the distal end of the spread-out Bragg peak. We observed significant cell killing RBE variations dependent on beam modulation, intrinsic radiosensitivity, and LET in agreement with the LEM predicted values, indicating dose-averaged LET as a suitable parameter for biological effectiveness. Data have also been used to validate a RBE parameterized model.


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This article proposes a closed-loop control scheme based on joint-angle feedback for cable-driven parallel manipulators (CDPMs), which is able to overcome various difficulties resulting from the flexible nature of the driven cables to achieve higher control accuracy. By introducing a unique structure design that accommodates built-in encoders in passive joints, the seven degrees of freedom (7-DOF) CDPM can obtain joint angle values without external sensing devices, and it is used for feedback control together with a proper closed-loop control algorithm. The control algorithm has been derived from the time differential of the kinematic formulation, which relates the joint angular velocities to the time derivative of cable lengths. In addition, the Lyapunov stability theory and Monte Carlo method have been used to mathematically verify the self-feedback control law that has tolerance for parameter errors. With the aid of co-simulation technique, the self-feedback closed-loop control is applied on a 7-DOF CDPM and it shows higher motion accuracy than the one with an open-loop control. The trajectory tracking experiment on the motion control of the 7-DOF CDPM demonstrated a good performance of the self-feedback control method.


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A multiuser scheduling multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cognitive radio network (CRN) with space-time block coding (STBC) is considered in this paper, where one secondary base station (BS) communicates with one secondary user (SU) selected from K candidates. The joint impact of imperfect channel state information (CSI) in BS → SUs and BS → PU due to channel estimation errors and feedback delay on the outage performance is firstly investigated. We obtain the exact outage probability expressions for the considered network under the peak interference power IP at PU and maximum transmit power Pm at BS which cover perfect/imperfect CSI scenarios in BS → SUs and BS → PU. In addition, asymptotic expressions of outage probability in high SNR region are also derived from which we obtain several important insights into the system design. For example, only with perfect CSIs in BS → SUs, i.e., without channel estimation errors and feedback delay, the multiuser diversity can be exploited. Finally, simulation results confirm the correctness of our analysis.


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Increased adult cardiac fibroblast proliferation results in an increased collagen deposition responsible for the fibrosis accompanying pathological remodelling of the heart. The mechanisms regulating cardiac fibroblast proliferation remain poorly understood. Using a minimally invasive transverse aortic banding (MTAB) mouse model of cardiac hypertrophy, we have assessed fibrosis and cardiac fibroblast proliferation. We have investigated whether calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIδ (CaMKIIδ) regulates proliferation in fibroblasts isolated from normal and hypertrophied hearts. It is known that CaMKIIδ plays a central role in cardiac myocyte contractility, but nothing is known of its role in adult cardiac fibroblast function. The MTAB model used here produces extensive hypertrophy and fibrosis. CaMKIIδ protein expression and activity is upregulated in MTAB hearts and, specifically, in cardiac fibroblasts isolated from hypertrophied hearts. In response to angiotensin II, cardiac fibroblasts isolated from MTAB hearts show increased proliferation rates. Inhibition of CaMKII with autocamtide inhibitory peptide inhibits proliferation in cells isolated from both sham and MTAB hearts, with a significantly greater effect evident in MTAB cells. These results are the first to show selective upregulation of CaMKIIδ in adult cardiac fibroblasts following cardiac hypertrophy and to assign a previously unrecognised role to CaMKII in regulating adult cardiac fibroblast function in normal and diseased hearts.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of using volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and/or voluntary moderate deep inspiration breath-hold (vmDIBH) in the radiation therapy (RT) of left-sided breast cancer including the regional lymph nodes.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 13 patients, four treatment combinations were compared; 3D-conformal RT (i.e., forward IMRT) in free-breathing 3D-CRT(FB), 3D-CRT(vmDIBH), 2 partial arcs VMAT(FB), and VMAT(vmDIBH). Prescribed dose was 42.56 Gy in 16 fractions. For 10 additional patients, 3D-CRT and VMAT in vmDIBH only were also compared.

RESULTS: Dose conformity, PTV coverage, ipsilateral and total lung doses were significantly better for VMAT plans compared to 3D-CRT. Mean heart dose (D(mean,heart)) reduction in 3D-CRT(vmDIBH) was between 0.9 and 8.6 Gy, depending on initial D(mean,heart) (in 3D-CRT(FB) plans). VMAT(vmDIBH) reduced the D(mean,heart) further when D(mean,heart) was still >3.2 Gy in 3D-CRT(vmDIBH). Mean contralateral breast dose was higher for VMAT plans (2.7 Gy) compared to 3DCRT plans (0.7 Gy).

CONCLUSIONS: VMAT and 3D-CRT(vmDIBH) significantly reduced heart dose for patients treated with locoregional RT of left-sided breast cancer. When Dmean,heart exceeded 3.2 Gy in 3D-CRT(vmDIBH) plans, VMAT(vmDIBH) resulted in a cumulative heart dose reduction. VMAT also provided better target coverage and reduced ipsilateral lung dose, at the expense of a small increase in the dose to the contralateral breast.


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This article shows practical results of a self-tracking receiving antenna array using a new phase locked loop (PLL) tracking configuration. The PLL configuration differs from other architectures, as it has the new feature of being able to directly track phase modulated signals without requiring an additional unmodulated pilot carrier to be present. The PLLs are used within the antenna array to produce a constant phase intermediate frequency (IF) for each antenna element. These IF's can then be combined in phase, regardless of the angle of arrival of the signal, thus utilizing the antennas array factor. The article's main focus is on the phase jitter performance of the modulation insensitive PLL carrier recovery when tracking phase modulated signals of low signal to noise ratio. From this analysis, it is concluded that the new architecture, when optimally designed, can produce phase jitter performance close to that of a conventional tracking PLL.