985 resultados para Artur Rei Lendas


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his paper bridges the gap between the buyer-supplier literature and the definition of competitive advantage as value creation found in the strategic management literature. This study proposes and tests an integrative definition of the relational value that is created and appropriated in a dyad


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The study tested the relationship between relational resources and value creation and appropriation. A survey with suppliers and buyers provided evidence that interorganizational fit and knowledge sharing have impact on the relational benefit and the share captured by each organization, but also indicated that each echelon has a different perception


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The search for efficiency in supply chains has usually focused on logistic optimization aspects. Initiatives like the ECR are an example. This research questions the appropriateness of this focus comparing detailed cost structures of fifteen consumer products, covering five different product categories. It compares supply chains of private label products, presumably more efficient due to closer collaboration between chain members, to national brands supply chains. The major source of cost differences lies in other indirect costs incurred by the national brands and not directly assignable to advertising. Results indicate that a complete reconception of the supply chain, exploring different governance structures offers greater opportunities for cost savings than the logistic aspect in isolation. Research was done in the UK in 1995-1997, but results are only now publishable due to confidentiality agreements


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Este estudo identificou a relação da aglomeração de firmas de uma mesma atividade econômica na taxa de crescimento do emprego local. Dados das firmas industriais do Estado de São Paulo constantes da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais [RAIS] nos anos de 1996 a 2005 foram coletados. Foram analisadas 263.020 observações de nível de emprego de 26.231 combinações de município-CNAE e 296 diferentes atividades. Os critérios de Puga (2003) e Suzigan, Furtado, Garcia, Sampaio (2003) foram usados para identificar as aglomerações. Uma análise de curva de crescimento, usando-se um modelo multinível, foi desenvolvida no software Hierarchical Linear Models [HLM]. Os resultados evidenciam que existe uma relação positiva entre aglomeração de firmas de uma mesma atividade econômica e o crescimento de emprego. Considerando as externalidades previstas pelo fato de as empresas estarem localizadas em uma mesma região, pode-se sugerir que, em termos comparativos, firmas de uma mesma atividade econômica, localizadas em aglomeração, podem, perceber crescimento maior que suas concorrentes localizadas fora de um aglomerado. Este resultado é relevante, tanto para a empresa individual, como para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas que apóiam o desenvolvimento regional, no nível do município. As evidências confirmam estudos anteriores de caso, permitindo dar mais robustez à teoria


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Universidade da Madeira


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Comparative studies on the reproductive biology of co-occurring related plant species have provided valuable information for the interpretation of ecological and evolutionary phenomena, with direct application in conservation management of plant populations. The aims of this thesis were to identify the causes of pre-dispersal reproductive losses in three Euphorbia species (the Mediterranean E. characias and the narrow endemics E. pedroi and E. welwitschii) and evaluate the variation of their effects in time, space and between individuals and species. Furthermore, we intended to study elaiosomes’ fatty acid profiles for the three Euphorbia and assess the role played by the elaiosome in ant attraction. Finally, we aimed to identify the major seed dispersal agents for each Euphorbia species in each site and study differences in short term seed fate due to differences in ant behaviour. The results indicated that intact seed production differed significantly between the three Euphorbia, mostly due to differences in cyathia production. Losses to pre-dispersal seed predators were proportionately larger for the endemic species which also suffered higher losses resulting in flower, fruit (in E. welwitschii) and seed abortion (in E. pedroi). The elaiosomes of E. pedroi are poor in fatty acids and for this reason seeds of this species were removed in lower proportion by mutualistic dispersers than those of their congeners, being more prone to seed predation. Two larger ant species – Aphaenogaster senilis and Formica subrufa – were responsible for a larger percentage of removals with seeds being transported at larger distances and being discarded in the vicinity of their nests following elaiosome removal. Our results highlight the role of insect-plant interactions as major determinants of seed survival for the three study plants and call for the need to include more information on insect-plant interactions in plant conservation programmes.


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Esta investigação teve como objetivo, compreender como é que a avaliação da resolução de problemas contribui para melhorar a aprendizagem da resolução de problemas. A dificuldade na resolução de problemas é de facto um fenómeno mundial com uma extensão considerável em termos cronológicos. Tendo-se escrito muito acerca deste assunto, a verdade é que continua a colocar muitos pontos de interrogação, no que concerne aos métodos e estratégias para ultrapassar este problema. Combinar a avaliação com a resolução de problemas nem sempre é fácil. A resolução de problemas é muito importante para que se cinja a uma visão simplista, temos que perceber que esta se reveste de uma oportunidade para alargar e diversificar os instrumentos de avaliação. Para além disso, permite que os alunos com dificuldades se envolvam ativamente com os seus colegas, numa busca cooperativa pela solução do problema, beneficiando assim ambas as partes. No sentido de verificar o acima referido, os alunos foram colocados em grupos e foi-lhes proposto uma ficha de trabalho de problemas. Os problemas propostos foram os mais diversificados possíveis, no sentido de apelar aos vários tipos de raciocínio e estratégias. Para este estudo foi escolhida uma turma do 5º ano com alunos com bons resultados em matemática e outros com dificuldades. No que concerne à metodologia de investigação, optou-se pela qualitativa e descritiva, com uma pequena nuance quantitativa para consubstanciar o estudo.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como primeiro e fundamental objetivo salientar a importância das levadas da ilha da Madeira como património cultural e sublinhar a pertinência da sua candidatura a Património da Humanidade. Debruçando-se sobre um enquadramento conceitual e teórico acerca do património cultural e das levadas da ilha da Madeira, esta investigação pretende conhecer qual a relação existente entre ambos, existindo, também, o intuito de compreender qual o interesse da valorização, preservação e conservação destes aquedutos. O estudo desenvolveu-se, portanto, no sentido de responder à questão “As levadas da ilha da Madeira e o património cultural: que relação?”. Para dar resposta à mesma procedeu-se à explanação do conceito de património cultural e a sua legislação e, ainda, à história das levadas, que se cruza com a da própria ilha, recorrendo à consulta, leitura e análise de documentos relacionados com estes assuntos bem como ao trabalho de campo, percorrendo diversas levadas e registando observações in loco. Neste sentido, chegou-se à conclusão de que as levadas, que, no século XV, surgiram da necessidade de levar a água até aos terrenos agrícolas, são hoje a prova do esforço, luta e triunfo do povo madeirense. É na perspetiva de herança e cultura que encarar as levadas como património cultural faz todo o sentido, na medida em que apresentam, de facto, uma autenticidade ímpar, relativamente à sua forma e conceção, construção e materiais utilizados, tradições e técnicas de gestão de águas, localização, enquadramento e amplitude, termos linguísticos, lendas e contos a que deram origem e, ainda, a todo um património material e imaterial consigo relacionados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The system built to characterize electrodes and, consequently, deposited fine films are constituted by a hollow cathode that works to discharges and low pressures (approximately 10-3 to 5 mbar), a source DC (0 to 1200 V), a cylindrical camera of closed borossilicato for flanges of stainless steel with an association of vacuum bombs mechanical and spread. In the upper flange it is connected the system of hollow cathode, which possesses an entrance of gas and two entrances for its refrigeration, the same is electrically isolated of the rest of the equipment and it is polarized negatively. In front of the system of hollow cathode there is a movable sample in stainless steel with possibility of moving in the horizontal and vertical. In the vertical, the sample can vary its distance between 0 and 70 mm and, in the horizontal, can leave completely from the front of the hollow cathode. The sample and also the cathode hollow are equipped with cromel-alumel termopares with simultaneous reading of the temperatures during the time of treatment. In this work copper electrodes, bronze, titanium, iron, stainless steel, powder of titanium, powder of titanium and silício, glass and ceramic were used. The electrodes were investigated relating their geometry change and behavior of the plasma of the cavity of hollow cathode and channel of the gas. As the cavity of hollow cathode, the analyzed aspects were the diameter and depth. With the channel of the gas, we verified the diameter. In the two situations, we investigated parameters as flow of the gas, pressure, current and applied tension in the electrode, temperature, loss of mass of the electrode with relationship at the time of use. The flow of gas investigated in the electrodes it was fastened in a work strip from 15 to 6 sccm, the constant pressure of work was among 2.7 to 8 x 10-2 mbar. The applied current was among a strip of work from 0,8 to 0,4 A, and their respective tensions were in a strip from 400 to 220 V. Fixing the value of the current, it was possible to lift the curve of the behavior of the tension with the time of use. That curves esteem in that time of use of the electrode to its efficiency is maximum. The temperatures of the electrodes were in the dependence of that curves showing a maximum temperature when the tension was maximum, yet the measured temperatures in the samples showed to be sensitive the variation of the temperature in the electrodes. An accompaniment of the loss of mass of the electrode relating to its time of use showed that the electrodes that appeared the spherical cavities lost more mass in comparison with the electrodes in that didn't appear. That phenomenon is only seen for pressures of 10-2 mbar, in these conditions a plasma column is formed inside of the channel of the gas and in certain points it is concentrated in form of spheres. Those spherical cavities develop inside of the channel of the gas spreading during the whole extension of the channel of the gas. The used electrodes were cut after they could not be more used, however among those electrodes, films that were deposited in alternate times and the electrodes that were used to deposit films in same times, those films were deposited in the glass substrata, alumina, stainless steel 420, stainless steel 316, silício and steel M2. As the eletros used to deposit films in alternate time as the ones that they were used to deposit in same times, the behavior of the thickness of the film obeyed the curve of the tension with relationship the time of use of the electrode, that is, when the tension was maximum, the thickness of the film was also maximum and when the tension was minimum, the thickness was minimum and in the case where the value of the tension was constant, the thickness of the film tends to be constant. The fine films that were produced they had applications with nano stick, bio-compatibility, cellular growth, inhibition of bacterias, cut tool, metallic leagues, brasagem, pineapple fiber and ornamental. In those films it was investigated the thickness, the adherence and the uniformity characterized by sweeping electronic microscopy. Another technique developed to assist the production and characterization of the films produced in that work was the caloteste. It uses a sphere and abrasive to mark the sample with a cap impression, with that cap form it is possible to calculate the thickness of the film. Through the time of life of the cathode, it was possible to evaluate the rate of waste of its material for the different work conditions. Values of waste rate up to 3,2 x 10-6 g/s were verified. For a distance of the substratum of 11 mm, the deposited film was limited to a circular area of 22 mm diameter mm for high pressures and a circular area of 75 mm for pressure strip. The obtained films presented thickness around 2,1 µm, showing that the discharge of arch of hollow cathode in argon obeys a curve characteristic of the tension with the time of life of the eletrodo. The deposition rate obtained in this system it is of approximately 0,18 µm/min


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To aureus α-HL channel, we used the cysteine-scanning mutagenesis technique. Twenty-four mutants were produced from the substitution of a single aminoacid of the primary structure of the α-HL pro this yzed after the incorporation of a mutant channel in planar lipid bilayer membranes. The modified proteins were studied in the absence and presence of watersoluble specific sulphydryl-specific reagents, in order to introduce a strong positive or negative harge at positions of substitution. The introduction of a negative charge in the stem region onverted the selectivity of the channel from weak anionic to more cationic. However, the troduction of a positive charge increased its selectivity to the anion. The degree of these alterations was inversely dependent on the channel radius at the position of the introduced harge (selectivity). As to the asymmetry of the conductance-voltage, the influence of the harge was more complex. The introduction of the negative charge in the stem region (the trans art of the pore) provoked a decrease. The intensity of these alterations depended on the radius, and on the type of free charge at the pore entrance. These results suggest that the free charge at surrounds the pore wall is responsible for the cation-anion selectivity of the channel. The istribution of the charges between the entrances is crucial for determining the asymmetry of e conductance-voltage curves. We hope that these results serve as a model for studies with other nanometric channels, in biological or planar lipid bilayer membranes or in iotechnological applications


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A dor óssea decorrente das metástases é um sintoma comum nos tumores avançados de mama e próstata. Nenhuma opção terapêutica isolada é completamente eficaz, e uma série de modalidades costuma ser empregada, entre eles a terapia com radiofármacos, como o samário153-etilenodiaminatetrametileno fosfonato (EDTMP-153Sm). O docetaxel, um taxano com ação sobre tumores avançados de mama e próstata, tem-se apresentado como uma nova opção de tratamento quimioterápico. Muitos pacientes fazem uso simultâneo de EDTMP-153Sm e docetaxel. Este estudo procurou avaliar a influência do docetaxel na biodisponibilidade de EDTMP-153Sm em ratos Wistar, aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos de 6 animais cada. O grupo DS (docetaxel/samário) recebeu docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneal em dois ciclos com 11 dias de intervalo. Os ratos do grupo S (samário/controle) não foram tratados com docetaxel. Nove dias após a quimioterapia, todos os animais receberam 0.1ml de EDTMP-153Sm via plexo orbital (25μCi). Após 2 horas, os animais foram mortos, e realizaram-se análises de amostras de cérebro, tireóide, pulmão, coração, estômago, cólon, fígado, rim e fêmures. O percentual de radioatividade por grama (%ATI/g) de tecido de cada biópsia foi determinado em contador gama automático (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). No 9º dia após 2º ciclo de docetaxel, os ratos tiveram perda de peso significante, passando de 353.66± 22.8g (controle/pré-tratamento) para 314,50±22,09g (p<0.5). Os %ATI/g nos órgãos dos ratos tratados com EDTMP- 153Sm e docetaxel tiveram redução significante nos fêmures direito e esquerdo, rim, fígado e pulmão, quando comparados aos animais não tratados com docetaxel. Em conclusão, a combinação de docetaxel com EDTMP-153Sm foi associada à menor concentração do radiofármaco em órgãos alvo. Futuras investigações sobre o impacto do docetaxel na biodisponibilidade do EDTMP- 153Sm poderão complementar estes achados. Deve-se ressaltar o caráter multidisciplinar deste estudo, que contou com a participação ativa e com a troca constante de conhecimentos entre profissionais das áreas de Medicina Nuclear, Cirurgia, Oncologia, Biologia e Estatística


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A população de cervo-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus) está drasticamente reduzida no Brasil. O nosso objetivo foi o de estimar a abundância do cervo-do-pantanal na bacia do Rio Paraná e discutir a metodologia aplicada. Os resultados darão suporte para uma análise do impacto do enchimento da represa de Porto Primavera sobre essa população. Sessenta e nove animais foram registrados através de sobrevôo utilizando-se a metodologia de transecção linear com amostragem das distâncias. Os dados não corrigidos resultaram em uma densidade estimada de 0,0035ind/ha e uma população de 636 indivíduos. A correção de g para os animais que não foram vistos apresentou uma densidade de 0,0049 ind/ha e uma abundância de 896 (CV=0,27) indivíduos. A metodologia foi aplicada com sucesso na estimativa de cervo-do-pantanal. Esse resultado é importante para avaliarmos a população do cervo-do-pantanal na área e para futuramente analisarmos o impacto do enchimento da represa.


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The calico box crab Hepatus epheliticus is an abundant species from shallow and continental shelf waters of the Atlantic coast of USA and Mexico. Information about population structure and sexual maturity is absent, even though this crab is caught to be used as bait for the octopus fishery in the Campeche Bank, Mexico. In order to achieve such information, a total of 768 individuals were collected from January to March 2010 through baited traps installed in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our results showed that sex ratio is biased towards more males than females (1:0.55), contradicting to that reported in other brachyuran crabs. The absence of ovigerous females suggests that they did not enter into the traps during embryogenesis. Males reached a larger maximum size than females (64.0 +/- 6.15 and 58.4 +/- 5.60 mm carapace width, respectively). The general scheme of growth being positive allometric throughout ontogeny of both sexes. Males presented a transition phase from juveniles to adult corresponding to the puberty moult. The estimation of the onset of functional sexual maturity revealed a steady situation for the population, with 21.5 and 13.8% of males and females, respectively, morphologically immature at the time of catch. This study constitutes the first report on population structure and sexual maturity in a population of the calico box crab H. epheliticus.