988 resultados para 174-1073
A study was conducted on the shelf-life of rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products under different packaging and storage conditions. Organoleptically dried products were found in good condition after a storage period of 60 days in ambient and chilled conditions. The moisture content, TVB-N value and bacterial load slightly increased during 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled conditions. The changes in moisture content and bacterial load were faster in ambient temperature than in chilled storage condition whereas changes in TVB-N value was higher in chilled condition than in ambient temperature. The initial moisture content was in the range of 13.71% to 22.84%. After 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition the moisture content of dried products was in the range of 15.09% to 25.11% and 14.49% to 25.01%, respectively. The initial TVB-N value was in the range of 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, TVB-N value was in the range of 29.00 to 34.82 mg/100g and 31.41 to 39.11 mg/100g, respectively. The initial bacterial load was in the range of 1.91x10 super(8) to 2.84x10 super(8) and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, the bacterial load was in the range of 6.2x10 super(8) to 1.8x10 super(9) and 5.75x10 super(7) to 5.05x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the present study indicated that it is necessary to store high quality dried products in sealed packed in chilled condition to ensure good quality up to a certain period of time.
以存活率(SR)、复苏运动度(RM)、SPA为精子活力检测指标,对四种冷冻程序PSF、H3P、LP、MDP和卵黄的、无卵黄的冷冻稀释保存液进行了藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana)精液冻存比较研究。 PSF的SR为90.1±1.9%,RM为63.8±2.8%,显著高于其他三种冷冻程序(P<0.01)。卵黄冷冻稀释保存液(MDM)的SR(95. 4±1.3%)和RM(88.0±10.2%)显著高于无卵黄防冻液(FCS-G/TH)的SR(90.1±1.9%)和RM(63.6±2.8%),但前者在复苏一小时后,RM(12.5±1.6%)明显低于后者的RM(54. 7±2. 2%)。用 FCS~G/TH冻存的精液经 SPA检测,其穿透率为新鲜精子的 51. 9%。结果提示:1)慢速降温冷冻程序适于藏酋猴精液冻存;2)卵黄冷冻稀释保存液能较好地保存藏酋猴精液的活动度;而无卵黄防冻液则有利于延长其冷冻精子的运动寿命。这可能与两者的稀释液及所含的脂蛋白不同有关。
Learning and memory play an important role in morphine addiction. Status epilepticus (SE) can impair the spatial and emotional learning and memory. However, little is known about the effects of SE on morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Th
间蜂猴母婴关系: (1)母婴关系历时20wk, 15—16wk幼猴断奶,刚断奶与母猴联系, 1—2wk, 主要是互相舔毛梳理; (2)不像灵长类那样表现出强烈的护仔力; (3)间蜂猴幼仔出生12h就能单独活动; (4)母婴之间没有很强的识别力,幼猴可把任何一只母猴当作母亲, 而母猴也不拒绝非亲生子女幼猴对它的依赖; (5)母幼接触方式主要以腹部相贴为主, 幼猴抓信母猴的腹部皮肤和毛随母猴转移。图2表1参7
Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial genome has become a routine method in the study of mitochondrial diseases. Quite often, the sequencing efforts in the search of pathogenic or disease-associated mutations are affected by technical and interpretive pr
本文比较了3种臭蛙,即云南臭蛙(R. andersonii)、无指盘臭蛙(R.grahami)和滇南臭蛙(R.tiennanensis)的核型、C-带和银染核仁组织者区(Ag-NORs)。结果表明,3种臭蛙的核型均为2n=26(NF=52),由5对大型染色体和8对小型染色体组成,与蛙科大多数种类的核型相似,但是染色体形态和次缢痕的位置和数目有差异。其中,云南臭蛙和无指盘臭蛙的核型相似程度比较大,与其他已报道的臭蛙类的核型相差不大,而滇南臭蛙的核型比较特殊,与其他臭蛙类的核型存在显著差异。 C-带技术显示的结果表明,3种臭蛙所有染色体的着丝点都有比较显著的C-带,而居间区C-带和端点C-带却存在明显的差异。3种中,滇南臭蛙的C-带带型比较特殊。有趣的是在研究中还发现,云南臭蛙的早中期细胞(染色体很长)染色体上发现了很多结构异染色质区,除着丝点C-带外,几乎所有的染色体上都有居间区或端点C-带,而在晚中期细胞中所观察到的C-带数目却较少,除着丝点外,只在少数染色体上发现了C-带。 云南臭蛙和无指盘臭蛙的Ag-NORs位于第10对染色体的长臂上,与该染色体上的次缢痕位置相对应,而滇南臭蛙的Ag-NORs位于第6...