998 resultados para physics.plasm-ph


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High power lasers have proven being capable to produce high energy γ-rays, charged particles and neutrons, and to induce all kinds of nuclear reactions. At ELI, the studies with high power lasers will enter for the first time into new domains of power and intensities: 10 PW and 10^23 W/cm^2. While the development of laser based radiation sources is the main focus at the ELI-Beamlines pillar of ELI, at ELI-NP the studies that will benefit from High Power Laser System pulses will focus on Laser Driven Nuclear Physics (this TDR, acronym LDNP, associated to the E1 experimental area), High Field Physics and QED (associated to the E6 area) and fundamental research opened by the unique combination of the two 10 PW laser pulses with a gamma beam provided by the Gamma Beam System (associated to E7 area). The scientific case of the LDNP TDR encompasses studies of laser induced nuclear reactions, aiming for a better understanding of nuclear properties, of nuclear reaction rates in laser-plasmas, as well as on the development of radiation source characterization methods based on nuclear techniques. As an example of proposed studies: the promise of achieving solid-state density bunches of (very) heavy ions accelerated to about 10 MeV/nucleon through the RPA mechanism will be exploited to produce highly astrophysical relevant neutron rich nuclei around the N~126 waiting point, using the sequential fission-fusion scheme, complementary to any other existing or planned method of producing radioactive nuclei.

The studies will be implemented predominantly in the E1 area of ELI-NP. However, many of them can be, in a first stage, performed in the E5 and/or E4 areas, where higher repetition laser pulses are available, while the harsh X-ray and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) environments are less damaging compared to E1.

A number of options are discussed through the document, having an important impact on the budget and needed resources. Depending on the TDR review and subsequent project decisions, they may be taken into account for space reservation, while their detailed design and implementation will be postponed.

The present TDR is the result of contributions from several institutions engaged in nuclear physics and high power laser research. A significant part of the proposed equipment can be designed, and afterwards can be built, only in close collaboration with (or subcontracting to) some of these institutions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is currently under preparation with each of these key partners as well as with others that are interested to participate in the design or in the future experimental program.


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The work presented in this Ph.D thesis was developed in the context of complex network theory, from a statistical physics standpoint. We examine two distinct problems in this research field, taking a special interest in their respective critical properties. In both cases, the emergence of criticality is driven by a local optimization dynamics. Firstly, a recently introduced class of percolation problems that attracted a significant amount of attention from the scientific community, and was quickly followed up by an abundance of other works. Percolation transitions were believed to be continuous, until, recently, an 'explosive' percolation problem was reported to undergo a discontinuous transition, in [93]. The system's evolution is driven by a metropolis-like algorithm, apparently producing a discontinuous jump on the giant component's size at the percolation threshold. This finding was subsequently supported by number of other experimental studies [96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101]. However, in [1] we have proved that the explosive percolation transition is actually continuous. The discontinuity which was observed in the evolution of the giant component's relative size is explained by the unusual smallness of the corresponding critical exponent, combined with the finiteness of the systems considered in experiments. Therefore, the size of the jump vanishes as the system's size goes to infinity. Additionally, we provide the complete theoretical description of the critical properties for a generalized version of the explosive percolation model [2], as well as a method [3] for a precise calculation of percolation's critical properties from numerical data (useful when exact results are not available). Secondly, we study a network flow optimization model, where the dynamics consists of consecutive mergings and splittings of currents flowing in the network. The current conservation constraint does not impose any particular criterion for the split of current among channels outgoing nodes, allowing us to introduce an asymmetrical rule, observed in several real systems. We solved analytically the dynamic equations describing this model in the high and low current regimes. The solutions found are compared with numerical results, for the two regimes, showing an excellent agreement. Surprisingly, in the low current regime, this model exhibits some features usually associated with continuous phase transitions.


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One of the aspects of modern agriculture is characterised by a culture without soil (hydroponic cultures). These culture techniques are identified by possessing automatic control systems to control the nutrient solution. In first hydroponic cultures this control was accomplished by “on- off” analog controllers that applied a single control law implemented in hardware. Therefore, the changes of the control law resulted in the change of all interface electronics. In digital control implemented by micro-controllers the alteration of such control law is easily performed by changing only a computer program, leaving untouched all the interface hardware. In this way, the use and substitution of the control strategy is improved, as well, the use of advanced control strategies.


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A análise da mobilidade seminal é uma ferramenta importante para reprodução em aquacultura. Esta é uma técnica in vitro que auxilia a estabulação, manutenção e selecção de lotes de reprodutores. A análise de mobilidade seminal pode tornar-se potencialmente uma ferramenta para o melhoramento das condições do ambiente de fertilização. A utilização do software CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) revolucionou a descrição e quantificação específica da mobilidade seminal. A maioria da informação recolhida sobre mobilidade de sémen de peixes baseia-se em espécies de água doce, pelo que é crucial conhecer as condições óptimas de activação da mobilidade de espermatozóides para novas espécies de de água salgada de interesse em aquacultura tal como Solea senegalensis. A optimização das condições de fertilização desta espécie é particularmente importante já que os lotes de reprodutores em cativeiro podem desenvolver disfunções reprodutoras. Este trabalho teve como objectivo realizar a avaliação das condições óptimas de activação da mobilidade do sémen em S. senegalensis em termos de temperatura, salinidade e pH. O segundo objectivo foi realizar a avaliação da influência de fluido ovárico homólogo (S. senegalensis) e heterólogo (Epinephelus marginatus) na mobilidade seminal de S. senegalensis. Deste modo foram realizados dois conjuntos de experiências: 1) mobilidade de sémen de 7 machos analisado através do CASA em diferentes temperaturas, salinidades e pH, 2) mobilidade de sémen de 8 machos activados na presença de diferentes concentrações de fluido ovárico. Os parâmetros do CASA foram registados e posteriormente analisados através de médias e cluster analysis. Concluiu-se que temperaturas mais elevadas (20 ºC) e baixas salinidades (25 ‰ e 30 ‰) da solução de activação ocorre um melhoramento das características de mobilidade seminal, tal como a velocidade. A presença de fluido ovárico em baixas concentrações melhora as características da mobilidade seminal assim como a longevidade dos espermatozóides. O fluido ovárico é consequentemente um factor que estimula a mobilidade seminal que tem sido negligenciado em estudos anteriores. Este estudo demonstrou que durante a época de reprodução a temperatura da água (20 ºC) e a salinidade (25 ‰ e 30 ‰) no tanque são os principais factores que melhoram a activação da mobilidade do sémen, sendo consequentemente uma contribuição importante para compreender a dinâmica do processo de fertilização em S. senegalensis.


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A Ria Formosa é um tesouro ambiental sem paralelo, preservando uma fauna e flora únicas no mundo. A riqueza deste habitat é de enorme importância para a região, e extremamente apetecível para cientistas oriundos de todas as partes do globo, que aqui frequentemente se deslocam para conduzirem estudos científicos e experiências. O Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMAR) da Universidade do Algarve (que inclui o Centro Experimental do Ramalhete) conduz estudos e experiências neste palco, estudos que são de inquestionável valor para o conhecimento e desenvolvimento científico. Um assunto que está a merecer a atenção da comunidade científica mundial nos últimos anos é a questão da acidificação dos oceanos. A diminuição gradual do pH das águas pode vir a ter graves repercussões nos ecossistemas marinhos, e o Centro Experimental do Ramalhete tem vindo a conduzir experiências com fauna e flora provenientes da Ria Formosa em águas com níveis de pH mais reduzido, condições que se prevê que os oceanos venham a ter no futuro. Os equipamentos de instrumentação e controlo a que o Centro tem acesso condicionam as experiências que ali são levadas a cabo pelos investigadores, pelo que o desenvolvimento de equipamentos adequados incorporando tecnologias apropriadas permitiria a realização de novas e melhores experiências no campo da biologia marinha. Ao nível do controlo existe uma lacuna no mercado, entre controladores para aquariofilia demasiado simples e controladores industriais demasiado dispendiosos e complexos. Esta dissertação pretende colmatar essa lacuna através do desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um sistema distribuído microcontrolado para aquisição de dados e controlo de pH que vá ao encontro das necessidades dos investigadores do Centro e que se pretende simples, modular, flexível, económico e expansível no futuro. O foco centra-se no desenvolvimento da instrumentação necessária para as medições de temperatura e pH, e depois no estudo de uma malha de controlo PID utilizando como base um modelo do sistema obtido através de resultados experimentais, para o controlo automático do pH.


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Some yeasts have the peculiar ability to grow in the presence of weak acids at rather low pH. These conditions are predominant in preserved foods and beverages such as fruit concentrates, juices, wine, where these yeasts are responsible for spoilage. The main preservatives currently utilized by food industries are sorbic, propionic, benzoic acids and SO2. It is usually assumed that weak acids diffuse through the plasma membrane in the undissociated form. In the cytoplasm, where the pH is higher, dissociation occurs resulting in accumulation of the lipid-insoluble anion and internal acidification. This is probably a very general mechanism of preventing microbial growth in foods.


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An education in Physics develops both strong cognitive and practical skills. These are well-matched to the needs of employers, from engineering to banking. Physics provides the foundation for all engineering and scientific disciplines including computing technologies, aerospace, communication, and also biosciences and medicine. In academe, Physics addresses fundamental questions about the universe, the nature of reality, and of the complex socio-economic systems comprising our daily lives. Yet today, there are emerging concerns about Physics education: Secondary school interest in Physics is falling, as is the number of Physics school teachers. There is clearly a crisis in physics education; recent research has identified principal factors. Starting from a review of these factors, and from recommendations of professional bodies, this paper proposes a novel solution – the use of Computer Games to teach physics to school children, to university undergraduates and to teacher-trainees.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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A modified tri-axial electrospinning process was developed for the generation of a new type of pH-sensitive polymer/lipid nanocomposite. The systems produced are able to promote both dissolution and permeation of a model poorly water-soluble drug. First, we show that it is possible to run a tri-axial process with only one of the three fluids being electrospinnable. Using an electrospinnable middle fluid of Eudragit S100 (ES100) with pure ethanol as the outer solvent and an unspinnable lecithin-diclofenac sodium (PL–DS) core solution, nanofibers with linear morphology and clear core/shell structures can be fabricated continuously and smoothly. X-ray diffraction proved that these nanofibers are structural nanocomposites with the drug present in an amorphous state. In vitro dissolution tests demonstrated that the formulations could preclude release in acidic conditions, and that the drug was released from the fibers in two successive steps at neutral pH. The first step is the dissolution of the shell ES100 and the conversion of the core PL–DS into sub-micron sized particles. This frees some DS into solution, and later the remaining DS is gradually released from the PL–DS particles through diffusion. Ex vivo permeation results showed that the composite nanofibers give a more than twofold uplift in the amount of DS passing through the colonic membrane as compared to pure DS; 74% of the transmitted drug was in the form of PL–DS particles. The new tri-axial electrospinning process developed in this work provides a platform to fabricate structural nanomaterials, and the core–shell polymer-PL nanocomposites we have produced have significant potential applications for oral colon-targeted drug delivery.


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The use of buffers to maintain the pH within a desired range is a very common practice in chemical, biochemical and biological studies. Among them, zwitterionic N-substituted aminosulfonic acids, usually known as Good’s buffers, although widely used, can complex metals and interact with biological systems. The present work reviews, discusses and updates the metal complexation characteristics of thirty one commercially available buffers. In addition, their impact on biological systems is also presented. The influences of these buffers on the results obtained in biological, biochemical and environmental studies, with special focus on their interaction with metal ions, are highlighted and critically reviewed. Using chemical speciation simulations, based on the current knowledge of the metal–buffer stability constants, a proposal of the most adequate buffer to employ for a given metal ion is presented.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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The oxalatecarbonate pathway involves the oxidation of calcium oxalate to low-magnesium calcite and represents a potential long-term terrestrial sink for atmospheric CO2. In this pathway, bacterial oxalate degradation is associated with a strong local alkalinization and subsequent carbonate precipitation. In order to test whether this process occurs in soil, the role of bacteria, fungi and calcium oxalate amendments was studied using microcosms. In a model system with sterile soil amended with laboratory cultures of oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi, the addition of calcium oxalate induced a distinct pH shift and led to the final precipitation of calcite. However, the simultaneous presence of bacteria and fungi was essential to drive this pH shift. Growth of both oxalotrophic bacteria and fungi was confirmed by qPCR on the frc (oxalotrophic bacteria) and 16S rRNA genes, and the quantification of ergosterol (active fungal biomass) respectively. The experiment was replicated in microcosms with non-sterilized soil. In this case, the bacterial and fungal contribution to oxalate degradation was evaluated by treatments with specific biocides (cycloheximide and bronopol). Results showed that the autochthonous microflora oxidized calcium oxalate and induced a significant soil alkalinization. Moreover, data confirmed the results from the model soil showing that bacteria are essentially responsible for the pH shift, but require the presence of fungi for their oxalotrophic activity. The combined results highlight that the interaction between bacteria and fungi is essential to drive metabolic processes in complex environments such as soil.