997 resultados para peroxidase activity


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Ternary 3d-metal complexes of formulation [M(Tp(Ph))(py-nap)](ClO4)(1-3), where M is Co(II) (1), Cu(II) (2), and Zn(II) (3); Tp(Ph) is anionic tris (3-phenylpyrazolyl)borate; and py-nap is a pyridyl ligand with a conjugated 1,8-naphthalimide moiety, have been prepared from the reaction of metal perchlorate with KTp(Ph) and py-nap in CH2Cl2. The complexes have been characterized from analytical and physicochemical data. The complexes are stable in solution as evidenced from the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry data. The complexes show good binding propensity with calf thymus (CT) DNA, giving binding constant (K-b) values of similar to 10(5) M-1 and a molecular ``light-switch'' effect that results in an enhancement of the emission intensity of the naphthalimide chromophore on binding to CT DNA. The complexes do not show any hydrolytic cleavage of DNA. They show poor chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes exhibit oxidative pUC19 DNA cleavage activity in UV-A light of 365 rim. The Zn(II) complex shows moderate DNA photocleavage activity at 365 nm. The Cu(II)complex 2 displays photoinduced DNA cleavage activity in red light of 647.1 nm and 676 rim and near-IR light of >750 rim. A mechanistic studyin UV-A and visible light suggests the involvement of the hydroxyl radical as the reactive species in the DNA photocleavage reactions. The complexes also show good bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein binding propensity, giving K-BSA values of similar to 10(5) M-1. Complexes 1 and 2 display significant photoinduced BSA cleavage activity in UV-A light. The Co(II) complex 1 shows a significant photocytotoxic effect in HeLa cervical cancer cells on exposure to UV-A light of 365 nm, giving an IC50 value of 32 mu M. The IC50 value for the py-nap ligand alone is 41.42 mu m in UV-A light. The IC50 value is >200 mu M in the dark, indicating poor dark toxicity of 1. The Cu(II) complex 2 exhibits moderate photocytotoxicity and significant dark toxicity, giving IC50 values of 18.6 mu m and 29.7 mu m in UV-A light and in the dark, respectively.


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Rhizoctonia spp. are ubiquitous soil inhabiting fungi that enter into pathogenic or symbiotic associations with plants. In general Rhizoctonia spp. are regarded as plant pathogenic fungi and many cause root rot and other plant diseases which results in considerable economic losses both in agriculture and forestry. Many Rhizoctonia strains enter into symbiotic mycorrhizal associations with orchids and some hypovirulent strains are promising biocontrol candidates in preventing host plant infection by pathogenic Rhizoctonia strains. This work focuses on uni- and binucleate Rhizoctonia (respectively UNR and BNR) strains belonging to the teleomorphic genus Ceratobasidium, but multinucleate Rhizoctonia (MNR) belonging to teleomorphic genus Thanatephorus and ectomycorrhizal fungal species, such as Suillus bovinus, were also included in DNA probe development work. Strain specific probes were developed to target rDNA ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) and applied in Southern dot blot and liquid hybridization assays. Liquid hybridization was more sensitive and the size of the hybridized PCR products could be detected simultaneously, but the advantage in Southern hybridization was that sample DNA could be used without additional PCR amplification. The impacts of four Finnish BNR Ceratorhiza sp. strains 251, 266, 268 and 269 were investigated on Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedling growth, and the infection biology and infection levels were microscopically examined following tryphan blue staining of infected roots. All BNR strains enhanced early seedling growth and affected the root architecture, while the infection levels remained low. The fungal infection was restricted to the outer cortical regions of long roots and typical monilioid cells detected with strain 268. The interactions of pathogenic UNR Ceratobasidium bicorne strain 1983-111/1N, and endophytic BNR Ceratorhiza sp. strain 268 were studied in single or dual inoculated Scots pine roots. The fungal infection levels and host defence-gene activity of nine transcripts [phenylalanine ammonia lyase (pal1), silbene synthase (STS), chalcone synthase (CHS), short-root specific peroxidase (Psyp1), antimicrobial peptide gene (Sp-AMP), rapidly elicited defence-related gene (PsACRE), germin-like protein (PsGER1), CuZn- superoxide dismutase (SOD), and dehydrin-like protein (dhy-like)] were measured from differentially treated and un-treated control roots by quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR). The infection level of pathogenic UNR was restricted in BNR- pre-inoculated Scots pine roots, while UNR was more competitive in simultaneous dual infection. The STS transcript was highly up-regulated in all treated roots, while CHS, pal1, and Psyp1 transcripts were more moderately activated. No significant activity of Sp-AMP, PsACRE, PsGER1, SOD, or dhy-like transcripts were detected compared to control roots. The integrated experiments presented, provide tools to assist in the future detection of these fungi in the environment and to understand the host infection biology and defence, and relationships between these interacting fungi in roots and soils. This study further confirms the complexity of the Rhizoctonia group both phylogenetically and in their infection biology and plant host specificity. The knowledge obtained could be applied in integrated forestry nursery management programmes.


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The utilization of mevalonate for biogenesis of cholesterol shows rhythmic activity with a peak at midnight and the step responsible is likely to be between mevalonate and isopentenyl pyrophosphate.


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MUCH information has been gathered in recent years on the so-called 'antifreeze' proteins which lower the freezing point of the serum of certain marine fishes living in sub-zero water temperatures1−4. The proteins from the Antarctic fish Trematomus borchgrevinki are glycoproteins with a repeating alanyl-alanyl-threonyl tripeptide sequence, the threonyl residue being linked to a disaccharide1,2. In contrast, the antifreeze protein from the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectus americanus in the North American Atlantic coastal region is made up of eight ammo acids with no apparent repeating sequence of the residues and no sugar moiety (ref. 4 and unpublished work of C. L. Hew, C. C. Yip & G. Fletcher). The antifreeze activity of these proteins is not compatible with the known colligative properties of solutes in solution and the mechanism of their action is not yet fully understood. But a common feature of both types of the antifreeze proteins is the preponderance of alanine which accounts for over 60% of the total amino residues. This fact, together with the absence of the carbohydrate in the protein from the winter flounder, prompted us to attempt the synthesis of polypeptide analogues having comparable proportions of alanine in them along with suitable other amino acids. As a first step, we made use of the lack of any obvious periodicity in the distribution of the alanyl residues in the flounder's protein and attempted the synthesis of a random copolypeptide containing about 65 mol % of alanine and 35 mol % of aspartic acid. The choice of aspartic acid was made on the basis of its being the next major amino acid in the flounder's protein3,4 and on the expectation that its polar character will help the water-solubility of the alanine-rich copolypeptide, as in other studies on alanine-containing random copolymers. In addition, Duman and DeVries4 have earlier indicated the involvement of carboxyl groups on the antifreeze activity by chemical modification studies. We report here the synthesis of this polypeptide and show that it possesses antifreeze activity.


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In northern latitudes, temperature is the key factor driving the temporal scales of biological activity, namely the length of the growing season and the seasonal efficiency of photosynthesis. The formation of atmospheric concentrations of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are linked to the intensity of biological activity. However, interdisciplinary knowledge of the role of temperature in the biological processes related to the annual cycle and photosynthesis and atmospheric chemistry is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the role of temperature in these three interlinked areas: 1) onset of growing season, 2) photosynthetic efficiency and 3) BVOC air concentrations in a boreal forest. The results present a cross-section of the role of temperature on different spatial (southern northern boreal), structural (tree forest stand - forest) and temporal (day-season- year) scales. The fundamental status of the Thermal Time model in predicting the onset of spring recovery was confirmed. However, it was recommended that sequential models would be more appropriate tools when the onset of the growing season is estimated under a warmer climate. A similar type of relationship between photosynthetic efficiency and temperature history was found in both southern and northern boreal forest stands. This result draws attention to the critical question of the seasonal efficiency of coniferous species to emit organic compounds under a warmer climate. New knowledge about the temperature dependence of the concentrations of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a boreal forest stand was obtained. The seasonal progress and the inter-correlation of BVOC concentrations in ambient air indicated a link to biological activity. Temperature was found to be the main driving factor for the concentrations. However, in addition to temperature, other factors may play a significant role here, especially when the peak concentrations are studied. There is strong evidence that the spring recovery and phenological events of many plant species have already advanced in Europe. This study does not fully support this observation. In a boreal forest, changes in the annual cycle, especially the temperature requirement in winter, would have an impact on the atmospheric BVOC composition. According to this study, more joint phenological and BVOC field observations and laboratory experiments are still needed to improve these scenarios.


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The juvenile sea squirt wanders through the sea searching for a suitable rock or hunk of coral to cling to and make its home for life. For this task it has a rudimentary nervous system. When it finds its spot and takes root, it doesn't need its brain any more so it eats it. It's rather like getting tenure. Daniel C. Dennett (from Consciousness Explained, 1991) The little sea squirt needs its brain for a task that is very simple and short. When the task is completed, the sea squirt starts a new life in a vegetative state, after having a nourishing meal. The little brain is more tightly structured than our massive primate brains. The number of neurons is exact, no leeway in neural proliferation is tolerated. Each neuroblast migrates exactly to the correct position, and only a certain number of connections with the right companions is allowed. In comparison, growth of a mammalian brain is a merry mess. The reason is obvious: Squirt brain needs to perform only a few, predictable functions, before becoming waste. The more mobile and complex mammals engage their brains in tasks requiring quick adaptation and plasticity in a constantly changing environment. Although the regulation of nervous system development varies between species, many regulatory elements remain the same. For example, all multicellular animals possess a collection of proteoglycans (PG); proteins with attached, complex sugar chains called glycosaminoglycans (GAG). In development, PGs participate in the organization of the animal body, like in the construction of parts of the nervous system. The PGs capture water with their GAG chains, forming a biochemically active gel at the surface of the cell, and in the extracellular matrix (ECM). In the nervous system, this gel traps inside it different molecules: growth factors and ECM-associated proteins. They regulate the proliferation of neural stem cells (NSC), guide the migration of neurons, and coordinate the formation of neuronal connections. In this work I have followed the role of two molecules contributing to the complexity of mammalian brain development. N-syndecan is a transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) with cell signaling functions. Heparin-binding growth-associated molecule (HB-GAM) is an ECM-associated protein with high expression in the perinatal nervous system, and high affinity to HS and heparin. N-syndecan is a receptor for several growth factors and for HB-GAM. HB-GAM induces specific signaling via N-syndecan, activating c-Src, calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (CASK) and cortactin. By studying the gene knockouts of HB-GAM and N-syndecan in mice, I have found that HB-GAM and N-syndecan are involved as a receptor-ligand-pair in neural migration and differentiation. HB-GAM competes with the growth factors fibriblast growth factor (FGF)-2 and heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF) in HS-binding, causing NSCs to stop proliferation and to differentiate, and affects HB-EGF-induced EGF receptor (EGFR) signaling in neural cells during migration. N-syndecan signaling affects the motility of young neurons, by boosting EGFR-mediated cell migration. In addition, these two receptors form a complex at the surface of the neurons, probably creating a motility-regulating structure.


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Cell adhesion and extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules play a significant role in neuronal plasticity both during development and in the adult. Plastic changes in which ECM components are implicated may underlie important nervous system functions, such as memory formation and learning. Heparin-binding growthassociated molecule (HB-GAM, also known as pleiotrophin), is an ECM protein involved in neurite outgrowth, axonal guidance and synaptogenesis during perinatal period. In the adult brain HB-GAM expression is restricted to the regions which display pronounced synaptic plasticity (e.g., hippocampal CA3-CA1 areas, cerebral cortex laminae II-IV, olfactory bulb). Expression of HB-GAM is regulated in an activity-dependent manner and is also induced in response to neuronal injury. In this work mutant mice were used to study the in vivo function of HB-GAM and its receptor syndecan-3 in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and in hippocampus-dependent behavioral tasks. Phenotypic analysis of HBGAM null mutants and mice overexpressing HB-GAM revealed that opposite genetic manipulations result in reverse changes in synaptic plasticity as well as behavior in the mutants. Electrophysiological recordings showed that mice lacking HB-GAM have an increased level of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the area CA1 of hippocampus and impaired spatial learning, whereas animals with enhanced level of HB-GAM expression have attenuated LTP, but outperformed their wild-type controls in spatial learning. It was also found that GABA(A) receptor-mediated synaptic transmission is altered in the transgenic mice overexpressing HB-GAM. The results suggest that these animals have accentuated hippocampal GABAergic inhibition, which may contribute to the altered glutamatergic synaptic plasticity. Structural studies of HB-GAM demonstrated that this protein belongs to the thrombospondin type I repeat (TSR) superfamily and contains two β-sheet domains connected by a flexible linker. It was found that didomain structure is necessary for biological activity of HB-GAM and electrophysiological phenotype displayed by the HB-GAM mutants. The individual domains displayed weaker binding to heparan sulfate and failed to promote neurite outgrowth as well as affect hippocampal LTP. Effects of HB-GAM on hippocampal synaptic plasticity are believed to be mediated by one of its (co-)receptor molecules, namely syndecan-3. In support of that, HB-GAM did not attenuate LTP in mice deficient in syndecan-3 as it did in wild-type controls. In addition, syndecan-3 knockout mice displayed electrophysiological and behavioral phenotype similar to that of HB-GAM knockouts (i.e. enhanced LTP and impaired learning in Morris water-maze). Thus HB-GAM and syndecan-3 are important modulators of synaptic plasticity in hippocampus and play a role in regulation of learning-related behavior.


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Four new ternary copper(II) complexes of alpha-amino acid having polypyridyl bases of general formulation [Cu(L-ala)(B)(H2O)](X)(1-4), where L-ala is L-alanine, B is an N,N-donor heterocyclic base, viz. 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 1), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen, 2) and 5,6-phenanthroline dione (dione, 3), dipyrido[3,2:2',3'-f] quinoxaline (dpq, 4), and X = ClO4-/NO3- are synthesized, characterized by various spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic methods. The complexes show a distorted square-pyramidal (4 + 1) CuN3O2 coordination geometry. The one-electron paramagnetic complexes (1-4) display a low energy d-d band near 600 nm in aqueous medium and show a quasi-reversible cyclic voltammetric response due to one-electron Cu(II)/Cu(I) reduction near - 100 mV (versus SCE) in DMF-0.1 M TBAP. Binding interactions of the complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) were investigated by UV-Vis absorption titration, ethidium bromide displacement assay, viscometric titration experiment and DNA melting studies. All the complexes barring the complexes 1 and 3 are avid binder to the CT-DNA in the DNA minor groove giving an order: 4 > 2 >>>1, 3. The complexes 2 and 4 show appreciable chemical nuclease activity in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) as a reducing agent. Hydroxyl radical was investigated to be the DNA cleavage active species. Control experiments in the presence of distamycin-A show primarily minor groove-binding propensity for the complexes 2 and 4 to the DNA.


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Accompanying the decrease in serum cholesterol and increase in concentration of ubiquinone in liver and its microsomes, the activity, but not the protein, of HMG-CoA reductase decreased in ubiquinone-supplemented rats. A soluble 58-kDa preparation of HMG-CoA reductase was partially inhibited on addition of ubiquinone indicating a possible feedback type of action.


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The effect of modification of carboxyl groups of Ribonuclease-Aa on the enzymatic activity and the antigenic structure of the protein has been studied. Modification of four of the eleven free carboxyl groups of the protein by esterification in anhydrous methanol/0.1 M hydrochloric acid resulted in nearly 80% loss in enzymatic activity but had very little influence on the antigenic structure of the protein. Further increases in the modification of the carboxyl groups caused a progressive loss in immunological activity, and the fully methylated RNase-A exhibited nearly 30% immunological activity. Concomitant with this change in the antigenic structure of the protein, the ability of the molecule to complement with RNase-S-protein increased, clearly indicating the unfolding of the peptide "tail" from the remainder of the molecule. The susceptibility to proteolysis, accessibility of methionine residues for orthobenzoquinone reaction and the loss in immunological activity of the more extensively esterified derivatives of RNase-A are suggestive of the more flexible conformation of these derivatives as compared with the compact native conformation. The fact that even the fully methylated RNase-A retains nearly 30% of its immunological activity suggested that the modified protein contained antibody recognizable residual native structure, which presumably accommodates some antigenic determinants.


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The significance of carbohydrate-protein interactions in many biological phenomena is now widely acknowledged and carbohydrate based pharmaceuticals are under intensive development. The interactions between monomeric carbohydrate ligands and their receptors are usually of low affinity. To overcome this limitation natural carbohydrate ligands are often organized as multivalent structures. Therefore, artificial carbohydrate pharmaceuticals should be constructed on the same concept, as multivalent carbohydrates or glycoclusters. Infections of specific host tissues by bacteria, viruses, and fungi are among the unfavorable disease processes for which suitably designed carbohydrate inhibitors represent worthy targets. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori colonizes more than half of all people worldwide, causing gastritis, gastric ulcer, and conferring a greater risk of stomach cancer. The present medication therapy for H. pylori includes the use of antibiotics, which is associated with increasing incidence of bacterial resistance to traditional antibiotics. Therefore, the need for an alternative treatment method is urgent. In this study, four novel synthesis procedures of multivalent glycoconjugates were created. Three different scaffolds representing linear (chondroitin oligomer), cyclic (γ-cyclodextrin), and globular (dendrimer) molecules were used. Multivalent conjugates were produced using the human milk type oligosaccharides LNDFH I (Lewis-b hexasaccharide), LNnT (Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glc), and GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glc all representing analogues of the tissue binding epitopes for H. pylori. The first synthetic method included the reductive amination of scaffold molecules modified to express primary amine groups, and in the case of dendrimer direct amination to scaffold molecule presenting 64 primary amine groups. The second method described a direct procedure for amidation of glycosylamine modified oligosaccharides to scaffold molecules presenting carboxyl groups. The final two methods that were created both included an oxime-linkage on linkers of different length. All the new synthetic procedures synthesized had the advantage of using unmodified reducing sugars as starting material making it easy to synthesize glycoconjugates of different specificity. In addition, the binding activity of an array of neoglycolipids to H. pylori was studied. Consequently, two new neolacto-based structures, Glcβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-Cer and GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-Cer, with binding activity toward H. pylori were discovered. Interestingly, N-methyl and N-ethyl amide modification of the GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glcβ1-Cer glucuronic acid residue resulted in more effective H. pylori binding epitopes than the parent molecule.


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Plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) plays a crucial role in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). It mediates the generation of pre-beta-HDL particles, enhances the cholesterol efflux from peripheral cells to pre-beta-HDL, and metabolically maintains the plasma HDL levels by facilitating the transfer of post-lipolytic surface remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to HDL. In addition to the antiatherogenic properties, recent findings indicate that PLTP has also proatherogenic characteristics, and that these opposite characteristics of PLTP are dependent on the site of PLTP expression and action. In human plasma, PLTP exists in a high-activity (HA-PLTP) and a low-activity form (LA-PLTP), which are associated with macromolecular complexes of different size and composition. The aims of this thesis were to isolate the two PLTP forms from human plasma, to characterize the molecular complexes in which the HA- and LA-PLTP reside, and to study the interactions of the PLTP forms with apolipoproteins (apo) and the ability of apolipoproteins to regulate PLTP activity. In addition, we aimed to study the distribution of the two PLTP forms in a Finnish population sample as well as to find possible regulatory factors for PLTP by investigating the influence of lipid and glucose metabolism on the balance between the HA- and LA-PLTP. For these purposes, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) capable of determining the serum total PLTP concentration and quantitating the two PLTP forms separately was developed. In this thesis, it was demonstrated that the HA-PLTP isolated from human plasma copurified with apoE, whereas the LA-PLTP formed a complex with apoA-I. The separation of these two PLTP forms was carried out by a dextran sulfate (DxSO4)-CaCl2 precipitation of plasma samples before the mass determination. A similar immunoreactivity of the two PLTP forms in the ELISA could be reached after a partial sample denaturation by SDS. Among normolipidemic Finnish individuals, the mean PLTP mass was 6.6 +/- 1.5 mg/l and the mean PLTP activity 6.6 +/- 1.7 umol/ml/h. Of the serum PLTP concentration, almost 50% represented HA-PLTP. The results indicate that plasma HDL levels could regulate PLTP concentration, while PLTP activity could be regulated by plasma triglyceride-rich very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentration. Furthermore, new evidence is presented that PLTP could also play a role in glucose metabolism. Finally, both PLTP forms were found to interact with apoA-I, apoA-IV, and apoE. In addition, both apoE and apoA-IV, but not apoA-I, were capable of activating the LA-PLTP. These findings suggest that the distribution of the HA- and LA-PLTP in human plasma is subject to dynamic regulation by apolipoproteins.


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The antifertility activity of the plant Vicoa indica was tested in proven fertile bonnet monkeys. The dry powder of the whole plant was fed to the cycling monkeys on day 1 to 14 of menstrual cycle or day 9 to 14 of cycle or on day 2 to 5 after delivery and the fertility was evaluated in the following cycle in cycle fed monkey or after weaning the young one in the post-partum fed monkeys. Results indicated that while feeding in the post-partum monkeys did not confer any protection against pregnancy feeding during day 1 to 14 of cycle, protected from pregnancy. The monkeys did not become pregnant even after exposure to the proven fertile male monkeys for 13 ovulatory cycles while all the vehicle fed monkeys became pregnant within 3 cycles.


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A number of analogues of diaryl dihydropyrazole-3-carboxamides have been synthesized. Their activities were evaluated for appetite suppression and body weight reduction in animal models. Depending on the chemical modification of the selected dihydropyrazole scaffold, the lead compoundsthe bisulfate salt of (±)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid morpholin-4-ylamide 26 and the bisulfate salt of (−)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid morpholin-4-ylamide 30showed significant body weight reduction in vivo, which is attributed to their CB1 antagonistic activity and exhibited a favorable pharmacokinetic profile. The molecular modeling studies also showed interactions of two isomers of (±)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid morpholin-4-ylamide 9 with CB1 receptor in the homology model similar to those of N-piperidino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-3-pyrazole-carboxamide (rimonabant) 1 and 4S-(−)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N‘-[(4-chlorophenyl)-sulfonyl]-4-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1-carboxamidine (SLV-319) 2.