972 resultados para learning work


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Australian society is increasingly multicultural, and this article provides some theoretical perspectives on multiculturalism, cultural diversity and the teaching and learning of African music. It identifies the need for teachers, practitioners and artists to jointly work together to create a community of practitioners where pedagogy meets practice. Through reflection and interview data of an artist in schools, a primary music specialist and a tertiary music educator, the 'how' and 'why' about teaching South African music and culture is discussed through pedagogy. Whilst this article discusses a particular culture and music, it has implications for education within a wider sphere and calls for further investigation when using different music from diverse cultures.


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The dataset consists of data gathered from Deakin University staff and students.

Staff-derived data consists of qualitative data relating to advantages and disadvantages of teaching online; manifestation of cultural diversity in online learning environments; strategies to accommodate cultural diversity online; and using online environments to support cultural diversity

Student-derived data consists of quantitative and qualitative data relating to student perceptions of online learning; student demographics; student expectations of their university experience; students' approach to learning and online learning; perceptions of online learning and online team work; and perceptions of student and teacher roles at university.


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In surveillance systems for monitoring people behaviours, it is important to build systems that can adapt to the signatures of people's tasks and movements in the environment. At the same time, it is important to cope with noisy observations produced by a set of cameras with possibly different characteristics. In previous work, we have implemented a distributed surveillance system designed for complex indoor environments [1]. The system uses the Abstract Hidden Markov mEmory Model (AHMEM) for modelling and specifying complex human behaviours that can take place in the environment. Given a sequence of observations from a set of cameras, the system employs approximate probabilistic inference to compute the likelihood of different possible behaviours in real-time. This paper describes the techniques that can be used to learn the different camera noise models and the human movement models to be used in this system. The system is able to monitor and classify people behaviours as data is being gathered, and we provide classification results showing the system is able to identify behaviours of people from their movement signatures.


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This paper presents an application of machine learning to the problem of classifying patients with glaucoma into one of two classes:stable and progressive glaucoma. The novelty of the work is the use of new features for the data analysis combined with machine learning techniques to classify the medical data. The paper describes the new features and the results of using decision trees to separate stable and progressive cases. Furthermore, we show the results of using an incremental learning algorithm for tracking stable and progressive cases over time. In both cases we used a dataset of progressive and stable glaucoma patients obtained from a glaucoma clinic.


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This paper presents a method to classify and learn cricket shots. The procedure begins by extracting the camera motion parameters from the shots. Then the camera parameter values are converted to symbolic form and combined to generate a symbolic description that defines the trajectory of the cricket bell. The description generated is used to classify the cricket shot and to dynamically expand or update the system's knowledge of shots. The first novel aspect of this approach is that by using the camera motion parameters, a complex and difficult process of low level image segmenting of either the batsman or the cricket ball from video images is avoided. Also the method does not require high resolution images. Another novel aspect of this work is the use of a new incremental learning algorithm that enables the system to improve and update its knowledge base. Unlike previously developed algorithms which store training instances and have simple method to prime their concept hierarchies, the incremental learning algorithm used in this work generates compact concept hierarchies and uses evidence based forgetting. The results show that the system performs well in the task of classifying four types of cricket shots.


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The research described in this paper is designed around the notion that learning involves the recognition and development of students’ representational resources. This paper describes a classroom sequence in Ideas about Matter that focuses on representations and their negotiation, and reports on the effectiveness of this perspective in guiding teaching, and in providing further insight into student learning. Classroom sequences involving two experienced teachers (2008, Year 8 students) and an inexperienced teacher (2010, Year 7 students) were videotaped using a combined focus on the teacher and groups of students. Video analysis software was used to code the variety of representations used teachers and students, and sequences of representational negotiation. The paper reports on the effect of this approach on teacher pedagogy and on student learning of Ideas about Matter. The paper will present data from video of classroom activities, students’ work samples, student and teacher interviews and pre and post-unit testing, to explore what a representational focus might entail in teaching Ideas about Matter, and the role of representations in learning and reasoning and exploring scientific ideas.


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This chapter introduces digital, role-based simulations as an emerging and powerful educational approach for the professions and for broader workforce development purposes. It is acknowledged that simulations used for education, professional development, and training, have a long history of development and use. The focus is on digital simulations (e-simulations) situated in blended learning environments and the improved affordances of the newer digital media used via the web to enhance the value of their contribution to learning and teaching in professional and vocationally-oriented fields. This is an area which has received less attention in the whole “e-learning” literature compared with the voluminous body of knowledge and practice on computer-mediated communication, online community building, social networking, and various forms of online (usually automated) assessment. A framework of blended e-simulation design is outlined. The chapter concludes by examining what the future might hold for simulations in further and higher education, and ongoing work-based learning.


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As noted in other papers in this volume, a group of health and education researchers and practitioners came together to further develop their understanding of the situation of young people, who were clients of The Royal Children's Hospital Education Institute in 2007 in Melbourne, Australia. The resultant research project, funded by the Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, aimed to understand young people's perspectives on who they are and what matters to them in relation to education connectedness, identity, social relationships, and experiences with professionals. The project team was aware of the persisting patterns of relationships between the hospital, schools, young people, and their families. They were also cognizant of the heavy emphasis in the research and professional literature on evidence from relevant family adults and from health and education professionals. The intention of this project was to put the young people at the centre a study with the stories they told through word and image. Identity issues and school connections framed the analytical work. Thirty-one adolescents dealing with chronic illness participated in this longitudinal qualitative study for a 3-year period of their lives. Given the apparently active role of teachers and health professionals in the lives of these young people, the researchers wanted to include the various relevant adults to see what coherence or lack of coherence existed in the categories, emphases, and values they expressed compared with those of the young people. The researchers have had to determinedly keep their focus on the data from the young people and not be seduced by the familiar and readily accessible data from these professionals. Nonetheless, this data set does provide a ‘curriculum conversation’, which is profitably read behind the stories of the young people and in the foreground of new pathways of curriculum construction. It is this data which informs the work reported in this paper and which has led the researchers to resist the rhetoric of currently held story lines in this field, to see beyond the present hierarchies of power over relevant ‘knowledges’, to maintain a dual focus with the young people at centre stage and the professionals as ‘walk ons /extras’ and to argue for a ‘curriculum of connection’ between young people and the relevant education and health professionals. These issues are readily engaged in arguments for change through the interweaving of larger discourses of inclusivity, curriculum, and policy. This paper works those intersections in the everyday positionings of professionals and young people.


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"Joined-up' government and 'whole-of-government' approaches have evolved over the past two decades from the simple 'one-stop-shop' concept to much more formal organisational structures mandated at the highest levels. In many cases, the participants in these developments were learning on the job, as they responded to community and political demands for better service delivery and more accountability. This paper looks back at some of those developments and proposes a schema to assess and place policies, strategies and programs.


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This essay raises questions about how language educators might construct and further develop their epistemology of practice in and through the situations in which they work from day to day. The occasion for this paper is our work as guest editors of a special issue of L-1: Educational Studies in Language and Literature, when we invited L1 teachers to reflect on the role that language plays in their professional learning, whether it be in the form of conversations with peers, reflective writing, or by other means. We begin this essay by locating our reflections within our current policy context, namely the standards-based reforms that have come to dominate educational thinking around the world, offering a brief critique of the values and attitudes embedded within them. We then outline a philosophical framework as an alternative to the world-view reflected by such reforms, focusing specifically on the work of Walter Benjamin. In the final sections, we review our work as guest editors of the special issue of L-1, reflecting on what we have learned from the papers we have assembled for this issue, and locating our learning within the philosophical framework that we have drawn from Benjamin. We argue that it is timely for language educators to articulate the assumptions that inhere within their work, in contradistinction to the common sense embedded in standards. Thus we might begin to reconceptualise the relation between language, experience and professional learning in opposition to the hegemony of standards.


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As a consequence of the widening participation agenda, student cohorts in Australian higher education are becoming increasingly diverse. While diversity is often characterised by a focus on culture or ethnicity, this variability also independently exists in regard to competence in academic skills (Dillon, 2007). Successfully developing discipline-specific academic skills is crucial to a student’s learning, progress and attainment in higher education. The growing recognition that students are entering Australian universities with varying levels of academic preparedness as a result of the widening participation agenda has made effective academic skill support even more important, since ‘access without a reasonable chance of success is an empty promise’ (International Associations of Universities, 2008, p. 1).


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Purpose of this paper The aim of this paper is to determine the amount of time construction management students spend engaged in paid work and study during semester time. Past research has shown that working long hours has a negative effect on the study patterns of undergraduate students.

Design/methodology/approach Students responded to a questionnaire on the nature of their paid work while enrolled in full-time study in a sample of universities across Australia.

Findings The results showed that students are working on average 18 hours per week during semester time. The results indicate that students in their first two years tend to undertake casual work that is not related to their degree. However, this pattern changes in the later two years of the course, where students switch to roles in construction that do relate to their coursework. The students start working on average 15 hours in the first year of their degree, and the time spent rises to 23 hours in their fourth year.

Practical implications Past research suggests that students may be working to an extent beyond what is considered beneficial to their studies. The implications of the amount of time working and the type of work are discussed.

Originality/value of paper The long-term impact of high levels of work and study on construction students are unknown. The paper concludes by suggesting that universities need a greater awareness of the impact of paid employment on engagement with their learning.


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The article reports on some research from a larger project into the connections between online learning communities and communities of practice for teachers’ professional learning. The research was conducted in Aotearoa New Zealand within a university graduate diploma programme on ICT education that is provided entirely online. The research reported here explores the experiences of 15 teachers as they studied the GradDipICTEd programme while working as professionals in their school contexts. The findings indicate that online educators working on professional development courses need to work imaginatively in their curricula and pedagogies to enable learners’ reflexive movements between their online and professional communities. This benefits, not only the students as professionals, but also their professional communities of practice. Furthermore, by so doing, the courses provide for productive relationships between educational institutions and related professional bodies.


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The introduction of a social software blog space called the Trading Room in an undergraduate finance unit generated a great deal of activity to support student learning. A subsequent evaluation of this innovation, viewed through the lens of Activity Theory, demonstrated that students perceived high value in the opportunity it provided for them to reaffirm theories, obtain individualised feedback and benchmark their work against others. While assessment is generally seen as the carrot and the stick of learning; students in the study reported that they would still participate in reading and posting to the Trading Room even if there was no assessment requirement. Students did not see any value in the environment as a purely social space, reporting that they saw it primarily as a professional educational community. It would appear that just as there are different communities in the real world social space, there are also different types of communities in the online space.


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Allan Luke (2008) uses a “pedagogical economy where literacy education is taken as a cultural gift”. This paper reports on the digital oral feedback provided to pre-service teachers in a literacy unit and explores the pedagogical gift this feedback is to the teacher educators marking this work. Rather than mark their written work as individual lecturers, we collaboratively read the assignment and recorded the sound file of the conversation around each assignment. We then participated in another conversation with a critical friend, which enabled us to explore the impact of this form of assessment on our professional identities as teacher educators. We found these conversations provided a rich context for our professional learning about ourselves as teacher educators, as well as specific content knowledge we both brought to the teaching of this unit. We found we were working as a team to provide more in-depth feedback of the assessment criteria for each assignment than we did with written feedback. Through this dialogical feedback we were able to construct the pre-service teachers' assignments as an important textual gift in our collaborative professional learning about assessment, and in exploring our beliefs and practices as teacher educators.