959 resultados para interpretative flexibility


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This note has as objective to present the advantages of the use of syringe-type pumps for the feeding of liquid reactants, together with mass flow controllers for gases, instead of the saturators, as it is generally accomplished. Among the advantages, the system with syringe pumps presents a greater flexibility in flow control as well as in composition compared with the system that uses saturator. In addition, the flow of the liquid reactants is known with precision in the syringe pump system.


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Globalization has increased transport aggregates’ demand. Whilst transport volumes increase, ecological values’im portance has sharpened: carbon footprint has become a measure known world widely. European Union together with other communities emphasizes friendliness to the environment: same trend has extended to transports. As a potential substitute for road transport is noted railway transport, which decreases the congestions and lowers the emission levels. Railway freight market was liberalized in the European Union 2007, which enabled new operators to enter the markets. This research had two main objectives. Firstly, it examined the main market entry strategies utilized and the barriers to entry confronted by the operators who entered the markets after the liberalization. Secondly, the aim was to find ways the governmental organization could enhance its service towards potential railway freight operators. Research is a qualitative case study, utilizing descriptive analytical research method with a normative shade. Empirical data was gathered by interviewing Swedish and Polish railway freight operators by using a semi-structured theme-interview. This research provided novel information by using first-hand data; topic has been researched previously by utilizing second-hand data and literature analyses. Based on this research, rolling stock acquisition, needed investments and bureaucracy generate the main barriers to entry. The research results show that the mostly utilized market entry strategies are start-up and vertical integration. The governmental organization could enhance the market entry process by organizing courses, paying extra attention on flexibility, internal know-how and educating the staff.


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In general, molecular modeling techniques applied in medicinal chemistry have been static and drug based. However the active site geometry and the intrinsic flexibility of both receptor and ligand are fundamental properties for molecular recognition and drug action. As a consequence, the use of dynamic models to describe the ligand-receptor complex is becoming a more common procedure. In this work we discuss the relevance of considering the receptor structure in medicinal chemistry studies as well as the flexibility of the ligand-receptor complex.


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The identification of biomarkers of vascular cognitive impairment is urgent for its early diagnosis. The aim of this study was to detect and monitor changes in brain structure and connectivity, and to correlate them with the decline in executive function. We examined the feasibility of early diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to predict cognitive impairment before onset in an animal model of chronic hypertension: Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Cognitive performance was tested in an operant conditioning paradigm that evaluated learning, memory, and behavioral flexibility skills. Behavioral tests were coupled with longitudinal diffusion weighted imaging acquired with 126 diffusion gradient directions and 0.3 mm(3) isometric resolution at 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 40 weeks after birth. Diffusion weighted imaging was analyzed in two different ways, by regional characterization of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) indices, and by assessing changes in structural brain network organization based on Q-Ball tractography. Already at the first evaluated times, DTI scalar maps revealed significant differences in many regions, suggesting loss of integrity in white and gray matter of spontaneously hypertensive rats when compared to normotensive control rats. In addition, graph theory analysis of the structural brain network demonstrated a significant decrease of hierarchical modularity, global and local efficacy, with predictive value as shown by regional three-fold cross validation study. Moreover, these decreases were significantly correlated with the behavioral performance deficits observed at subsequent time points, suggesting that the diffusion weighted imaging and connectivity studies can unravel neuroimaging alterations even overt signs of cognitive impairment become apparent.


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The objective of the thesis was to develop a competitors’ financial performance monitoring model for management reporting. The research consisted of the selections of the comparison group and the performance meters as well as the actual creation of the model. A brief analysis of the current situation was also made. The aim of the results was to improve the financial reporting quality in the case organization by adding external business environment observation to the management reports. The comparison group for the case company was selected to include five companies that were all involved in power equipment engineering and project type business. The most limiting factor related to the comparison group selection was the availability of quarterly financial reporting. The most suitable performance meters were defined to be the developments of revenue, order backlog and EBITDA. These meters should be monitored systematically on quarterly basis and reported to the company management in a brief and informative way. The monitoring model was based on spreadsheet construction with key characteristics being usability, flexibility and simplicity. The model acts as a centered storage for financial competitor information as well as a reporting tool. The current market situation is strongly affected by the economic boom in the recent years and future challenges can be clearly seen in declining order backlogs. The case company has succeeded well related to its comparison group during the observation period since its business volume and profitability have developed in the best way.


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The modern stopped-flow reaction analyzer has shown high efficiency and flexibility, which provides outstanding sample economy with a dead-time of less than 1 ms. However the cost of the equipment imposes a serious restriction to many Brazilian scientists and teachers. In this work we describe the construction of a low-cost stopped-flow system coupled to a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The performance of the system was checked by monitoring the kinetics of two reactions: the fading of phenolphthalein in aqueous alkaline solution and the chlorophyll a demetallation in acid medium. The apparatus showed reasonable efficiency with a dead-time of 0.3 to 0.5 s. The very good results obtained in these two illustrative processes show that the system is satisfactory for determining rate constants with mean reaction times ranging from seconds to minutes.


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Natural or modified chondroitin sulfate was incorporated in to polymethacrylate to obtain isolated films. The addition of polysaccharide to synthetic polymers occurred at different rates. Isolated films were micro and macroscopically characterized and swelling index and water vapor transmission were determined. Results indicated changed transparency and flexibility, coupled to their dependence on increase in polysaccharide concentration. A similar occurrence was reported in the permeability to water vapor and swelling degree. Films composed of modified chondroitin sulfate, 90:10 concentration, showed hydration levels, permeability and morphological properties which allow them to be applied as excipients in the development of new drug delivery systems.


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The principal techniques for the synthesis of liquid crystalline block copolymers are reviewed. The syntheses are done by living/controlled free radical chain polymerization. The copolymers display an amorphous continuous phase and a discontinuous liquid crystalline phase (LC). The presence of oxypropylenic segments disturbs the range of mesophase transitions at lower temperatures. This behavior is not observed when styrenic segments are employed and suggests that the liquid crystalline behavior can be modified in block copolymers to show mesophases at higher and lower temperatures according to the flexibility of the chain segment that is present.


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Tämä Pro Gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten 1.9.2007 voimaan tullut uusi osakeyhtiölaki vaikuttaa pienten ja keskisuurten osakeyhtiöiden pääomanhallintaan. Vastausta etsitään myös siihen, toteutuivatko lakimuutoksessa asetetut tavoitteet pienen ja keskisuuren yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmetodologiana käytetään käsiteanalyyttistä lähestymistapaa. Tutkielma on havainnoiva ja selittävä. Tutkimuksen analyysin lähteenä käytettävät yritystilanteet ovat kirjoittajan tilitoimistotyössä esiin tulleita. Lain kokonaisuudistuksessa eräs tavoite oli tehdä laista pienille osakeyhtiöille selkeä ja toimintaa helpottava. Lain teksti on helppolukuisempaa ja lain rakenne on selkeä. Etua monelle perustettavalle pienelle osakeyhtiölle on siitä, että perustaminen on yksinkertaistunut ja minimipääoma pienentynyt. Velkojien aseman parantamiseksi lakiin otetun maksukykyisyystestin ja joustavan rahoitusratkaisun tarjoavan sijoitetun vapaan pääoman rahaston voidaan myös katsoa auttavan pientä ja keskisuurta osakeyhtiötä toiminnassaan. Maksukykyisyystesti on hyödyllinen muistutus varovaisesta varojen jaosta ja SVOP rahasto on vaihtoehto pääomalainalle. Verolakien uudistamatta jääminen osakeyhtiölain muuttuessa on vaikeuttanut joidenkin OYL:n mahdollistamien uusien menettelytapojen käyttöönottoa.


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Tant en la meva etapa d’estudiant com en la meva curta vida laboral, he participat en el desenvolupament de varies aplicacions de gestió, tant d’escriptori com web, que majoritàriament sempre estaven dividides en tres capes però en dos nivells: la base de dades i l’aplicació, que contenia tant la lògica de negoci com la vista. Des de fa temps he tingut la curiositat i la necessitat d’intentar desenvolupar una aplicació de gestió que estigui distribuïda en tres o més nivells, separant el model de dades i la lògica de negoci de la vista. Crec que el treball de fi de carrera és idoni per desenvolupar-la. L’aplicació a desenvolupar anirà destinada a la gestió d’un servei d’informàtica, que s’encarrega de resoldre les incidències, inventariar i realitzar el manteniment preventiu dels equips informàtics d’una o de varies empreses. Es crearà una aplicació que contindrà el model de dades i la lògica de negoci. També es crearan dues aplicacions clients: una aplicació d’escriptori que donarà accés a totes i cadascuna de les funcionalitats del sistema i una aplicació web que oferirà un accés lleuger i des de qualsevol ubicació a les funcionalitats d’explotació del sistema. Per últim, també es crearà una altre aplicació web que s’encarregarà de generar els llistats sol•licitats per les dues aplicacions clients. D’aquesta manera també es centralitzarà la gestió dels llistats de les aplicacions del sistema. Per desenvolupar el sistema, s’utilitzarà la plataforma J2EE de Java, i es comptarà amb l’ajuda de marcs de treball com, per exemple, Oracle ADF o JasperReports. Com a conclusió general, puc assegurar que si es distribueixen les tres capes d’un sistema en tres nivells s’obtenen beneficis en l’administració, en el manteniment, en l’escalabilitat, en la flexibilitat i en la reutilització de les aplicacions. El principal inconvenient és el possible augment de lentitud en les aplicacions clients.


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L’organització de la producció és sempre un factor clau en qualsevol empresa. No hi ha cap fórmula magistral que pugui servir per a tothom, perquè aquesta és molt depenent del sector i de la mida. Softvic S.A., l’empresa on treballo, em va demanar que implantés un sistema d’organització adequat a una empresa de desenvolupament de Software. Les empreses d’aquesta tipologia tenen dues característiques diferenciadores respecte una empresa de fabricació: les feines es fan una única vegada i es redefineixen freqüentment els projectes a fer al futur. És a dir, els requisits són inestables i requereixen rapidesa i flexibilitat. Actualment, Softvic S.A. ja té la ISO 9001:2008 al departament de programació. Aquesta ISO contempla com es creen les ordres de programació (OP) i ordres d’incidència (OI) i com es registra i avalua la feina realitzada. L’objectiu és implantar una metodologia que s’encarregui de la part anterior a aquesta, és a dir, definir les feines a fer en un període. Això s’ha d’integrar perfectament amb la part ja recolzada per la ISO. Per aquest fet es va escollir la metodologia Scrum que complia tots els requisits esmentats i estava contrastada per diferents empreses del món del Software. Primerament es van fer proves en les quals es guardava la informació en un Excel i s’imprimien manualment les feines a realitzar. Un cop es va haver decidit quina informació era útil i quina no en el cas de Softvic, es va crear una base de dades amb les taules i camps necessaris. Per treballar de forma més còmoda es va fer posteriorment un programa per a mantenir les dades i un formulari per imprimir etiquetes. A mesura que hem anat utilitzant la metodologia Scrum, hem anat ajustant aspectes cap on hem cregut convenient pel nostre cas en particular.


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Aim of this thesis was to design and manufacture a microdistillation column. The literature review part of this thesis covers stainless steels, material processing and basics about engineering design and distillation. The main focus, however, is on the experimental part. Experimental part is divided into five distinct sections: First part is where the device is introduced and separated into three parts. Secondly the device is designed part by part. It consists mostly of detail problem solving, since the first drawings had already been drawn and the critical dimensions decided. Third part is the manufacture, which was not fully completed since the final assembly was left out of this thesis. Fourth part is the test welding for the device, and its analysis. Finally some ideas for further studies are presented. The main goal of this thesis was accomplished. The device only lacks some final assembly but otherwise it is complete. One thing that became clear during the process was how difficult it is to produce small and precise steel parts with conventional manufacturing methods. Internal stresses within steel plates and thermal distortions can easily ruin small steel structures. Designing appropriate welding jigs is an important task for even simple devices. Laser material processing is a promising tool for this kind of steel processing because of the flexibility, good cutting quality and also precise and low heat input when welding. Next step in this project is the final assembly and the actual distillation tests. The tests will be carried out at Helsinki University of Technology.


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Genetic diversity is one of the levels of biodiversity that the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has recognized as being important to preserve. This is because genetic diversity is fundamental to the future evolution and to the adaptive flexibility of a species to respond to the inherently dynamic nature of the natural world. Therefore, the key to maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems is to identify, monitor and maintain locally-adapted populations, along with their unique gene pools, upon which future adaptation depends. Thus, conservation genetics deals with the genetic factors that affect extinction risk and the genetic management regimes required to minimize the risk. The conservation of exploited species, such as salmonid fishes, is particularly challenging due to the conflicts between different interest groups. In this thesis, I conduct a series of conservation genetic studies on primarily Finnish populations of two salmonid fish species (European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, and lake-run brown trout, Salmo trutta) which are popular recreational game fishes in Finland. The general aim of these studies was to apply and develop population genetic approaches to assist conservation and sustainable harvest of these populations. The approaches applied included: i) the characterization of population genetic structure at national and local scales; ii) the identification of management units and the prioritization of populations for conservation based on evolutionary forces shaping indigenous gene pools; iii) the detection of population declines and the testing of the assumptions underlying these tests; and iv) the evaluation of the contribution of natural populations to a mixed stock fishery. Based on microsatellite analyses, clear genetic structuring of exploited Finnish grayling and brown trout populations was detected at both national and local scales. Finnish grayling were clustered into three genetically distinct groups, corresponding to northern, Baltic and south-eastern geographic areas of Finland. The genetic differentiation among and within population groups of grayling ranged from moderate to high levels. Such strong genetic structuring combined with low genetic diversity strongly indicates that genetic drift plays a major role in the evolution of grayling populations. Further analyses of European grayling covering the majority of the species’ distribution range indicated a strong global footprint of population decline. Using a coalescent approach the beginning of population reduction was dated back to 1 000-10 000 years ago (ca. 200-2 000 generations). Forward simulations demonstrated that the bottleneck footprints measured using the M ratio can persist within small populations much longer than previously anticipated in the face of low levels of gene flow. In contrast to the M ratio, two alternative methods for genetic bottleneck detection identified recent bottlenecks in six grayling populations that warrant future monitoring. Consistent with the predominant role of random genetic drift, the effective population size (Ne) estimates of all grayling populations were very low with the majority of Ne estimates below 50. Taken together, highly structured local populations, limited gene flow and the small Ne of grayling populations indicates that grayling populations are vulnerable to overexploitation and, hence, monitoring and careful management using the precautionary principles is required not only in Finland but throughout Europe. Population genetic analyses of lake-run brown trout populations in the Inari basin (northernmost Finland) revealed hierarchical population structure where individual populations were clustered into three population groups largely corresponding to different geographic regions of the basin. Similar to my earlier work with European grayling, the genetic differentiation among and within population groups of lake-run brown trout was relatively high. Such strong differentiation indicated that the power to determine the relative contribution of populations in mixed fisheries should be relatively high. Consistent with these expectations, high accuracy and precision in mixed stock analysis (MSA) simulations were observed. Application of MSA to indigenous fish caught in the Inari basin identified altogether twelve populations that contributed significantly to mixed stock fisheries with the Ivalojoki river system being the major contributor (70%) to the total catch. When the contribution of wild trout populations to the fisheries was evaluated regionally, geographically nearby populations were the main contributors to the local catches. MSA also revealed a clear separation between the lower and upper reaches of Ivalojoki river system – in contrast to lower reaches of the Ivalojoki river that contributed considerably to the catch, populations from the upper reaches of the Ivalojoki river system (>140 km from the river mouth) did not contribute significantly to the fishery. This could be related to the available habitat size but also associated with a resident type life history and increased cost of migration. The studies in my thesis highlight the importance of dense sampling and wide population coverage at the scale being studied and also demonstrate the importance of critical evaluation of the underlying assumptions of the population genetic models and methods used. These results have important implications for conservation and sustainable fisheries management of Finnish populations of European grayling and brown trout in the Inari basin.


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Deflection compensation of flexible boom structures in robot positioning is usually done using tables containing the magnitude of the deflection with inverse kinematics solutions of a rigid structure. The number of table values increases greatly if the working area of the boom is large and the required positioning accuracy is high. The inverse kinematics problems are very nonlinear, and if the structure is redundant, in some cases it cannot be solved in a closed form. If the structural flexibility of the manipulator arms is taken into account, the problem is almost impossible to solve using analytical methods. Neural networks offer a possibility to approximate any linear or nonlinear function. This study presents four different methods of using neural networks in the static deflection compensation and inverse kinematics solution of a flexible hydraulically driven manipulator. The training information required for training neural networks is obtained by employing a simulation model that includes elasticity characteristics. The functionality of the presented methods is tested based on the simulated and measured results of positioning accuracy. The simulated positioning accuracy is tested in 25 separate coordinate points. For each point, the positioning is tested with five different mass loads. The mean positioning error of a manipulator decreased from 31.9 mm to 4.1 mm in the test points. This accuracy enables the use of flexible manipulators in the positioning of larger objects. The measured positioning accuracy is tested in 9 separate points using three different mass loads. The mean positioning error decreased from 10.6 mm to 4.7 mm and the maximum error from 27.5 mm to 11.0 mm.