974 resultados para food material
Details are given of a new software package MAXIMS which may be used to estimate the daily food consumption of fish. The software estimates the feeding times, the rates of ingestion and evacuation and related parameters. Two applications of the program are described. The first pertains to anchovy (Engraulis ringens ) with one feeding period per day, and the second one to juvenile cod (Gadus morhua ), which feed during dawn and dusk.
An empirical model relating food requirements to morphometric indices of metabolic rate was used to calculate consumption/biomass ratios (Q/B) for 16 species of fish that make the pelagic fish community in Lake Malawi/Niassa. The Q/B/year varied from 3.31 to 9.82, with the large catfish (Dinotopterus nyasensis) having the lowest and a small cyprinid (Engraulicypris sardella) having the highest Q/B ratio. Direct estimates of Q/B for four of the most abundant species, based on analysis of diel feeding patterns, ranged from 4.20 to 24.70; the extreme values in this range representing replicate studies on the same species, the predatory cichlid Rhamphochromis longiceps. Previous studies that indicated exceptionally low Q/B ratios (1.0) in pelagic cichlids from Lake Malawi are not supported by this more recent work.
An investigation was conducted into the food and feeding habits of Synodontis nigrita from the Osun River near Epe, Lagos, Nigeria. The food items in the stomach of the S. nigrita covered a wide spectrum, ranging from various types of plankton to invertebrates and plants. A seasonal variation was also noted in the stomach contents of S. nigrita over the period of investigation. The predominant food items found in the stomach were Polycystis spp., Closterium spp., Oedogonium spp., plant tissues, insect parts and detritus. This suggests that S. nigrita is an omnivore.
Micro-scale abrasion (ball cratering) tests were performed with different combinations of ball and bulk specimen materials, under different test conditions, such as load and abrasive slurry concentration. Wear modes were classified into two types: with rolling particle motion and with grooving particle motion. Wear rates observed with rolling particle motion were relatively insensitive to test conditions, whereas with grooving motion they varied much more. It is suggested that rolling abrasion is therefore a more appropriate mode if reproducible test results are desired. The motion of the abrasive particles can be reliably predicted from the knowledge of hardnesses and elastic properties of the ball and the specimen, and from the normal load and the abrasive slurry concentration. General trends in wear resistance measured in the micro-scale abrasion test with rolling particle motion are similar to those reported in tests with fixed abrasives with sliding particle motion, although the variation in wear resistance with hardness is significantly smaller. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Entre 06/08/11 e 25/02/12 foram obtidas séries temporais contínuas de intensidade e direção das correntes e intensidade do eco ao longo de toda a coluna dágua, e medições, de temperatura e pressão, próximas ao fundo, na região adjacente ao canal de acesso à baía de Sepetiba (230'16.5"S e 4359'29.4"W, profundidade local de aproximadamente 25 m) através da utilização de um perfilador acústico ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), modelo WorkHorse BroadBand Sentinel (600 kHz, Teledyne-RDI). A partir dos dados adquiridos, observou-se a existência de correntes intensas próximo ao fundo (até 1,02 m/s), principalmente durante os períodos de enchente sob condições de sizígia, que são fortemente influenciadas pela orientação do canal de navegação. A análise das séries temporais das componentes da velocidade mostraram, em conformidade ao relatado por alguns autores, que esta é uma baía cuja circulação é fortemente influenciada pela dinâmica da maré sendo M2, M4, M6 e M8 as principais componentes harmônicas que atuam no sistema. Além disso, observou-se significativa assimetria da maré, sendo os períodos de enchente consideravelmente mais curtos e associados às correntes mais intensas, o que permite concluir que no setor investigado da baía de Sepetiba há dominância de enchente. Outra característica interessante da área de estudo relaciona-se à observação de que ventos intensos de S-SO são responsáveis pelo empilhamento de água no interior da baía, sendo que altura do nível da superfície da água apresenta relação direta com as variações da pressão atmosférica local. Em diversos períodos, quando há atuação de ventos de E-NE é possível encontrar Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) no interior da baía de Sepetiba, desde a sua entrada principal até as adjacências da ilha Guaíba. Além disso, foram identificadas diversas oscilações de baixa frequência que puderam ser associadas à variação da pressão atmosférica. Oscilações de alta frequência foram associadas à dinâmica da maré, a co-oscilações da maré e ao vento. Em relação à concentração de Material Particulado em Suspensão (MPS), durante os períodos de sizígia foram registradas as maiores concentrações material particulado na coluna dágua. Durante os períodos de sizígia, o fluxo de MPS é mais pronunciado do que durante as quadraturas, sendo que, independente do período da maré, o fluxo cumulativo de material particulado em suspensão é dirigido para o interior da baía de Sepetiba. Considerando o alinhamento dos vetores de velocidade em conformidade a direção preferencial do canal de navegação, tem-se que o fluxo cumulativo de MPS varia entre dirigido para SE na região próxima ao fundo, a dirigido para NE próximo ao topo da coluna dágua, o que sugere a deflexão do movimento das correntes em consequência do atrito. Ao longo de um dia, o fluxo do material particulado é mais pronunciado durante as enchentes, quando há aumento das tensões cisalhantes que atuam sobre o leito da baía redisponibilizando para a coluna dágua o material que estava depositado no fundo.
The increasing harvest of 7 edible seaweeds in Fiji and their importance to the economy of indigenous Fijians are discussed. Traditional methods in the collection, preparation and consumption of seaweeds by the Fijians are also presented.
A simple modification of Pauly's model for relating food conversion efficiency (K sub(1)) and body weight is proposed. The key parameter is an index to how efficiently food can be absorbed; the other parameter is related to the surface-limiting growth, an important component of von Bertalanff's and Pauly's theories of fish growth.
The simple model relating food conversion efficiency (K sub(1)) to body weight derived from the theoretical concepts behind von Bertalanffy's growth model, is extended here in the context of Pauly's generalization of that model. The exponent, which was fixed to 1/3 in the simple model, is in the extended model equivalent to 1-d, with d being the weight exponent of the anabolism term in Pauly's growth model. This makes the model applicable to fish for which the assumptions of the original (special) version of von Bertalanffy's growth model are violated.
In Bangladesh, only 6% of the daily food intake is animal food of which fish accounts for 50%. Rice is the mainstay, making up 60% of the daily food intake. However, many nutrients such as vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, zinc and iodine are not found in rice and have to be obtained from other sources. Small indigenous fish are a vital contribution to the diet of the rural poor in Bangladesh, where more than 30,000 children go blind every year from vitamin A deficiency and 70% of women and children are iron-deficient. Small fish, which are less than 10 cm in length and usually eaten whole with the organs and bones, contain large amount of calcium and possibly iron and zinc. The largest fish promoted in aquaculture do not contribute significantly to calcium intake. Some species also contain large amount of vitamin A. Much of the small indigenous fish (SIS) of Bangladesh are caught in floodplains and natural waterbodies. Small fish are eaten frequently in small amounts and are more equally distributed among family members than big fish of which men get the larger share. Unfortunately, overfishing and the deterioration of natural habitats have resulted in a decline in SIS. When measures are taken to improve food and nutrition security, there should be a focus on production of small fish so that greater quantities are accessible for consumption by the rural poor.