962 resultados para Yang Zhenzong
One of the most fascinating aspects of plant morphology is the regular geometric arrangement of leaves and flowers, called phyllotaxy. The shoot apical meristem (SAM) determines these patterns, which vary depending on species and developmental stage. Auxin acts as an instructive signal in leaf initiation, and its transport has been implicated in phyllotaxy regulation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Altered phyllotactic patterns are observed in a maize (Zea mays) mutant, aberrant phyllotaxy1 (abph1, also known as abphyl1), and ABPH1 encodes a cytokinin-inducible type A response regulator, suggesting that cytokinin signals are also involved in the mechanism by which phyllotactic patterns are established. Therefore, we investigated the interaction between auxin and cytokinin signaling in phyllotaxy. Treatment of maize shoots with a polar auxin transport inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid, strongly reduced ABPH1 expression, suggesting that auxin or its polar transport is required for ABPH1 expression. Immunolocalization of the PINFORMED1 (PIN1) polar auxin transporter revealed that PIN1 expression marks leaf primordia in maize, similarly to Arabidopsis. Interestingly, maize PIN1 expression at the incipient leaf primordium was greatly reduced in abph1 mutants. Consistently, auxin levels were reduced in abph1, and the maize PIN1 homolog was induced not only by auxin but also by cytokinin treatments. Our results indicate distinct roles for ABPH1 as a negative regulator of SAM size and a positive regulator of PIN1 expression. These studies highlight a complex interaction between auxin and cytokinin signaling in the specification of phyllotactic patterns and suggest an alternative model for the generation of altered phyllotactic patterns in abph1 mutants. We propose that reduced auxin levels and PIN1 expression in abph1 mutant SAMs delay leaf initiation, contributing to the enlarged SAM and altered phyllotaxy of these mutants.
We construct exact vortex solutions in 3+1 dimensions to a theory which is an extension, due to Gies, of the Skyrme-Faddeev model, and that is believed to describe some aspects of the low energy limit of the pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Despite the efforts in the last decades those are the first exact analytical solutions to be constructed for such type of theory. The exact vortices appear in a very particular sector of the theory characterized by special values of the coupling constants, and by a constraint that leads to an infinite number of conserved charges. The theory is scale invariant in that sector, and the solutions satisfy Bogomolny type equations. The energy of the static vortex is proportional to its topological charge, and waves can travel with the speed of light along them, adding to the energy a term proportional to a U(1) No ether charge they create. We believe such vortices may play a role in the strong coupling regime of the pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.
We construct static soliton solutions with non-zero Hopf topological charges to a theory which is the extended Skyrme-Faddeev model with a further quartic term in derivatives. We use an axially symmetric ansatz based on toroidal coordinates, and solve the resulting two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations in two variables by a successive over-relaxation method. We construct numerical solutions with the Hopf charge up to 4. The solutions present an interesting behavior under the changes of a special combination of the coupling constants of the quartic terms.
We consider a four dimensional field theory with target space being CP(N) which constitutes a generalization of the usual Skyrme-Faddeev model defined on CP(1). We show that it possesses an integrable sector presenting an infinite number of local conservation laws, which are associated to the hidden symmetries of the zero curvature representation of the theory in loop space. We construct an infinite class of exact solutions for that integrable submodel where the fields are meromorphic functions of the combinations (x(1) + i x(2)) and (x(3) + x(0)) of the Cartesian coordinates of four dimensional Minkowski space-time. Among those solutions we have static vortices and also vortices with waves traveling along them with the speed of light. The energy per unity of length of the vortices show an interesting and intricate interaction among the vortices and waves.
Linear covariant gauges, such as Feynman gauge, are very useful in perturbative calculations. Their non-perturbative formulation is, however, highly non-trivial. In particular, it is a challenge to define linear covariant gauges on a lattice. We consider a class of gauges in lattice gauge theory that coincides with the perturbative definition of linear covariant gauges in the formal continuum limit. The corresponding gauge-fixing procedure is described and analyzed in detail, with an application to the pure SU(2) case. In addition, results for the gluon propagator in the two-dimensional case are given. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work we study the spectrum of the lowest screening masses for Yang-Mills theories on the lattice. We used the SU(2) gauge group in (3 + 1) dmensions. We adopted the multiple exponential method and the so-called ""variational"" method, in order to detect possible excited states. The calculations were done near the critical temperature of the confinement-deconfinement phase transition. We obtained values for the ratios of the screening masses consistent with predictions from universality arguments. A Monte Carlo evolution of the screening masses in the gauge theory confirms the validity of the predictions.
Spatiotemporal pattern formation in the electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide on a platinum disk is investigated using electrochemical methods and a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera simultaneously. The system is characterized by different oscillatory regions spread over a wide potential range. An additional series resistor and a large electrode area facilitate observation of multiple regions of kinetic instabilities along the current/potential curve. Spatiotemporal patterns on the working electrode, such as fronts, pulses, spirals, twinkling eyes, labyrinthine stripes, and alternating synchronized deposition and dissolution, are observed at different operating conditions of series resistance and sweep rate.
In this paper, we study the influence of the National Telecom Business Volume by the data in 2008 that have been published in China Statistical Yearbook of Statistics. We illustrate the procedure of modeling “National Telecom Business Volume” on the following eight variables, GDP, Consumption Levels, Retail Sales of Social Consumer Goods Total Renovation Investment, the Local Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Telephone Exchange Capacity, Mobile Phone End Users, and the Local Telephone End Users. The testing of heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity for model evaluation is included. We also consider AIC and BIC criterion to select independent variables, and conclude the result of the factors which are the optimal regression model for the amount of telecommunications business and the relation between independent variables and dependent variable. Based on the final results, we propose several recommendations about how to improve telecommunication services and promote the economic development.
Detecting both the majors genes that control the phenotypic mean and those controlling phenotypic variance has been raised in quantitative trait loci analysis. In order to mapping both kinds of genes, we applied the idea of the classic Haley-Knott regression to double generalized linear models. We performed both kinds of quantitative trait loci detection for a Red Jungle Fowl x White Leghorn F2 intercross using double generalized linear models. It is shown that double generalized linear model is a proper and efficient approach for localizing variance-controlling genes. We compared two models with or without fixed sex effect and prefer including the sex effect in order to reduce the residual variances. We found that different genes might take effect on the body weight at different time as the chicken grows.
Using genome-wide data from 253,288 individuals, we identified 697 variants at genome-wide significance that together explained one-fifth of the heritability for adult height. By testing different numbers of variants in independent studies, we show that the most strongly associated ∼2,000, ∼3,700 and ∼9,500 SNPs explained ∼21%, ∼24% and ∼29% of phenotypic variance. Furthermore, all common variants together captured 60% of heritability. The 697 variants clustered in 423 loci were enriched for genes, pathways and tissue types known to be involved in growth and together implicated genes and pathways not highlighted in earlier efforts, such as signaling by fibroblast growth factors, WNT/β-catenin and chondroitin sulfate-related genes. We identified several genes and pathways not previously connected with human skeletal growth, including mTOR, osteoglycin and binding of hyaluronic acid. Our results indicate a genetic architecture for human height that is characterized by a very large but finite number (thousands) of causal variants.2014
Background: Tens of millions of patients worldwide suffer from avoidable disabling injuries and death every year. Measuring the safety climate in health care is an important step in improving patient safety. The most commonly used instrument to measure safety climate is the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). The aim of the present study was to establish the validity and reliability of the translated version of the SAQ. Methods: The SAQ was translated and adapted to the Swedish context. The survey was then carried out with 374 respondents in the operating room (OR) setting. Data was received from three hospitals, a total of 237 responses. Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of the instrument. Results: The Cronbach's alpha values for each of the factors of the SAQ ranged between 0.59 and 0.83. The CFA and its goodness-of-fit indices (SRMR 0.055, RMSEA 0.043, CFI 0.98) showed good model fit. Intercorrelations between the factors safety climate, teamwork climate, job satisfaction, perceptions of management, and working conditions showed moderate to high correlation with each other. The factor stress recognition had no significant correlation with teamwork climate, perception of management, or job satisfaction. Conclusions: Therefore, the Swedish translation and psychometric testing of the SAQ (OR version) has good construct validity. However, the reliability analysis suggested that some of the items need further refinement to establish sound internal consistency. As suggested by previous research, the SAQ is potentially a useful tool for evaluating safety climate. However, further psychometric testing is required with larger samples to establish the psychometric properties of the instrument for use in Sweden.