984 resultados para Spectrally bounded


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IP a The paper examines the application of the Resource-Based View of strategy (RBV) to the Australian floral industry. Despite the RBV's successful application to research in a number of discipline areas and the formalisation of its relationship with Competitive Advantage (CA) 15 years ago, the empirical support for the benefit of the RBV and development of research constructs has been inadequate. This has been partly due to the difficulty of identifying and separating the contribution of resources. The RBV literature is now consistent in the criteria required of a resource for CA and identifies a range of empirical research objectives (e.g. the need for contextual constructs), data evaluation focuses (e.g. measuring the impact of management, process, regional and scale affects) and results objectives (such as identifying the causal structure of resources). Research was conducted in the Australian floral industry to produce supporting generalisable data and constructs for the RBV. This industry is well bounded with several strongly differentiating resources and operates in a global market environment, which is necessary for these research objectives. Six hypotheses were examined; (1) the use of resources as the input of the CA, (2) the impact of the development process on resources, (3) the impact of management control on the development of resources (4) the impact on capability of management, process, region and scale, (5) the impact of resource development maturity on the approach to resource development and (6) the possibility of evaluating individual resources according to various criteria. The data was collected using selected participant interviews, with validation of conclusions by industry experts. It was analysed using content analysis, comparative analysis and cognitive mapping. The research determined that organisations in the Australian floral industry possessed important resources including geography, skills, technology, R&D, supply chains and production costs. These contributed to four CA creating production outputs; quality, capacity, reliability and customer convenience. The research findings supported hypotheses 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The lack of support for the two remaining hypotheses, relating to the process of resource development, may be explained by the low resource development maturity of the industry which masks the impact of the resource development process. The results also determined that one resource could contribute to a number of CAs and that resources not meeting all of the normal RBV CA criteria could still provide a CA in an industry where few resources met all criteria. It was postulated that these resources’ contribution to competitive was not durable.


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In this paper we provide a robust version of a linear Kalman filter for target tracking with nonlinear range and bearing measurements. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error is bounded in a probabilistic sense. We compare our approach with the current state of the art in converted radar measurement based linear filtering.


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Vision-based tracking sensors typically provide nonlinear measurements
of the targets Cartesian position and velocity state components. In this paper we derive linear measurements using an analytical measurement conversion technique which can be used with two (or more) vision sensors. We derive
linear measurements in the target’s Cartesian position and velocity components and we derive a robust version of a linear Kalman filter. We show that our linear robust filter significantly outperforms the extended Kalman Filter. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error is bounded.


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The use of perspective projection in tracking a target from a video stream involves nonlinear observations. The target dynamics, however, are modeled in Cartesian coordinates and result in a linear system. In this paper we provide a robust version of a linear Kalman filter and perform a measurement conversion technique on the nonlinear optical measurements. We show that our linear robust filter significantly outperforms the Extended Kalman Filter. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error is bounded in a probabilistic sense.


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Data streams are usually generated in an online fashion characterized by huge volume, rapid unpredictable rates, and fast changing data characteristics. It has been hence recognized that mining over streaming data requires the problem of limited computational resources to be adequately addressed. Since the arrival rate of data streams can significantly increase and exceed the CPU capacity, the machinery must adapt to this change to guarantee the timeliness of the results. We present an online algorithm to approximate a set of frequent patterns from a sliding window over the underlying data stream - given apriori CPU capacity. The algorithm automatically detects overload situations and can adaptively shed unprocessed data to guarantee the timely results. We theoretically prove, using probabilistic and deterministic techniques, that the error on the output results is bounded within a pre-specified threshold. The empirical results on various datasets also confirmed the feasiblity of our proposal.


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We hereby develop an effective and efficient testing methodology for correctness testing for file recovery tools across different file systems. We assume that the tool tester is familiar with the formats of common file types and has the ability to use the tools correctly. Our methodology first derives a testing plan to minimize the number of runs required to identify the differences in tools with respect to correctness. We also present a case study on correctness testing for file carving tools, which allows us to confirm that the number of necessary testing runs is bounded and our results are statistically sound.


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We present an algebraic attack approach to a family of irregularly clock-controlled bit-based linear feedback shift register systems. In the general set-up, we assume that the output bit of one shift register controls the clocking of other registers in the system and produces a family of equations relating the output bits to the internal state bits. We then apply this general theory to four specific stream ciphers: the (strengthened) stop-and-go generator, the alternating step generator, the self-decimated generator and the step1/step2 generator. In the case of the strengthened stop-and-go generator and of the self-decimated generator, we obtain the initial state of the registers in a significantly faster time than any other known attack. In the other two situations, we do better than or as well as all attacks but the correlation attack. In all cases, we demonstrate that the degree of a functional relationship between the registers can be bounded by two. Finally, we determine the effective key length of all four systems.


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"Emotions in Organizational Behavior is an edited volume and the first of its kind to incorporate organizational behavior and bounded emotionality. The volume looks at the range of research on emotions within an organizational behavior framework, organized in terms of the individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels. This research was presented at the bi-annual International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life held in London, England. Particular emphasis has been placed on obtaining the leading research in the international sphere. This book is intended to be useful to the student of organizational behavior, as well as the managers of organizations."


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The main objective of a steel strip rolling process is to produce high quality steel at a desired thickness.  Thickness reduction is the result of the speed difference between the incoming and the outgoing steel strip and the application of the large normal forces via the backup and the work rolls.  Gauge control of a cold rolled steel strip is achieved using the gaugemeter principle that works adequately for the input gauge changes and the strip hardness changes.  However, the compensation of some factors is problematic, for example, eccentricity of the backup rolls.  This cyclic eccentricity effect causes a gauge deviation, but more importantly, a signal is passed to the gap position control so to increase the eccentricity deviation.  Consequently, the required high product tolerances are severely limited by the presence of the roll eccentricity effects.
In this paper a direct model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme with dynamically constructed neural controller was used.  The aim here is to find the simplest controller structure capable of achieving an optimal performance.  The stability of the adaptive neural control scheme (i.e. the requirement of persistency of excitation and bounded learning rates) is addressed by using as the inputs to the reference model the plant's state variables.  In such a case, excitation is due to actual plant signals (states) affected by plant disturbances and noise.  In addition, a reference model in the form of a filter with a desired transfer function using Modulus Optimum design was used to ensure variance in the desired dynamic characteristics of the system.  The gradually decreasing learning rate employed by the neural controller in this paper is aimed at eliminating controller instability resulting from over-aggressive control.  The moving target problem (i.e. the difficulty of global neural networks to perfrom several separate computational tasks in closed -loop control) is addressed by the localized architecture of the controller.  The above control scheme and learning algorithm offers a method for automatic discovery of an efficient controller.
The resulting neural controller produces an excellent disturbance rejection in both cases of eccentricity and hardness disturbances, reducing the gauge deviation due to eccentricity disturbance from 33.36% to 4.57% on average, and the gauge deviation due to hardness disturbance from 12.59% to 2.08%.


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The stability of minor component analysis (MCA) learning algorithms is an important problem in many signal processing applications. In this paper, we propose an effective MCA learning algorithm that can offer better stability. The dynamics of the proposed algorithm are analyzed via a corresponding deterministic discrete time (DDT) system. It is proven that if the learning rate satisfies some mild conditions, almost all trajectories of the DDT system starting from points in an invariant set are bounded, and will converge to the minor component of the autocorrelation matrix of the input data. Simulation results will be furnished to illustrate the theoretical results achieved.


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In this paper we address the problem of decentralized and robust linear filtering for target tracking using networks of (radar) sensors taking nonlinear range and bearing measurements. The algorithm introduced in this paper permits efficient data fusion from multiple sensors through a summation style fusion architecture. Moreover, we prove that the state estimation error for the linear filtering algorithm is bounded.


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This paper concerns the adaptive fast finite time control of a class of nonlinear uncertain systems of which the upper bounds of the system uncertainties are unknown. By using the fast non-smooth control Lyapunov function and the method of so-called adding a power integrator merging with adaptive technique, a recursive design procedure is provided, which guarantees the fast finite time stability of the closed-loop system. It is proved that the control input is bounded, and a simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.


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A microspectrophotometric study was conducted on the retinal photoreceptors of four species of bird: cut-throat finches (Amadina fasciata), gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae), white-headed munias (Lonchura maja) and plum-headed finches (Neochmia modesta). Spectral characteristics of the photoreceptors in all four species were very similar. Rods contained a medium-wavelength-sensitive visual pigment with a wavelength of maximum absorbance at 502-504 nm. Four spectrally distinct types of single cone contained a visual pigment with wavelength of maximum absorbance at either 370-373 nm (ultraviolet-sensitive), 440-447 nm (short-wavelength-sensitive); 500 nm (medium-wavelength-sensitive) or 562-565 nm (long-wavelength-sensitive). Oil droplets in the ultraviolet-sensitive single cones showed no detectable absorption between 330 nm and 800 nm. Oil droplets in the short-, medium-, and long-wavelength-sensitive single cones had cut-off wavelengths at 415-423 nm, 510-520 nm and 567-575 nm, respectively. Double cones contained the visual pigment with wavelength of maximum absorbance at 562-565 nm observed in long-wavelength-sensitive single cones. Only the principal member of the double cone pair contained an oil droplet (P-type, cut-off wavelength at 414-489 nm depending on species and retinal location). Spectral transmittance of the intact ocular media of each species was measured along the optic axis. Wavelengths of 0.5 transmittance for all species were very similar (316-318 nm).


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The spectral absorption characteristics of the retinal photoreceptors of the blue tit (Pal trs caeruleus) and blackbird (Turdus merula) were investigated using microspectrophotometry. The retinae of both species contained rods, double cones and four spectrally distinct types of single cone. Whilst the visual pigments and cone oil droplets in the other receptor types are very similar in both species, the wavelength of maximum sensitivity (lambda(max)) of long-wavelength-sensitive single and double cone visual pigment occurs at a shorter wavelength (557 nm) in the blackbird than in the blue tit (563 nm). Oil droplets located in the long-wavelength-sensitive-single cones of both species cut off wavelengths below 570-573 nm, theoretically shifting cone peak spectral sensitivity some 40 nm towards the long-wavelength end of the spectrum. This raises the possibility that the precise lambda(max) of the long-wavelength-sensitive visual pigment is optimised for the visual function of the double cones. The distribution of cone photoreceptors across the retina, determined using conventional light and fluorescence microscopy also varies between the two species and may reflect differences in their visual ecology.


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The blue tit (Parus caeruleus) has been classified as sexually monochromatic. This classification is based on human colour perception yet, unlike humans, most birds have four spectrally distinct classes of cone and are visually sensitive to wavelengths in the near-ultraviolet (300-400 nm). Reflectance spectrophotometry reveals that blue tit plumage shows considerable reflection of UV light. For example, the blue crest shows peak reflectance at wavelengths around 352 nm. Furthermore, the blue tit is sexually dichromatic for multiple regions of plumage, including the crest. Choice trials performed in the laboratory indicate that females prefer males with the brightest crests. This study has implications for both intra-and interspecific studies of sexual selection, as well as future classification of dichromatism, which should not ignore the possibility of variation in reflectance in the UV.