965 resultados para Sandy Beach


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Cities of Light is the first global overview of modern urban illumination, a development that allows human wakefulness to colonize the night, doubling the hours available for purposeful and industrious activities. Urban lighting is undergoing a revolution due to recent developments in lighting technology, and increased focus on sustainability and human-scaled environments. Cities of Light is expansive in coverage, spanning two centuries and touching on developments on six continents, without diluting its central focus on architectural and urban lighting. Covering history, geography, theory, and speculation in urban lighting, readers will have numerous points of entry into the book, finding it easy to navigate for a quick reference and or a coherent narrative if read straight through. With chapters written by respected scholars and highly-regarded contemporary practitioners, this book will delight students and practitioners of architectural and urban history, area and cultural studies, and lighting design professionals and the institutional and municipal authorities they serve. At a moment when the entire world is being reshaped by new lighting technologies and new design attitudes, the longer history of urban lighting remains fragmentary. Cities of Light aims to provide a global framework for historical studies of urban lighting and to offer a new perspective on the fast-moving developments of lighting today.


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Fractional-order derivatives appear in various engineering applications including models for viscoelastic damping. Damping behavior of materials, if modeled using linear, constant coefficient differential equations, cannot include the long memory that fractional-order derivatives require. However, sufficiently great rnicrostructural disorder can lead, statistically, to macroscopic behavior well approximated by fractional order derivatives. The idea has appeared in the physics literature, but may interest an engineering audience. This idea in turn leads to an infinite-dimensional system without memory; a routine Galerkin projection on that infinite-dimensional system leads to a finite dimensional system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) (integer order) that matches the fractional-order behavior over user-specifiable, but finite, frequency ranges. For extreme frequencies (small or large), the approximation is poor. This is unavoidable, and users interested in such extremes or in the fundamental aspects of true fractional derivatives must take note of it. However, mismatch in extreme frequencies outside the range of interest for a particular model of a real material may have little engineering impact.


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Biogeochemical and hydrological cycles are currently studied on a small experimental forested watershed (4.5 km(2)) in the semi-humid South India. This paper presents one of the first data referring to the distribution and dynamics of a widespread red soil (Ferralsols and Chromic Luvisols) and black soil (Vertisols and Vertic intergrades) cover, and its possible relationship with the recent development of the erosion process. The soil map was established from the observation of isolated soil profiles and toposequences, and surveys of soil electromagnetic conductivity (EM31, Geonics Ltd), lithology and vegetation. The distribution of the different parts of the soil cover in relation to each other was used to establish the dynamics and chronological order of formation. Results indicate that both topography and lithology (gneiss and amphibolite) have influenced the distribution of the soils. At the downslope, the following parts of the soil covers were distinguished: i) red soil system, ii) black soil system, iii) bleached horizon at the top of the black soil and iv) bleached sandy saprolite at the base of the black soil. The red soil is currently transforming into black soil and the transformation front is moving upslope. In the bottom part of the slope, the chronology appears to be the following: black soil > bleached horizon at the top of the black soil > streambed > bleached horizon below the black soil. It appears that the development of the drainage network is a recent process, which was guided by the presence of thin black soil with a vertic horizon less than 2 in deep. Three distinctive types of erosional landforms have been identified: 1. rotational slips (Type 1); 2. a seepage erosion (Type 2) at the top of the black soil profile; 3. A combination of earthflow and sliding in the non-cohesive saprolite of the gneiss occurs at midslope (Type 3). Types 1 and 2 erosion are mainly occurring downslope and are always located at the intersection between the streambed and the red soil-black soil contact. Neutron probe monitoring, along an area vulnerable to erosion types 1 and 2, indicates that rotational slips are caused by a temporary watertable at the base of the black soil and within the sandy bleached saprolite, which behaves as a plane of weakness. The watertable is induced by the ephemeral watercourse. Erosion type 2 is caused by seepage of a perched watertable, which occurs after swelling and closing of the cracks of the vertic clay horizon and within a light textured and bleached horizon at the top of black soil. Type 3 erosion is not related to the red soil-black soil system but is caused by the seasonal seepage of saturated throughflow in the sandy saprolite of the gneiss occurring at midslope. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the stability of anchored cantilever sheet pile wall in sandy soils is investigated using reliability analysis. Targeted stability is formulated as an optimization problem in the framework of an inverse first order reliability method. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to investigate the effect of parameters influencing the stability of sheet pile wall. Backfill soil properties, soil - steel pile interface friction angle, depth of the water table from the top of the sheet pile wall, total depth of embedment below the dredge line, yield strength of steel, section modulus of steel sheet pile, and anchor pull are all treated as random variables. The sheet pile wall system is modeled as a series of failure mode combination. Penetration depth, anchor pull, and section modulus are calculated for various target component and system reliability indices based on three limit states. These are: rotational failure about the position of the anchor rod, expressed in terms of moment ratio; sliding failure mode, expressed in terms of force ratio; and flexural failure of the steel sheet pile wall, expressed in terms of the section modulus ratio. An attempt is made to propose reliability based design charts considering the failure criteria as well as the variability in the parameters. The results of the study are compared with studies in the literature.


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on määrittää kesämökkikäynnin virkistysarvo. Aihetta ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu, vaikka kesämökkeily on merkittävä osa suomalaista elämää. Kesämökkikäynnin virkistysarvo tarkoittaa hyötyä, jonka yksilö saa kesämökillä virkistäytymisestä. Virkistäytyminen kesämökillä pitää sisällään kaiken kesämökillä ja sen ympäristössä tapahtuvan harrastamisen ja rentoutumisen. Koska ympäristö on tärkeässä osassa mökillä virkistäytymisessä, tässä tutkielmassa on lisäksi tarkoitus tutkia, kuinka mökkiympäristön ominaisuudet vaikuttavat virkistysarvoon. Tarkasteltavina ympäristön ominaisuuksina ovat virkistäytymisen estävät leväkukinnot ja mökin rannattomuus. Koska mökkeily toisaalta myös kuormittaa ympäristöä, tutkielmassa tutkitaan myös, kuinka sähköistys, ympäristöä kuormittava kesämökin ominaisuus, vaikuttaa virkistysarvoon. Virkistysarvo on markkinaton hyöty, joten sen määrittämiseen on käytettävä jotain markkinattomien hyödykkeiden arvottamismenetelmää. Tässä työssä arvottaminen tapahtuu matkakustannusmenetelmällä, jota käytetään yleisesti ympäristön tarjoamien virkistyspalveluiden taloudelliseen arvottamiseen. Kesämökkikäyntien kysyntää kuvaava matkakustannusmallin ekonometrinen mallintaminen suoritetaan negatiivisella binomimallilla. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan noin neljän päivän pituinen käynti sähköistetyllä kesämökillä, jossa on ranta eivätkä levät häiritse virkistäytymistä, tuottaa 167-205 euron suuruisen virkistyshyödyn. Virkistäytymisen estävät leväkukinnot laskevat arvoa 40 prosentilla ja mökin rannattomuus 45 prosentilla. Käynti sähköistetyllä mökillä tuottaa 3-5 prosenttia korkeamman virkistyshyödyn kuin käynti sähköistämättömällä mökillä. Suomessa kesän aikana tehtävien mökkikäyntien yhteenlaskettu virkistyshyöty on 430-530 miljoonaa, jos mökillä on ranta, jossa levistä ei ole haittaa. Häiritsevät leväkukinnot laskevat yhteenlaskettua virkistyshyötyä 30 miljoonalla ja rannattomuus 10-20 miljoonalla. Sähköistys nostaa yhteenlaskettua virkistyshyötyä 20-30 miljoonalla eurolla.


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We present the results on the evolution of microscopic dynamics of hybrid nanoparticles and their binary mixtures as a function of temperature and wave vector. We find unexpectedly a nonmonotonic dependence of the structural relaxation time of the nanoparticles as a function of the morphology. In binary mixtures of two of the largest nanoparticles studied, we observe re-entrant vitrification as a function of the volume fraction of the smaller nanoparticle, which is unusual for such high diameter ratio. Possible explanation for the observed behavior is provided. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3495480]


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Results of an investigation dealing with the behaviour of grid-connected induction generators (GCIGs) driven by typical prime movers such as mini-hydro/wind turbines are presented. Certain practical operational problems of such systems are identified. Analytical techniques are developed to study the behavior of such systems. The system consists of the induction generator (IG) feeding a 11 kV grid through a step-up transformer and a transmission line. Terminal capacitors to compensate for the lagging VAr are included in the study. Computer simulation was carried out to predict the system performance at the given input power from the turbine. Effects of variations in grid voltage, frequency, input power, and terminal capacitance on the machine and system performance are studied. An analysis of self-excitation conditions on disconnection of supply was carried out. The behavior of a 220 kW hydel system and 55/11 kW and 22 kW wind driven system corresponding to actual field conditions is discussed


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Predictions of two popular closed-form models for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K) are compared with in situ measurements made in a sandy loam field soil. Whereas the Van Genuchten model estimates were very close to field measured values, the Brooks-Corey model predictions were higher by about one order of magnitude in the wetter range. Estimation of parameters of the Van Genuchten soil moisture characteristic (SMC) equation, however, involves the use of non-linear regression techniques. The Brooks-Corey SMC equation has the advantage of being amenable to application of linear regression techniques for estimation of its parameters from retention data. A conversion technique, whereby known Brooks-Corey model parameters may be converted into Van Genuchten model parameters, is formulated. The proposed conversion algorithm may be used to obtain the parameters of the preferred Van Genuchten model from in situ retention data, without the use of non-linear regression techniques.


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Geophysical methods are becoming more popular nowadays in the field of hydrology due to their time and space efficiency. So an attempt has been made here to relate electrical resistivity with soil moisture content in the field. The experiments were carried out in an experimental watershed `Mulehole' in southern India, which is a forested watershed with approximately 80% red soil. Five auger holes were drilled to perform the soil moisture and electrical resistivity measurements in a toposequence having red and black soils, with sandy weathered soil at the bottom. Soil moisture was measured using neutron probe and electrical resistivity was measured using electrical logging tool. The results indicate that electrical resistivity measurements can be used to measure soil moisture content for red soils only.


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Experimental study and optimization of Plasma Ac- tuators for Flow control in subsonic regime PRADEEP MOISE, JOSEPH MATHEW, KARTIK VENKATRAMAN, JOY THOMAS, Indian Institute of Science, FLOW CONTROL TEAM | The induced jet produced by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) setup is capable of preventing °ow separation on airfoils at high angles of attack. The ef-fect of various parameters on the velocity of this induced jet was studied experimentally. The glow discharge was created at atmospheric con-ditions by using a high voltage RF power supply. Flow visualization,photographic studies of the plasma, and hot-wire measurements on the induced jet were performed. The parametric investigation of the charac- teristics of the plasma show that the width of the plasma in the uniform glow discharge regime was an indication of the velocity induced. It was observed that the spanwise and streamwise overlap of the two electrodes,dielectric thickness, voltage and frequency of the applied voltage are the major parameters that govern the velocity and the extent of plasma.e®ect of the optimized con¯guration on the performance characteristics of an airfoil was studied experimentally.


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Verification is one of the important stages in designing an SoC (system on chips) that consumes upto 70% of the design time. In this work, we present a methodology to automatically generate verification test-cases to verify a class of SoCs and also enable re-use of verification resources created from one SoC to another. A prototype implementation for generating the test-cases is also presented.


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Network processors today consist of multiple parallel processors (micro engines) with support for multiple threads to exploit packet level parallelism inherent in network workloads. With such concurrency, packet ordering at the output of the network processor cannot be guaranteed. This paper studies the effect of concurrency in network processors on packet ordering. We use a validated Petri net model of a commercial network processor, Intel IXP 2400, to determine the extent of packet reordering for IPv4 forwarding application. Our study indicates that in addition to the parallel processing in the network processor, the allocation scheme for the transmit buffer also adversely impacts packet ordering. In particular, our results reveal that these packet reordering results in a packet retransmission rate of up to 61%. We explore different transmit buffer allocation schemes namely, contiguous, strided, local, and global which reduces the packet retransmission to 24%. We propose an alternative scheme, packet sort, which guarantees complete packet ordering while achieving a throughput of 2.5 Gbps. Further, packet sort outperforms the in-built packet ordering schemes in the IXP processor by up to 35%.


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This research is designed to develop a new technique for site characterization in a three-dimensional domain. Site characterization is a fundamental task in geotechnical engineering practice, as well as a very challenging process, with the ultimate goal of estimating soil properties based on limited tests at any half-space subsurface point in a site.In this research, the sandy site at the Texas A&M University's National Geotechnical Experimentation Site is selected as an example to develop the new technique for site characterization, which is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technology. In this study, a sequential approach is used to demonstrate the applicability of ANN to site characterization. To verify its robustness, the proposed new technique is compared with other commonly used approaches for site characterization. In addition, an artificial site is created, wherein soil property values at any half-space point are assumed, and thus the predicted values can compare directly with their corresponding actual values, as a means of validation. Since the three-dimensional model has the capability of estimating the soil property at any location in a site, it could have many potential applications, especially in such case, wherein the soil properties within a zone are of interest rather than at a single point. Examples of soil properties of zonal interest include soil type classification and liquefaction potential evaluation. In this regard, the present study also addresses this type of applications based on a site located in Taiwan, which experienced liquefaction during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake.


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We present results of measurements of temperature and wavevector dependent dynamics in binary mixtures of soft polymer grafted nanoparticles and linear homopolymers. We find evidence of melting of the dynamically arrested state of the soft nanocolloids with addition of linear polymers followed by a re-entrant slowing down of the dynamics with further increase in polymer density, depending on the size ratio, delta, of the polymers and the nanocolloids. For higher delta the re-entrant behavior is not observed, even for the highest added polymer density, explored here. Possible explanation of the observed dynamics in terms of the presence of a double - glass phase is provided. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3644930]


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Literature of the ancient Chola Dynasty (A.D. 9th-11th centuries) of South India and recent archaeological excavations allude to a sea flood that crippled the ancient port at Kaveripattinam, a trading hub for Southeast Asia, and probably affected the entire South Indian coast, analogous to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami impact. We present sedimentary evidence from an archaeological site to validate the textual references to this early medieval event. A sandy layer showing bed forms representing high-energy conditions, possibly generated by a seaborne wave, was identified at the Kaveripattinam coast of Tamil Nadu, South India. Its sedimentary characteristics include hummocky cross-stratification, convolute lamination with heavy minerals, rip-up clasts, an erosional contact with the underlying mud bed, and a landward thinning geometry. Admixed with 1000-year-old Chola period artifacts, it provided an optically stimulated luminescence age of 1091 perpendicular to 66 yr and a thermoluminescence age of 993 perpendicular to 73 yr for the embedded pottery sherds. The dates of these proxies converge around 1000 yr B. P., correlative of an ancient tsunami reported from elsewhere along the Indian Ocean coasts. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.