967 resultados para Queyras, Pays du


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Modernitatearen asmakuntza bat besterik ez da guk "lanak" bezala ezagutzen duguna. Lan hau ezagutzeko,burutzeko eta bakoitzaren bizitzaren muinean kokatzeko erabiltzen dugun modua asmatu izan zen; eta gero, industrialismoaren bidez orokortu egin zen


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En une génération, entre 1975 et 1995, le paysage du marché du travail auquel les jeunes font face a radicalement changé.


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Notas tipográficas retiradas de Brunet, v. 2, col. 1780.


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Nota de conteúdo : V.1. Memoire en reponse aux allegations de la France, accompagne de quelques cartes -- V. 2-3. Documents accompagnes de notes explicatives ou rectificatives, 1. ptie, 1536-1713 ; 2. ptie, 1713-1896 -- V. 4. Texte original de documents traduits dans les tomes 2 et 3 -- V. 5. Album : fac-simile de quelques documents reproduits aux tomes 2, 3 et 4 -- V. 6. Atlas : contenant 86 cartes.


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Titulo original : travels in brazil : in the years from 1809, to 1815.


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Presentado en el IIe Colloque International de l'IEHA: « Un aliment sain dans un corps sain ». Perspectives historiques - «Healthy Food in a Healthy Body», organizado por el Institut Européen d'Histoire de l'Alimentation y celebrado en Tours los días 14 y 15 de diciembre de 2002.


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Two common goals of this meeting are to arrest the effects of sea level rise and other phenomena caused by Greenhouse Gases from anthropogenic sources ("GHG",) and to mitigate the effects. The fundamental questions are: (1) how to get there and (2) who should shoulder the cost? Given Washington gridlock, states, NGO's and citizens such as the Inupiat of the Village of Kivalina have turned to the courts for solutions. Current actions for public nuisance seek (1) to reduce and eventually eliminate GHG emissions, (2) damages for health effects and property damage—plus hundreds of millions in dollars spent to prepare for the foregoing. The U.S. Court of Appeals just upheld the action against the generators of some 10% of the CO2 emissions from human activities in the U.S., clearing the way for a trial featuring the state of the art scientific linkage between GHG production and the effects of global warming. Climate change impacts on coastal regions manifest most prominently through sea level rise and its impacts: beach erosion, loss of private and public structures, relocation costs, loss of use and accompanying revenues (e.g. tourism), beach replenishment and armoring costs, impacts of flooding during high water events, and loss of tax base. Other effects may include enhanced storm frequency and intensity, increased insurance risks and costs, impacts to water supplies, fires and biological changes through invasions or local extinctions (IPCC AR4, 2007; Okmyung, et al., 2007). There is an increasing urgency for federal and state governments to focus on the local and regional levels and consistently provide the information, tools, and methods necessary for adaptation. Calls for action at all levels acknowledge that a viable response must engage federal, state and local expertise, perspectives, and resources in a coordinated and collaborative effort. A workshop held in December 2000 on coastal inundation and sea level rise proposes a shared framework that can help guide where investments should be made to enable states and local governments to assess impacts and initiate adaptation strategies over the next decade. (PDF contains 5 pages)


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Revista con LCC: Reconocimiento – NoComercial – SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)


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[FR] Depuis plusieurs décennies, il existe une offre de scolarisation en langue basque dans les établissements scolaires du Pays basque nord (Pyrénées Atlantiques). Les élèves qui suivent une scolarité bilingue sont inscrits soit dans un établissement qui pratique la méthode dite immersive (Ikastolak de Seaska) soit dans un modèle à parité horaire dans un établissement public ou privé1. Ainsi, il est possible pour un élève de mener l’apprentissage de la langue basque en parallèle avec celui du français depuis l’école primaire jusqu’au lycée. Cette offre de scolarisation est en développement constant (38 ouvertures sur les 6 dernières années scolaires) et elle concerne aujourd’hui plus d’une école sur deux (58 %), 34 % des élèves du primaire et 43 % des enfants en maternelle.


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Utilization of the heavy isotope of nitrogen as a tracer has found numerous applications in soil biology. It allows better definition of different stages of the nitrogen cycle, in particular the immobilization-mineralization cycle. In this work, the authors report the results of calculations of natural isotope ratios of nitrogen in samples of water, soil and vegetation prevailing in Dombes and discuss the possibilities of errors and coefficients of fractionation.


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[EU]Lan honek ikuspegi juridikotik abiarazitako ekarpena izan nahi du, hezkuntza sisteman hizkuntza eskubideak nola konfiguratzen diren azalduz. Hori gauzatzeko bi perspektibetatik abiatu da ikerketa: alde batetik, hezkuntza (oinarrizko) eskubideak zein karga linguistikoa duen azaltzen da, eta beste alde batetik, euskararen estatusak irakaskuntza sistemaren gainean proiektatzen dituen eragin juridikoak azaltzen dira. Hori abiapuntutzat hartuz, Euskal Autonomi Erkidegoan, Nafarroan eta Iparraldean zein hizkuntza eskubide diren aztertzen da, ondorio eta proposamen batzuekin bukatuz.


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Considerado pela maioria da crítica como uma literatura pútrida (cf. ULBACH, 1868) ou torpe (cf. VERÍSSIMO, 1894), acusado de confundir ingenuamente ciência e literatura, bem como de cientizar a linguagem literária, e em particular no Brasil, além disso, questionado por plágio ou importação de uma moda estrangeira, o naturalismo foi relegado às margens da historiografia literária. Assumindo como ponto de partida esse panorama crítico, a tese propõe uma reavaliação crítica e historiográfica da estética naturalista, começando por descrever e analisar sua origem no decurso da história, a partir do advento do realismo moderno nas obras de Stendhal e de Balzac (cf. AUERBACH, 2004). Enfoca a lenta afirmação dos termos realismo e naturalismo, bem como a importância da contribuição de diferentes romancistas franceses no processo de consolidação da estética realista e de seu prolongamento no naturalismo. Discute-se também o projeto estético proposto por Zola, assim como se desconstroem mitos corroborados pela historiografia literária a respeito da teoria e do movimento naturalistas. Por fim, correlacionando a estética naturalista com o ideal republicano, aborda-se a aclimatação dos princípios naturalistas no Brasil, na obra daquele que foi seu principal representante, Aluísio Azevedo. A partir de uma abordagem comparativa entre o naturalismo na França e no Brasil, busca-se, em síntese, contribuir para o processo de revisão crítica e historiográfica de um período literário muito produtivo nos dois países, não obstante a tendência para sua desvalorização em geral observada nas manifestações da crítica novecentista


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Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.


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Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.