979 resultados para Periapical periodontitis
Introduction: The sealers can be in direct contact with the periapical tissues. Thus, these materials must have appropriate physical and biological properties, providing conditions for repair to occur. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to endodontics sealers. Material and methods: Three materials comprised the groups: group I – Zinc Oxide, Eugenol and Iodoform paste, group II – Portland cement with propylene glycol, and group III – MTA Fillapex® (Angelus). These materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for seven and 15 days. The specimens were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and evaluated regarding to inflammatory reaction parameters through a light microscope. The data were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test with significance level of 5%. The intensity of inflammatory response against the sealers was analyzed by two blinded and previously calibrated observers for all experimental periods. Results: The histological evaluation showed that all the materials caused a moderated inflammatory reaction at seven days which decreased with time. A greater inflammatory reaction was observed at seven days in group I. The other specimens had significantly less inflammatory cells when compared to this group. Tubes with MTA Fillapex® presented some giant cells, macrophages and lymphocytes after seven days. At 15 days, the presence of fibroblasts and collagen fibers was observed indicating normal tissue healing. The group II showed similar results to those observed in MTA Fillapex® already at seven days. At 15 days the inflammatory reaction presented was almost absent at the tissue, with many collagen fibers indicating normal tissue healing. Statistical analysis showed a significant statistical difference amongst the group I (seven days) and II (15 days) (p < 0.05). In the other groups no significant statistical differences were observed. Conclusion: MTA Fillapex® and Portland cement with propylene glycol were more biocompatible than the other tested cements.
The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo the clinical applicability of two electronic apex locators (EALs) - Apex (Septodont) and iPex (NSK) - in different groups of human teeth by using radiography. The working lengths (WLs) of 100 root canals were determined electronically. The EAL to be used first was chosen randomly and a K-file was inserted into the root canal until the EAL display indicated the location of the apical constriction (0 mm). The K-file was fixed to the tooth and a periapical radiograph was taken using a radiographic film holder. The K-file was removed and the WL was measured. The same procedure was repeated using the other EAL. Radiographs were examined with the aid of a light-box with lens of ×4 magnification by two blinded experienced endodontists. The distance between the file tip and the root apex was recorded as follows: (A) +1 to 0 mm, (B) -0.1 to 0.5 mm, (C) -0.6 to 1 mm, (D) -1.1 to 1.5 mm, and (E) -1.6 mm or greater. For statistical purposes, these scores were divided into 2 subgroups according to the radiographic apex: acceptable (B, C, and D) and non-acceptable (A and E). Statistically significant differences were not found between the results of Apex and iPex in terms of acceptable and non-acceptable measurements (p>0.05) or in terms of the distance recorded from file tip and the radiographic apex (p>0.05). Apex and iPex EALs provided reliable measurements for WL determination for endodontic therapy.
Recently, new treatment approaches have been developed to target the host component of periodontal disease. This review aims at providing updated information on host-modulating therapies, focusing on treatment strategies for inhibiting signal transduction pathways involved in inflammation. Pharmacological inhibitors of MAPK, NFκB and JAK/STAT pathways are being developed to manage rheumatoid arthritis, periodontal disease and other inflammatory diseases. Through these agents, inflammatory mediators can be inhibited at cell signaling level, interfering on transcription factors activation and inflammatory gene expression. Although these drugs offer great potential to modulate host response, their main limitations are lack of specificity and developments of side effects. After overcoming these limitations, adjunctive host modulating drugs will provide new therapeutic strategies for periodontal treatment.
INTRODUCTION: Apical root resorption is a frequent and occasionally critical problem in orthodontic patients undergoing induced tooth movement. One of the factors that might influence prognosis, especially in maxillary incisors, which most frequently present resorptions, are the so-called the anatomical barriers; that is, proximity of the buccal and palatal cortical bones to the maxillary incisor roots. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to investigate whether patients with excessive vertical growth really present a small distance between the alveolar cortical bones and the maxillary incisor roots, and whether there is a correlation between this distance and the root resorption index in comparison with patients presenting horizontal growth. METHODS: The sample comprised orthodontic records of 18 patients with extraction planning of first maxillary premolars and treatment by the standard and/or preadjusted edgewise brackets. Their initial and final periapical radiographs were evaluated to determine the amount of root resorption that occurred. RESULTS: On the palatal side, patients with excessive vertical growth (Group 2 - SN-GoGn > 43º) showed a narrower alveolar bone than the horizontal growth patients (Group 1 - SN-GoGn < 29º). However, the distance between the buccal cortical bone and the central incisor root apex showed no significant difference between Groups 1 and 2; CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that there are no correlations between the proximity of buccal cortical bone, maxillary incisor roots and the root resorption index.
Objetivo: Dente Duplo (“double tooth”) é uma anomalia de forma que ocorre pela fusão de dois ou mais dentes ou geminação de um único dente, geralmente durante a fase de morfodiferenciação do germe dentário. A incidência de dente duplo varia 0,14-5,0% da população mundial, sem predileção pelo gênero. Apresentação unilateral é mais comum do que a bilateral. No geral, as anomalias dentarias em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina ocorrem próximas à região da fissura. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o tratamento endodôntico não cirúrgico de um caso de dentes duplos em um paciente com fissura labiopalatina. Relato de Caso: Paciente de gênero feminino de 10 anos com fissura labiopalatina matriculado no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC-USP), encaminhado ao setor de Endodontia do HRAC-USP para realizar o tratamento endodôntico dos dentes 11 e 12 para ser re-anatomizados. Pela superposição dos dentes 11, 12, e presença de uma cúspide acessória (“talon cusp”) além de um dente supranumerário, as radiografia panorâmica e a radiografia periapical não mostram claramente a anatomia externa do dente e a interna dos condutos radiculares, motivo pelo qual foi solicitada uma tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam para determinar o comprimento de trabalho para preparo biomecânico e obturação dos condutos radiculares. Serão apresentadas as etapas de diagnóstico e tratamento realizados no caso. Conclusão: Pela morfologia anormal da coroa e complexidade dos canais radiculares, o tratamento endodôntico apresentaria dificuldades, por isso o exame clínico e radiográfico cuidadoso é essencial para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico. Desta forma concluise que a imagem fornecida pela tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam foi útil no planejamento e tratamento deste caso.
A Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico vem revolucionando o diagnóstico por imagem na Odontologia. As características permitem um acesso de visualização das imagens que facilita muitos procedimentos. Sua aplicabilidade na Odontologia é diversa, podendo ser útil para as diversas especialidades, porem há controversas na literatura a cerca da correta prescrição desse exame com a justificativa pertinente. Os pacientes com anomalias craniofaciais apresentam algumas particularidades que tornam o seu processo de reabilitação mais complexo e extenso. A utilização da TCFC na reabilitação desses pacientes é importante para diversas especialidades dentre elas a ortodontia, implantodontia, cirurgia ortognática e também otorrinolaringologia. Entretanto devemos considerar que desde sempre os protocolos imaginológicos envolviam e eram estabelecidos com as radiografias convencionais (panorâmica, telerradiografia, periapical e oclusal), os benefícios das imagens na terceira dimensão são bem conhecidos, porem há sempre um aumento da dose de radiação, visto que são exames que abrangem muitas vezes áreas maiores e trabalham com parâmetros de exposição mais elevados. O principio do ALARA deve sempre ser utilizado quando se trata de prescrição de exames que utilizam radiação ionizante, portanto a TCFC deve ser indicada quando houverem benefícios com riscos minimizados. Nessa palestra serão abordadas as vantagens e desvantagens do uso da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico frente aos exames radiográficos convencionais no processo reabilitador e os protocolos de indicação baseados na literatura pautados na responsabilidade para o uso de tal tecnologia.
Background: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotypes are clearly associated with periodontitis or health, which suggests distinct strategies for survival within the host. Objective: We investigated the transcription profile of virulence-associated genes in A. actinomycetemcomitans serotype b (JP2 and SUNY 465) strains associated with disease and serotype a (ATCC 29523) strain associated with health. Design: Bacteria were co-cultured with immortalized gingival epithelial cells (OBA-9). The adhesion efficiency after 2 hours and the relative transcription of 13 genes were evaluated after 2 and 24 hours of interaction. Results: All strains were able to adhere to OBA-9, and this contact induced transcription of pgA for polysaccharide biosynthesis in all tested strains. Genes encoding virulence factors as Omp29, Omp100, leukotoxin, and CagE (apoptotic protein) were more transcribed by serotype b strains than by serotype a. ltxA and omp29, encoding the leukotoxin and the highly antigenic Omp29, were induced in serotype b by interaction with epithelial cells. Factors related to colonization (aae, flp, apaH, and pgA) and cdtB were upregulated in serotype a strain after prolonged interaction with OBA-9. Conclusion: Genes relevant for surface colonization and interaction with the immune system are regulated differently among the strains, which may help explaining their differences in association with disease.
Neuraminidase was produced by 32.1% and 28.5% of Porphyromonas from dogs with and without periodontitis, respectively; and by 31.8% of bacteria from humans. The presence of neuraminidase in Porphyromonas spp. suggests that this enzyme can be involved with the pathogenesis of the periodontal disease, and the use of this assay to detect the neuraminidase production in oral Porphyromonas species is suggested.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of non-surgical treatment of periodontitis on the levels of periodontopathogens and clinical parameters in patients with different genetic backgrounds produced by polymorphisms in the Interleukin (IL8) gene. Thirty patients grouped according to IL8 ATC/TTC or AGT/TTC haplotypes were submitted to non-surgical periodontal treatment. Levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola were determined in 240 subgingival plaque samples by qPCR. The association between IL8 haplotypes and the levels of periodontopathogens and clinical parameters was investigated by multilevel analysis accounting for the clustering of diseased sites analyzed within patients. It was observed that neither levels of periodontopathogens nor non-surgical treatment was associated with the IL8 haplotype. The clinical parameters after periodontal treatment were similar in diseased and healthy sites, independently of the IL8 haplotype. Nonetheless, in the same period, diseased sites of AGT/TTC patients harbored higher levels of P. gingivalis, T. denticola, T. forsythia, and red complex than those of ATC/TTC patients. However, the non-surgical periodontal therapy decreased the levels of these periodontopathogens and of the tested clinical parameters of diseased sites in both groups. Non-surgical therapy is equally effective in improving clinical parameters and decreasing the levels of periodontopathogens, independent of the genotype groups produced by the IL8 haplotype.
Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases, including periodontitis; it can be activated by gingipain and produced by Porphyromonas gingivalis and by neutrophil protease 3 (P3). PAR2 activation plays a relevant role in inflammatory processes by inducing the release of important inflammatory mediators associated with periodontal breakdown. The effects of periodontal treatment on PAR2 expression and its association with levels of proinflammatory mediators and activating proteases were investigated in chronic periodontitis patients. Positive staining for PAR2 was observed in gingival crevicular fluid cells and was reflective of tissue destruction. Overexpression of PAR2 was positively associated with inflammatory clinical parameters and with the levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, tumor necrosis factor alpha, matrix metalloprotease 2 (MMP-2), MMP-8, hepatocyte growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor. Elevated levels of gingipain and P3 and decreased levels of dentilisin and the protease inhibitors secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor and elafin were also associated with PAR2 overexpression. Healthy periodontal sites from individuals with chronic periodontitis showed diminished expression of PAR2 mRNA and the PAR2 protein (P < 0.05). Furthermore, periodontal treatment resulted in decreased PAR2 expression and correlated with decreased expression of inflammatory mediators and activating proteases. We concluded that periodontal treatment resulted in decreased levels of proteases and that proinflammatory mediators are associated with decreased PAR2 expression, suggesting that PAR2 expression is influenced by the presence of periodontal infection and is not a constitutive characteristic favoring periodontal inflammation.
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. In this study, the phenotypic and genotypic features of A. actinomycetemcomitans and the presence of genes involved in toxicity were determined. Sixty-five patients with periodontal pocket and 48 healthy subjects were evaluated. Biotyping, adherence and invasion, neuraminidase and biofilm production, presence of capsule and fimbria, as well as the presence of flp-1, apaH, ltx, and cdt genes were determined. Biotype II was the most prevalent. Sixty-six strains were adherent and 33 of them were able to invade KB cells. Sixty strains produced neuraminidase, and 55 strains biofilms. Strains showed capsule but not fimbriae. Forty-six strains were cytotoxic, and most strains harbored the apaH and flp-1 genes. LTX promoter and the ltxA gene were observed in all strains from periodontal patients. The cdtA gene was observed in 50 (71.4%) strains, cdtB in 48 (68.6%) strains, cdtC in 60 (85.7%), and cdtABC in 40 (57.1%) strains. The presence of A. actinomycetemcomitans harboring the cdtC gene from healthy subjects may represent a transitory microorganism in the oral microbiota. More studies are necessary to understand the real role of this microorganism in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an important periodontal pathogen that can participate in periodontitis and other non-oral infections. The cytolethal distending toxin (Cdt) is among the virulence factors produced by this bacterium. The Cdt is also secreted by several mucosa-associated Gram-negative pathogens and may play a role in perpetuating the infection by modulating the immune response. Although the toxin targets a wide range of eukaryotic cell types little is known about its activity on macrophages which play a key part in alerting the rest of the immune system to the presence of pathogens and their virulence factors. In view of this, we tested the hypothesis that the A. actinomycetemcomitans Cdt (AaCdt) disrupts macrophage function by inhibiting phagocytic activity as well as affecting the production of cytokines. Murine macrophages were co-cultured with either wild-type A. actinomycetemcomitans or a Cdt(-) mutant. Viable counts and qPCR showed that phagocytosis of the wild-type strain was significantly reduced relative to that of the Cdt(-) mutant. Addition of recombinant Aa(r)Cdt to co-cultures along with the Cdt(-) mutant diminished the phagocytic activity similar to that observed with the wild type strain. High concentrations of Aa(r)Cdt resulted in decreased phagocytosis of fluorescent bioparticles. Nitric oxide production was modulated by the presence of Cdt and the levels of IL-1β, IL-12 and IL-10 were increased. Production of TNF-α did not differ in the co-culture assays but was increased by the presence of Aa(r)Cdt. These data suggest that the Cdt may modulate macrophage function in A. actinomycetemcomitans infected sites by impairing phagocytosis and modifying the pro-inflammatory/anti-inflammatory cytokine balance.
The term neurofibromatosis (NF) subsumes at least seven different genetic disorders associated by the presence of neurofibromas located in the skin, oral cavity, visceral and skeletal level. As NF1 (Von Recklinghausen disease), one of the most common genetic diseases, can have oral manifestations, dentists have to be aware about pathognomonic features. The thesis’ target is the literature’s review on the NF1 manifestations either systemic or cefalic area and these features’ research in a specimen of 30 patients NF1 affected. NF1 is manifested in the cefalic area locating either in the jaws (isolated neurofibromas, ipoplasia or bone structures absence) or soft tissues (fibromas and neurofibromas located in: cheeck, lips, oral mucosa, tongue, mouth’s floor, gingiva and palate). Frequently, NF1 patients are affected by dental anomalies of position, number and eruption, that determinates the possibility of orthopaedic-orthodontic problems. An increased prevalence of the caries risk and a possible pulpar involvement of neurofibromas is reported. Clinical and radiographical typical signs of the disease and specific indications for the differential diagnosis with other oral pathologies are described (cysts and odontogenic tumors, periapical lesions of endodontic origin and severe parodontitis). The importance of screening programs and periodical follow-ups (biannual dental visits from the age of four years, annual X-ray checks from the age of six) is supported by the high frequency of manifestations at hard and soft tissues level of the cefalic area and by the documented risk of malignant transformation.
Endodontic therapy consists in the management of several tissues such as pulp tissue, periodontal tissue, periapical bone and dentine. These tissues are often contaminated by blood, periapical exudates and biological fluids. An ideal orthograde or retrograde filling material should be non toxic, noncarcinogenic, nongenotoxic, biocompatible with the host tissues, insoluble in tissue fluids, and dimensionally stable. Calcium-silicate MTA based cements own many of these ideal characteristics, but the long setting time, the non-easy handling and the lack of mechanical properties at early times are few drawbacks which may complicate the clinical application. The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical, physical and biological properties of calcium-silicate MTA cements in order to improve the mechanical properties and the handling keeping the biological characteristics unchanged. Chemical and physical properties such as setting time, solubility, water-uptake, ion release, sealing ability were investigated according the ISO and ADA specifications. The bioactivity (ability to produce apatite nano-sferulities) of MTA cements were evaluated using ESEM/EDX, micro-Raman and ATR/FTIR spettroscopy.
La ricerca si è focalizzata su due degli aspetti di interesse odontoiatrico più diffusi: la carie dentaria e la parodontite cronica. Il problema della carie dentaria è stato studiato in una popolazione di 39 soggetti affetti da cardiopatia congenita in cui la scarsa igiene orale è fattore di rischio per problematiche di salute generale e soprattutto per lo sviluppo di endocardite infettiva. I dati osservati e confrontati con quelli di un omogeneo gruppo di controllo dimostrano che nella dentatura decidua questi bambini hanno più denti cariati, come dimostrato dalla significativa differenza dell'indice dmft. Nella dentatura permanente non si osservano differenze tra i due gruppi. La carica microbica totale rilevata nella saliva e la presenza di Streptococcus mutans non mostrano differenze tra i due gruppi. I problemi di parodontite cronica sono stati studiati in un gruppo di 352 soggetti italiani adulti in cui si è definita la prevalenza dei 6 più importanti patogeni parodontali e la possibile correlazione con parametri clinici (pus, sanguinamento al sondaggio - BOP, profondità di sondaggio della tasca parodontale – PPD). Tra le 6 specie batteriche ricercate, quello di più frequente riscontro è stato Fusobacterium nucleatum (95%), mentre quello con carica batterica più alta è stato Tannerella forsythia. La carica batterica di Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia e Fusobacterium nucleatum ha mostrato una correlazione diretta con il BOP e la presenza di pus. Inoltre, si è riscontrato che la carica batterica di tutte le specie (tranne Aggregatibacterium actinomycetemcomitans) aumenta all'aumentare del PPD. Tra le variabili studiate, PPD rappresenta il più importante fattore di rischio per la presenza di parodontopatogeni, mentre BOP è un indicatore di rischio per la ricerca del complesso rosso.