997 resultados para Industrial maintenance
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal a análise econômica e financeira de um projeto com 100 fornos tipo container industrial e 100 fornos tipo retangular de 40st. para a produção de carvão vegetal. Para tanto, utilizaram-se como indicadores financeiros a lucratividade, rentabilidade, prazo de retorno do investimento e ponto de equilíbrio. Os indicadores econômicos utilizados para proceder a análise econômica foram o VPL, TIR, B(C)PE e B/C. Concluíram que os fornos são viáveis do ponto de vista econômico e financeiro. Entretanto o forno container por ter maior VPL daria um retorno mais lucrativo quando comparado ao retangular de 40 st.
O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as interações entre os diferentes atores sociais relacionados às empresas do complexo industrial florestal de Minas Gerais. Tendo em vista tratar os dados obtidos, utilizou-se a adaptação da escala Likert como mecanismo de medida, tornando possível aferir o grau de concordância e importância atribuídas pelos entrevistados diante das afirmativas descritas no questionário aplicado. A relação com o governo, sociedade, clientes, fornecedores e concorrentes é considerada importante, sendo a busca por informações prática generalizada. A carga tributária, a má qualidade da rede viária e o apoio insuficiente destacaram-se como obstáculos ao desenvolvimento da atividade produtiva.
The potential for enhancing the energy efficiency of industrial pumping processes is estimated to be in some cases up to 50 %. One way to define further this potential is to implement techniques in accordance to definition of best available techniques in pumping applications. These techniques are divided into three main categories: Design, control method & maintenance and distribution system. In the theory part of this thesis first the definition of best available techniques (BAT) and its applicability on pumping processes is issued. Next, the theory around pumping with different pump types is handled, the main stress being in centrifugal pumps. Other components needed in a pumping process are dealt by presenting different control methods, use of an electric motor, variable speed drive and the distribution system. Last part of the theory is about industrial pumping processes from water distribution, sewage water and power plant applications, some of which are used further on in the empirical part as example cases. For the empirical part of this study four case studies on typical pumping processes from older Master’s these were selected. Firstly the original results were analyzed by studying the distribution of energy consumption between different system components and using the definition of BAT in pumping, possible ways to improve energy efficiency were evaluated. The goal in this study was that by the achieved results it would be possible to identify the characteristic energy consumption of these and similar pumping processes. Through this data it would then be easier to focus energy efficiency actions where they might be the most applicable, both technically and economically.
Materiaali on merkittävä osa sotilaallista suorituskykyä. Materiaalihankintoihin kohdennetaan yli neljännes puolustusbudjetista. Työn tutkimusongelmana on selvittää, miten puolustusvoimien hanketoiminnan nykytilassa kansallinen sotilaallinen huoltovarmuus otetaan huomioon teollisuuden kanssa yhteistyössä tehtävien kehitysohjelmahankkeiden ideointi, esisuunnittelu ja suunnitteluvaiheessa. Kyseessä on pitkälti haastattelututkimus, jossa käytetään puolustusvoimien hanketoiminnan ja Huoltovarmuuskeskuksen avainhenkilöiltä saatuja lähtötietoja, sekä pääesikunnan materiaaliosaston julkaisemia julkisia hanketoiminnan ohjeita ja muiden valtioiden menettelytapoja huoltovarmuuden toteutumiseksi. Materiaalisen suorituskyvyn rakentaminen on useita vuosia kestävä prosessi. Prosessin ideointi- esisuunnittelu- ja suunnitteluvaiheessa luodaan pohja koko materiaalisen suorituskyvyn elinjakson hallinnalle. Tutkimus tuottaa lisätietoa siihen, miten teollisuusyhteistyöllä voidaan vahvistaa sotilaallista huoltovarmuutta hankkeiden suunnitteluvaiheissa ja luodaan edellytykset tärkeimpien järjestelmien ja materiaalin sodanajan ylläpidolle.
ABSTRACTThis study presents a contribution to the modeling of a computer application employing a method of serviceability performance for unpaved roads, aiming the management of maintenance/restoration activities of the primary surface layer. The proposed methodology consisted of field inspections during dry (April to September) and rainy (October to March) periods, during which objective evaluations were performed to survey of defects and their densities and degrees of severity. To aid the functional classification of analyzed road sections and the determination of the defect with major influence on the serviceability of these roads, the method of serviceability performance proposed by Silva (2009)was implemented in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language in Microsoft Excel software. With the use of the computer application proposed it was possible to identify among the defects analyzed in field, through the index of serviceability of the sampling unit per defect type (ISUdef), which one had the greatest influence on determining the relative serviceability index per road section (IST). The results allow us to conclude that the computer application Road achieved satisfactory results, since the objective evaluation criteria applied to road sections denotes consistency regarding their serviceability.
Quality is not only free but it can be a profit maker. Every dollar that is not spent on doing things wrong becomes a dollar right on the bottom line. The main objective of this thesis is to give an answer on how cost of poor quality can be measured theoretically correctly. Different calculation methods for cost of poor quality are presented and discussed in order to give comprehensive picture about measurement process. The second objective is to utilize the knowledge from the literature review and to apply it when creating a method for measuring cost of poor quality in supplier performance rating. Literature review indicates that P-A-F model together with ABC methodology provides a mean for quality cost calculations. These models give an answer what should be measured and how this measurement should be carried out. However, when product or service quality costs are incurred when quality character derivates from target value, then QLF seems to be most appropriate methodology for quality cost calculation. These methodologies were applied when creating a quality cost calculation method for supplier performance ratings.
O uso agrícola de resíduos orgânicos e industriais é uma alternativa de aproveitamento como fertilizante e fonte de matéria orgânica ao solo. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso do composto de lixo e biofertilizante como fonte de nutrientes, e o resíduo do processamento da bauxita como corretivo da acidez do solo, para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar (cana-planta), irrigada com água potável e servida. Para tanto foi conduzido experimento em vaso, utilizando-se de solo Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivado com a variedade RB855536. Foram avaliadas variáveis biométricas da planta, tais como: altura de plantas, diâmetro do colmo, perfilhamento, número de folhas, matéria seca de raiz e parte aérea. Os dados obtidos evidenciaram que a qualidade da água de irrigação, potável ou servida, não influenciou as variáveis avaliadas. A aplicação de composto de lixo e de biofertilizante constituiu-se numa fonte eficiente de nutrientes para as plantas de cana-de-açúcar, mas é necessária a aplicação adicional de fertilizantes para a obtenção de produção de colmos, similar ao do tratamento com adubação mineral convencional. Já o resíduo do processamento da bauxita mostrou-se eficiente na correção da acidez, apresentando as variáveis físicas semelhantes ao tratamento com adubação mineral, com exceção da matéria seca de raiz.
Due to the importance of the environment on animal production and thus environmental control, the study aims to build a system for monitoring and control the meteorological variables, temperature and relative humidity, low cost, which can be associated with an evaporative cooling system (ECS). The system development included all the stages of assembly, test and laboratory calibration, and later the validation of the equipment carried in the field. The validation step showed results which allowed concluding that the system can be safely used in the monitoring of these variables. The controller was efficient in management of the microclimate in the waiting corral and allowed the maintenance of the air temperature within the comfort range for dairy cattle in pre-milking with averaged 25.09 ºC during the afternoon. The equipment showed the lower cost (R$ 325.76) when compared to other middle market (R$ 450.00).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the meteorological variables, water deficiency, growth, and agro-industrial yield of sugarcane varieties: RB72454, RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003, RB951541, and RB971755, in rainfed crop in two harvests in the Rio Largo-AL region. The meteorological variables were obtained in an automatic station and water balance was done by Thornthwaite & Mather method. During the study period, the air temperature ranged from 16.6 to 35.9 ºC. In the first production cycle rained 1,806 mm and the crop evapotranspiration was 1,775 mm. In the second cycle, the rainfall totaled 1,632 mm and the crop evapotranspiration was 1,290 mm. The average water excess of two production cycles was 689 mm and the water deficit totaled 665 mm. The average agricultural productivity in the plant was 86.8 t ha-1, in the first ratoon was 75.2 t ha-1 and the agro-industrial yield average was 12.9 and 10.9 tons of sugar per hectare in the plant and first ratoon, respectively. The air temperature was not limiting to the growth of sugarcane and the rainfall was higher than the crop evapotranspiration, but due to poor distribution of the rains there was water deficit. The most productive varieties were RB93509, RB92579, and RB863129.
A colheita do tomate destinado ao processamento, atualmente, é feita com colhedoras automotrizes; para isso, são necessários estudos que viabilizem a melhoria destas colhedoras, reduzindo assim perdas no campo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo quantificar a força necessária para o desprendimento do fruto de tomate de seu pedúnculo em diferentes estágios de maturação. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Madeira, no Município de Gameleira de Goiás-GO, e no Laboratório de Engenharia Agrícola da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Nas condições de campo, os frutos foram retirados avaliando-se a força de tração no sentido axial do pedúnculo ao fruto e, em laboratório, nos sentidos axial e transversal. O trabalho foi realizado no delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com fator único, com dez repetições. Os tratamentos foram os estádios de maturação, considerando tomates verdes, tomates pintados e tomates maduros. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, aplicando-se o teste de F e, quando significativo, o teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A força axial média requerida para os desprendimentos foi de 14,69 N, com maior valor para os frutos maduros. Para o esforço transversal, os valores médios foram 0,98; 1,37 e 1,86 N para os frutos verdes, pintados e maduros, respectivamente.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of modifying the maintenance programming of equipment used in sugarcane mechanical harvesting, by transferring actions that can be planned to periods when machines are inactive due to meal breaks and other working shift transitions stoppages. A simulation model was developed to represent the maintenance procedures of combines, haulouts, and other vehicles used by a harvest team. Scenarios were tested using alternatives for interventions such as refueling, lubrication and harvester blade replacement, enabling strategies to be focused towards better utilization of cutting, loading, and transport (CLT) system equipment. As a result, it was possible to remove one combine and two haulouts, while maintaining current daily production. The maintenance time for harvesters, which refers to corrective maintenance and the transfer of remaining interventions for periods of inactivity, was reduced from 10.0% to 3.5% over the useful period. This study indicates that maintenance management in the sugarcane sector enables the expanded use of equipment, leading to the greater productivity of the CLT system.
Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia Empower Oy:n tuottamaa Storan Enson Anjalankosken paperi- ja kartonkitehtaiden ehkäisevää kunnossapitoa. Työ rajataan koskemaan mekaanista kunnossapitoa. Kunnossapitopalveluliiketoiminta asettaa vaatimuksia toiminnan raportoimiselle. Kuukausittain toimitettavaan asiakasraporttiin haluttiin lisätä kohta ehkäisevästä kunnossapidosta. Ongelmaksi muodostui kuitenkin se, mitä ja miten siitä tulisi raportoida. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi pintapuolisesti palveluliiketoimintaa. Kunnossapidosta on esitetty perusteoriaa, vikaantumismallit, kunnossapidon tunnusluvut ja kunnossapidon vaikutus tuotannon kokonaistehokkuuteen. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi kunnossapitolajit ja keskitytään nimenomaan ehkäisevään kunnossapitoon. Ehkäisevä kunnossapito on jaettu karkeasti jaksotettuun ja kuntoon perustuvaan kunnossapitoon. Ehkäisevässä kunnossapidossa painotetaan oman toiminnan analysointia ja pyrkimystä jatkuvaan parantamiseen. Kunnossapidon toimintamalleja on tarkasteltu, jotta ymmärrettäisiin syyt, miksi kunnossapitoa tehdään ja mihin sillä pyritään. Työssä käydään läpi Inkeroisissa tehtävien ennakkohuoltotöiden teoriaa ja tarkastellaan tehtävien käytännön suorittamista. Lopuksi pohditaan ehkäisevän kunnossapidon raportointiin käytettävää tunnuslukua ja esitetään parannusehdotus nykyiseen raportointiin.
The authors present a case report of a victim of high power electric shock. The main electric lesion was a penetrating abdominal wound with loss of substance of the abdominal wall and an electric lesion of the hepatic segment and of the gallbladder. The surgical treatment included hepatic segmentectomy, cholecystectomy, repair of the abdominal wall with Marlex prosthesis and skin graft, besides the debridment of the lesions of extremities. The postoperative evolution was satisfactory and the follow-up for 6 months didn't show any sequelae.
Self-assessment report for accreditation of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Industrial Management.