967 resultados para Hydrogen-bonds


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We describe a simple method to automate the geometric optimization of molecular orbital calculations of supermolecules on potential surfaces that are corrected for basis set superposition error using the counterpoise (CP) method. This method is applied to the H-bonding complexes HF/HCN, HF/H2O, and HCCH/H2O using the 6-31G(d,p) and D95 + + (d,p) basis sets at both the Hartree-Fock and second-order Møller-Plesset levels. We report the interaction energies, geometries, and vibrational frequencies of these complexes on the CP-optimized surfaces; and compare them with similar values calculated using traditional methods, including the (more traditional) single point CP correction. Upon optimization on the CP-corrected surface, the interaction energies become more negative (before vibrational corrections) and the H-bonding stretching vibrations decrease in all cases. The extent of the effects vary from extremely small to quite large depending on the complex and the calculational method. The relative magnitudes of the vibrational corrections cannot be predicted from the H-bond stretching frequencies alone


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Un pont de dihidrogen (dihydrogen bond,DHB) és un tipus de pont d'hidrogen atípic que s'estableix entre un hidrur metàl·lic i un donador de protons com un grup OH o NH. Els ponts de dihidrogen són claus en les característiques geomètriques i altres propietats de compostos que en presenten tan de molècules petites com el dímer de NH3BH3, com d'estructures superiors més complicades com complexes metàl·lics o sòlids. Poden ser útils aplicats a certes molècules o síntesis moleculars per a obtenir nous materials amb propietats o característiques fetes a mida. El treball d'aquesta tesi està orientat a millorar la comprensió dels ponts de dihidrogen, aprofundint en certs aspectes de la seva naturalesa atòmica/molecular utilitzant mètodes teòrics basats en la química física quàntica.


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Inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy has been used to observe and characterise hydrogen on the carbon component of a Pt/C catalyst. INS provides the complete vibration spectrum of coronene, regarded as a molecular model of a graphite layer. The vibrational modes are assigned with the aid of ab initio density functional theory calculations and the INS spectra by the a-CLIMAX program. A spectrum for which the H modes of coronene have been computationally suppressed, a carbon-only coronene spectrum, is a better representation of the spectrum of a graphite layer than is coronene itself. Dihydrogen dosing of a Pt/C catalyst caused amplification of the surface modes of carbon, an effect described as H riding on carbon. From the enhancement of the low energy carbon modes (100-600 cm(-1)) it is concluded that spillover hydrogen becomes attached to dangling bonds at the edges of graphitic regions of the carbon support. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The discovery of polymers with stimuli responsive physical properties is a rapidly expanding area of research. At the forefront of the field are self-healing polymers, which, when fractured can regain the mechanical properties of the material either autonomically, or in response to a stimulus. It has long been known that it is possible to promote healing in conventional thermoplastics by heating the fracture zone above the Tg of the polymer under pressure. This process requires reptation and subsequent re-entanglement of macromolecules across the fracture void, which serves to bridge, and ‘heal’ the crack. The timescale for this mechanism is highly dependent on the molecular weight of the polymer being studied. This process is in contrast to that required to affect healing in supramolecular polymers such as the plasticised, hydrogen bonded elastomer reported by Leibler et al. The disparity in bond energies between the non-covalent and covalent bonds within supramolecular polymers results in fractures propagating through scission of the comparatively weak supramolecular interactions, rather than through breaking the stronger, covalent bonds. Thus, during the healing process the macromolecules surrounding the fracture site only need sufficient energy to re-engage their supramolecular interactions in order to regenerate the strength of the pristine material. Herein we describe the design, synthesis and optimization of a new class of supramolecular polymer blends that harness the reversible nature of pi-pi stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions to produce self-supporting films with facile healable characteristics.


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[(VO)-O-IV(acac) 2] reacts with the methanol solution of tridentate ONO donor hydrazone ligands (H2L1-4, general abbreviation H2L; are derived from the condensation of benzoyl hydrazine with 2-hydroxyacetophenone and its 5-substituted derivatives) in presence of neutral monodentate alkyl amine bases having stronger basicity than pyridine e. g., ethylamine, diethylamine, triethylamine and piperidine (general abbreviation B) to produce BH+[VO2L] (1-16) complexes. Five of these sixteen complexes are structurally characterized revealing that the vanadium is present in the anionic part of the molecule, [VO2L] in a distorted square pyramidal environment. The complexes 5, 6, 15 and 16 containing two H-atoms associated with the amine-N atom in their cationic part (e. g., diethylammonium and piperidinium ion) are involved in H-bonding with a neighboring molecule resulting in the formation of centrosymmetric dimers while the complex 12 (containing only one hydrogen atom in the cationic part) exhibits normal H-bonding. The nature of the H-bonds in each of the four centrosymmetric dimeric complexes is different. These complexes have potential catalytic activity in the aerial oxidation of L-ascorbic acid and are converted into the [VO(L)(hq)] complexes containing VO3+ motif on reaction with equimolar amount of 8-hydroxyquinoline (Hhq) in methanol.


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(i) The electronic and structural properties of boron doped graphene sheets, and (ii) the chemisorption processes of hydrogen adatoms on the boron doped graphene sheets have been examined by ab initio total energy calculations. In (i) we find that the structural deformations are very localized around the boron substitutional sites, and in accordance with previous studies (Endo et al 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 90 5670) there is an increase of the electronic density of states near the Fermi level. Our simulated scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images, for occupied states, indicate the formation of bright (triangular) spots lying on the substitutional boron (center) and nearest-neighbor carbon (edge) sites. Those STM images are attributed to the increase of the density of states within an energy interval of 0.5 eV below the Fermi level. For a boron concentration of similar to 2.4%, we find that two boron atoms lying on the opposite sites of the same hexagonal ring (B1-B2 configuration) represents the energetically most stable configuration, which is in contrast with previous theoretical findings. Having determined the energetically most stable configuration for substitutional boron atoms on graphene sheets, we next considered the hydrogen adsorption process as a function of the boron concentration, (ii). Our calculated binding energies indicate that the C-H bonds are strengthened near boron substitutional sites. Indeed, the binding energy of hydrogen adatoms forming a dimer-like structure on the boron doped B1-B2 graphene sheet is higher than the binding energy of an isolated H(2) molecule. Since the formation of the H dimer-like structure may represent the initial stage of the hydrogen clustering process on graphene sheets, we can infer that the formation of H clusters is quite likely not only on clean graphene sheets, which is in consonance with previous studies (Hornekaer et al 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 186102), but also on B1-B2 boron doped graphene sheets. However, for a low concentration of boron atoms, the formation of H dimer structures is not expected to occur near a single substitutional boron site. That is, the formation (or not) of H clusters on graphene sheets can be tuned by the concentration of substitutional boron atoms.


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The surface properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films treated with H(2) plasma was investigated in regard to their electrochemical response for phenol oxidation. The surface of these films is relatively flat formed by crystallites with sizes of about 40 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses showed that electrode surface has a high amount of C-H bonds. This behavior is in agreement with Mott-Schottky plot measurements concerning the flat band potential that presented a value as expected for hydrogenated diamond surface. This electrode presented the phenol detection limit of 0.08 mg L(-1) for low phenol concentrations from 40 to 250 mu mol L(-1).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Hydrogen is known as a clean energy resource. The biological production of hydrogen has been attracting attention as an environmentally friendly processs that does not consume fossil fuels. Cellulosic plant and waste materials are potential resources for fermentative hydrogen production. Cellulose is a linear biopolymer of glucose molecules, connected by β-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose requires the presence of cellulase. The present study aimed to investigate the efficiency of acid pretreatment on ruminal fluid in order to enrich H2 producing bacteria consortia to enhance biohydrogen rate and substrate removal efficiency. In this study, fermentative hydrogen producers were enriched on cellulose (2g/L) in a modificated Del Nery medium (DNM) at 37ºC and initial pH 7.0 using rumen fluid (10% v/v) as inoculum. To increase the hydrogen production it was added cellulose (10mL) to the medium. The gas products (mainly H2 and CO2) was analyzed by gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC 2010) using a thermal conductivity detector. The volatile fatty acids and ethanol were also detected by GC using a flame ionization detector. Cellulose degradation was quantified by using the phenolsulfuric acid method. Analysis showed that the biogas produced from the anaerobic fermentation contained only hydrogen and carbon dioxide, without detectable methane after acid pretreatment test. On DNM the hydrogen production started with 4 h (5,3 x 105 mmol H2/L) of incubation, and the maximum H2 concentration was observed with 34 h (7,1 x 106 mmol H2/L) of incubation. During the process, it was observed a predominance of acetic acid and butyric acid as well as a low production of acetone, ethanol and nbutanol in all experimental phases. Butyrate accounted for more than 77% of total. As a result of the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), the pH value in anaerobic digestion system was reduced to 4,0. On microscopy analyses there were observed rods with endospores. The batch anaerobic fermentation assays performed on anaerobic mixed inoculum from rumen fluid demonstrated the feasibility of H2 generation utilizing cellulose as substrate. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the acid treatment was efficient to inhibit the methanogenic archaea cells present in rumen fluid. The rumen fluid cells present a potential route in converting renewable biomass such as cellulose into hydrogen energy.


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This dissertation deals with two specific aspects of a potential hydrogen-based energy economy, namely the problems of energy storage and energy conversion. In order to contribute to the solution of these problems, the structural and dynamical properties of two promising materials for hydrogen storage (lithium imide/amide) and proton conduction (poly[vinyl phosphonic acid]) are modeled on an atomistic scale by means of first principles molecular dynamics simulation methods.rnrnrnIn the case of the hydrogen storage system lithium amide/imide (LiNH_2/Li_2NH), the focus was on the interplay of structural features and nuclear quantum effects. For these calculations, Path-Integral Molecular Dynamics (PIMD) simulations were used. The structures of these materials at room temperature were elucidated; in collaboration with an experimental group, a very good agreement between calculated and experimental solid-state 1H-NMR chemical shifts was observed. Specifically, the structure of Li_2NH features a disordered arrangement of the Li lattice, which was not reported in previous studies. In addition, a persistent precession of the NH bonds was observed in our simulations. We provide evidence that this precession is the consequence of a toroid-shaped effective potential, in which the protons in the material are immersed. This potential is essentially flat along the torus azimuthal angle, which might lead to important quantum delocalization effects of the protons over the torus.rnrnOn the energy conversion side, the dynamics of protons in a proton conducting polymer (poly[vinyl phosphonic acid], PVPA) was studied by means of a steered ab-initio Molecular Dynamics approach applied on a simplified polymer model. The focus was put on understanding the microscopic proton transport mechanism in polymer membranes, and on characterizing the relevance of the local environment. This covers particularly the effect of water molecules, which participate in the hydrogen bonding network in the material. The results indicate that these water molecules are essential for the effectiveness of proton conduction. A water-mediated Grotthuss mechanism is identified as the main contributor to proton conduction, which agrees with the experimentally observed decay on conductivity for the same material in the absence of water molecules.rnrnThe gain in understanding the microscopic processes and structures present in this materials can help the development of new materials with improved properties, thus contributing to the solution of problems in the implementation of fuel cells.


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The synthesis of a novel bicyclic thymidine analogue carrying a β-fluoro substituent at C6' (6'F-bcT) has been achieved. Key steps of the synthesis were an electrophilic fluorination/stereospecific hydrogenation sequence of a bicyclo sugar intermediate, followed by an N-iodo-succinimide-induced stereoselective nucleosidation. A corresponding phosphoramidite building block was then prepared and used for oligonucleotide synthesis. Tm measurements of oligonucleotides with single and double incorporations showed a remarkable stabilization of duplex formation particularly with RNA as complement without compromising pairing selectivity. Increases in Tm were in the range of +1-2 °C compared to thymidine and +1-3 °C compared to a standard bc-T residue. Structural investigations of the 6'F-bcT nucleoside by X-ray crystallography showed an in-line arrangement of the fluorine substituent with H6 of thymine, however, with a distance that is relatively long for a nonclassical CF-HC hydrogen bond. In contrast, structural investigations in solution by (1)H and (13)C NMR clearly showed scalar coupling of fluorine with H6 and C6 of the nucleobase, indicating the existence of at least weak electrostatic interactions. On the basis of these results, we put forward the hypothesis that these weak CF-HC6 electrostatic interactions increase duplex stability by orienting and partially freezing torsion angle χ of the 6'F-bcT nucleoside.


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In situ Raman spectroscopy was exploited to analyze the interaction between carbon and hydrogen during electrochemical hydrogen storage at cathodic conditions. Two different activated carbons were used and characterized by different electrochemical techniques in two electrolytes (6 M KOH and 0.5 M Na2SO4). The in situ Raman spectra collected showed that, in addition to the D and G bands associated to the graphitic carbons, two bands appear simultaneously at about 1110 and 1500 cm−1 under cathodic conditions, and then they disappear when the potential increases to more positive values. This indicates that carbon–hydrogen bonds are formed reversibly in both electrolytes during cathodic conditions. Comparing the two activated carbons, it was confirmed that, in both electrolytes, the hydrogenation of carbon atoms is produced more easily for the sample with lower amount of surface oxygen groups. In KOH medium, for the two samples, the formation of carbon–hydrogen bonds proceeds at more positive potential with respect to the thermodynamic potential value for hydrogen evolution. Furthermore, changes in the shape of the D band (due to an intensity increase of the D1 band) during the formation of carbon–hydrogen bonds suggest that hydrogenation of the carbon atoms increases the number of edge planes.


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The structure of a novel plant defensin isolated from the flowers of Petunia hybrida has been determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. P. hybrida defensin 1 (PhD1) is a basic, cysteine-rich, antifungal protein of 47 residues and is the first example of a new subclass of plant defensins with five disulfide bonds whose structure has been determined. PhD1 has the fold of the cysteine-stabilized alphabeta motif, consisting of an alpha-helix and a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, except that it contains a fifth disulfide bond from the first loop to the alpha-helix. The additional disulfide bond is accommodated in PhD1 without any alteration of its tertiary structure with respect to other plant defensins. Comparison of its structure with those of classic, four-disulfide defensins has allowed us to identify a previously unrecognized hydrogen bond network that is integral to structure stabilization in the family.


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Most of the hydrogen production processes are designed for large-scale industrial uses and are not suitable for a compact hydrogen device to be used in systems like solid polymer fuel cells. Integrating the reaction step, the gas purification and the heat supply can lead to small-scale hydrogen production systems. The aim of this research is to study the influence of several reaction parameters on hydrogen production using liquid phase reforming of sugar solution over Pt, Pd, and Ni supported on nanostructured supports. It was found that the desired catalytic pathway for H-2 production involves cleavage of C-C, C-H and O-H bonds that adsorb on the catalyst surface. Thus a good catalyst for production of H2 by liquid-phase reforming must facilitate C-C bond cleavage and promote removal of adsorbed CO species by the water-gas shift reaction, but the catalyst must not facilitate C-O bond cleavage and hydrogenation of CO or CO2. Apart from studying various catalysts, a commercial Pt/gamma-alumina catalyst was used to study the effect of temperature at three different temperatures of 458, 473 and 493 K. Some of the spent catalysts were characterised using TGA, SEM and XRD to study coke deposition. The amorphous and organised form of coke was found on the surface of the catalyst. (C) 2006 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we investigated the effect of hydrogen termination on the electrical properties and impedance spectra of detonation nanodiamond. The impedance spectra revealed that the hydrogen-termination process increases the electrical conductivity by four orders of magnitude at room temperature. An equivalent circuit has been proposed to correlate with the conduction mechanism. Arrhenius plot showed that there were two different activation energy levels located at 0.089 eV and 0.63 eV between 50 °C and 400 °C. The possible physical mechanism corresponding to these activation energy levels has been discussed. Hydrogen-terminated detonation nanodiamond has been further annealed at different temperatures prior to FTIR and XPS measurements in order to understand their thermal stability. The results demonstrated that the surface oxidization occurred between 100 °C and 150 °C. However, the C-H bonds could partially survive when the temperature reaches 400 °C in air. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.