958 resultados para High-level gentamicin resistance
The aim of this thesis was to examine emotions in a web-based learning environment (WBLE). Theoretically, the thesis was grounded on the dimensional model of emotions. Four empirical studies were conducted. Study I focused on students’ anxiety and their self-efficacy in computer-using situations. Studies II and III examined the influence of experienced emotions on students’ collaborative visible and non-collaborative invisible activities and lurking in a WBLE. Study II also focused on the antecedents of the emotions students experience in a web-based learning environment. Study IV concentrated on clarifying the differences between emotions experienced in face-to-face and web-based collaborative learning. The results of these studies are reported in four original research articles published in scientific journals. The present studies demonstrate that emotions are important determinants of student behaviour in a web-based learning, and justify the conclusion that interactions on the web can and do have an emotional content. Based on the results of these empirical studies, it can be concluded that the emotions students experience during the web-based learning result mostly from the social interactions rather than from the technological context. The studies indicate that the technology itself is not the only antecedent of students’ emotional reactions in the collaborative web-based learning situations. However, the technology itself also exerted an influence on students’ behaviour. It was found that students’ computer anxiety was associated with their negative expectations of the consequences of using technology-based learning environments in their studies. Moreover, the results also indicated that student behaviours in a WBLE can be divided into three partially overlapping classes: i) collaborative visible ii) non-collaborative invisible activities, and iii) lurking. What is more, students’ emotions experienced during the web-based learning affected how actively they participated in such activities in the environment. Especially lurkers, i.e. students who seldom participated in discussions but frequently visited the online environment, experienced more negatively valenced emotions during the courses than did the other students. This result indicates that such negatively toned emotional experiences can make the lurking individuals less eager to participate in other WBLE courses in the future. Therefore, future research should also focus more precisely on the reasons that cause individuals to lurk in online learning groups, and the development of learning tasks that do not encourage or permit lurking or inactivity. Finally, the results from the study comparing emotional reactions in web-based and face-to-face collaborative learning indicated that the learning by means of web-based communication resulted in more affective reactivity when compared to learning in a face-to-face situation. The results imply that the students in the web-based learning group experienced more intense emotions than the students in the face-to-face learning group.The interpretations of this result are that the lack of means for expressing emotional reactions and perceiving others’ emotions increased the affectivity in the web-based learning groups. Such increased affective reactivity could, for example, debilitate individual’s learning performance, especially in complex learning tasks. Therefore, it is recommended that in the future more studies should be focused on the possibilities to express emotions in a text-based web environment to ensure better means for communicating emotions, and subsequently, possibly decrease the high level of affectivity. However, we do not yet know whether the use of means for communicating emotional expressions via the web (for example, “smileys” or “emoticons”) would be beneficial or disadvantageous in formal learning situations. Therefore, future studies should also focus on assessing how the use of such symbols as a means for expressing emotions in a text-based web environment would affect students’ and teachers’ behaviour and emotional state in web-based learning environments.
The objective of this work was to evaluate bean genotypes for resistance to soybean looper (Chrysodeixis includens). Initially, free-choice tests were carried out with 59 genotypes, divided into three groups according to leaf color intensity (dark green, light green, and medium green), in order to evaluate oviposition preference. Subsequently, 12 genotypes with high potential for resistance were selected, as well as two susceptible commercial standards. With these genotypes, new tests were performed for oviposition in a greenhouse, besides tests for attractiveness and consumption under laboratory conditions (26±2ºC, 65±10% RH, and 14 h light: 10 h dark photophase). In the no-choice test with adults, in the greenhouse, the 'IAC Jabola', Arcelina 1, 'IAC Boreal', 'Flor de Mayo', and 'IAC Formoso' genotypes were the least oviposited, showing antixenosis-type resistance for oviposition. In the free-choice test with larvae, Arcelina 4, 'BRS Horizonte', 'Pérola', H96A102-1-1-1-52, 'IAC Boreal', 'IAC Harmonia', and 'IAC Formoso' were the less consumed genotypes, which indicates antixenosis to feeding. In the no-choice test, all genotypes (except for 'IAPAR 57') expressed moderate levels of antixenosis to feeding against C. includens larvae.
Palvelukeskeiseen arkkitehtuuriin perustuvia järjestelmiä voidaan kehittää käyttämällä useita vaihtoehtoisia teknologioita. Toteuttamiseen parhaiten soveltuvia teknologioita ovat erilaiset standardikokoelmat, jotka tukevat useiden toisistaan toteutustavaltaan poikkeavien järjestelmien yhdistämistä käyttämällä standardeihin perustuvia rajapintoja. Täten kyseiset kokoelmat tukevat laajojen, useista erillisistä osista koostuvien palvelujärjestelmien kehittämistä. Tässä työssä selvitetään mikä palvelukeskeinen arkkitehtuuri on sekä millaisia komponentteja ja teknologioita kyseiseen arkkitehtuuriin perustuvan palvelujärjestelmän toteuttamiseen tarvitaan. Tavoitteena on esitellä palvelukeskeinen arkkitehtuuri ja siihen liittyvät teknologiat sekä suunnitella korkealla tasolla kyseisiä teknologioita hyödyntävä integraatioalusta käyttäjien ja useiden palvelun tarjoajien yhdistämiseksi. Työn tuloksena syntyvän teknologiaselvitysraportin selvitysluonteen vuoksi työssä ei suunnitella tarkasti toteutettavaa järjestelmää vaan ainoastaanpohjustetaan järjestelmän suunnittelua sekä esitellään siihen liittyviä arkkitehtuuri- ja toteutusmahdollisuuksia. Internet-pohjainen palvelukeskeiseen arkkitehtuuriin perustuva järjestelmä voi perustua suoriinverkon välisiin yhteyksiin tai vaihtoehtoisesti erityyppisiin välitason sovelluksiin. Välitason sovellukset mahdollistavat niiden tyypistä riippuen järjestelmän erilaisten lisäominaisuuksien toteuttamisen ja tukevat useita yleisimpiä palvelukeskeisiä teknologioita. Työn tuloksena syntyneen teknologiaselvityksen perusteella näistä teknologioista Web-palvelu -arkkitehtuuri ja siihen liittyvät menetelmät soveltuvat parhaiten suunniteltavan järjestelmän rakenneosiksi. Järjestelmän tarkemmat toteutustavat riippuvat myöhemmin määriteltävistä yksityiskohtaisista vaatimuksista sekä valittavasta välitason ohjelmiston toteutuksesta.
Työn tavoitteena oli teoriakäsitteistön avulla tutkia ja analysoida erästä päätösprosessia. Alussa on selvitetty laajemmin teoriota, jotka liittyvät ongelman käsitteeseen, ongelmanratkaisuun, päätöksentekoon ja päätöksentekijöihin sekä päätöksentekoprosessien erilaisiin prosessimalleihin. Lopussa näitä teorioita on verrattu tositilanteen ongelmaan ja siihen liittyvään päätöksentekoprosessiin. Ihmiset kohtaavat ongelmatilanteita päivittäin niin työssä kuin henkilökohtaisessakin elämässä. Näiden kaikkien ongelmien ratkaisemiseen liittyy aina päätöksiä.Eri kirjoittajat ovat määritelleet erilaisia päätöksentekoprosessin malleja päätösprosessien vaiheista. Mallien sisällöt vaihtelevat sisällöltään ja vaiheiden lukumääriltään. Myös vaiheiden merkitysten korostamisessa on eroja. Käytännössä näiden päätösprosessimallien ongelmana on niiden vaatima aika. Kun aika on rajallinen, epävarmuus on suuri ja ympäristö on nopeasti muuttuva,kasvaa päätöksentekijän kokemuksen, tiedon ja osaamisen merkitys. Nämä mallit eivät yksiselitteisesti sovi jokaiseen tilanteeseen, vaan niitä mukauttamalla ja yhdistelemällä voidaan löytää kuhunkin tilanteeseen sopiva malli.
Työn tavoitteena oli pienentää kuorinnassa syntyviä puuhäviöitä ja parantaa linjan käytettävyyttä nykyaikaisella puunkuorimolla. Tavoitteet toteutettiin automaatiojärjestelmään tehdyillä muutoksilla. Rumpukuorintaprosessi on säilynyt pitkään samanlaisena. Viime vuosina on markkinoille tullut uusia älykkäitä mittalaitteita ja optimointiin kykeneviä säätöjärjestelmiä. Uudenlaisella automaatiotekniikalla on mahdollista mitata kuorintatulosta ja kuorinnassa syntyneitä puuhäviöitä reaaliaikaisesti. Laaduntarkkailun lisäksi tietoja hyödynnetään kuorintaprosessin automaattisessa ohjauksessa. Optimaalisen kuorintatuloksen saavuttaminen edellyttää virheetöntä automaation toimintaa ja tarkkaa viritystä säädöiltä. Työssä perehdyttiin kuorimon perusautomaatioon ja ylemmän tason säädön toimintaan. Prosessinohjauksessa havaitut ongelmakohdat korjattiin. Lopputuloksena saatiin vakiokuorintatehon malli, joka pienentää puuhäviöitä ja parantaa linjaston käytettävyyttä. Saaduilla tuloksilla on merkittävä taloudellinen arvo, ja menetelmät ovat hyödynnettävissä myös toisilla rumpukuorimoilla.
The central and peripheral nervous systems are involved in multiple age-dependent neurological deficits that are often attributed to alterations in function of myelinating glial cells. However, the molecular events that underlie the age-related decline of glial cell function are unknown. We used Schwann cells as a model to study biological processes affected in glial cells by aging. We comprehensively profiled gene expression of the Schwann cellrich mouse sciatic nerve throughout life, from day of birth until senescence (840 days of age). We combined the aging data with the microarray transcriptional data obtained using nerves isolated from Schwann cell-specific neuropathy-inducing mutants MPZCre/+/Lpin1fE2−3/fE2−3 , MPZCre/+/ScapfE1/fE1 and Pmp22-null mice. The majority of age related transcripts were also affected in the analyzed mouse models of neuropathy (54.4%) and in development (59.5%) indicating a high level of overlapping in implicated molecular pathways. We observed that compared to peripheral nerve development, dynamically changing expression profiles in aging have opposite (anticorrelated) orientation while they copy the orientation of transcriptional changes observed in analyzed neuropathy models. Subsequent clustering and biological annotation of dynamically changing transcripts revealed that the processes most significantly deregulated in aging include inflammatory/immune response and lipid biosynthesis/metabolism. Importantly, the changes in these pathways were also observed in myelinated oligodendrocyte-rich optic nerves of aged mice, albeit with lower magnitude. This observation suggests that similar biological processes are affected in aging glial cells in central and peripheral nervous systems, however with different dynamics. Our data, which provide the first comprehensive comparison of molecular changes in glial cells in three distinct biological conditions comprising development, aging and disease, provide not only a new inside into the molecular alterations underlying neural system aging but also identify target pathways for potential therapeutic approaches to prevent or delay complications associated with age-related and inherited forms of neuropathies. *Current address: Department of Physiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Työssä tutkittiin kaksivaiheisen typenpoistoprosessin (2-N-PRO) soveltuvuutta Joutsenon Kukkuroinmäen aluejätekeskuksen kompostointilaitoksen jätevesille pilot-kokein 12.1.- 5.4.2006. Kompostilaitoksella on jätevesien esikäsittelytarve korkeista ammoniumtyppipitoisuuksista johtuen. Pilot-laitteisto koostuu sekoitussäiliöstä, strippaustornista ja katalyyttipolttimesta. Käsiteltävän jäteveden pH nostetaan korkealle tasolle, jolloin ammoniumtyppi muuttuu ammoniakiksi. Vesi johdetaan strippaustorniin, jossa se sadetetaan tornin pohjalle. Ammoniakki erottuu sadetuksessa ilmaan, joka imetään katalyyttipolttimelle. Katalyyttinen poltin käsittelee ammoniakkia typpikaasuksi. Pilot-kokeet suoritettiin jatkuvatoimisesti. Laitteisto pystyy erottamaan jätevedestä ammoniumtyppeä ammoniakiksi ja käsittelemään ammoniakin pääosin typpikaasuksi. Lisäksi suoritettiin panoskoe, jonka tulokset tukevat jatkuvatoimisesta käytöstä saatuja tuloksia.
Multiple sclerosis (MS), a variable and diffuse disease affecting white and gray matter, is known to cause functional connectivity anomalies in patients. However, related studies published to-date are post hoc; our hypothesis was that such alterations could discriminate between patients and healthy controls in a predictive setting, laying the groundwork for imaging-based prognosis. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging resting state data of 22 minimally disabled MS patients and 14 controls, we developed a predictive model of connectivity alterations in MS: a whole-brain connectivity matrix was built for each subject from the slow oscillations (<0.11Hz) of region-averaged time series, and a pattern recognition technique was used to learn a discriminant function indicating which particular functional connections are most affected by disease. Classification performance using strict cross-validation yielded a sensitivity of 82% (above chance at p<0.005) and specificity of 86% (p<0.01) to distinguish between MS patients and controls. The most discriminative connectivity changes were found in subcortical and temporal regions, and contralateral connections were more discriminative than ipsilateral connections. The pattern of decreased discriminative connections can be summarized post hoc in an index that correlates positively (ρ=0.61) with white matter lesion load, possibly indicating functional reorganisation to cope with increasing lesion load. These results are consistent with a subtle but widespread impact of lesions in white matter and in gray matter structures serving as high-level integrative hubs. These findings suggest that predictive models of resting state fMRI can reveal specific anomalies due to MS with high sensitivity and specificity, potentially leading to new non-invasive markers.
Vitellogenin genes are expressed under strict estrogen control in the liver of female oviparous vertebrates. Gene transfer experiments using estrogen-responsive cells have shown that the 13 bp perfect palindromic element GGTCACTGTGACC found upstream of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene A2 promoter mediates hormonal stimulation and thus, was called the estrogen-responsive element (ERE). In the Xenopus vitellogenin genes B1 and B2 there are two closely adjacent EREs with one or more base substitutions when compared to the consensus ERE GGTCANNNTGACC. On their own, these degenerated elements have only a low or no regulatory capacity at all but act together synergistically to form an estrogen-responsive unit (ERU) with the same strength as the perfect palindromic 13 bp element. Analysis of estrogen receptor binding to the gene B1 ERU revealed a cooperative interaction of receptor dimers to the two adjacent imperfect EREs which most likely explains the synergistic stimulation observed in vivo. Furthermore, a promoter activator element located between positions --113 and --42 of the gene B1 and functional in the human MCF-7 and the Xenopus B3.2 cells has been identified and shown to be involved in the high level of induced transcription activity when the ERE is placed at a distance from the promoter. Finally, a hormone-controlled in vitro transcription system derived from Xenopus liver nuclear extracts was exploited to characterize two additional novel cis-acting elements within the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter. One of them, a negative regulatory element (NRE), is responsible for repression of promoter activity in the absence of hormone. The second is related to the NF-I binding site and is required, together with the ERE, to mediate hormonal induction. Moreover, we detected three trans-acting activities in Xenopus liver nuclear extracts that interact with these regions and demonstrated that they participate in the regulation of the expression of the vitellogenin promoter in vitro.
Tutkielmassa tutkittiin kuntaorganisaation uudistumista vuoden vanhan Haminan kaupungin uudistumiskykyisyyttä. Tutkielman empiirisessä osassa käytettiin kvalitatiivista ja kvantitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimusaineistona olikoko Haminan kaupungin henkilöstö, 1639 henkilöä ja tutkimus suoritettiin keväällä 2004. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin ©businessXray Oy:n KM - factoriaTM, kaupungin ylimmän johdon teemahaastatteluja. Kyselyn vastausprosenttina 44. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todetaan, että Haminan kaupungilla on uudistumiskykyisyyttä ja yhtenäistä näkemystä. Organisaation strategisessa kyvykkyydessä nousi esiin organisaation tilannetietoisuus ja - herkkyys sekä sitoutuminen, jota tarvitaan muutosprosesseissa. Toisaalta nykyisessä organisaation toimintatavassa on kehitettäväävalitun strategian suuntaiseksi. Johdon teemahaastatteluissa korostuivat tulevaisuuden organisaation menestystekijäksi ihmisten välinen avoin vuorovaikutus ja luovat ratkaisut. Haminan kaupungin tulevaisuus on suuntautumassa innovatiivisuuteen, sillä ylin johto on vahvasti dynaamiseen strategianäkemykseen orientoitunut.
VVALOSADE is a research project of professor Anita Lukka's VALORE research team in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. The VALOSADE includes the ELO technology program of Tekes. SMILE is one of four subprojects of the VALOSADE. The SMILE study focuses on the case of the company network that is composed of small and micro-sized mechanical maintenance service providers and forest industry as large-scale customers. The basic principle of the SMILE study is the communication and ebusiness in supply and demand networks. The aim of the study is to develop ebusiness strategy, ebusiness model and e-processes among the SME local service providers, and onthe other hand, between the local service provider network and the forest industry customers in a maintenance and operations service business. A literature review, interviews and benchmarking are used as research methods in this qualitative case study. The first SMILE report, 'Ebusiness between Global Company and Its Local SME Supplier Network', concentrated on creating background for the SMILE study by studying general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networks of different industries. This second phase of the study concentrates on case network background, such as business relationships, information systems and business objectives; core processes in maintenance and operations service network; development needs in communication among the network participants; and ICT solutions to respond needs in changing environment. In the theory part of the report, different ebusiness models and frameworks are introduced. Those models and frameworks are compared to empirical case data. From that analysis of the empirical data, therecommendations for the development of the network information system are derived. In process industry such as the forest industry, it is crucial to achieve a high level of operational efficiency and reliability, which sets up great requirements for maintenance and operations. Therefore, partnerships or strategic alliances are needed between the network participants. In partnerships and alliances, deep communication is important, and therefore the information systems in the network also are critical. Communication, coordination and collaboration will increase in the case network in the future, because network resources must be optimised to improve competitive capability of the forest industry customers and theefficiency of their service providers. At present, ebusiness systems are not usual in this maintenance network. A network information system among the forest industry customers and their local service providers actually is the only genuinenetwork information system in this total network. However, the utilisation of that system has been quite insignificant. The current system does not add value enough either to the customers or to the local service providers. At present, thenetwork information system is the infomediary that share static information forthe network partners. The network information system should be the transaction intermediary, which integrates internal processes of the network companies; the network information system, which provides common standardised processes for thelocal service providers; and the infomediary, which share static and dynamic information on right time, on right partner, on right costs, on right format and on right quality. This study provides recommendations how to develop this system in the future to add value to the network companies. Ebusiness scenarios, vision, objectives, strategies, application architecture, ebusiness model, core processes and development strategy must be considered when the network information system will be developed in the next development step. The core processes in the case network are demand/capacity management, customer/supplier relationship management, service delivery management, knowledge management and cash flow management. Most benefits from ebusiness solutions come from the electrifying of operational level processes, such as service delivery management and cash flow management.
Les Ephéméroptères constituent un ordre très archaïque d?insectes ailés, comprenant un nombre réduit d?espèces (actuellement environ 2500 espèces). Les larves sont aquatiques; la durée de ce stade est en général d?une année. Le stade adulte est par contre extrêmement bref: de quelques heures à quelques jours. La fonction quasi unique de ce stade est la reproduction. Par sa superficie, Madagascar est la quatrième île du monde. Elle est située dans la partie occidentale de l?Océan Indien à plus de 300 km de la côte africaine. Madagascar faisait partie du super-continent Gondwana. Elle s?est séparée de l?Afrique (-165 M.a.), puis a migré vers le Sud (-125 M.a.) avant de se détacher du sous-continent indien (-65 M.a.). La connaissance des Ephéméroptères malgaches était, jusqu?à très récemment, extrêmement limitée. Grâce au programme Biodiversité et biotypologie des eaux continentales malgaches, lancé conjointement par l?ORSTOM (actuel IRD, France) et le CNRE (Madagascar), un inventaire à large échelle de la macrofaune benthique malgache a été entrepris. La systématique de plusieurs familles d?Ephéméroptères (Tricorythidae, Polymitarcyidae, Palingeniidae,?), ainsi que d?autres groupes d?invertébrés (Trichoptères, Simuliidae, macrocrustacés) a fait l?objet d?études approfondies. La présente étude consistue un des volets de ce programme. Jusqu?au milieu des années 1990, seules quatre espèces valides appartenant à trois genres différents étaient décrites de Madagascar. En 6 ans, ce ne sont pas moins de 25 articles qui sont consacrés à la systématique des Baetidae, permettant de décrire 50 espèces et 8 genres nouveaux. La faune malgache des Baetidae compte actuellement 22 genres et 54 espèces. Malgré sa taille, Madagascar possède une richesse, tant générique que spécifique équivalente à celle d?un continent. Notre connaissance des Baetidae est suffisamment avancée pour mener une étude cladistique et biogéographique. La reconstruction phylogénétique a permis de mettre en évidence cinq lignées principales à Madagascar et de préciser, pour chacune d?elles, les genres inclus et les caractères propres. La faune des Baetidae malgaches présente un taux d?endémicité très élevé: 53 des 54 espèces et un tiers des genres sont endémiques. Elle montre des affinités extrêmement fortes avec la faune africaine, puisque 90% des genres présents à Madagascar ou en Afrique ont une répartition strictement restreinte à cette région. Les autres composantes, notamment orientales et océaniennes, sont négligeables; ces régions n?ont en commun avec Madagascar qu?un nombre restreint de genres cosmopolites. Ces affinités sont en contradiction avec les données géologiques de la dislocation du Gondwana. Plusieurs explications peuvent être données pour résoudre cette contradiction. La plus vraisemblable est que le pouvoir de dispersion des Ephéméroptères, et des Baetidae en particulier, est nettement sous-estimé. L?étude des faunes des îles volcaniques récentes, telles que les Comores, démontre clairement que les Baetidae sont capables de dispersion sur une distance de plus de 300 km. Il est donc possible d?envisager une colonisation de Madagascar à partir de l?Afrique continentale postérieure à la séparation des deux plaques. Nous avons établi des scénarios retraçant l?histoire biogéographique de chacune des cinq lignées. Pour quatre d?entre elles, l?Afrique continentale est le centre d?origine. La cinquième lignée aurait une origine paléarctique; l?Afrique représenterait un centre secondaire de spéciation. Ces lignées auraient secondairement colonisé Madagascar à partir de l?Afrique continentale. Ce travail ouvre donc d?importantes perspectives. Il rend possible l?utilisation à un niveau générique, voire spécifique, des Baetidae pour des travaux de faunistique ou d?écologie, en particulier pour des études liées à la dégradation de la qualité de l?eau. Il devrait également pouvoir servir de base pour l?étude et la compréhension des phénomènes de dispersion et colonisation dans les îles et archipels de l?Ouest de l?Océan Indien.<br/><br/>Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are among the oldest known flying insects and encompass a very small number of species (ca 2500 species). Larvae are strictly freshwater inhabitants; this stage lasts generally one year. The imaginal stage is extremely short, from few hours to few days, and is devoted almost entirely to reproduction. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world by area. It is situated in the western part of the Indian Ocean, at a distance of more than 300 km from the African coast. Madagascar belonged to Gondwana. It was first separated from the African plate (-165 M.y.), then moved to the South (-65 M.y.), before the break-off with the Indian plate (-65 M.y.). Knowledge of the Malagasy mayflies was until recently extremely poor. The program Biodiversity and Biotypology of Malagasy Freshwaters, jointly run by the French ORSTOM and the Malagasy CNRE, began a global survey of the freshwater macroinvertebrates. The systematics of several mayfly families (Tricorythidae, Polymitarcyidae, Palingeniidae,?), and other invertebrate groups (Caddisflies, Blackflies,?) was the subject of ground studies. Our present study is one part of this global program. Until the middle of the nineties, only four baetid species belonging to three different genera had been described from Madagascar. During the last six years, 25 papers were dedicated to the systematics of the Baetidae, allowing the description of 50 new species and 8 new genera. The Malagasy fauna encompasses now 22 genera and 54 species. Despite its size, Madagascar has the same diversity, at specific and generic level, as a continent. Our knowledge of the Baetidae is sufficient to perform a cladistic and biogeographical study. Our phylogenetic reconstruction allows us to propose five main lineages and to indicate, for each of them, the genera included and their features. The Malagasy fauna of Baetidae possesses a high level of endemicity: 53 of the 54 species and one third of the genera are endemic. It shows extremely strong affinities with the African fauna, as more than 90% of the genera present in Madagascar or in Africa have a distribution restricted to this area. Other components, especially Oriental and Oceanian, are negligible. These areas share with Madagascar only a few widespread genera. These African affinities are in contradiction with the geological events, especially the break-off history of Gondwana. Some explanations can be given to solve this contradiction. The most likely is that the dispersal power of the mayflies, especially of the Baetidae, is greatly underestimated. The study of recent volcanic islands, particularly of the Comoros, clearly demonstrates that the Baetidae are able to disperse over more than 300 km. Consequently, a colonisation by the Baetidae, of Madagascar from the continental Africa, after the break-off must be considered as possible. We have established scenarios explaining the biogeographical history of each of the five lineages. For four of them, Africa has to be regarded as the centre of origin. The fifth lineage probably has a Palearctic origin; Africa should be considered as a secondary centre of speciation. These lineages should have secondarily colonised Madagascar from continental Africa. This work opens up new perspectives. It allows the use of the Baetidae for faunistic and ecological studies, especially for problems related to water quality. It must be also considered as a first step for understanding the dispersion and colonisation of the islands of the western part of the Indian Ocean.
Woven monofilament, multifilament, and spun yarn filter media have long been the standard media in liquid filtration equipment. While the energy for a solid-liquid separation process is determined by the engineering work, it is the interface between the slurry and the equipment - the filter media - that greatly affects the performance characteristics of the unit operation. Those skilled in the art are well aware that a poorly designed filter medium may endanger the whole operation, whereas well-performing filter media can make the operation smooth and economical. As the mineral and pulp producers seek to produce ever finer and more refined fractions of their products, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to dewater slurries with average particle sizes around 1 ¿m using conventional, high-capacity filtration equipment. Furthermore, the surface properties of the media must not allow sticky and adhesive particles to adhere to the media. The aim of this thesis was to test how the dirt-repellency, electrical resistance and highpressure filtration performance of selected woven filter media can be improved by modifying the fabric or yarn with coating, chemical treatment and calendering. The results achieved by chemical surface treatments clearly show that the woven media surface properties can be modified to achieve lower electrical resistance and improved dirt-repellency. The main challenge with the chemical treatments is the abrasion resistance and, while the experimental results indicate that the treatment is sufficiently permanent to resist standard weathering conditions, they may still prove to be inadequately strong in terms of actual use.From the pressure filtration studies in this work, it seems obvious that the conventional woven multifilament fabrics still perform surprisingly well against the coated media in terms of filtrate clarity and cake build-up. Especially in cases where the feed slurry concentration was low and the pressures moderate, the conventional media seemed to outperform the coated media. In the cases where thefeed slurry concentration was high, the tightly woven media performed well against the monofilament reference fabrics, but seemed to do worse than some of the coated media. This result is somewhat surprising in that the high initial specific resistance of the coated media would suggest that the media will blind more easily than the plain woven media. The results indicate, however, that it is actually the woven media that gradually clogs during the coarse of filtration. In conclusion, it seems obvious that there is a pressure limit above which the woven media looses its capacity to keep the solid particles from penetrating the structure. This finding suggests that for extreme pressures the only foreseeable solution is the coated fabrics supported by a strong enough woven fabric to hold thestructure together. Having said that, the high pressure filtration process seems to follow somewhat different laws than the more conventional processes. Based on the results, it may well be that the role of the cloth is most of all to support the cake, and the main performance-determining factor is a long life time. Measuring the pore size distribution with a commercially available porometer gives a fairly accurate picture of the pore size distribution of a fabric, but failsto give insight into which of the pore sizes is the most important in determining the flow through the fabric. Historically air, and sometimes water, permeability measures have been the standard in evaluating media filtration performance including particle retention. Permeability, however, is a function of a multitudeof variables and does not directly allow the estimation of the effective pore size. In this study a new method for estimating the effective pore size and open pore area in a densely woven multifilament fabric was developed. The method combines a simplified equation of the electrical resistance of fabric with the Hagen-Poiseuille flow equation to estimate the effective pore size of a fabric and the total open area of pores. The results are validated by comparison to the measured values of the largest pore size (Bubble point) and the average pore size. The results show good correlation with measured values. However, the measured and estimated values tend to diverge in high weft density fabrics. This phenomenon is thought to be a result of a more tortuous flow path of denser fabrics, and could most probably be cured by using another value for the tortuosity factor.