966 resultados para DPF regeneration
Community garden project and allotments aims to increase community involvement, participation and activity in the locality. We have a number of family groups (parents and children) working together. It is a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people from the area, get out of the house a few hours a week and be part of a really nice community group. We see our garden somewhat like a Co-op. Everyone is welcome to join us, we meet up at least three times a week and do the jobs around the garden together – mainly around vegetables and some fruit trees but we are interested in flowers and other things as well. We have a garden sale every Thursday between 12pm-2pm. We sell all organic produce grown in the garden and make our own jams to sell weekly also. At the end of the season we all share the crops, vegetables and fruits if there is any left after the sale on Thursday. Contact: Kevin Dunne, 087 272 4537. Email: communitygardens@ballyfermotpartnership.ie  Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 10 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Lone parents Men Older people Unemployed Funding Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxED179ZBWiRa251UQh4l1A Connect with this Initiative Facebook
BACKGROUND AIMS: Marked changes in metabolism, including liver steatosis and hypoglycemia, occur after partial hepatectomy. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha) is a nuclear hormone receptor that is activated by fatty acids and involved in hepatic fatty acid metabolism and regeneration. Liver fatty acid binding protein (LFABP) is an abundant protein in liver cytosol whose expression is regulated by PPAR alpha. It is involved in fatty acid uptake and diffusion and in PPAR alpha signaling. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of PPAR alpha and LFABP during liver regeneration. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats and male C57 Bl/6 mice were subjected to 2/3 hepatectomy and LFABP and PPAR alpha mRNA and protein levels were measured at different time points after surgery. The effect of partial hepatectomy was followed during 48 h in rats and 72 h in mice. RESULTS: PPAR alpha mRNA and protein levels were decreased 26 h after hepatectomy of rats. The LFABP mRNA and protein levels paralleled those of PPAR alpha and were also decreased 26 h after hepatectomy. In mice, the mRNA level was decreased after 36 and 72 h after hepatectomy. In this case, LFABP mRNA levels decreased more slowly after partial hepatectomy than in rats. CONCLUSIONS: A marked decrease in PPAR alpha expression may be important for changed gene expression, e.g. LFABP, and metabolic changes, such as hypoglycemia, during liver regeneration.
Purpose: In the Rd1 and Rd10 mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa, a mutation in the Pde6ß gene leads to the rapid loss of photoreceptors. As in several neurodegenerative diseases, Rd1 and Rd10 photoreceptors re-express cell cycle proteins prior to death. Bmi1 regulates cell cycle progression through inhibition of CDK inhibitors, and its deletion efficiently rescues the Rd1 retinal degeneration. The present study evaluates the effects of Bmi1 loss in photoreceptors and Müller glia, since in lower vertebrates, these cells respond to retinal injury through dedifferentiation and regeneration of retinal cells. Methods: Cell death and Müller cell activation were analyzed by immunostaining of wild-type, Rd1 and Rd1;Bmi1-/- eye sections during retinal degeneration, between P10 and P20. Lineage tracing experiments use the GFAP-Cre mouse (JAX) to target Müller cells. Results: In Rd1 retinal explants, inhibition of CDKs reduces the amount of dying cells. In vivo, Bmi1 deletion reduces CDK4 expression and cell death in the P15 Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina, although cGMP accumulation and TUNEL staining are detected at the onset of retinal degeneration (P12). This suggests that another process acts in parallel to overcome the initial loss of Rd1;Bmi1-/- photoreceptors. We demonstrate here that Bmi1 loss in the Rd1 retina enhances the activation of Müller glia by downregulation of p27Kip1, that these cells migrate toward the ONL, and that some cells express the retinal progenitor marker Pax6 at the inner part of the ONL. These events are also observed, but to a lesser extent, in Rd1 and Rd10 retinas. At P12, EdU incorporation shows proliferating cells with atypical elongated nuclei at the inner border of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL. Lineage tracing targeting Müller cells is in process and will determine the implication of this cell population in the maintenance of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL thickness and whether downregulation of Bmi1 in Rd10 Müller cells equally stimulates their activation. Conclusions: Our results show a dual role of Bmi1 deletion in the rescue of photoreceptors in the Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina. Indeed, the loss of Bmi1 reduces Rd1 retinal degeneration, and as well, enhances the Müller glia activation. In addition, the emergence of cells expressing a retinal progenitor marker in the ONL suggests Bmi1 as a blockade to the regeneration of retinal cells in mammals.
(WHIASU) A basic guide to conducting a HIA. 1. Health impact assessment is a tool that can help organisations to assess the possible consequences of their decisions on people۪s health and well-being, thereby helping to develop more integrated policies and programmes. 2. This document has been developed as a practical guide to health impact assessment. It is designed to meet the needs of a variety of organisations by explaining the concept, the process and its flexibility, and by providing templates that can be adjusted to suit. 3. The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to developing the use of health impact assessment in Wales as a part of its strategy to improve health and wellbeing and to reduce health inequalities. This practical guide has been prepared by the Welsh Health Impact Assessment Support Unit, which was established by the Welsh Assembly Government to encourage and support organisations and groups in Wales to use the approach. 4. The development and use of health impact assessment will contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of local health, social care and wellbeing strategies, which is a joint statutory responsibility for Local Health Boards and local authorities. It can also contribute to Community Strategies which, given their overarching nature and breadth and depth, can address social, economic and environmental determinants of health, and to the implementation of Communities First, the Welsh Assembly Government۪s crosscutting regeneration programme. 5. The development of Health Challenge Wales as the national focus for improving health in Wales reinforces efforts to prevent ill health. Tools such as health impact assessment can help organisations and groups in all sectors to identify ways in which they can help people to improve their health.
High-fat diets induce weight gain and fatty liver in wild-type mice. Schistosomiasis mansoni infection also promotes hepatic injury. This study was designed to quantify hepatic alterations in schistosomiasis mansoni-infected mice fed a high fat-rich chow compared to mice fed a standard rodent chow, using stereology. Female SW mice fed each either high-fat diet (29% lipids) or standard chow (12% lipids) over 8 months, and then were infected with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Four experimental groups were studied: infected mice fed a high-fat diet (IHFC) or standard chow (ISC), uninfected mice fed a high-fat diet (HFC) or standard chow (SC). Mice were sacrificed during early infection (9 weeks from exposure). The following hepatic biometry and the stereology parameters were determined: volume density (hepatocytes [h], sinusoids [s], steatosis [st] and hepatic fibrosis [hf]); numerical density (hepatocyte nuclei - Nv[h]); absolute number of total hepatocyte N[h], normal hepatocyte N[nh], and binucleated hepatocyte N[bh], percentage of normal hepatocyte P[nh] and binucleated hepatocyte P[bh]. IHFC and HFC groups exhibited TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and body mass significantly greater (p < 0.05) than control group. No significant differences were found regards liver volume (p = 0.07). Significant differences were observed regards P[nh] (p = 0.0045), P[bh] (p = 0.0045), Nv[h] (p = 0.0006), N[h] (p = 0.0125), N[bh] (p = 0.0164) and N[nh] (p = 0.0078). IHFC mice group presented 29% of binucleated hepatocytes compared to HFC group (19%), ISC group (17%) and SC (6%). Volume density was significantly different between groups: Vv[h] (p = 0.0052), Vv[s] (p = 0.0025), Vv[st] (p = 0.0004), and Vv[hf] (p = 0.0007). In conclusion, schistosomiasis mansoni infection with concurrent high-fat diet promotes intensive quantitative changes in hepatic structure, contributing to an increasing on hepatic regeneration.
Bio-nano interactions can be defined as the study of interactions between nanoscale entities and biological systems such as, but not limited to, peptides, proteins, lipids, DNA and other biomolecules, cells and cellular receptors and organisms including humans. Studying bio-nano interactions is particularly useful for understanding engineered materials that have at least one dimension in the nanoscale. Such materials may consist of discrete particles or nanostructured surfaces. Much of biology functions at the nanoscale; therefore, our ability to manipulate materials such that they are taken up at the nanoscale, and engage biological machinery in a designed and purposeful manner, opens new vistas for more efficient diagnostics, therapeutics (treatments) and tissue regeneration, so-called nanomedicine. Additionally, this ability of nanomaterials to interact with and be taken up by cells allows nanomaterials to be used as probes and tools to advance our understanding of cellular functioning. Yet, as a new technology, assessment of the safety of nanomaterials, and the applicability of existing regulatory frameworks for nanomaterials must be investigated in parallel with development of novel applications. The Royal Society meeting 'Bio-nano interactions: new tools, insights and impacts' provided an important platform for open dialogue on the current state of knowledge on these issues, bringing together scientists, industry, regulatory and legal experts to concretize existing discourse in science law and policy. This paper summarizes these discussions and the insights that emerged.
Collagen nerve guides are used clinically for peripheral nerve defects, but their use is generally limited to lesions up to 3 cm. In this study we combined collagen conduits with cells as an alternative strategy to support nerve regeneration over longer gaps. In vitro cell adherence to collagen conduits (NeuraGen(®) nerve guides) was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. For in vivo experiments, conduits were seeded with either Schwann cells (SC), SC-like differentiated bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (dMSC), SC-like differentiated adipose-derived stem cells (dASC) or left empty (control group), conduits were used to bridge a 1cm gap in the rat sciatic nerve and after 2-weeks immunohistochemical analysis was performed to assess axonal regeneration and SC infiltration. The regenerative cells showed good adherence to the collagen walls. Primary SC showed significant improvement in distal stump sprouting. No significant differences in proximal regeneration distances were noticed among experimental groups. dMSC and dASC-loaded conduits showed a diffuse sprouting pattern, while SC-loaded showed an enhanced cone pattern and a typical sprouting along the conduits walls, suggesting an increased affinity for the collagen type I fibrillar structure. NeuraGen(®) guides showed high affinity of regenerative cells and could be used as efficient vehicle for cell delivery. However, surface modifications (e.g. with extracellular matrix molecule peptides) of NeuraGen(®) guides could be used in future tissue-engineering applications to better exploit the cell potential.
BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) associated with psychiatric disorders and psychotropic treatments represents a major health issue. 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) is an enzyme that catalyzes tissue regeneration of active cortisol from cortisone. Elevated enzymatic activity of 11β-HSD1 may lead to the development of MetS. METHODS: We investigated the association between seven HSD11B1 gene (encoding 11β-HSD1) polymorphisms and BMI and MetS components in a psychiatric sample treated with potential weight gain-inducing psychotropic drugs (n=478). The polymorphisms that survived Bonferroni correction were analyzed in two independent psychiatric samples (nR1=168, nR2=188) and in several large population-based samples (n1=5338; n2=123 865; n3>100 000). RESULTS: HSD11B1 rs846910-A, rs375319-A, and rs4844488-G allele carriers were found to be associated with lower BMI, waist circumference, and diastolic blood pressure compared with the reference genotype (Pcorrected<0.05). These associations were exclusively detected in women (n=257) with more than 3.1 kg/m, 7.5 cm, and 4.2 mmHg lower BMI, waist circumference, and diastolic blood pressure, respectively, in rs846910-A, rs375319-A, and rs4844488-G allele carriers compared with noncarriers (Pcorrected<0.05). Conversely, carriers of the rs846906-T allele had significantly higher waist circumference and triglycerides and lower high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol exclusively in men (Pcorrected=0.028). The rs846906-T allele was also associated with a higher risk of MetS at 3 months of follow-up (odds ratio: 3.31, 95% confidence interval: 1.53-7.17, Pcorrected=0.014). No association was observed between HSD11B1 polymorphisms and BMI and MetS components in the population-based samples. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that HSD11B1 polymorphisms may contribute toward the development of MetS in psychiatric patients treated with potential weight gain-inducing psychotropic drugs, but do not play a significant role in the general population.
PURPOSE: To describe the safety, complications, and liver regeneration associated with the left liver after embolization of the right portal vein (PV) in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed in the setting of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients (31 men, nine women; mean age, 62 years) with HCC underwent PV embolization over a 4-year period. Embolization was performed from a left PV percutaneous access with use of n-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA) mixed with iodized oil. Computed tomography (CT) volumetry was performed before and 1 month after PV embolization to measure the left lobe volume as well as the functional liver ratio defined by the ratio between the left lobe and the total liver volume minus tumoral volume. PV pressure and liver enzyme levels were compared before and 1 month after the procedure and complications were registered. Factors potentially affecting regeneration (age, sex, diabetes, chemoembolization, functional liver ratio before PV embolization, and Knodell histologic score) were evaluated by one-way and stepwise regression analysis. RESULTS: PV embolization could be achieved successfully in all cases. Two patients had partial PV thrombosis on the 1-month follow-up CT and two patients developed transient ascites after PV embolization. The left lobe volume increase was 41% +/- 32% after PV embolization and the functional liver ratio increased from 28% +/- 10% to 36% +/- 10% (P < .0001). Hypertrophy of the left lobe was greater in patients with a low functional liver ratio before PV embolization and those with an F3 fibrosis score. Other factors had no influence on left lobe regeneration. CONCLUSION: PV embolization with use of NBCA is feasible in patients with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis. Hypertrophy of the left lobe of the liver after PV embolization has a statistically significant correlation with lower functional liver ratio and lower degrees of fibrosis.
Two endangered tetraonids, the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and the hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia rupestris), are sympatric throughout part of their distribution range in central Europe. Precise information on their specific habitat requirements is needed if the coexistence of both species in exploited forests is to be maintained. We quantified winter habitat selection for both species in the upper part (1100-1600 m) of the Jura mountains (Switzerland). No preference for altitude or exposure could be detected. Capercaillie preferred open forests (including grazed forests) with a sparse canopy dominated by spruce (Picea abies) and fir (Abies alba), and avoided dense undercanopy and understorey, especially when dominated by spruce and beech (Fagus sylvatica). By contrast, hazel grouse preferred feeding sites with a dense understorey of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), willow (Salix sp.), beech and spruce. These preferences can be related to the feeding habits and predator avoidance behaviour of both species. Coexistence thus requires a mosaic distribution of habitat types, with a matrix of open forests (30% canopy cover) where fir is favoured, and understorey kept sparse (20%). Group-cuts of mature trees should allow regeneration patches, where a dense understorey (50% cover) should provide suitable habitats for hazel grouse
Stratified epithelia of mammals contain adult stem/progenitor cells that are instrumental for renewal, regeneration and repair. We have recently demonstrated, using clonal and functional analysis, that all stratified epithelia contain clonogenic stem cells that can respond to skin morphogenetic signals, while cells obtained from simple or pseudo-stratified epithelia cannot. A genome-wide expression analysis favors multilineage priming rather than reprogramming. Collectively, these observations are reminiscent of epithelial metaplasia, a phenomenon in which a cell adopts the phenotype of another epithelial cell, often in response to repeated environmental stress, e.g. smoking, alcohol and micro-traumatisms. Furthermore, they support the notion that metaplasia results from the expression of an unseen potency, revealed by an environmental deficiency. The thymus supposedly contains only progenitor epithelial cells but no stem cells. We have demonstrated that the thymus also contains a small population of clonogenic cells that can function as bona fide multipotent hair follicle stem cells in response to an inductive skin microenvironment and a genome-wide expression analysis indicates that it correlates with robust changes in the expression of genes important for thymus identity. Hence, multilineage priming or reprogramming can account for the fate change of epithelial stem/progenitor cells in response to a varying microenvironment.
La créatine joue un rôle essentiel dans le métabolisme cellulaire par sa conversion, par la creatine kinase, en phosphocreatine permettant la régénération de l'ATP. La synthèse de créatine, chez les mammifères, s'effectue par une réaction en deux étapes impliquant Γ arginine: glycine amidinotransférase (AGAT) et la guanidinoacétate méthyltransférase (GAMT). L'entrée de créatine dans les cellules s'effectue par son transporteur, SLC6A8. Les déficiences en créatine, dues au déficit en GAMT, AGAT ou SLC6A8, sont fréquentes et caractérisées par une absence ou une forte baisse de créatine dans le système nerveux central. Alors qu'il est connu que AGAT, GAMT et SLC6A8 sont exprimés par le cerveau, les conséquences des déficiences en créatine sur les cellules nerveuses sont peu comprises. Le but de ce travail était de développer de nouveaux modèles expérimentaux des déficiences en Cr dans des cultures 3D de cellules nerveuses de rat en agrégats au moyen de l'interférence à l'ARN appliquée aux gènes GAMT et SLC6A8. Des séquences interférentes (shRNAs) pour les gènes GAMT et SLC6A8 ont été transduites par des vecteurs viraux AAV (virus adéno-associés), dans les cellules nerveuses en agrégats. Nous avons ainsi démontré une baisse de l'expression de GAMT au niveau protéique (mesuré par western blot), et ARN messager (mesuré par qPCR) ainsi qu'une variation caractérisitique de créatine et guanidinoacétate (mesuré par spectrométrie de masse). Après avoir validé nos modèles, nous avons montré que les knockdown de GAMT ou SLC6A8 affectent le développement des astrocytes et des neurones ou des oligodendrocytes et des astrocytes, respectivement, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la mort cellulaire et des modifications dans le pattern d'activation des voies de signalisation impliquant caspase 3 et p38 MAPK, ayant un rôle dans le processus d'apoptose. - Creatine plays essential roles in energy metabolism by the interconversion, by creatine kinase, to its phosphorylated analogue, phosphocreatine, allowing the regeneration of ATP. Creatine is synthesized in mammals by a two step mechanism involving arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT). Creatine is taken up by cells by a specific transporter, SLC6A8. Creatine deficiency syndromes, due to defects in GAMT, AGAT and SLC6A8, are among the most frequent inborn errors of metabolism, and are characterized by an absence or a severe decrease of creatine in central nervous system, which is the main tissue affected. While it is known that AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 are expressed in CNS, many questions remain on the specific effects of AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 deficiencies on brain cells. Our aim was to develop new experimental models of creatine deficiencies by knockdown of GAMT and SLC6A8 genes by RNAi in 3D organotypic rat brain cell cultures in aggregates. Specific shRNAs for the GAMT and SLC6A8 genes were transduced in brain cell aggregates by adeno-associated viruses (AAV). The AAV-transduced shRNAs were able to efficiently knockdown the expression of our genes of interest, as shown by a strong decrease of protein by western blotting, a decrease of mRNA by qPCR or characteristic variations of creatine and guanidinoacetate by tandem mass spectrometry. After having validated our experimental models, we have also shown that GAMT and SLC6A8 knockdown affected the development of astrocytes and neurons or oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, respectively. We also observed an increase of cell death and variations in activation pattern of caspase 3 and p38 MAPK pathways, involved in apoptosis, in our experimental model.
In the last decade, both regenerative medicine and nanotechnology have been broadly developed leading important advances in biomedical research as well as in clinical practice. The manipulation on the molecular level and the use of several functionalized nanoscaled materials has application in various fields of regenerative medicine including tissue engineering, cell therapy, diagnosis and drug and gene delivery. The themes covered in this review include nanoparticle systems for tracking transplanted stem cells, self-assembling peptides, nanoparticles for gene delivery into stem cells and biomimetic scaffolds useful for 2D and 3D tissue cell cultures, transplantation and clinical application.
In autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus, proinflammatory cytokine-mediated apoptosis of beta-cells has been considered to be the first event directly responsible for beta-cell mass reduction. In the Bio-Breeding (BB) rat, an in vivo model used in the study of autoimmune diabetes, beta-cell apoptosis is observed from 9 wk of age and takes place after an insulitis period that begins at an earlier age. Previous studies by our group have shown an antiproliferative effect of proinflammatory cytokines on cultured beta-cells in Wistar rats, an effect that was partially reversed by Exendin-4, an analogue of glucagon-like peptide-1. In the current study, the changes in beta-cell apoptosis and proliferation during insulitis stage were also determined in pancreatic tissue sections in normal and thymectomized BB rats, as well as in Wistar rats of 5, 7, 9, and 11 wk of age. Although stable beta-cell proliferation in Wistar and thymectomized BB rats was observed along the course of the study, a decrease in beta-cell proliferation and beta-cell mass from the age of 5 wk, and prior to the commencement of apoptosis, was noted in BB rats. Exendin-4, in combination with anti-interferon-gamma antibody, induced a near-total recovery of beta-cell proliferation during the initial stages of insulitis. This highlights the importance of early intervention and, as well, the possibilities of new therapeutic approaches in preventing autoimmune diabetes by acting, initially, in the insulitis stage and, subsequently, on beta-cell regeneration and on beta-cell apoptosis.
J. Neurochem. (2010) 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06935.x Abstract Apart of its well known function of 'energetic buffer' through the creatine/phosphocreatine/creatine kinase system allowing the regeneration of ATP, creatine has been recently suggested as a potential neuromodulator of even true neurotransmitter. Moreover, the recent discovery of primary creatine deficiency syndromes, due to deficiencies in l-arginine : glycine amidinotransferase or guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (the two enzymes allowing creatine synthesis) or in the creatine transporter, has shed new light on creatine synthesis, metabolism and transport, in particular in CNS which appears as the main tissue affected by these creatine deficiencies. Recent data suggest that creatine can cross blood-brain barrier but only with a poor efficiency, and that the brain must ensure parts of its needs in creatine by its own endogenous synthesis. Finally, the recent years have demonstrated the interest to use creatine as a neuroprotective agent in a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. This article aims at reviewing the latest data on creatine metabolism and transport in the brain, in relation to creatine deficiencies and to the potential use of creatine as neuroprotective molecule. Emphasis is also given to the importance of creatine for cerebral function.