978 resultados para Bibliothèque médicale


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In recent years international policies have aimed to stimulate the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of health care. Belgium has also been affected by these developments and, for example, health electronic regional networks ("HNs") are established. Thanks to a qualitative case study we have explored the implementation of such innovations (HN) to better understand how health professionals collaborate through the HN and how the HN affect their relationships. Within the HNs studied a common good unites the actors: the continuity of care for a better quality of care. However behind this objective of continuity of care other individual motivations emerge. Some controversies need also to be resolved in order to achieve cooperative relationships. HNs have notably to take national developments into account. These developments raise the question of the control of medical knowledge and medical practice. Professional issues, and not only practical changes, are involved in these innovations. © 2008 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Erm, Er81, and Pea3 are the three members of the PEA3 group which belong to the Ets transcription factors family. These proteins regulate transcription of multiple target genes, such as those encoding several matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), which are enzymes degrading the extracellular matrix during cancer metastasis. In fact, PEA3-group genes are often overexpressed in different types of human cancers that also over-express these MMP and display a disseminating phenotype. In experimental models, regulation of PEA3 group member expression has been shown to influence the metastatic process, thus suggesting that these factors play a key role in metastasis. © John Libbey Eurotext.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new therapeutic approach for the palliative treatment of malignant bile duct obstruction. In this study, we designed photosensitizer-embedded self-expanding nonvascular metal stent (PDT-stent) which allows repeatable photodynamic treatment of cholangiocarcinoma without systemic injection of photosensitizer. Polymeric photosensitizer (pullulan acetate-conjugated pheophorbide A; PPA) was incorporated in self-expanding nonvascular metal stent. Residence of PPA in the stent was estimated in buffer solution and subcutaneous implantation on mouse. Photodynamic activity of PDT-stent was evaluated through laserexposure on stent-layered tumor cell lines, HCT-116 tumor-xenograft mouse models and endoscopic intervention of PDT-stent on bile duct of mini pigs. Photo-fluorescence imaging of the PDT-stent demonstrated homogeneous embedding of polymeric Pheo-A (PPA) on stent membrane. PDT-stent sustained its photodynamic activities at least for 2 month. And which implies repeatable endoscopic PDT is possible after stent emplacement. The PDT-stent after light exposure successfully generated cytotoxic singlet oxygen in the surrounding tissues, inducing apoptotic degradation of tumor cells and regression of xenograft tumors on mouse models. Endoscopic biliary in-stent photodynamic treatments on minipigs also suggested the potential efficacy of PDT-stent on cholangiocarcinoma. In vivo and in vitro studies revealed our PDT-stent, allows repeatable endoscopic biliary PDT, has the potential for the combination therapy (stent plus PDT) of cholangiocarcinoma. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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Preliminary studies on the long-term effects of prenatal and early postnatal irradiation on the immune response to arsonate were performed using A/J mice. Pregnant mice were irradiated (0·5 Gy, X-rays) or sham-irradiated on a single occasion during gestation (between day 5 and 18 post-conception). Alternatively, newborn mice received the same treatment between day 2 and 7 after birth. Mice were immunized with keyhole limpet haemocyanin-arsonate (KLH-Ars) in adjuvant from 2 months after birth. The levels of specific antibodies to arsonate (anti-Ars) were measured by radioimmunoassay. In addition, the Ars-related cross-reactive idiotype (CRIA) was measured by the haemagglutination technique. In the primary response the titre of anti-Ars was reduced in animals that had been irradiated between day 12 and 15 of gestation. In the second response, in contrast, they had increased levels of anti-Ars. After immunization with KLH-Ars, high levels of CRIA were observed in all groups. However, in mice irradiated 18-20 days after conception the level of CRIA was often much higher than the level of anti-Ars, indicating that a large proportion of the CRIA-positive molecules were not specific for Ars. Thus, in this particular case, some specificity of the immune response was lost after irradiation. The expression of recurrent idiotypes may be a sensitive indicator of immunological perturbations after irradiation. © 1988 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.


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Background. In clinical practice and in clinical trials, echocardiography and scintigraphy are used the most for the evaluation of global left ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricular (LV) volumes. Actually, poor quality imaging and geometrical assumptions are the main limitations of LVEF measured by echocardiography. Contrast agents and 3D echocardiography are new methods that may alleviate these potential limitations. Methods. Therefore we sought to examine the accuracy of contrast 3D echocardiography for the evaluation of LV volumes and LVEF relative to MIBI gated SPECT as an independent reference. In 43 patients addressed for chest pain, contrast 3D echocardiography (RT3DE) and MIBI gated SPECT were prospectively performed on the same day. The accuracy and the variability of LV volumes and LVEF measurements were evaluated. Results. Due to good endocardial delineation, LV volumes and LVEF measurements by contrast RT3DE were feasible in 99% of the patients. The mean LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) of the group by scintigraphy was 143 65 mL and was underestimated by triplane contrast RT3DE (128 60 mL; p < 0.001) and less by full-volume contrast RT3DE (132 62 mL; p < 0.001). Limits of agreement with scintigraphy were similar for triplane andfull-volume, modalities with the best results for full-volume. Results were similar for calculation of LV end-systolic volume (LVESV). The mean LVEF was 44 16% with scintigraphy and was not significantly different with both triplane contrast RT3DE (45 15%) and full-volume contrast RT3DE (45 15%). There was an excellent correlation between two different observers for LVEDV, LVESV and LVEF measurements and inter observer agreement was also good for both contrast RT3DE techniques. Conclusion. Contrast RT3DE allows an accurate assessment of LVEF compared to the LVEF measured by SPECT, and shows low variability between observers. Although RT3DE triplane provides accurate evaluation of left ventricular function, RT3DE full-volume is superior to triplane modality in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. © 2009 Cosyns et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Taking into account the huge repercussion and influence that J.J. Rousseau has had on modern pedagogy, the recent tercentenary of his birth is a good opportunity to think about his outstanding relevance nowadays. This paper is a theoretical and educative research developed with an analytic and comparative hermeneutical method. The main objective is to show how some concepts of his philosophy of education have a great similarity with certain changes that the present competency based teaching is demanding, so it could be considered its methodological background. In order to achieve this objective this exposure has been divided in three parts. The first part is an analysis of Rousseau's educational theory as developed in the first three books of the Emilio, in which one of the main themes is self experience-based learning, fostering self-sufficiency, curiosity and the motivation for learning. Rousseau proposed as a method the negative education, which requires, among other conditions, a constant monitoring of the learner by the tutor. In the second part, a brief summary of the most relevant changes and characteristics of competency-based teaching is developed, as well as its purpose. The student’s participation and activity are highlighted within their own learning process through the carrying out of tasks. The new educational model involves a radical change in the curriculum, in which it is highlighted the transformation of the methodology used in the classroom as well as the role of the teacher. Finally, the aim of the third part is to offer a comparative synthesis of both proposals grouping the parallelisms found in 4 topics: origin of the two models, its aims, methodology, and change in the teaching roles.


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The article retraces the career of the famous hypnotist Onofroff and particularly his visit to Buenos Aires, where his activity, in 1895, provoked many discussions and some public embarrassment. In this context Darío, using a pseudonym, published his crónica “La esfinge”. We reproduce “La esfinge”, transcribing the original text of La Nación, with annotations identifying the literary and theosophical sources Darío used when he wrote it.


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A juzgar por alguna declaración más bien negativa de Borges sobre la literatura española, se podría creer que esta no influyó demasiado en él. Sin embargo, existen indicios de que pudo haberse inspirado también en determinados escritores españoles coetáneos hoy casi olvidados. Uno de ellos pudo ser José María Salaverría, entre cuyos relatos destaca “El fichero supremo” (1926), del que se ha dicho que “anticipa algunas de las preocupaciones características de un tipo de relato que Jorge Luis Borges elevará años después a la máxima categoría estética”. De hecho, recuerda a “La biblioteca de Babel” (1941) borgiana por su planteamiento hasta el punto de que podría pensarse que el maestro argentino pudo tener presente, a la hora de escribir esa obra maestra, ese cuento de Salaverría, el cual se publicó por primera vez en Caras y Caretas, una revista porteña que Borges reconoció “devorar” en su juventud. Sin embargo, el interés mayor de la comparación entre “El fichero supremo” y “La biblioteca de Babel” no radica tanto en el carácter de posible fuente del primero como en el contraste entre sus formas de presentación narrativa: desde fuera y en tercera persona en Salaverría, en un marco realista; y desde dentro y en primera persona, prácticamente sin marco, en Borges. Este parece desarrollar, en el registro propio de la “imaginación razonada” descrito por él mismo, una virtualidad presente en el relato de Salaverría, cuya comparación con “La biblioteca de Babel” puede suscitar también alguna reflexión sobre el enigma de la identidad y el carácter de la voz enunciadora de la biblioteca universal de Babel. Al menos, esta parece haber hecho realidad en cierto modo, de forma sublime, el patético sueño divino del archivero imaginado por Salaverría.


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This paper analyzes the rethinking of art criticism during French post-structuralism and deconstruction in the second half of the XX century. From Michel Foucault to Gilles Deleuze, from Jacques Derrida to Jean-Claude Lebensztejn, the article develops several conceptions and functions of art criticism by means of paradox, paying special attention to Henri Michaux’s essay on René Magritte En rêvant à partir de peintures énigmatiques [Dreams like Enigmatic Paintings].


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La perspectiva aérea o atmosférica es juzgada por los pintores como parte esencial de la pintura, una vez establecidos los presupuestos geométricos de la representación naturalista mediante la perspectiva lineal. Leonardo da Vinci fue el primer autor en definir la perspectiva aérea o atmosférica, conocidos ya a través de L. B. Alberti los fundamentos geométricos de la perspectiva lineal en el tratado De Pictura (1435). Doscientos años después, tras la influyente publicación del Optics de Newton, contextualizadas bajo el espíritu racionalista del siglo XVIII, el artículo estudia las recomendaciones que desde la ciencia y los científicos (específicamente a través de tres figuras relevantes: Brook Taylor, J. H. Lambert y Gaspard Monge) se dan a los pintores con la pretensión de arbitrar una medición exacta del color, en confrontación con el tradicional empirismo del mundo artístico. Este tema puede considerarse un capítulo de gran interés en la larga historia de la pintura y la representación de los fenómenos atmosféricos, cuyos antecedentes teóricos tienen su inicio en el Débat sur le Coloris de la Académie Française del siglo XVII y sus resultados, conducirán hacia el nacimiento de la moderna Teoría del color, en respuesta a una cuestión tan compleja sobre cómo pintar el aire.


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Cette thèse de doctorat, intitulée «Le récit personnel de guerre dans le Canada français/Québec du XXe siècle», est consacrée à l'étude du traitement de l'imaginaire épique et du héros guerrier dans plus d'une trentaine de témoignages de guerre d'expression française de 1914 à nos jours. Elle établit que le discours sur les combats qui s'y formule «retrouve spontanément le ton de l'épopée, langue maternelle du récit militaire héroïque, celle de l'Iliade » (Maurice RIEUNEAU, Guerre et révolution dans le roman français 1919-1939, Klincksieck, «Bibliothèque du XXe siècle», 1974, p. 157). Cette résilience épique et héroïque remarquable vaut pour toutes les époques. Fait à noter: même dans les récits contestataires, la contestation s'énonce en termes épiques, de héros qui poursuit son combat dans l'espace textuel. Voilà qui nuance quelque peu les résultats d'autres analyses, en particulier en Europe, où les spécialistes retiennent du XXe siècle: «Le récit de guerre [...] a périmé les plaisirs de l'épopée [...].» (Jean KAEMPFER, Poétique du récit de guerre, Paris, José Corti, 1998, p. 39). Avec la (post)modernité, l'épopée se réoriente. Dépassant le complexe du perdant qui marque plusieurs générations de francophones et les rend réceptifs aux valeurs de force et de virilité, le discours sort du repli sur soi, de l'isolement, de la solitude agressive pour pactiser avec l'ennemi juré (l'Allemand, le Japonais, mais aussi le Britannique, le Canadien anglais). Bref, l'identité, ébranlée par la différence, s'équilibre dans une démarche d'assainissement de la mémoire. L'affirmation progressive de soi se double d'une ouverture sur l'étranger, celui d'ailleurs et, à plus forte raison, d'ici.


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La critique a depuis longtemps identifié les lieux de lecture travaillés par les œuvres hébertiennes, de la Bible à Faulkner en passant par Chrétien de Troyes et les contes de fées. Mais si la lecture est un legs, un témoignage du passé qu’il est loisible d’interroger dans le présent de l’écriture, les œuvres d’Anne Hébert – l’adaptation cinématographique du Torrent en est l’illustration éclatante – constituent désormais un héritage dont les effets peuvent être analysés. Nous voudrions ici interroger ces deux modalités du legs d’Anne Hébert en nous attachant aussi bien aux traces des lectures de l’écrivaine qui parsèment son œuvre qu’à ce que cette dernière a légué en retour aux écrivains, ou cinéastes, qui lui succèdent. La présence de la bibliothèque de l’écrivaine au Centre Anne-Hébert est à cet égard à même d’ouvrir de nouvelles avenues de recherche, susceptibles de renouveler notre compréhension des œuvres. Ce n’est donc pas seulement d’intertextualité qu’il est question dans ces pages, ni de la notion ambigüe d’influence qu’elle était venue remplacer, mais bien de ce legs symbolique bien particulier que constitue la lecture. À quel héritage littéraire Anne Hébert a-t-elle puisé afin de rompre avec les discours social et littéraire du Canada français des années 1940? Quel traitement réserve-t-elle à l’héritage canadien-français, notamment religieux? Mais aussi, qu’en est-il, dans son œuvre, de cet enjeu majeur de la transmission, elle qui ne cesse de s’interroger, d’un texte à l’autre, sur les effets ineffaçables du passé à partir de son refoulement? Voilà quelques-unes des questions qui ont retenu l’attention des auteur(e)s de ce dossier, qui souhaite ainsi participer au renouvellement de la recherche sur cet aspect primordial du legs.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Resumo Uma estratégia de avaliação e prevenção de riscos na exposição a agentes químicos deve ter sempre em conta que a vigilância do ambiente de trabalho e a da saúde dos trabalhadores são aspectos complementares de uma mesma realidade – os riscos resultantes da interacção entre um agente químico e os trabalhadores a ele expostos. Se à Vigilância Ambiental compete apreciar o risco, pela caracterização do agente no ambiente de trabalho, a Vigilância Biológica pronuncia-se sobre a interacção entre o tóxico e o organismo, avaliando a resposta à agressão química e a evolução das reacções de adaptação ou de desajuste face à absorção do tóxico. Os Indicadores Biológicos, deste modo, assumem um estatuto de instrumento privilegiado na vigilância da saúde dos trabalhadores expostos, na medida em que medem a quantidade de tóxico que efectivamente penetrou e foi absorvido, ou o resultado (efeito) determinado por essa mesma dose. O presente estudo procura contribuir para a definição de um quadro metodológico de utilização dos Indicadores Biológicos na avaliação/gestão da exposição profissional ao chumbo, designadamente apreciando a variação da protoporfirina-zinco (PPZ), indicador até ao presente ainda não utilizado em Portugal. O chumbo é um metal de ocorrência natural, cujos níveis nos diversos ecossistemas resultam, principalmente, das actividades antropogénicas de natureza doméstica e industrial. A sua capacidade poluente é assinalável, representando uma fonte de exposição permanente para o homem, demonstrável pela sua constante presença no organismo apesar de não desempenhar qualquer tipo de função fisiológica. São actualmente inúmeras as suas aplicações, tornando a exposição profissional ao chumbo uma realidade vasta: indústrias de acumuladores eléctricos, de vidros, de plásticos e de munições, construção civil, manutenção e reparação automóvel e de navios, fabrico de tintas, indústrias electrónicas, fundições e actividades de soldadura são, entre outras, situações onde é uma realidade a ter em conta. A penetração dos compostos inorgânicos de chumbo no organismo efectua-se principalmente por via respiratória, não sendo, no entanto, desprezável, a sua penetração por via digestiva. As partículas absorvidas são transportadas pelo sangue principalmente ligadas aos eritrocitos (95%), distribuem-se pelos tecidos moles e depositam-se essencialmente no tecido ósseo, onde representam mais de 90% da carga corporal do total absorvido e tendo aí um elevado tempo de semi-vida (mais de 20 anos). Não é metabolizado no organismo e a sua eliminação efectua-se essencialmente por via renal,sendo igualmente excretado, em menor escala, através das fezes, do suor, da saliva, das faneras e do leite materno. O conhecimento científico evidencia que concentrações sanguíneas de chumbo entre 20 e 50 mg/dL são susceptíveis de determinar efeitos adversos no homem, podendo ser afectados o sistema hematopoiético, o sistema nervoso, o sistema cardiovascular, o sistema reprodutor e o sistema imunitário. Contudo, ainda muito há a clarificar no âmbito da toxicidade do chumbo. Os níveis de exposição a que correspondem as alterações nos diversos órgãos e sistemas continuam a ser motivo de alguma controvérsia. As características carcinogénicas e mutagénicas do chumbo são, ainda, um campo de vasta exigência de investigação. A intoxicação por chumbo e seus sais (Saturnismo) de origem ocupacional é reconhecida em Portugal como doença profissional (grupo 1 - Doenças Provocadas por Agentes Químicos, da Lista das Doenças Profissionais). É uma intoxicação do tipo crónico, fruto da absorção contínua de doses relativamente pequenas durante longo período, evidenciando-se no seu início por sinais e sintomas vagos e difusos de grande inespecificidade, que podem incluir, nomeadamente, perda de apetite, sabor metálico na boca, palidez, mal-estar e fadiga, cefaleias, mialgias e artralgias, irritabilidade, tremores finos, obstipação, cólicas abdominais, insónias, déficit da memória de curto prazo e da capacidade de concentração. Um importante conjunto de indicadores biológicos pode ser utilizado na vigilância periódica da saúde de trabalhadores nestas condições de exposição. Tais indicadores (de dose ou de efeito), encerram diferentes significados e comportam distintas exigências, competindo ao Médico do Trabalho, no âmbito dos programas de prevenção dos efeitos adversos relacionados com a exposição profissional a chumbo, seleccionar a sua utilização e interpretar a sua informação, de modo a avaliar a interacção do tóxico com o organismo numa fase de reversibilidade. O presente estudo envolveu 180 trabalhadores dos quais 110 apresentavam plumbémias (Pb-S) iguais ou superiores a 40 mg/dL. Além da Pb-S, a todos foi doseada a protoporfirina-zinco (PPZ) e efectuado o Hemograma e a cerca de 25% foi determinada a concentração do ácido d-aminolevulínico urinário (ALA-U). Os doseamentos da PPZ efectuados em amostra de sangue capilar através de um hematofluorímetro portátil revelaram-se de total fiabilidade, dando significado a uma técnica de fácil execução e baixo custo. A avaliação do tipo de colheita urinária para doseamento do ALA-U concluiu pela necessidade de recurso a urinas de 24 horas.Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram uma elevada associação entre a PPZ e a Pb-S, com uma maior magnitude e de início mais precoce do que o que registado na associação da Pb-S com o ALA-U. Revelaram, ainda, fracos níveis de associação da hemoglobina (e outros parâmetros hematológicos) com a Pb-S. E demonstraram para um cut-off de 100 mg/ dL de PPZ, taxa de falsos negativos e falsos positivos, para plumbémias a partir de 70 mg/dL, inferiores a 20%. Assim, concluiu-se que, nos protocolos de vigilância de saúde de trabalhadores expostos a chumbo, o doseamento da PPZ por hematofluorímetro, em sangue de colheita capilar, é adequado, fiável e de realização preferencial em relação ao do ALA-U. Concluiu-se, também, que a realização do hemograma apenas se justifica em situações individuais que clinicamente o tornem aconselhável. E que estes protocolos devem incluir a realização da Pb-S e da PPZ, podendo, em situações de controlo rigoroso (ambiental, biológico e clínico), basear-se apenas na determinação da PPZ reservando os outros indicadores para aprofundar a investigação médica nos casos de taxas elevadas desta ou de situações limitantes. ■ Résumée Une stratégie d’évaluation et de prévention des risques d’exposition aux agents chimiques doit toujours tenir en considération que la vigilance du lieu de travail et de la santé des travailleurs sont des aspects complémentaires d’une même réalité – les risques résultant d’une interaction entre l’agent chimique et les travailleurs exposés. Si c’est à la Vigilance Ambiantale de juger le risque, par la caractérisation de l’agent dans le lieu de travail, la Vigilance Biologique, elle, se prononce sur l’interaction entre le toxique et l’organisme, évaluant la réponse à l’agression chimique et l’évolution des réactions d’adaptation ou de rupture face à l’absorption du toxique. Les Indicateurs Biologiques assument ainsi un statut d’instrument privilégié de vigilance de la santé des travailleurs exposés, dans la mesure où ils déterminent la quantité de toxique qui a effectivement été pénétré et absorbé, ou le résultat (effet) déterminé par cette dose. Cette étude-ci cherche à contribuer à la définition d’un cadre méthodologique d’utilisation des Indicateurs Biologiques dans l’évaluation/ gestion de l’exposition professionnelle au plomb inorganique, évaluant spécialement le comportement de la protoporphirine-zinc (PPZ), indicateur pas encore utilisé au Portugal.Le plomb est un métal d’occurrence naturelle dont les niveaux dans les différents écosystèmes en résultent, principalement, des activités anthropogéniques de nature domestique et industrielle. Sa capacité polluante peut être signalée, représentant une source d’exposition permanente pour l’homme, celle-ci démontrable par sa présence continue dans l’organisme, même si elle n’y accomplit aucune fonction physiologique. Actuellement ses applications sont innombrables, faisant de l’exposition professionnelle au plomb une réalité de grande ampleur : industries d’accumulateurs électriques, de verre, de plastique et de munitions, bâtiments, manutention et réparation automobile et navale, fabrication d’encres, industries électroniques, fontes et activités de soudure sont, entre autres, des situations réelles a en tenir compte. La pénétration du plomb inorganique dans l’organisme se fait principalement par voie respiratoire, pouvant se faire également par voie digestive. Les particules absorbées sont transportées par le sang, surtout liées aux érythrocytes (95%), se repartent à travers les tissus mous et se déposent essentiellement dans le tissu osseux, où elles représentent plus de 90% de la charge corporelle de ce qui a été absorbé et ont un temps de demi-vie élevé (plus de 20 ans). Le plomb n’est pas métabolisé dans l’organisme et son élimination se fait essentiellement par voie rénale, pouvant tout de même, à une moindre échelle, être excrété dans les fèces, de la sueur, de la salive, des ongles, des cheveux et du lait maternel. La connaissance scientifique met en évidence que des concentrations sanguines de plomb entre 20 et 50 mg/dL sont susceptibles de déterminer des effets adverses dans l’homme, pouvant les systèmes hématopoïétique, nerveux, cardiovasculaire, reproducteur et immunitaire en être affectés. Cependant, il en reste beaucoup à éclaircir dans le domaine de la toxicité du plomb. Les niveaux d’exposition auxquels correspondent les modifications des divers organes et systèmes, demeurent toujours sujet de quelque controverse. Les caractéristiques carcinogèniques et mutagèniques du plomb restent toujours un champ d’investigation d’une grande exigence. L’intoxication par le plomb et ses sels (Saturnisme) d’origine occupationnelle est reconnue, au Portugal, comme une maladie professionnelle (groupe 1- Maladies Provoquées par des Agents Chimiques, de la Liste des Maladies Professionnelles). C’est une intoxication du tipe chronique, due à l’absorption continue de doses relativement petites pendant une longue période, mise en évidence à travers des signes et des symptômes vagues et diffus sans grande spécificité, lesquels peuvent inclure, particulièrement, le manque d’appétit, goût métallique dans la bouche, pâleur, malaise et fatigue, céphalées, myalgies et arthralgies, irritabilité, tremblements fins, constipation, coliques abdominales, insomnies, déficit de la mémoire à court terme et de la capacité de concentration.Un ensemble important d’indicateurs biologiques peut être employé dans la vigilance périodique de la santé des travailleurs dans ces conditions d’exposition. Ces indicateurs (de dose ou d’effet) renferment différentes significations et comportent diverses exigences, devant le Médecin de Travail, dans le domaine des programmes de prévention des effets adverses qui sont en relation avec l’exposition professionnelle au plomb, sélectionner son utilisation et interpréter son information de façon à évaluer l’interaction de l’élément toxique avec l’organisme à un stade de réversibilité. L’étude ci-présent engloba 180 travailleurs desquels 110 présentaient des plombémies (Pb-S) égales ou supérieures à 40 mg/dL. À part la Pb-S, la protoporphyrine-zinc (PPZ) leur a été prise en dosage et un Hémogramme fut effectué et fut déterminé l’acide d- aminolévulinique urinaire (ALA-U) sur environ 25% des travailleurs. Le dosage de la PPZ efectué en échantillon de sang capillaire par un fluorimètre portable, s’est accomplit d’une fiabilité total, donnant du sgnificat à une téchnique de facile execution et bas prix. L’évaluation de la prise urinaire par dosage du ALA-U conclut au besoin d’un recours aux urines de 24 heures Les résultats de l’étude ont mis en évidence une association élevée entre la PPZ et la Pb- S, avec une intensité majeure et de début plus précoce par rapport à celui qui fut registré lors de l’association de la Pb-S avec la ALA-U. Ces résultats ont également montré de faibles niveaux d’association entre l’hémoglobine (et autres paramètres hématologiques) et la Pb-S. Ils ont démontré aussi, une valeur de cut-off de 100 mg/dL de PPZ, des taux de faux négatifs et faux positifs, pour des plombémies de 70 mg/dL, inférieurs à 20%. On peut donc conclure que dans les protocoles de vigilance de la santé des travailleurs exposés au plomb, le dosage de la PPZ par fluorimetrie dans le sang capillaire est adéquat, fiable et de réalisation préférentielle par rapport à celui du ALA-U. On peut également conclure que la réalisation de l’hémogramme ne se justifie que dans les cas individuels où, cliniquement, celui-ci est conseillé. De plus, ces protocoles doivent inclure la réalisation de la Pb-S et de la PPZ, pouvant, en cas de contrôle rigoureux (ambiantal, biologique et clinique), s’appuyer que dans la détermination de la PPZ réservant les autres indicateurs pour approfondir l’investigation médicale dans les cas où les taux de celle-ci sont élevés ou dans les cas de situations limitantes. ■ Summary Any strategy to evaluate and prevent the risks of chemical agents exposure must always regard the work environment and workers health as complementary aspects of one reality - the resulting risks from the interaction between the chemical agent and the exposed workers. It is the responsibility of Environmental Monitoring to evaluate the risks of exposure by the characterization of the chemical agent in the work environment. Biological Monitoring, on the other hand, pronounces itself over the toxin and body interaction, evaluating human response to the chemical aggression and the body adaptations to the toxic absorption. Biological Exposure Indices (BEI) assume, therefore, a privileged status among exposed workers' health monitoring instruments, as they measure the actual penetrated and absorbed toxic quantity and the effect it produces. This research study aims to contribute to the definition of a methodological strategy on the utilization of BEI’s in evaluating inorganic lead's occupational exposure, more specifically appreciating the zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) variation, an index that has never been taken under consideration in Portugal until now. Lead is a natural metal whose ecosystem’s levels are mainly due to domestic and industrial anthropogenic activities. Its pollutant capacity is notable, representing a permanent exposure risk shown by its constant presence in the human body, although it has no physiologic function. Nowadays, lead's applications are countless, turning its professional exposure a huge reality: storage batteries industries, glass industries, plasterers and munitions industries, building construction, ships and motor car maintenance and repairing, ink manufacture, electronics industries, foundries and other soldering activities are, among so many other, realities to attend to. Respiration is the main cause of human body's inorganic lead absorption, although digestive pathway must not to be ignored. The absorbed particles are transported by blood, essentially bounded to erythrocytes (95%). It is distributed by soft tissues and settled mainly on bone tissues, where it represents approximately 90% of the total body charge and has a high half-life time (more than 20 years). It is not metabolized by the organism, its elimination being effectuated by renal activity and, in smaller scale, through lees, sweat, saliva, nails, hair and maternal milk.Scientific knowledge shows that concentrations of lead in blood between 20 e 50 mg/dL are susceptible to determine adverse effects in man and able to affect the hematopoietic system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the reproductive system and the immunological system. Nevertheless, there's still much to be learned and clarified about lead's toxicity. The correlation between exposure levels and human's systems and organs alteration levels continues to be a centre of controversies. Still, lead's carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics continue to be a high demanding research field. Intoxication by lead and its compounds (saturnism), from occupational origin, is recognized in Portugal as an occupational disease, included in Group 1 - Chemical Agents Caused Diseases, on the Occupational Diseases List. It is a chronic intoxication caused by a continuous absorption of small doses, throughout a long period of time. Its signs and symptoms are diffuse and imprecise, of great unspecificity, such as loss of appetite, metallic flavor in the mouth, paleness, ailment and fatigue, headaches, myalgia and arthralgia, irritability, thin tremors, constipation, abdominal pain, insomnias, short memory loses and inability to concentrate. A considered number of BEI’s can be used in Periodic Health Monitoring of workers in such exposure conditions. Such BEI (dose indices or effect indices) provide different meanings and imply different procedures, being Occupational Doctors responsibility, in the context of lead related adverse effects preventive programmes, to select and interpret its information, in order to evaluate the interaction between toxic and organism in a reversible phase of the toxic action. The present research study involved 180 workers, 110 of which presented blood lead levels (PbB) above or equal to 40 mg/dL. Besides PbB, all workers has been evaluated for zinc protoporphyrin levels (PPZ) and submitted to a haemogram. About 25% of the workers were selected for d-aminolevulinic urinary acid (ALA-U) determination. The evaluation of PPZ, by a portable hematofluorometer using capillary blood samples, turned out to be an easy procedure with low costs and total warrantability. As in regard for ALA- U procedure, it was concluded the necessity of 24 hours urine samples. This research results underlined a strong connection between ZPP and PbB, which was found to to be stringer and to begin earlier than it was registered for PbB and ALA-U association. The same study also revealed a low association level between PbB and hemoglobin or other hematological indices. It was also verified less than 20% of false negatives and false positives cases when admitted a ZPP 100 mg/dL cut off value for PbB³ 70 mg/dL. As in result it was concluded that in Health Monit