993 resultados para Índia.


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Neste trabalho descervem-se fragmentos de coníferas encontrados em sedimentos do Permo-carbonífero da Bacia do Paraná. O autor apresenta ainda considerações a respeito das eventuais implicações fitogeográficas a que os achados parecem conduzir, abordando também problemas fitogenéticos. Dois gêneros novos são propostos: Kraeuselcladus e Brasiliocladus. A sua atribuição às coniferales, justifica-se tanto pelas características morfológicas como pela organização estrutural. O primeiro inclui espécies novas, K. canoinhensis e K. catarinensis e o seu documentário foi obtido perto de Canoinhas, norte do Estado de Santa Catarina, na Formação Estrada Nova (fácies Teresina), Grupo Passa Dois, Permiano. Brasiliocladus é monotípico, incluindo sòmente a espécie B. acicularis, e seus espécimes foram encontrados em Criciuma, Estado de Santa Catarina, na camada de carvão Irapuá (Putzer, 1952), parte superior do Grupo Tubarão. Kraeuselcladus compreende plantas lenhosas, com ramificações tipicamente monopodial, de altura provàvelmente moderada, consistindo em um eixo principal rígido coberto de fôlhas lobadas, côncavas na superfície adaxial e com um sistema de ramos laterais cobertos de fôlhas inteiras, uninervadas, decorrentes, espiralmente arranjadas e curvadas para dentro em seus ápices. Êste gênero nôvo assemelha-se a Lecrosia Florin e Walchia Sternberg em alguns aspectos; difere pelos seus ramúsculos não arranjados em um plano, pela forma de suas fôlhas e por outros detalhes de menor importância. Pode ser comparada também a Buriadia Seward et Sahni, gênero que compreende ramos estéreis de coníferas que ocorrem na flora do Gondvana inferior da Índia (Camadas Karharbari - Permiano Inferior, Jacob, 1952), e também já referido no Brasil (Read, 1941; Dolianiti, 1952), mas suas fôlhas são convexas no lado adaxial, apresentam diferente heterofilia e morfològicamente bastante diversificadas. Por outro lado, Brasiliocladus é uma forma com ramúsculos delicados irregularmente arranjados, nos quais crescem fôlhas inteiras linearmente lanceoladas e aciculares, quase retas, decorrentes, espeiralmente dispostas e com nervações finas e paralelas. A comparação dêstes ramos estéreis com qualquer fragmento de conífera conhecido no Paleozóico Superior, apenas diz respeito a alguns aspectos morfológicos. Uma nervação paralela similar aparece em Moranocladus, conífera com Gonvana Inferior da Índia, embora suas fôlhas sejam mais longas e mais largas e apresentem ainda uma forte nervura mediana. Voltzia possui fôlhas similares quanto à forma com alguns de nossos exemplares mas são caracteristicamente dimórficas, inteiras e mais abertas. O restante do material examinado, inclui ramos folhosos estéreis de última ou penúltima ordem, encontrados na camada de carvão Irapuá, em Criciúma, Estado de Santa Catarina e em Corumbataí, Estado de São Paulo, na Formação Estrada Nova (Mendes e Mezzalira, 1946). Estes espécimes isolados de ramos de coníferas não são satisfatòriamente preservados para uma determinação precisa, mas suas possíveis afinidades genéricas são discutidas.


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Tese de doutoramento, História (Arte, Património e Restauro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The purpose of this dissertation is to give a contribution to the translation of the terminology of Cycle and Bike Polo into European Portuguese and hence call the attention of a wide Portuguese public to this fairly new sport, whose roots go back to Elephant and Horse Polo in India and in other parts of the world. Sequencing a characterization of technical translation, translation issues of Bike and Cycle Polo´s terminological units have been dealt with in the light of the Cognitive Linguistics framework and hence intimately associated both with physical experiences and historical facts. In fact, sports terminology coinage in this field is highly motivated by metaphorical and metonymical conceptualization mapped from physical reality dimensions, as well as from already existing sports terminology from other sports modalities. In order to render this research unique, a glossary of technical terms from Bike and Cycle Polo has been gathered, since most of them had not yet undergone translation from English into European Portuguese. For validation of my translations I have resorted to Portuguese bike polo players, with special reference to Catarina Almeida, who introduced me to Bike Polo’s terminology.


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Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Não Comercial-Sem Derivações 4.0 Internacional. Para ver uma cópia desta licença, visite http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. A licença permite compartilhar — copiar e redistribuir o material em qualquer suporte ou formato, desde que seja atribuído o crédito aos autores, fornecido um link para a licença e indicado se foram efectuadas alterações ao original. Não é permitido o uso do material para fins comerciais. Não é permitida a distribuição de material resultante da transformação do original. (Este resumo não dispensa a consulta da licença).


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar cinco projetos de gestão participativa entre governos, empresas, ONGs e sociedade, desenvolvidos em regiões metropolitanas, cujos objetivos foram a erradicação da pobreza, o desenvolvimento humano e a inclusão social. Algumas questões levantadas e analisadas relacionam-se com boas práticas de gestão e organização social de áreas metropolitanas. Foram analisados projetos das cidades de Baltimore (EUA), com foco em empreendedorismo e alianças estratégicas; de Berlim (Alemanha), especificamente no bairro de Prenzlauer Berg, voltado para os reordenamentos habitacionais da Alemanha Oriental; de Lima (Peru), que se propôs a organizar o comércio informal no centro histórico da cidade; de Cingapura (Ásia), por meio de um plano estratégico para globalizar e internacionalizar a cidade-região; e de Delhi (Índia), especificamente o projeto Bhagidari, com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade de vida e do meio ambiente. Este estudo envolveu essencialmente pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e tratou de analisar e comparar experiências de gestão participativa que vêm ocorrendo em inúmeras regiões metropolitanas do mundo, tanto em países de capitalismo avançado quanto em países emergentes. Os resultados apontam que tais experiências podem obter sucesso e alcançar seus objetivos em diversos contextos organizacionais, mesmo que distintas em suas formações históricas ou aspectos culturais, orientações políticas ou pela sua importância econômica no contexto globalizado.


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Esta tese estuda o sentido do simbolismo religioso da imagem do arquétipo da Grande Mãe ao interpretar a poesia de Cecília Meireles (1901-1964). As imagens da Grande Mãe estão presentes nos escritos de Cecília Meireles bem como o seu simbolismo religioso. Observou-se certa sintonia entre maternidade e simbolismo religioso na criação poética ceciliana. O objetivo prin-cipal desta tese foi de mostrar qual o sentido do arquétipo da Grande Mãe no simbolismo religi-oso ao interpretar a poesia de Cecília Meireles. A pesquisa foi bibliográfica focada no grupo de Eranos através do pensamento de Carl Gustav Jung (arquétipo), Paul Tillich (símbolo religioso), Gaston Bachelard (imagem literária), Gilbert Durand (mitocrítica), Mircea Eliade (símbolo). Cecília Meireles perdeu sua família prematuramente e foi morar com sua avó Jacinta Garcia Benevides, natural da Ilha de São Miguel (Açores, Portugal). Educada num ambiente de acon-chego e amor, ouvia constantemente as histórias contadas pela avó açoriana sobre a Ilha de São Miguel e a da Índia. Além disto, sua babá Pedrina, de forma mágica e divertida, introduziu-lhe no rico folclore brasileiro com suas crendices. Crescida neste ambiente de perdas e sofrimentos, mas amparada por estas duas mulheres, a poeta construiu no interior de seu ser um espaço mís-tico de encontro profundo com sua poesia. A Ilha do Nanja é este espaço místico onde a poeta entra quando quer se desligar das mazelas do mundo. Esta Ilha do Nanja é um refúgio, um rega-ço acolhedor materno onde seu ser encontra com o útero gerador de poesias. É o íntimo do mais íntimo do místico e lírico ceciliano. Cecília Meireles criou sua Ilha do Nanja que para ela é a Ilha de São Miguel transfigurada aos poucos pelo sonho. Além deste simbolismo, observou outros, tais como: a família (mãe, avó, babá no convívio em casa), santos/santas, Nossa Senhora, a terra. Com esta tese concluiu-se que o arquétipo da Grande mãe é um dos elementos centrais da poesia de Cecília Meireles por causa das perdas humanas, especialmente a figura materna. Mas há de ressaltar que a poeta não ficou apenas presa a esta perda para construir sua fortuna poética. Ela foi muito além conhecendo outros espaços geradores de sua poesia.


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Esse trabalho busca analisar o sistema educacional na tribo Ticuna, localizada na região do Alto Solimões, estado do Amazonas, onde estou há 21 anos em contato permanente com os índios Ticuna. Com o passar dos anos tenho observado que a cada dia, e de forma mais intensa, a manutenção de sua cultura vem sofrendo com o processo de influência da cultura não índia. Nesse trabalho realiza-se um levantamento histórico referente à possível existência de duas correntes educacionais entre os professores Ticuna. Uma considera importante um ensino bilíngue, o estudo dos mitos e costumes para preservação da cultura; a outra acredita que é inócuo estudar os mitos e outros aspectos culturais, que podem ser apreendidos no dia a dia, defendem que os índios precisam de uma educação igual a dos não indígenas, para competir no mercado em condições de igualdade. Inicialmente propõe-se uma busca histórica sobre o processo educacional relacionado à cultura Ticuna fora da escola, procurando verificar as relações entre o que é transmitido pela escola e o que se evidencia no cotidiano Ticuna. Em seguida, realiza-se uma análise de como se processa a educação implantada no meio Ticuna sob o título Educação Indígena . Destacam-se os fatores que influenciaram a fundação da escola, sua localização e aspectos relacionados ao meio físico, econômico, social e cultural, bem como, o ambiente humano e de aprendizagem, dados esses que subsidiam o objetivo proposto para este trabalho. Procura-se verificar se a educação desenvolvida na escola indígena cumpre o papel de estar constantemente buscando alternativas para uma educação que seja apropriada à sobrevivência da cultura Ticuna, uma educação adequada à realidade cultural. A pesquisa baseia-se em levantamento de dados através de documentos, como também em entrevistas com lideranças, professores e idosos da Tribo Ticuna; também na observação direta, com anotações feitas em caderno de campo. O processo de assimilação e influência da cultura não índia predomina na região do Alto Solimões e tem esmagado a cultura Ticuna, fazendo com que muitos já não queiram mais pescar, caçar ou viver como produtores ou coletores. É necessário buscar alternativas educacionais para a escola indígena Ticuna, em uma educação que seja apropriada para a sobrevivência de sua cultura e ao mesmo tempo minimize o preconceito enfrentado por esse povo. As lideranças e professores Ticuna esperam que a escola ajude na preservação e valorização de sua cultura. O prejuízo causado à educação cultural dos índios Ticuna é grande, a maioria dos jovens e crianças não são conhecedores dos significados dos rituais religiosos, mitos, lendas e crenças. Muitas vezes sabem até realizar o ritual, mas parece mais uma imitação de gestos, que se desvincula do seu real sentido. Espera-se que ao final dessa pesquisa sejamos capazes de utilizar o material desenvolvido para reflexão e que ela talvez possa servir como ponto de partida para os professores Ticuna na elaboração de diretrizes e desenvolvimento de um novo paradigma educacional que valorize mais a cultura.


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As for the Education for Youth and Adult (EYA), the challenge of training these teachers is to provide tools to understand and act on the teaching of mathematics. It is realized just how special education in this modality and as such teaching is lacking in an adequate and solid training in the area of knowledge. One of the major problems affecting this type of education is the high dropout and failure rates, and lack of motivation among students. Thus the need to provide differentiated profile with a professional to teach youth and adults students, so that they are able to mobilize didactic-pedagogic knowledge, methodologies and theoretical frameworks that serve as a basis for school-developed teaching practice. This thesis aims to investigate how the math teacher, who acts in adult education from elementary school, has developed its didactic and pedagogical action, and that professional knowledge has been mobilized to teach? It has highlighted the importance of initial and continuing training and professionalization of teachers dedicated to this specific type of education, when teachers should be the protagonists of their professional development. The methodological approach was begun with a literature review, then the research was anchored mainly on the ideas by Gauthier, Nuñez and Ramalho (2004); Imbernon (2011), Garcia (2006); Perrenoud (2000); Tardif (2007 ); Haddad, Di Pierro (2000), D'Ambrosio (2002), Mendes (2006, 2009), Freire (1996, 2011), and other theorists and official documents of field of adult education here and abroad. That work leads us to the understanding of the present moment from a foray into historical and conceptual aspects, as well as educational policies of EYA, as well as training, professionalism, knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice. Then, the subjects and the locus of research and the instrument for data collection were set up and led by the object of study. To consolidate the study was selected a sample of 27 mathematics teachers, working in municipal EYA Network Teaching of Natal. This research is in an investigative nature, within the quantitative and qualitative approaches focused on the responses of study subjects from the content analysis by Bardin (1977). Results from the analyzes have revealed that the initial training of mathematics teachers of adult education needs to be reconfigured in order to formalize the knowledge base of professionals (the mathematical content, didactics and professional knowledge). Thus the study suggests that this base knowledge is embedded in the pedagogical practice of these teachers, so that there is a completion of the teaching and learning process for young people and adults. The study also has pointed out that there is a need for teachers to participate in a continuing education plan that prioritizes learning situations of mathematical content considering the previous knowledge of the students. The final analyses thus indicate that knowledge of mathematics and the didactic and pedagogical strategies to be mobilized by teachers must be able to motivate the students in such a way that they feel need to incorporate in their knowledge, mathematical knowledge capable of making them more likely to have access to social, economic and labor market


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This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.


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CHAPTER II - This study evaluated the effects of two different types of acute aerobic exercise on the osmotic stability of human erythrocyte membrane and on different hematological and biochemical variables that are associated with this membrane property. The study population consisted of 20 healthy and active men. Participants performed single sessions of two types of exercise. The first session consisted of 60 min of moderate-intensity continuous exercise (MICE). The second session, executed a week later, consisted of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) until exhaustion. The osmotic stability of the erythrocyte membrane was represented by the inverse of the salt concentration (1/H50) at the midpoint of the sigmoidal curve of dependence between the absorbance of hemoglobin and the NaCl concentration. The values of 1/H50 changed from 2.29 ± 0.1 to 2.33 ± 0.09 after MICE and from 2.30 ± 0.08 to 2.23 ± 0.12 after HIIE. In MICE has occurred an increase in the mean corpuscular volume, probably due to in vivo lysis of older erythrocytes, with preservation of cells that were larger and more resistant to in vitro lysis. The study showed that a single bout of acute exercise affected the erythrocyte osmotic stability, which increased after MICE and decreased after HIIE.


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Globalization and technological changes that has happened since the 80s have brought remarkable changes in the industrial and commercial paradigm, which are expressed mainly in the international fragmentation of production and in the formation of Global Value Chains (GVC). This thesis sought to understand such phenomena and discuss new relevant variables in this context for a more accurate analysis of the current trade patterns not addressed by the seminal economic theories that relate trade and economic growth. It sought to evaluate how the trade specialization pattern of Brazil evolved compared to other economies (China, India, Russia, United States, Japan and selected Latin American economies) in the light of these phenomena from 1995 to 2011. Therefore, we have used the methodology of gross exports decomposition in value added measures, developed by Koopman et al. (2014), and indicators estimated from data of two global matrices I-O: a WIOT (2013) and the TiVA (2015). It was also tested two hypotheses regarding the role of these phenomena as determinants of economic growth in recent years: 1º) fragmentation and participation in GVC ensure higher growth rates for countries; 2º) the place (stage) in which the country finds itself in GVC associated with sectoral technological aspects is also important for economic growth. For this, we used dynamic panel models (Difference GMM and System GMM) for a sample of 40 countries from 2003 to 2011. The studies carried out on Brazil show that the country is no longer on the margins of these phenomena, because it shows increasing rates of participation in GVC, including in sectors considered most strategic for fragmentation. However, there is not a standard convergence of trade specialization of the country to those presented by developed countries or movements earned by China and Mexico in terms of their position and profile of participating in GVC. Another important result obtained by the thesis is the identification of these phenomena are in fact new variables relevant for economic growth, because it shows empirical evidences to support the hypothesis 1 and, partially, the hypothesis 2. A joint analysis of the estimated econometric results with the results of the descriptive analysis of the Brazilian economy, it leads us to conclude that the trade specialization pattern of the country in the context of the new trade setups is presented unfavorably to its growth strategy.


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A number of studies in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences have employed machine learning tools to develop methods capable of identifying patterns in different sets of data. Despite its extinction in many countries of the developed world, Hansen’s disease is still a disease that affects a huge part of the population in countries such as India and Brazil. In this context, this research proposes to develop a method that makes it possible to understand in the future how Hansen’s disease affects facial muscles. By using surface electromyography, a system was adapted so as to capture the signals from the largest possible number of facial muscles. We have first looked upon the literature to learn about the way researchers around the globe have been working with diseases that affect the peripheral neural system and how electromyography has acted to contribute to the understanding of these diseases. From these data, a protocol was proposed to collect facial surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals so that these signals presented a high signal to noise ratio. After collecting the signals, we looked for a method that would enable the visualization of this information in a way to make it possible to guarantee that the method used presented satisfactory results. After identifying the method's efficiency, we tried to understand which information could be extracted from the electromyographic signal representing the collected data. Once studies demonstrating which information could contribute to a better understanding of this pathology were not to be found in literature, parameters of amplitude, frequency and entropy were extracted from the signal and a feature selection was made in order to look for the features that better distinguish a healthy individual from a pathological one. After, we tried to identify the classifier that best discriminates distinct individuals from different groups, and also the set of parameters of this classifier that would bring the best outcome. It was identified that the protocol proposed in this study and the adaptation with disposable electrodes available in market proved their effectiveness and capability of being used in different studies whose intention is to collect data from facial electromyography. The feature selection algorithm also showed that not all of the features extracted from the signal are significant for data classification, with some more relevant than others. The classifier Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved itself efficient when the adequate Kernel function was used with the muscle from which information was to be extracted. Each investigated muscle presented different results when the classifier used linear, radial and polynomial kernel functions. Even though we have focused on Hansen’s disease, the method applied here can be used to study facial electromyography in other pathologies.


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A number of studies in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences have employed machine learning tools to develop methods capable of identifying patterns in different sets of data. Despite its extinction in many countries of the developed world, Hansen’s disease is still a disease that affects a huge part of the population in countries such as India and Brazil. In this context, this research proposes to develop a method that makes it possible to understand in the future how Hansen’s disease affects facial muscles. By using surface electromyography, a system was adapted so as to capture the signals from the largest possible number of facial muscles. We have first looked upon the literature to learn about the way researchers around the globe have been working with diseases that affect the peripheral neural system and how electromyography has acted to contribute to the understanding of these diseases. From these data, a protocol was proposed to collect facial surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals so that these signals presented a high signal to noise ratio. After collecting the signals, we looked for a method that would enable the visualization of this information in a way to make it possible to guarantee that the method used presented satisfactory results. After identifying the method's efficiency, we tried to understand which information could be extracted from the electromyographic signal representing the collected data. Once studies demonstrating which information could contribute to a better understanding of this pathology were not to be found in literature, parameters of amplitude, frequency and entropy were extracted from the signal and a feature selection was made in order to look for the features that better distinguish a healthy individual from a pathological one. After, we tried to identify the classifier that best discriminates distinct individuals from different groups, and also the set of parameters of this classifier that would bring the best outcome. It was identified that the protocol proposed in this study and the adaptation with disposable electrodes available in market proved their effectiveness and capability of being used in different studies whose intention is to collect data from facial electromyography. The feature selection algorithm also showed that not all of the features extracted from the signal are significant for data classification, with some more relevant than others. The classifier Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved itself efficient when the adequate Kernel function was used with the muscle from which information was to be extracted. Each investigated muscle presented different results when the classifier used linear, radial and polynomial kernel functions. Even though we have focused on Hansen’s disease, the method applied here can be used to study facial electromyography in other pathologies.


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BOIASKI, Daniela ; GUIPSON, Larissa; MARTINS, Silvestre Gomes; MARIA, Taíse ; VANTI, Nadia. Linguagens documentárias. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADA,15., 2009, Natal. Anais Eletrônico...Natal: CCSA, 2009.