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Multi-agent systems have become increasingly mature, but their appearance does not make the traditional OO approach obsolete. On the contrary, OO methodologies can benefit from the principles and tools designed for agent systems. The Agent-Rule-Class (ARC) framework is proposed as an approach that builds agents upon traditional OO system components and makes use of business rules to dictate agent behaviour with the aid of OO components. By modelling agent knowledge in business rules, the proposed paradigm provides a straightforward means to develop agent-oriented systems based on the existing object-oriented systems and offers features that are otherwise difficult to achieve in the original OO systems. The main outcome of using ARC is the achievement of adaptivity. The framework is supported by a tool that ensures agents implement up-to-date requirements from business people, reflecting desired current behaviour, without the need for frequent system rebuilds. ARC is illustrated with a rail track example.


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As semiconductor electronic devices scale to the nanometer range and quantum structures (molecules, fullerenes, quantum dots, nanotubes) are investigated for use in information processing and storage, it, becomes useful to explore the limits imposed by quantum mechanics on classical computing. To formulate the problem of a quantum mechanical description of classical computing, electronic device and logic gates are described as quantum sub-systems with inputs treated as boundary conditions, outputs expressed.is operator expectation values, and transfer characteristics and logic operations expressed through the sub-system Hamiltonian. with constraints appropriate to the boundary conditions. This approach, naturally, leads to a description of the subsystem.,, in terms of density matrices. Application of the maximum entropy principle subject to the boundary conditions (inputs) allows for the determination of the density matrix (logic operation), and for calculation of expectation values of operators over a finite region (outputs). The method allows for in analysis of the static properties of quantum sub-systems.


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The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.


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A spectrally efficient strategy is proposed for cooperative multiple access (CMA) channels in a centralized communication environment with $N$ users. By applying superposition coding, each user will transmit a mixture containing its own information as well as the other users', which means that each user shares parts of its power with the others. The use of superposition coding in cooperative networks was first proposed in , which will be generalized to a multiple-user scenario in this paper. Since the proposed CMA system can be seen as a precoded point-to-point multiple-antenna system, its performance can be best evaluated using the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. By carefully categorizing the outage events, the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff can be obtained, which shows that the proposed cooperative strategy can achieve larger diversity/multiplexing gain than the compared transmission schemes at any diversity/multiplexing gain. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the proposed strategy can achieve optimal tradeoff for multiplexing gains $0leq r leq 1$ whereas the compared cooperative scheme is only optimal for $0leq r leq ({1}/{N})$. As discussed in the paper, such superiority of the proposed CMA system is due to the fact that the relaying transmission does not consume extra channel use and, hence, the deteriorating effect of cooperative communication on the data rate is effectively limited.


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We propose schemes for entanglement concentration and purification for qubit systems encoded in flying atomic pairs. We use cavity-quantum electrodynamics as an illustrative setting within which our proposals can be implemented. Maximally entangled pure states of qubits can be produced as a result of our protocols. In particular, the concentration protocol yields Bell states with the largest achievable theoretical probability while the purification scheme produces arbitrarily pure Bell states. The requirements for the implementation of these protocols are modest, within the state of the art, and we address all necessary steps in two specific setups based on experimentally mature microwave technology.


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This paper introduces a novel modelling framework for identifying dynamic models of systems that are under feedback control. These models are identified under closed-loop conditions and produce a joint representation that includes both the plant and controller models in state space form. The joint plant/controller model is identified using subspace model identification (SMI), which is followed by the separation of the plant model from the identified one. Compared to previous research, this work (i) proposes a new modelling framework for identifying closed-loop systems, (ii) introduces a generic structure to represent the controller and (iii) explains how that the new framework gives rise to a simplified determination of the plant models. In contrast, the use of the conventional modelling approach renders the separation of the plant model a difficult task. The benefits of using the new model method are demonstrated using a number of application studies.


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The electrochemical windows of acetonitrile solutions doped with 0.1 m concentrations of several ionic liquids were examined by cyclic voltammetry at gold and platinum microelectrodes. These results were compared with those observed in the commonly used 0.1 m tetrabutylammonium perchlorate/acetonitrile system as well as with neat ionic liquids. The use of a trifluorotris(pentofluoroethyl)phosphate-based ionic liquid, specifically, as supporting electrolyte in acetonitrile solutions affords a wider anodic window, which is attributed to the high stability of the anionic component of these intrinsically conductive and thermally robust compounds.


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Use of the Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence to deal with uncertainty in knowledge-based systems has been widely addressed. Several AI implementations have been undertaken based on the D-S theory of evidence or the extended theory. But the representation of uncertain relationships between evidence and hypothesis groups (heuristic knowledge) is still a major problem. This paper presents an approach to representing such knowledge, in which Yen’s probabilistic multi-set mappings have been extended to evidential mappings, and Shafer’s partition technique is used to get the mass function in a complex evidence space. Then, a new graphic method for describing the knowledge is introduced which is an extension of the graphic model by Lowrance et al. Finally, an extended framework for evidential reasoning systems is specified.


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Modem society depends on complex agro-ecological and trading systems to provide food for urban residents, yet there are few tools available to assess whether these systems are vulnerable to future disturbances. We propose a preliminary framework to assess the vulnerability of food systems to future shocks based on landscape ecology's 'Panarchy Framework'. According to Panarchy, ecosystem vulnerability is determined by three generic characteristics: (1) the wealth available in the system, (2) how connected the system is, and (3) how much diversity exists in the system. In this framework, wealthy, non-diverse, tightly connected systems are highly vulnerable. The wealth of food systems can be measured using the approach pioneered by development economists to assess how poverty affects food security. Diversity can be measured using the tools investors use to measure the diversity of investment portfolios to assess financial risk. The connectivity of a system can be evaluated with the tools chemists use to assess the pathways chemicals use to flow through the environment. This approach can lead to better tools for creating policy designed to reduce vulnerability, and can help urban or regional planners identify where food systems are vulnerable to shocks and disturbances that may occur in the future. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two distinct systems for the rhodium-catalyzed enantioselective desymmetrization of meso-cyclic anhydrides have been developed. Each system has been optimized and are compatible with the use of in situ prepared organozinc reagents. Rhodium/PHOX species efficiently catalyze the addition of alkyl nucleophiles to glutaric anhydrides, while a rhodium/phosphoramidite system is effective in the enantioselective arylation of succinic and glutaric anhydrides.


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In this paper, an analysis of radio channel characteristics for single- and multiple-antenna bodyworn systems for use in body-to-body communications is presented. The work was based on an extensive measurement campaign conducted at 2.45 GHz representative of an indoor sweep and search scenario for fire and rescue personnel. Using maximum-likelihood estimation in conjunction with the Akaike information criterion (AIC), five candidate probability distributions were investigated and from these the kappa - mu distribution was found to best describe small-scale fading observed in the body-to-body channels. Additional channel parameters such as autocorrelation and the cross-correlation coefficient between fading signal envelopes were also analyzed. Low cross correlation and small differences in mean signal levels between potential dual-branch diversity receivers suggested that the prospect of successfully implementing diversity in this type application is extremely good. Moreover, using selection combination, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining, up to 8.69-dB diversity gain can be made available when four spatially separated antennas are used at the receiver. Additional improvements in the combined envelopes through lower level crossing rates and fade durations at low signal levels were also observed.


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Polyol sugars, displaying a plurality Of hydroxyl groups, were shown to modulate tetra hydroxyborate (borate) cross-linking in lidocaine hydrochloride containing poly(vinyl alcohol) scini-solid hydrogels. Without polyol, demixing of borate cross-linked PVA hydrogels into two distinct phases was noticeable upon lidocaine hydrochloride addition, preventing further use as a topical System. D-Mannitol incorporation was found to be particularly suitable in cicumventing network constriction induced by ionic and pH effects upon adding the hydrochloride salt of lidocaine. A test formulation (4% w/v lidocaine HCl, 2% W/V D-mannitol, 10% w/v PVA and 2.5%, w/v THB) was shown to constitute an effective delivery system, which was characterised by an initial burst release and a drug release mechanism dependent on temperature, changing from a diffusion-controlled system to one with the properties of a reservoir system. The novel flow properties and innocuous adhesion of PVA-tetrahydroxyborate hydrogels Support their application for drug delivery to exposed epithelial surfaces, Such as lacerated wounds. Furthermore, addition of a polyol, such as mannitol, allows incorporation of soluble salt forms of active therapeutic agents by modulation of cross-linking density. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Uptake of influenza vaccination represents a simple marker of proactive care of older people. However, many still do not receive the vaccine. To understand this challenge better, we investigated the relationship between patient characteristics (demographic, physical and psychological health, and health service use) and vaccination uptake in a sample of community-dwelling older people in two adjacent but differently structured healthcare systems (Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (RoI)). Methods: 2,033 randomly selected community-dwelling older adults (65 years and older) were interviewed in their homes. Results: Rates of uptake were 78% in NI and 72% in RoI. Uptake was greater with older age (odds ratio (OR) 1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.3-2.1, p


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Abstract This work addresses the problems of effective in situ measurement of the initiation or the rate of steel corrosion in reinforced concrete structures through the use of optical fiber sensor systems. By undertaking a series of tests over prolonged periods, coupled with acceleration of corrosion, the performance of fiber Bragg grating-based sensor systems attached to high-tensile steel reinforcement bars (ldquorebarsrdquo), and cast into concrete blocks was determined, and the results compared with those from conventional strain gauges where appropriate. The results show the benefits in the use of optical fiber networks under these circumstances and their ability to deliver data when conventional sensors failed.