957 resultados para mutations


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The development of many embryonic organs is regulated by reciprocal and sequential epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. These interactions are mediated by conserved signaling pathways that are reiteratively used. Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a congenital syndrome where both bone and tooth development is affected. The syndrome is characterized by short stature, abnormal clavicles, general bone dysplasia, and supernumerary teeth. CCD is caused by mutations in RUNX2, a transcription factor that is a key regulator of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. The first aim of this study was to analyse the expression of a family of key signal molecules, Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) at different stages of tooth development. Bmps have a variety of functions and they were originally discovered as signals inducing ectopic bone formation. We performed a comparative in situ hybridisation analysis of the mRNA expression of Bmp2-7 from initiation of tooth development to differentiation of dental hard tissues. The expression patterns indicated that the Bmps signal between the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues during initiation and morphogenesis of tooth development, as well as during the differentiation of odontoblasts and ameloblasts. Furthermore, they are also part of the signalling networks whereby the enamel knot regulates the patterning of tooth cusps. The second aim was to study the role of Runx2 during tooth development and thereby to gain better understanding of the pathogenesis of the tooth phenotype in CCD. We analysed the tooth phenotype of Runx2 knockout mice and examined the patterns and regulation of Runx2 gene expression.. The teeth of wild-type and Runx2 mutant mice were compared by several methods including in situ hybridisation, tissue culture, bead implantation experiments, and epithelial-mesenchymal recombination studies. Phenotypic analysis of Runx2 -/- mutant tooth development showed that teeth failed to advance beyond the bud stage. Runx2 expression was restricted to dental mesenchyme between the bud and early bell stages of tooth development and it was regulated by epithelial signals, in particular Fgfs. We searched for downstream targets of Runx2 by comparative in situ hybridisation analysis. The expression of Fgf3 was downregulated in the mesenchyme of Runx2 -/- teeth. Shh expression was absent from the enamel knot in the lower molars of Runx2 -/- and reduced in the upper molars. In conclusion, these studies showed that Runx2 regulates key epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that control advancing tooth morphogenesis and histodifferentiation of the epithelial enamel organ. In addition, in the upper molars of Runx2 mutants extra buddings occured at the palatal side of the tooth bud. We suggest that Runx2 acts as an inhibitor of successional tooth formation by preventing advancing development of the buds. Accordingly, we propose that RUNX2 haploinsuffiency in humans causes incomplete inhibition of successional tooth formation and as a result supernumerary teeth.


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Development of improved pasture grass via chemical mutagenesis and selection of mutations in lignin genes.


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This project aims to develop high quality kikuyu pasture grass via chemical mutagenesis, followed by screening for mutations in lignin biosynthesis genes.


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Palladin is a novel actin microfilament associated protein, which together with myotilin and myopalladin forms a novel cytoskeletal IgC2 domain protein family. Whereas the expression of myotilin and myopalladin is limited mainly to striated muscle, palladin is widely expressed in both epithelial and mesenchymal tissues, including heart and the nervous system. Palladin has a complex genetic structure and it is expressed as several different sized and structured splice variants, which also display differences in their expression pattern and interactions. In muscle cells, all the family members localize to the sarcomeric Z-disc, and in non-muscle cells palladin also localizes to the stress-fiber-dense regions, lamellipodia, podosomes and focal adhesions. A common feature of this protein family is the binding to α-actinin, but other interactions are mostly unique to each member. Palladin has been shown to interact with several proteins, including VASP, profilin, Eps8, LASP-1 and LPP. Its domain structure, lack of enzymatic activity and multiple interactions define it as a molecular scaffolding protein, which links together proteins with different functional modalities into large complexes. Palladin has an important role in cytoskeletal regulation, particularly in stress fiber formation and stabilization. This assumption is supported by several experimental results. First, over-expression of palladin in non-muscle cells results in rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and formation of thick actin bundles. Second, the knock-down of palladin with anti-sense and siRNA techniques or knock-out by genetic methods leads to defective stress fiber formation. Furthermore, palladin is usually up-regulated in situations requiring a highly organized cytoskeleton, such as differentiation of dendritic cells, trophoblasts and myofibroblasts, and activation of astrocytes during glial scar formation. The protein family members have also direct disease linkages; myotilin missense mutations are the cause of LGMD1A and myofibrillar myopathy. Palladin mutations and polymorphisms, on the other hand, have been linked to hereditary pancreatic cancer and myocardial infarction, respectively. In this study we set out to characterize human palladin. We identified several palladin isoforms, studied their tissue distribution and sub-cellular localization. Four novel interaction partners were identified; ezrin, ArgBP2, SPIN90 and Src-kinase.The previously identified interaction between palladin and α-actinin was also characterized in detail. All the identified new binding partners are actin cytoskeleton associated proteins; ezrin links the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton, ArgBP2 and SPIN90 localize, among other structures, to the lamellipodia and in cardiomyocytes to the Z-disc. Src is a transforming tyrosine kinase, which besides its role in oncogenesis has also important cytoskeletal associations. We also studied palladin in myofibroblasts, which are specialized cells involved in diverse physiological and pathological processes, such as wound healing and tissue fibrosis. We demonstrated that palladin is up-regulated during the differentiation of myofibroblasts in an isoform specific manner, and that this up-regulation is induced by TGF-β via activation of both the SMAD and MAPK signalling cascades. In summary, the results presented here describe the initial characterization of human palladin and offer a basis for further studies.


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Nephrin is a transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily and is expressed primarily in the podocytes, which are highly differentiated epithelial cells needed for primary urine formation in the kidney. Mutations leading to nephrin loss abrogate podocyte morphology, and result in massive protein loss into urine and consequent early death in humans carrying specific mutations in this gene. The disease phenotype is closely replicated in respective mouse models. The purpose of this thesis was to generate novel inducible mouse-lines, which allow targeted gene deletion in a time and tissue-specific manner. A proof of principle model for succesful gene therapy for this disease was generated, which allowed podocyte specific transgene replacement to rescue gene deficient mice from perinatal lethality. Furthermore, the phenotypic consequences of nephrin restoration in the kidney and nephrin deficiency in the testis, brain and pancreas in rescued mice were investigated. A novel podocyte-specific construct was achieved by using standard cloning techniques to provide an inducible tool for in vitro and in vivo gene targeting. Using modified constructs and microinjection procedures two novel transgenic mouse-lines were generated. First, a mouse-line with doxycycline inducible expression of Cre recombinase that allows podocyte-specific gene deletion was generated. Second, a mouse-line with doxycycline inducible expression of rat nephrin, which allows podocyte-specific nephrin over-expression was made. Furthermore, it was possible to rescue nephrin deficient mice from perinatal lethality by cross-breeding them with a mouse-line with inducible rat nephrin expression that restored the missing endogenous nephrin only in the kidney after doxycycline treatment. The rescued mice were smaller, infertile, showed genital malformations and developed distinct histological abnormalities in the kidney with an altered molecular composition of the podocytes. Histological changes were also found in the testis, cerebellum and pancreas. The expression of another molecule with limited tissue expression, densin, was localized to the plasma membranes of Sertoli cells in the testis by immunofluorescence staining. Densin may be an essential adherens junction protein between Sertoli cells and developing germ cells and these junctions share similar protein assembly with kidney podocytes. This single, binary conditional construct serves as a cost- and time-efficient tool to increase the understanding of podocyte-specific key proteins in health and disease. The results verified a tightly controlled inducible podocyte-specific transgene expression in vitro and in vivo as expected. These novel mouse-lines with doxycycline inducible Cre recombinase and with rat nephrin expression will be useful for conditional gene targeting of essential podocyte proteins and to study in detail their functions in the adult mice. This is important for future diagnostic and pharmacologic development platforms.


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The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a group of mostly autosomal recessively inherited neurodegenerative disorders. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the molecular genetic bases of these, previously genetically undetermined, NCL forms. Congenital NCL is the most aggressive form of NCLs. Previously, a mutation in the cathepsin D (CTSD) gene was shown to cause congenital NCL in sheep. Based on the close resemblance of the phenotypes between congenital NCLs in sheep and human, CTSD was considered as a potential candidate gene in humans as well. When screened for mutations by sequencing, a homozygous nucleotide duplication creating a premature stop codon was identified in CTSD in one family with congenital NCL. While in vitro the overexpressed truncated mutant protein was stable although inactive, the absence of CTSD staining in brain tissue samples of patients indicated degradation of the mutant CTSD in vivo. A lack of CTSD staining was detected also in another, unrelated family with congenital NCL. These results imply that CTSD deficiency underlies congenital NCL. While initially Turkish vLINCL was considered a distinct genetic entity (CLN7), mutations in the CLN8 gene were later reported to account for the disease in a subset of Turkish patients with vLINCL. To further dissect the genetic basis of the disease, all known NCL genes were screened for homozygosity by haplotype analysis of microsatellite markers and/or sequenced in 13 mainly consanguineous, Turkish vLINCL families. Two novel, family-specific homozygous mutations were identified in the CLN6 gene. In the remaining families, all known NCL loci were excluded. To identify novel gene(s) underlying vLINCL, a genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism scan, homozygosity mapping, and positional candidate gene sequencing were performed in ten of these families. On chromosome 4q28.1-q28.2, a novel major facilitator superfamily domain containing 8 (MFSD8) gene with six family-specific homozygous mutations in vLINCL patients was identified. MFSD8 transcript was shown to be ubiquitously expressed with a complex pattern of alternative splicing. Our results suggest that MFSD8 is a novel lysosomal integral membrane protein which, as a member of the major facilitator superfamily, is predicted to function as a transporter. Identification of MFSD8 emphasizes the genetic heterogeneity of Turkish vLINCL. In families where no MFSD8 mutations were detected, additional NCL-causing genes remain to be identified. The identification of CTSD and MFSD8 increases the number of known human NCL-causing genes to eight, and is an important step towards the complete understanding of the genetic spectrum underlying NCLs. In addition, it is a starting point for dissecting the molecular mechanisms behind the associated NCLs and contributes to the challenging task of understanding the molecular pathology underlying the group of NCL disorders.


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The role of the immune system is to protect an organism against pathogens while maintaining tolerance against self. T cells are an essential component of the immune system and they develop in the thymus. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) gene product plays an important role in T cell development, as it promotes expression of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus. Developing T cells, thymocytes, which recognize self-antigens with high affinity are deleted. However, this deletion process is not perfect and not all autoreactive T cells are destroyed. When the distinction between self and non-self fails, tolerance breaks and the immune system attacks the host s own tissues. This results in autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells contribute to the maintenance of self-tolerance. They can actively suppress the function of autoreactive cells. Several populations of cells with regulatory properties have been described, but the best characterized population is the natural regulatory T cells (Treg cells), which develop in the thymus and express the transcription factor FOXP3. The thymic development of Treg cells in humans is the subject of this thesis. Thymocytes at different developmental stages were analyzed using flow cytometry. The CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) thymocytes are the earliest T cell precursors in the T cell lineage. My results show that the Treg cell marker FOXP3 is up-regulated already in a subset of these DN thymocytes. FOXP3+ cells were also found among the more mature CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) cells and among the CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes. The different developmental stages of the FOXP3+ thymocytes were isolated and their gene expression examined by quantitative PCR. T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire analysis was used to compare these different thymocyte populations. My data show that in humans commitment to the Treg cell lineage is an early event and suggest that the development of Treg cells follows a linear developmental pathway, FOXP3+ DN precursors evolving through the DP stage to become mature CD4+ Treg cells. Most T cells have only one kind of TCR on their cell surface, but a small fraction of cells expresses two different TCRs. My results show that the expression of two different TCRs is enriched among Treg cells. Furthermore, both receptors were capable of transmitting signals when bound by a ligand. By extrapolating flow cytometric data, it was estimated that the majority of peripheral blood Treg cells are indeed dual-specific. The high frequency of dual-specific cells among human Treg cells suggests that dual-specificity has a role in directing these cells to the Treg cell lineage. It is known that both genetic predisposition and environmental factors influence the development of autoimmunity. It is also known that the dysfunction or absence of Treg cells leads to the development of autoimmune manifestations. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare monogenic autoimmune disease, caused by mutations in the AIRE gene. In the absence of AIRE gene product, deletion of self-specific T cells is presumably disturbed and autoreactive T cells escape to the periphery. I examined whether Treg cells are also affected in APECED. I found that the frequency of FOXP3+ Treg cells and the level of FOXP3 expression were significantly lower in APECED patients than in controls. Additionally, when studied in cell cultures, the suppressive capacity of the patients' Treg cells was impaired. Additionally, repertoire analysis showed that the TCR repertoire of Treg cells was altered. These results suggest that AIRE contributes to the development of Treg cells in humans and the selection of Treg cells is impaired in APECED patients. In conclusion, my thesis elucidates the developmental pathway of Treg cells in humans. The differentiation of Tregs begins early during thymic development and both the cells dual-specificity and AIRE probably affect the final commitment of Treg cells.


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Congenital lactase deficiency (CLD) (MIM 223000) is a rare autosomal recessive gastrointestinal disorder characterized by watery diarrhea in infants fed with breast milk or other lactose-containing formulas. The CLD locus was previously assigned by linkage and linkage disequilibrium analyses on 2q21 in 19 Finnish families. In this study, the molecular background of this disorder is reported. The CLD locus was refined in 32 CLD patients in 24 families by using microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) haplotypes. Mutation analyses were performed by direct sequencing. We identified 5 distinct mutations in the lactase (LCT) gene, encoding the enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose in the intestinal lumen. These findings facilitate genetic testing of CLD in clinical practice and enable genetic counseling. The present data also provide the basis for detailed characterization of the molecular pathogenesis of this disorder. Adult-type hypolactasia (MIM 223100) (lactase non-persistence, lactose intolerance) is an autosomal recessive gastrointestinal condition that is a result of a decline in the activity of lactase in the intestinal lumen after weaning. Adult-type hypolactasia is considered to be a normal phenomenon among mammals and symptoms are remarkably milder than experienced in CLD. Recently, a variant C/T-13910 was shown to associate with the adult-type hypolactasia trait, locating 13.9 kb upstream of the LCT gene. In this study, the functional significance of the C/T-13910 variant was determined by studying the LCT mRNA levels in intestinal biopsy samples in children and adults with different genotypes. RT-PCR followed by solid-phase minisequencing was applied to determine the relative expression levels of the LCT alleles using an informative SNP located in exon 1. In children, the C-13910 allele was observed to be downregulated after five years of age in parallel with lactase enzyme activity. The expression of the LCT mRNA in the intestinal mucosa in individuals with the T-13910 A-22018 alleles was 11.5 times higher than that found in individuals with the C-13910, G-22018 alleles. These findings suggest that the C/T-13910 associated with adult-type hypolactasia is associated with the transcriptional regulation of the LCT gene. The presence of the T-13910 A-22018 allele also showed significant elevation lactase activity. Galactose, the hydrolysing product of the milk sugar lactose, has been hypothesized to be poisonous to ovarian epithelial cells. Hence, consumption of dairy products and lactase persistence has been proposed to be a risk factor for ovarian carcinoma. To investigate whether lactase persistence is related to the risk of ovarian carcinoma the C/T-13910 genotype was determined in a cohort of 782 women with ovarian carcinoma 1331 individuals serving as controls. Lactase persistence did not associate significantly with the risk for ovarian carcinoma in the Finnish, in the Polish or in the Swedish populations. The findings do not support the hypothesis that lactase persistence increases the risk for ovarian carcinoma.


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Meckel syndrome (MKS, MIM 249000) is an autosomal recessive developmental disorder causing death in utero or shortly after birth. The hallmarks of the disease are cystic kidney dysplasia and fibrotic changes of the liver, occipital encephalocele with or without hydrocephalus and polydactyly. Other anomalies frequently seen in the patients are incomplete development of the male genitalia, club feet and cleft lip or palate. The clinical picture has been well characterized in the literature while the molecular pathology underlying the disease has remained unclear until now. In this study we identified the first MKS gene by utilizing the disease haplotypes in Finnish MKS families linked to the MKS1 locus on chromosome 17q23 (MKS1) locus. Subsequently, the genetic heterogeneity of MKS was established in the Finnish families. Mutations in at least four different genes can cause MKS. These genes have been mapped to the chromosomes 17q23 (MKS1), 11q13 (MKS2), 8q22 (MKS3) and 9q33 (MKS4). Two of these genes have been identified so far: The MKS1 gene (this work) and the MKS3 gene. The identified MKS1 gene was initially a novel human gene which is conserved among species. We found three different MKS mutations, one of them being the Finnish founder mutation. The information available from MKS1 orthologs in other species convinced us that the MKS1 gene is required for normal ciliogenesis. Defects of the cilial system in other human diseases and model organisms actually cause phenotypic features similar to those seen in MKS patients. The MKS3 (TMEM67) gene encodes a transmembrane protein and the gene maps to the syntenic Wpk locus in the rat, which is a model with polycystic kidney disease, agenesis of the corpus callosum and hydrocephalus. The available information from these two genes suggest that MKS1 would encode a structural component of the centriole required for normal ciliary functions, and MKS3 would be a transmembrane component most likely required for normal ciliary sensory signaling. The MKS4 locus was localized to chromosme 9q32-33 in this study by using an inbred Finnish family with two affected and two healthy children. This fourth locus contains TRIM32 gene, which is associated to another well characterized human ciliopathy, Bardet Biedl syndrome (BBS). Future studies should identify the MKS4 gene on chromosome 9q and confirm if there are more than two genes causing MKS Finnish families. The research on critical signaling pathways in organogenesis have shown that both Wnt and Hedgehog pathways are dependent on functional cilia. The MKS gene products will serve as excellent model molecules for more detailed studies of the functional role of cilia in organogenesis in more detail.


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Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC; Lynch syndrome) is among the most common hereditary cancers in man and a model of cancers arising through deficient DNA mismatch repair (MMR). It is inherited in a dominant manner with predisposing germline mutations in the MMR genes, mainly MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. Both copies of the MMR gene need to be inactivated for cancer development. Since Lynch syndrome family members are born with one defective copy of one of the MMR genes in their germline, they only need to acquire a so called second hit to inactivate the MMR gene. Hence, they usually develop cancer at an early age. MMR gene inactivation leads to accumulation of mutations particularly in short repeat tracts, known as microsatellites, causing microsatellite instability (MSI). MSI is the hallmark of Lynch syndrome tumors, but is present in approximately 15% of sporadic tumors as well. There are several possible mechanisms of somatic inactivation (i.e. the second hit ) of MMR genes, for instance deletion of the wild-type copy, leading to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), methylation of promoter regions necessary for gene transcription, or mitotic recombination or gene conversion. In the Lynch syndrome tumors carrying germline mutations in the MMR gene, LOH was found to be the most frequent mechanism of somatic inactivation in the present study. We also studied MLH1/MSH2 deletion carriers and found that somatic mutations identical to the ones in the germline occurred frequently in colorectal cancers and were also present in extracolonic Lynch syndrome-associated tumors. Chromosome-specific marker analysis implied that gene conversion, rather than mitotic recombination or deletion of the respective gene locus accounted for wild-type inactivation. Lynch syndrome patients are predisposed to certain types of cancers, the most common ones being colorectal, endometrial and gastric cancer. Gastric cancer and uroepithelial tumors of bladder and ureter were observed to be true Lynch syndrome tumors with MMR deficiency as the driving force of tumorigenesis. Brain tumors and kidney carcinoma, on the other hand, were mostly MSS, implying the possibility of alternative routes of tumor development. These results present possible implications in clinical cancer surveillance. In about one-third of families suspected of Lynch syndrome, mutations in MMR genes are not found, and we therefore looked for alternative mechanisms of predisposition. According to our results, large genomic deletions, mainly in MSH2, and germline epimutations in MLH1, together explain a significant fraction of point mutation-negative families suspected of Lynch syndrome and are associated with characteristic clinical and family features. Our findings have important implications in the diagnosis and management of Lynch syndrome families.


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Rab8 and its interacting proteins as regulators of cell polarization During the development of a multi-cellular organism, progenitor cells have to divide and migrate appropriately as well as organize their differentiation with one another, in order to produce a viable embryo. To divide, differentiate and migrate cells have to undergo polarization, a process where internal and external components such as actin, microtubules and adhesion receptors are reorganized to produce a cell that is asymmetric, with functionally different surfaces. Also in the adult organism there is a continuous need for these processes, as cells need to migrate in response to tissue damage and to fight infection. Improper regulation of cell proliferation and migration can conversely lead to disease such as cancer. GTP-binding proteins function as molecular switches by cycling between a GTP-bound (active) conformation and a GDP-bound (inactive) conformation. The Ras super-family of small GTPases are found in all eukaryotic cells. They can be functionally divided into five subfamilies. The Ras family members mainly regulate gene expression, controlling cell proliferation and differentiation. Ras was in fact the first human oncogene to be characterized, and as much as 30% of all human tumors may be directly or indirectly caused by mutations of Ras molecules The Rho family members mainly regulate cytoskeletal reorganization. Arf proteins are known to regulate vesicle budding and Rab proteins regulate vesicular transport. Ran regulates nuclear transport as well as microtubule organization during mitosis. The focus of the thesis of Katarina Hattula, is on Rab8, a small GTPase of the Rab family. Activated Rab8 has previously been shown to induce the formation of new surface extensions, reorganizing both actin and microtubules, and to have a role in directed membrane transport to cell surfaces. However, the exact membrane route it regulates has remained elusive. In the thesis three novel interactors of Rab8 are presented. Rabin8 is a Rab8-specific GEF that localizes to vesicles where it presumably recruits and activates its target Rab8. Its expression in cells leads to remodelling of actin and the formation of polarized cell surface domains. Optineurin, known to be associated with a leading cause of blindness in humans (open-angle glaucoma), is shown to interact specifically with GTP-bound Rab8. Rab8 binds to an amino-terminal region and interestingly, the Huntingtin protein binds a carboxy-terminal region of optineurin. (Aberrant Huntingtin protein is known to be the cause Huntington s disease in humans.) Co-expression of Huntingtin and optineurin enhanced the recruitment of Huntingtin to Rab8-positive vesicular structures. Furthermore, optineurin promoted cell polarization in a similar way to Rab8. A third novel interactor of Rab8 presented in this thesis is JFC1, a member of the synaptogamin-like protein (Slp) family. JFC1 interacts with Rab8 specifically in its GTP-bound form, co-localizes with endogenous Rab8 on tubular and vesicular structures, and is probably involved in controlling Rab8 membrane dynamics. Rab8 is in this thesis work clearly shown to have a strong effect on cell shape. Blocking Rab8 activity by expression of Rab8 RNAi, or by expressing the dominant negative Rab8 (T22N) mutant leads to loss of cell polarity. Conversely, cells expressing the constitutively active Rab8 (Q67L) mutant exhibit a strongly polarized phenotype. Experiments in live cells show that Rab8 is associated with macropinosomes generated at ruffling areas of the membrane. These macropinosomes fuse with or transform into tubules that move toward the cell centre, from where they are recycled back to the leading edge to participate in protrusion formation. The biogenesis of these tubules is shown to be dependent on both actin and microtubule dynamics. The Rab8-specific membrane route studied contained several markers known to be internalized and recycled (1 integrin, transferrin, transferrin receptor, cholera toxin B subunit (CTxB), and major histocompatibility complex class I protein (MHCI)). Co-expression studies revealed that Rab8 localization overlaps with that of Rab11 and Arf6. Rab8 is furthermore clearly functionally linked to Arf6. The data presented in this thesis strongly suggests a role for Rab8 as a regulator for a recycling compartment, which is involved in providing structural and regulatory components to the leading edge to participate in protrusion formation.


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Much of the global cancer research is focused on the most prevalent tumors; yet, less common tumor types warrant investigation, since A rare disorder is not necessarily an unimportant one . The present work discusses a rare tumor type, the benign adenomas of the pituitary gland, and presents the advances which, during the course of this thesis work, contributed to the elucidation of a fraction of their genetic background. Pituitary adenomas are benign neoplasms of the anterior pituitary lobe, accounting for approximately 15% of all intracranial tumors. Pituitary adenoma cells hypersecrete the hormones normally produced by the anterior pituitary tissue, such as growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL). Despite their non-metastasizing nature, these adenomas can cause significant morbidity and have to be adequately treated; otherwise, they can compromise the patient s quality of life, due to conditions provoked by hormonal hypersecretion, such as acromegaly in the case of GH-secreting adenomas, or due to compressive effects to surrounding tissues. The vast majority of pituitary adenomas arise sporadically, whereas a small subset occur as component of familial endocrine-related tumor syndromes, such as Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and Carney complex (CNC). MEN1 is caused by germline mutations in the MEN1 tumor suppressor gene (11q13), whereas the majority of CNC cases carry germline mutations in the PRKAR1A gene (17q24). Pituitary adenomas are also encountered in familial settings outside the context of MEN1 and CNC, but unlike in the latter syndromes, their genetic background until recently remained elusive. Evidence in previous literature supported the notion that a tumor suppressor gene on 11q13, residing very close to but still distinct from MEN1, causes genetic susceptibility to pituitary tumors. The aim of the study was to identify the genetic cause of a low penetrance form of Pituitary Adenoma Predisposition (PAP) in families from Northern Finland. The present work describes the methodological approach that led to the identification of aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) as the gene causing PAP. Combining chip-based technologies (SNP and gene expression arrays) with traditional gene mapping methods and genealogy data, we showed that germline AIP mutations cause PAP in familial and sporadic settings. PAP patients were diagnosed with mostly adenomas of the GH/PRL-secreting cell lineage. In Finland, two AIP mutations accounted for 16% of all patients diagnosed with GH-secreting adenomas, and for 40% of patients being younger than 35 years of age at diagnosis. AIP is suggested to act as a tumor suppressor gene, a notion supported by the nature of the identified mutations (most are truncating) and the biallelic inactivation of AIP in the tumors studied. AIP has been best characterized as a cytoplasmic interaction partner of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), also known as dioxin receptor, but it has other partners as well. The mechanisms that underlie AIP-mediated pituitary tumorigenesis are to date largely unknown and warrant further investigation. Because AIP was identified in the genetically homogeneous Finnish population, it was relevant to examine its contribution to PAP in other, more heterogeneous, populations. Analysis of pituitary adenoma patient series of various ethnic origins and differing clinical settings revealed germline AIP mutations in all cohorts studied, albeit with low frequencies (range 0.8-7.4%). Overall, PAP patients were typically diagnosed at a young age (range 8-41 years), mainly with GH-secreting adenomas, without strong family history of endocrine disease. Because many PAP patients did not display family history of pituitary adenomas, detection of the condition appeared challenging. AIP immunohistochemistry was tested as a molecular pre-screening tool on mutation-positive versus mutation-negative tumors, and proved to be a potentially useful predictor of PAP. Mutation screening of a large cohort of colorectal, breast, and prostate tumors did not reveal somatic AIP mutations. These tumors, apart from being the most prevalent among men and women worldwide, have been associated with acromegaly, particularly colorectal neoplasia. In this material, AIP did not appear to contribute to the pathogenesis of these common tumor types and other genes seem likely to play a role in such tumorigenesis. Finally, the contribution of AIP in pediatric onset pituitary adenomas was examined in a unique population-based cohort of sporadic pituitary adenoma patients from Italy. Germline AIP mutations may account for a subset of pediatric onset GH-secreting adenomas (in this study one of seven GH-secreting adenoma cases or 14.3%), and appear to be enriched among young (≤25 years old) patients. In summary, this work reveals a novel tumor susceptibility gene, namely AIP, which causes genetic predisposition to pituitary adenomas, in particular GH-secreting adenomas. Moreover, it provides molecular tools for identification of individuals predisposed for PAP. Further elaborate studies addressing the functional role of AIP in normal and tumor cells will hopefully expand our knowledge on endocrine neoplasia and reveal novel cellular mechanisms of pituitary tumorigenesis, including potential drug targets.


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Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), or according to the recent classification idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (IPAH), is a rare, progressive disease of pulmonary vasculature leading to pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure. Most of the patients are sporadic but in about 6% of cases the disease is familial (FPPH). In 2000 two different groups identified the gene predisposing to PPH. This gene, Bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2), encodes a subunit of transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) receptor complex. There is a genetic connection between PPH and hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), a bleeding disorder characterized by local telangiectasias and sometimes with pulmonary hypertension. In HHT, mutations in ALK1 (activin like kinase type 1) and Endoglin, another members of the TGF-β signaling pathway are found. In this study we identified all of the Finnish PPH patients for the years 1986-1999 using the hospital discharge registries of Finnish university hospitals. During this period we found a total of 59 confirmed PPH patients: 55 sporadic and 4 familial representing 3 different families. In 1999 the prevalence of PPH was 5.8 per million and the annual incidence varied between 0.2-1.3 per million. Among 28 PPH patients studied, heterozygous BMPR2 mutations were found in 12% (3/26) of sporadic patients and in 33% of the PPH families (1/3). All the mutations found were different. Large deletions of BMPR2 were excluded by single-stranded chain polymomorphism analysis. As a candidate gene approach we also studied ALK1, Endoglin, Bone Morphogenetic Receptor Type IA (BMPR1A or ALK3), Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 4 (SMAD4) and Serotonine Transporter Gene (SLC6A4) using single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing. Among patients and family members studied, we found two mutations in ALK1 in two unrelated samples. We also identified all the HHT patients treated at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Helsinki University Central Hospital between the years of 1990-2005 and 8 of the patients were studied for Endoglin and ALK1 mutations using direct sequencing. A total of seven mutations were found and all the mutations were different. The absence of a founder mutation in the Finnish population in both PPH and HHT was somewhat surprising. This suggests that the mutations of BMPR2, ALK1 and Endoglin are quite young and the older mutations have been lost due to repetitive genetic bottlenecks and/or negative selection. Also, other genes than BMPR2 may be involved in the pathogenesis of PPH. No founder mutations were found in PPH or HHT and thus no simple genetic test is available for diagnostics.


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In this study, a predisposing gene for a recently characterized cancer syndrome, hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC), was identified and the role of the gene was investigated in other familial cancers and in nonsyndromic tumorigenesis. HLRCC is a dominantly inherited disorder predisposing predominantly to uterine and skin leiomyomas, and also to renal cell cancer and uterine leiomyosarcoma. The disease gene was recently localized in Finnish families to 1q42-q43 by a genome-wide linkage search. Independently in the UK, a clinically similar condition, multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomata (MCUL), was linked to the same chromosomal region, strongly suggesting that HLRCC and MCUL are actually a single syndrome. Linkage results were confirmed by detecting loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the disease locus in most of the patients' tumors, suggesting that this predisposing gene acts as a tumor suppressor. Through detailed investigation by genotyping of microsatellite markers and haplotype construction in Finnish and UK HLRCC/MCUL families we were able to narrow the disease locus down to 1.6 Mb. Extensive mutation screening of known and predicted transcripts in the target region resulted in identification of the HLRCC predisposing gene, fumarase (fumarate hydratase, FH). FH is a key enzyme in energy metabolism, catalyzing fumarate to malate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC) in mitochondria. Germline alterations in FH segregating with the disease were detected in 25 of 42 HLRCC/MCUL families including whole-gene deletions, truncating small deletions/insertions and nonsense mutations, as well as substitutions or deletions of highly conserved amino acids. Biallelic inactivation was detected in almost all studied tumors of HLRCC patients. Furthermore, FH enzyme activity was reduced in the patients' normal tissues and was completely or virtually absent from tumors. Based on these findings, we extensively demonstrated that mutations in FH underlie the HLRCC/MCUL syndrome. In our studies of other familial cancers, evidence for involvement of FH defects was not found in familial prostate and breast cancers. To investigate the role of FH in sporadic tumorigenesis, we analyzed 652 lesions, including a series of 353 nonsyndromic counterparts of tumor types associated with HLRCC. Mutations in nonsyndromic tumors were rare and appeared to be limited to tumor types observed in the hereditary form of the disease. Biallelic inactivation of FH was detected in a uterine leiomyosarcoma, a cutaneous leiomyoma, a soft-tissue sarcoma, and in two uterine leiomyomas. In the uterine leiomyosarcoma and the cutaneous lesion FH mutations originated from the germline whereas the soft-tissue sarcoma harbored purely somatic changes. In uterine leiomyomas somatic mutations were detected in the two out of five tumors with LOH at the FH locus. Our findings demonstrate that FH inactivation is also involved in nonhereditary tumor development, and further support the hypothesis that FH acts as a tumor suppressor. The role of FH in predisposition to malignancies, renal cell carcinoma and leiomyosarcoma is important in the diagnosis and prevention of cancer among HLRCC patients. This study is of general clinical interest, because prior to our findings, little was known about the molecular genetics of uterine leiomyomas, the most common tumors of women.


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Genes in the TGF9 signaling pathway play important roles in the regulation of ovarian follicle growth and ovulation rate. Mutations in three genes in this pathway, growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and the bone morphogenetic protein receptor B 1 (BMPRB1), influence dizygotic (DZ) twinning rates in sheep. To date, only variants in GDF9 and BMP15, but not their receptors transforming growth factor ss receptor 1 (TGFBR1), bone morphogenetic protein receptor 2 (BMPR2) and BMPR1B, have been investigated with respect to their roles in human DZ twinning. We screened for rare and novel variants in TGFBR1, BMPR2 and BMPR1B in mothers of dizygotic twins (MODZT) from twin-dense families, and assessed association between genotyped and imputed variants and DZ twinning in another large sample of MODZT. Three novel variants were found: a deep intronic variant in BMPR2, and one intronic and one non-synonymous exonic variant in BMPRB1 which would result in the replacement of glutamine by glutamic acid at amino acid position 294 (p.Gln294Glu). None of these variants were predicted to have major impacts on gene function. However, the p.Gln294Glu variant changes the same amino acid as a sheep BMPR1B functional variant and may have functional consequences. Six BMPR1B variants were marginally associated with DZ twinning in the larger case-control sample, but these were no longer significant once multiple testing was taken into account. Our results suggest that variation in the TGF9 signaling pathway type II receptors has limited effects on DZ twinning rates in humans.