977 resultados para Werner Söderström Lakitieto
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Presentación de un estudio sobre el acceso a la educación superior en Dinamarca. La planificación a largo plazo de la educación superior en Dinamarca comenzó en 1964, cuando el número de estudiantes universitarios continuaba creciendo por encima de todas las expectativas. Al enfrentarse con amplios proyectos de inversión en educación, el Gobierno y el Parlamento sintieron la necesidad de establecer una base más sólida para los futuros presupuestos de educación superior. Surgió un estimulo más, cuando el Parlamento aprobó en 1964 una ley que creaba una tercera universidad en Odense. En ese año se decidió crear un Consejo Permanente de Planificación de la Educación Superior. La primera y principal tarea del Consejo de Planificación fue el establecimiento de un plan para el desarrollo posterior de la educación superior hasta 1980. Esto implicó no sólo la previsión de la afluencia de estudiantes, sino también consideraciones de cambios en la estructura de los estudios académicos y cambios en la organización de las universidades y en las demás instituciones de educación superior. Así el Consejo publica en junio de 1967 su primer informe con un borrador de plan para las inversiones para un periodo que abarca hasta 1980. Se hace especial mención a la cuestión del acceso a la educación superior en Dinamarca, que incluye una relación de sus universidades. Para concluir se señalan proyectos en marcha del nuevo Consejo Central de Planificación.
Se plantea una nueva forma de comprender la naturaleza, según la cual, la ciencia se reconoce a sí misma como parte de las acciones recíprocas entre la naturaleza y el hombre. Es decir, que el objetivo central de las modernas ciencias de la naturaleza es esta red de relaciones hombre-naturaleza; gracias a las cuales somos, en cuanto criaturas vivas físicas, parte dependiente de la naturaleza, mientras que, en cuanto hombres, hacemos de ella al mismo tiempo el objeto de nuestro pensamiento y de nuestras acciones.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
La presente investigación aborda el proceso de Liberalización Financiera y Crisis Financiera acaecida en México en 1994 – 1995. El Primer capítulo sitúa los antecedentes históricos de la economía mexicana desde la segunda posguerra, indicándonos la estructura económica y sus desenvolvimientos durante las décadas del 50 hasta el 70; sus diferentes programas económicos como reformas que se pretendieron implementar, y los logros alcanzados. El segundo capítulo aborda la transición económica a finales de la década del 70 que conllevaron a los planteamientos de una Reforma Financiera, su implementación y consecuentemente las propuestas, la emergencia económica de la década del 80 y la inevitable implementación de un programa de Liberalización Financiera hasta 1991. El tercer capítulo explica los efectos del programa de Liberalización Financiera sobre el sistema financiero mexicano como sobre toda la economía a partir del NAFTA; la implementación de instrumentos financieros para la captación de dinero, y las formas que los denominados capitales de corto plazo se introdujeron rápidamente en la economía bajo las diferentes formas de instrumentos financieros. El cuarto capitulo presenta el proceso del desencadenamiento de la crisis en la economía mexicana, la insolvencia técnica de los miembros gubernamentales para comprender lo que sucedía, cómo se había generado la crisis y qué soluciones se debían implementar. Además como los organismos internacionales reaccionaron frente a la crisis manifiesta y los procedimientos para el rescate internacional y las condiciones políticas y económicas del mismo. Finalmente, presentamos las conclusiones y una panorámica de la crisis 10 años después y ciertas tendencias macroeconómicas de la economía mexicana dependiente.
La conquista de América fue un hecho violento de expoliación en el que, al tiempo que el conquistador tomó como objeto y pieza de trabajo al indígena, se construyó un imaginario de lo bárbaro. La sed de oro y poder del conquistador creó geografías míticas del paraíso, cuyo ejemplo más significativo es la leyenda de El Dorado, pero también se evidencia en la fiesta barroca que simboliza el desfile de poder por parte de las élites. Este artículo analiza las películas Aguirre y la ira de dios y Fitzcarraldo, de Werner Herzog, quien representó personajes y situaciones, geografías e imágenes de lo exótico.
Condition number estimates for combined potential boundary integral operators in acoustic scattering
We study the classical combined field integral equation formulations for time-harmonic acoustic scattering by a sound soft bounded obstacle, namely the indirect formulation due to Brakhage-Werner/Leis/Panic, and the direct formulation associated with the names of Burton and Miller. We obtain lower and upper bounds on the condition numbers for these formulations, emphasising dependence on the frequency, the geometry of the scatterer, and the coupling parameter. Of independent interest we also obtain upper and lower bounds on the norms of two oscillatory integral operators, namely the classical acoustic single- and double-layer potential operators.
Variable rate applications of nitrogen (N) are of environmental and economic interest. Regular measurements of soil N supply are difficult to achieve practically. Therefore accurate model simulations of soil N supply might provide a practical solution for site-specific management of N. Mineral N, an estimate of N supply, was simulated by the model SUNDIAL (Simulation of Nitrogen Dynamics In Arable Land) at more than 100 locations within three arable fields in Bedfordshire, UK. The results were compared with actual measurements. The outcomes showed that the spatial patterns of the simulations of mineral N corresponded to the measurements but the range of values was underestimated.
The relations between soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and top- and sub-soil physical properties were examined for an arable field in England. The correlation coefficients between ECa and the soil particle size fractions were large and their cross variograms showed that the coregionalization was also strong. The coregionalization was stronger for the subsoil properties than for the topsoil, the reverse to the correlation coefficients. The relations between ECa and some soil properties, such as clay and water content, appear complex and emphasize that a map of ECa cannot substitute for sampling the soil.
Data such as digitized aerial photographs, electrical conductivity and yield are intensive and relatively inexpensive to obtain compared with collecting soil data by sampling. If such ancillary data are co-regionalized with the soil data they should be suitable for co-kriging. The latter requires that information for both variables is co-located at several locations; this is rarely so for soil and ancillary data. To solve this problem, we have derived values for the ancillary variable at the soil sampling locations by averaging the values within a radius of 15 m, taking the nearest-neighbour value, kriging over 5 m blocks, and punctual kriging. The cross-variograms from these data with clay content and also the pseudo cross-variogram were used to co-krige to validation points and the root mean squared errors (RMSEs) were calculated. In general, the data averaged within 15m and the punctually kriged values resulted in more accurate predictions.
The fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), commonly known as the take-all fungus, causes damage to roots of wheat and barley that limits crop growth and causes loss of yield. There was little knowledge on the within-field spatial variation of take-all and relations with features in the growing crop, selected soil properties and spectral information from remotely sensed imagery. Geostatistical analyses showed that take-all, chlorosis and leaf area index had similar patchy distributions. Many of the spectral bands from a hyperspectral image also had similar spatial patterns to take-all and chlorosis. Relations between take-all and mineral nitrogen, elevation and pH were generally weaker.
We consider the problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an unbounded sound-soft rough surface. Recently, a Brakhage Werner type integral equation formulation of this problem has been proposed, based on an ansatz as a combined single- and double-layer potential, but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half-space Green's function. Moreover, it has been shown in the three-dimensional case that this integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2 (Gamma) when the scattering surface G does not differ too much from a plane. In this paper, we show that this integral equation is uniquely solvable with no restriction on the surface elevation or slope. Moreover, we construct explicit bounds on the inverse of the associated boundary integral operator, as a function of the wave number, the parameter coupling the single- and double-layer potentials, and the maximum surface slope. These bounds show that the norm of the inverse operator is bounded uniformly in the wave number, kappa, for kappa > 0, if the coupling parameter h is chosen proportional to the wave number. In the case when G is a plane, we show that the choice eta = kappa/2 is nearly optimal in terms of minimizing the condition number.
BACKGROUND: Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a powerful tool for genome-wide transcription studies. Unlike microarrays, it has the ability to detect novel forms of RNA such as alternatively spliced and antisense transcripts, without the need for prior knowledge of their existence. One limitation of using SAGE on an organism with a complex genome and lacking detailed sequence information, such as the hexaploid bread wheat Triticum aestivum, is accurate annotation of the tags generated. Without accurate annotation it is impossible to fully understand the dynamic processes involved in such complex polyploid organisms. Hence we have developed and utilised novel procedures to characterise, in detail, SAGE tags generated from the whole grain transcriptome of hexaploid wheat. RESULTS: Examination of 71,930 Long SAGE tags generated from six libraries derived from two wheat genotypes grown under two different conditions suggested that SAGE is a reliable and reproducible technique for use in studying the hexaploid wheat transcriptome. However, our results also showed that in poorly annotated and/or poorly sequenced genomes, such as hexaploid wheat, considerably more information can be extracted from SAGE data by carrying out a systematic analysis of both perfect and "fuzzy" (partially matched) tags. This detailed analysis of the SAGE data shows first that while there is evidence of alternative polyadenylation this appears to occur exclusively within the 3' untranslated regions. Secondly, we found no strong evidence for widespread alternative splicing in the developing wheat grain transcriptome. However, analysis of our SAGE data shows that antisense transcripts are probably widespread within the transcriptome and appear to be derived from numerous locations within the genome. Examination of antisense transcripts showing sequence similarity to the Puroindoline a and Puroindoline b genes suggests that such antisense transcripts might have a role in the regulation of gene expression. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the detailed analysis of transcriptome data, such as SAGE tags, is essential to understand fully the factors that regulate gene expression and that such analysis of the wheat grain transcriptome reveals that antisense transcripts maybe widespread and hence probably play a significant role in the regulation of gene expression during grain development.