985 resultados para Statins (Cardiovascular agents)


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OBJECTIVE To assess the association of sociodemographic and self-rated health in the presence of cardiovascular diseases and the association of this perception with the type of disease. METHODS A cross-sectional population survey study carried out with 1,232 individuals aged between 20 and 59 years of both genders living in the metropolitan region of Maringá-PR. Data were analyzed using multiple and simple logistic regression. RESULTS In multivariate analysis, the age range and self-rated health were associated with cardiovascular disease, and in the univariate analysis self-rated regular health was associated with arterial hypertension, while self-rated poor health was associated to heart failure, stroke, and to acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). CONCLUSION The differences in association of self-rated health with these diseases can indicate how individuals with certain characteristics cope with the disease, allowing for more individualized and specific health care.


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OBJECTIVES: There are some common occupational agents and exposure circumstances where evidence of carcinogenicity is substantial but not yet conclusive for humans. The objectives are to identify research gaps and needs for twenty agents prioritized for review based on evidence of widespread human exposures and potential carcinogenicity in animals or humans. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review was conducted of new data published since the most recent pertinent IARC monograph meeting. DATA EXTRACTION: Reviewers were charged with identifying data gaps and general and specific approaches to address them, focusing on research that would be important in resolving classification uncertainties. An expert meeting brought reviewers together to discuss each agent and the identified data gaps and approaches. DATA SYNTHESIS: Several overarching issues were identified that pertained to multiple agents; these included the importance of recognizing that carcinogenic agents can act through multiple toxicity pathways and mechanisms, including epigenetic mechanisms, oxidative stress and immuno- and hormonal modulation. CONCLUSIONS: Studies in occupational populations provide important opportunities to understand the mechanisms through which exogenous agents cause cancer and intervene to prevent human exposure and/or prevent or detect cancer among those already exposed. Scientific developments are likely to increase the challenges and complexities of carcinogen testing and evaluation in the future, and epidemiologic studies will be particularly critical to inform carcinogen classification and risk assessment processes.[Authors]


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Statins are among the most widely prescribed drugs. An increasing number of lupus-like syndrome has recently been reported with these lipid-lowering agents. We describe a new case associated with simvastatin therapy. The presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies in the serum is for the first time reported confirming that statins may also induce a systemic autoimmune reaction. Statin-induced lupus-like syndrome is characterized by the long delay between the beginning of therapy and the skin eruption. Antinuclear antibodies may persist for many months after drug discontinuation. The causal relationship may be therefore difficult to establish, and probably many cases are unrecognized. Early diagnosis may avoid unnecessary immunosuppressive therapy.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify the perception of the coordinators of the Specialization Courses in Cardiovascular Nursing about inserting content from Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and analyze them in relation to the technological competencies and regarding its applicability, relevance and importance in assisting, teaching and management. METHOD Descriptive study with 10 coordinators of the Specialization course in Cardiologic Nursing, who replied to the questionnaire for the development of technological competency adapted from the Technology Initiative Guidelines Education Reforms (TIGER), and analyzed using the Delphi technique for obtaining consensus and scored according to the relevance, pertinence and applicability using Likert scale according to degree of agreement. RESULTS Six courses developed ICT content. The contents of the TIGER were considered relevant, pertinent and applicable. CONCLUSION The coordinators recognize the need for technological competencies of the Cardiovascular Nurse for healthcare applicability.


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L’objectiu del cribatge molecular és seleccionar pacients que es beneficiïn especialment de teràpies dirigides. S’analitza l’activitat en monoteràpia de fàrmacs inhibidors de la via de PI3K/AKT/mTOR (PI3Ki) en pacients amb càncer de mama metastàtic (CMM) i s’exploren potencials predictors de benefici clínic. La mitjana de temps a la progressió és de 2.6 mesos en 38 pacients incloses. No existeix correlació entre alteracions de la via i l’eficàcia, excepte en pacients amb mutació de PIK3CA que van millor al tractar-se amb un PI3Ki alfa-especific. Aquests resultats emfatitzen la necessitat d’un adequat cribatge molecular previ al tractament amb teràpies dirigides en CMM


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Objetivos: 1. Evaluar la respuesta cardiovascular a dobutamina en la disfunción miocárdica secundaria a shock séptico. 2. Determinar si el análisis de la respuesta cronotrópica refleja la respuesta inotrópica. Material y métodos: pacientes con shock séptico y disfunción miocárdica (Fracción eyección ventrículo izquierdo, FEVI < 45%) que recibieron dobutamina (5 µg/kg/min) por persistencia de hipoperfusión tisular. Antes y 30 min después de su administración se recogieron parámetros ecocardiográficos y parámetros hemodinámicos. Datos: media y SD. Análisis estadístico mediante test de Wilcoxon /Mann Whitney. Resultados: Se incluyeron 22 pacientes. Dobutamina produjo un incremento significativo en la FC (90 ± 17 vs 107 ± 20 lpm, p < 0.0001), la FEVI (34 ± 7 vs 47 ± 10 %, p < 0.0001), el VSi eco (24.9 ± 5.9 vs 30 ± 7.4 ml/m2, p < 0.01) y el VSi td (28.6 ± 10.3 vs 34.7 ± 13.8 ml/m2, p < 0.005). Sólo tres pacientes no incrementaron ni FC ni VSi td. Respuesta cronotrópica significativa: sensibilidad 69% y especificidad 37% para detectar la respuesta inotrópica. Conclusiones: Dobutamina mejora la función cardiovascular en la disfunción miocárdica asociada a sepsis.


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L’objectiu és descriure els factors de RCV i variables relacionades amb la qualitat de vida de pacients amb TMS. Estudi transversal on s’analitzen variables clíniques, antropomètriques, anàlitiques i d’estils de vida en 212 pacients. Distribució dels factors de RCV: 61,6% tabaquisme, 84,4% perímetre de cintura alterat, 67,5% obesitat, 15% hipercolesterolèmia, 41,1% hipertrigliceridèmia i 27,8% HTA. La qualitat de vida percebuda és pitjor en la majoria de dimensions respecte a població general. Calen estudis per a determinar intervencions efectives per a millorar el control metabòlic i la qualitat de vida en aquests pacients.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The metabolic syndrome comprises a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors but the underlying mechanism is not known. Mice with targeted disruption of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) are hypertensive and insulin resistant. We wondered, whether eNOS deficiency in mice is associated with a phenotype mimicking the human metabolic syndrome. METHODS AND RESULTS: In addition to arterial pressure and insulin sensitivity (euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp), we measured the plasma concentration of leptin, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, free fatty acids, fibrinogen and uric acid in 10 to 12 week old eNOS-/- and wild type mice. We also assessed glucose tolerance under basal conditions and following a metabolic stress with a high fat diet. As expected eNOS-/- mice were hypertensive and insulin resistant, as evidenced by fasting hyperinsulinaemia and a roughly 30 percent lower steady state glucose infusion rate during the clamp. eNOS-/- mice had a 1.5 to 2-fold elevation of the cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid plasma concentration. Even though body weight was comparable, the leptin plasma level was 30% higher in eNOS-/- than in wild type mice. Finally, uric acid and fibrinogen were elevated in the eNOS-/- mice. Whereas under basal conditions, glucose tolerance was comparable in knock out and control mice, on a high fat diet, knock out mice became significantly more glucose intolerant than control mice. CONCLUSIONS: A single gene defect, eNOS deficiency, causes a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in young mice. We speculate that defective nitric oxide synthesis could trigger many of the abnormalities making up the metabolic syndrome in humans.


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Background: There is little information regarding the determinants and trends of the prevalence of low cardiovascular risk factor (RF) profile in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and trends of low RF profile in the Swiss population according to different definitions. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional studies conducted in 1984-6 (N=3300), 1988-9 (N=3331), 1992-3 (N=3133) and 2003-6 (N=6170) and restricted to age group 35-75 years. Seven different definitions of low RF profile were used to assess determinants, while two definitions were used to assess trends. Results: Prevalence of low RF profile varied between 6.5% (95% confidence interval: 5.9-7.1) and 9.7% (9.0-10.5) depending on the definition used. This prevalence was higher than in other countries. Irrespective of the definition used, the prevalence of low RF profile was higher in women and in physically active participants, and decreased with increasing age or in the presence of a family history of cardiovascular disease. Using one definition, the prevalence of low RF profile increased from 3.8% (3.1-4.5) in 1984-6 to 6.7% (6.1-7.3) in 2003-6; using another definition, the results were 5.9% (5.1-6.8) and 9.7% (9.0-10.5), respectively. Conclusion: Switzerland is characterized by a high and increasing prevalence of low RF profile within the age group 35 to 75, irrespective of the criteria used. This high prevalence might partly e


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the workloads present in the work activities of community health agents (CHAs) and the resulting strain processes. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and quantitative study conducted with 137 CHAs. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interview guided by the health surveillance software called SIMOSTE (Health Monitoring System of Nursing Workers), following the ethical codes of the current law. RESULTS In total, were identified 140 workloads involved in 122 strain processes, represented by the occurrence of health problems of the CHAs. The mechanical (55.00%) and biological (16.43%) loads stood out. The most common strain processes were the external causes of morbidity and mortality (62.31%) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (10.66%). CONCLUSION From the identified overloads, it became evident that all workloads are present in the work process of CHAs, highlighting the mechanical load, represented mainly by external causes of morbidity and mortality that are related to occupational accidents.


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We study the quantitative properties of a dynamic general equilibrium model in which agents face both idiosyncratic and aggregate income risk, state-dependent borrowing constraints that bind in some but not all periods and markets are incomplete. Optimal individual consumption-savings plans and equilibrium asset prices are computed under various assumptions about income uncertainty. Then we investigate whether our general equilibrium model with incomplete markets replicates two empirical observations: the high correlation between individual consumption and individual income, and the equity premium puzzle. We find that, when the driving processes are calibrated according to the data from wage income in different sectors of the US economy, the results move in the direction of explaining these observations, but the model falls short of explaining the observed correlations quantitatively. If the incomes of agents are assumed independent of each other, the observations can be explained quantitatively.


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An important problem in descriptive and prescriptive research in decision making is to identify regions of rationality, i.e., the areas for which heuristics are and are not effective. To map the contours of such regions, we derive probabilities that heuristics identify the best of m alternatives (m > 2) characterized by k attributes or cues (k > 1). The heuristics include a single variable (lexicographic), variations of elimination-by-aspects, equal weighting, hybrids of the preceding, and models exploiting dominance. We use twenty simulated and four empirical datasets for illustration. We further provide an overview by regressing heuristic performance on factors characterizing environments. Overall, sensible heuristics generally yield similar choices in many environments. However, selection of the appropriate heuristic can be important in some regions (e.g., if there is low inter-correlation among attributes/cues). Since our work assumes a hit or miss decision criterion, we conclude by outlining extensions for exploring the effects of different loss functions.


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Recent progress in cancer therapy has dramatically modified the course and prognosis of some malignancies. Chemo and radiotherapy, along with newer targeted treatments, are given to control symptoms, postpone relapse, or attempt cure. However, many of these regimens are associated with adverse cardiovascular effects such as impaired left ventricular function, myocardial ischemia, hypertension, and arrhythmia. Awareness of potential cardiotoxicity is important, as it may allow practitioners to recognize early signs of cardiac complications and to adapt therapy in order to limit detrimental effects. Diagnosis of cardiovascular complications may iustify the introduction of cardiologic therapies, and may require the reassessment of risk/benefit ratios related to specific cancer therapy. Screening and follow up strategies are proposed.


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Rapport de synthèse : Les maladies cardio-vasculaires constituent les causes principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. Des études épidémiologiques ont démontré l'implication de facteurs de risques comme l'hypertension, l'hypercholestérolémie, l'obésité abdominale, le diabète et le tabagisme dans le développement des affections cardiovasculaires comme l'infarctus du myocarde ou l'accident vasculaire cérébral. De larges études génétiques cas-contrôle ont contribué modestement à l'identification de gènes de susceptibilité au développement de ces FRCV. Une étude populationnelle offre par contre l'avantage d'effectuer des études associatives pour des traits phénotypiques continus correctement mesurés et aussi pour des traits de catégories utilisant des protocoles d'étude cas-contrôle très discordants. ~ Elle permet l'exploration des déterminants génétiques comme par exemple le syndrome métabolique. Cette approche permet également de procéder à des analyses de séquençage sur l'ADN des participants chez qui un trait phénotypique spécifique est étudié mais distribué de manière opposée. A titre d'exemple, le séquençage de l'ADN de participants à taux très élevé d'HDL-cholestérol versus très bas de ce marqueur lipidique permet d'identifier des variants génétiques rares localisés sur les parties codantes de gènes spécifiques associés aux dyslipidémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons recruté 6'188 personnes âgées de 35 à 75 ans, d'origine caucasienne et résidant en ville de Lausanne (3251 femmes et 2937 hommes). L'obtention d'un tel collectif a nécessité l'échantillonnage aléatoire de quelque 19'830 personnes de cette tranche d'âge. Les participants ont fait l'objet d'une anamnèse approfondie et d'un examen clinique. Le bilan était complété par une prise de sang pour le dosage de paramètres biologiques ainsi qu'une analyse .génétique. Cette dernière a été effectuée après extraction d'ADN au moyen d'une puce Affimetrix qui évalue la présence de quelques 500'000 SNPs. Les données récoltées lors de cette étude dévoilent que l'obésité (index de masse corporelle > 30 kg/m2), le tabagisme, l'hypertension (pression artérielle >_ 140/90 mmHg et/ou hypertension traitée), une dyslipidémie (LDL cholestérol élevé et/ou HDL cholestérol bas et/ou triglycéride élevé) et le diabète (glucose à jeun >_ 7 mmol/l et/ou traitement) affectent respectivement 947 (15,7%), 1673 (27%), 2268 (36,7%), 2113 (34,2%) et 407 (6,6%) participants. La prévalence de ces FRCV est plus marquée chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Dans les deux genres les prévalences de l'obésité, de l'hypertension et du diabète augmentent drastiquement avec l'âge. En conclusion la prévalence des FRCV est élevée au sein d'une population représentative de Lausanne âgée de 35 à 75 ans. A l'avenir, l'étude CoLaus constituera par la richesse de ses données phénotypiques et génétiques, une source unique pour investiguer l'épidémiologie et l'identification de gènes associés à ces FRCV.