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本文以我国的一种古老作物也是一种C4植物一黍子(Pannicum miliaceum)为材料,克隆了其叶绿体光系统Ⅱ反应中心32kDa蛋白的基因—psbA,研究了不同光质对其表达的影响,并讨论了psbA转录调控的可能机理。 用无水法从黍子幼,苗分离其叶绿体,裂解后用常规的饱和酚抽提法制备cpDNA,并用于A-T含量测定,电镜观察和psbA的基因克隆.结果表明,黍子cpDNA的A-T含量(67%)与其它高等植物的A-T含量(61-67%)基本一致。根据电镜观察,其分子大小在36-40um之问,相当于79×l06Da或127kb。除了环状的大分子cpDNA外,我们也观察到了一些环状的小分子cpDNA。据此,我们认为,叶绿体基因组在体内可能是处于一种动态的变化过程中,这种变化或许是适应其功能的需要,也或许是内共生系统进化过程中遗留下来的叶绿体祖先的行为。 黍子cpDNA经EcoRI消化后,建立了专一性片段的克隆库,并从中筛选出了呈psbA杂交阳性的克隆.Southern杂交结合限制性内切酶分析表明,含黍子psbA的EcoRI的限制片段长约2.Okb,较水稻和大麦的短约0.2kb。 以白光、红光,兰光、远红光和黑暗五种不同的处理培养黍子幼苗,叶片采收后用于叶绿素积累,高分子量cpRNA积累和psbA的Northern Spot分析。结果表明,不同的光质促进叶绿素积累和高分子量cpRNA积累的效率是平行的,其中红光较兰光和远红光有效,而复合光(白光)的作用效果最好。当以白光的效率为100%时,我们可以分别求出不同光质对叶绿素积累和高分子量cpRNA积累的相对效率值,表明高分子量cpRNA的积累对光的依赖性要比叶绿素积累对光的依赖性大的多。psbA的Northern Spot分析表明,不同光质下psbA转录本的积累与高分子cpRNA的积累是一致的。据此我们推测,在黍子叶绿体的光诱导发育过程中,psbA的转录过程可能不受光信号的直接调控,而是受叶绿体发育状态控制的恒定变化过程。其表达的调节作用可能主要在转译或转译后水平上。


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A novel method for on-line topographic analysis of rough surfaces in the SEM has been investigated. It utilises a digital minicomputer configured to act as a programmable scan generator and automatic focusing unit. The computer is coupled to the microscope through digital-to-analogue converters which enable it to generate ramp waveforms allowing the beam to be scanned over a small sub-region of the field under program control. A further digital-to-analogue converter regulates the current supply to the objective lens of the microscope. The video signal is sampled by means of an analogue-to-digital converter and the resultant binary code stored in the computer's memory as an array of numbers describing relative image intensity. Computations based on the intensity gradient of the image allow the objective lens current to be found for the in-focus condition, which may be related to the working distance through a previous calibration experiment. The sensitivity of the method for detecting small height changes is theoretically of the order of 1 μm. In practice the operator specifies features of interest by means of a mobile spot cursor injected into the SEM display screen, or he may scan the specimen at sub-regions corresponding to pre-determined points on a regular grid defined by him. The operation then proceeds under program control. | A novel method for on-line topographic analysis of rough surfaces in the SEM has been investigated. It utilizes a digital minicomputer configured to act as a programmable scan generator and automatic focusing unit. A further digital-to-analog converter regulates the current supply to the objective lens of the microscope. The video signal is sampled by means of an analog-to-digital converter and the resultant binary code stored in the computer's memory as an array of numbers describing relative image intensity. The sensitivity of the method for detecting small height changes is theroretically of the order of 1 mu m.


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A continuous Gaussian profile matched to the fundamental mode was etched onto the aperture of a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL). Single Gaussian spot emission was achieved over the entire operating current range.


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In this paper, the effects of wake/leading-edge interactions were studied at off-design conditions. Measurements were performed on the stator-blade suction surface at midspan. The leading-edge flow-field was investigated using hotwire micro-traverses, hotfilm surface shear-stress sensors and pressure micro-tappings. The trailing-edge flow-field was investigated using hotwire boundary-layer traverses. Unsteady CFD calculations were also performed to aid the interpretation of the results. At low flow coefficients, the time-averaged momentum thickness of the leading-edge boundary layer was found to rise as the flow coefficient was reduced. The time-resolved momentum-thickness rose due to the interaction of the incoming rotor wake. As the flow coefficient was reduced, the incoming wakes increased in pitch-wise extent, velocity deficit and turbulence intensity. This increased both the time-resolved rise in the momentum thickness and the turbulent spot production within the wake affected boundary-layer. Close to stall, a drop in the leading-edge momentum thickness was observed in-between wake events. This was associated with the formation of a leading-edge separation bubble in-between wake events. The wake interaction with the bubble gave rise to a shedding phenomenon, which produced large length scale disturbances in the surface shear stress. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.


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Disease is the main restraining factor for the development of shrimp sector in Bangladesh. Both brackish water shrimp bagda (Penaeus monodon) and freshwater prawn golda, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Bangladesh have been facing disease problem. A study on disease outbreak in both brackish water and freshwater small-scale shrimp farms (gher) in Khulna district was carried out through interviewing randomly selected 3-5% of shrimp farmers with a structured questionnaire during March to December, 2002. The study showed that 97% bagda farming ghers and 80% golda farming ghers were affected by disease. White spot disease was the severe disease for bagda, whereas, antenna rot was the main disease for freshwater prawn. Change of water and liming were carried out as control measures of disease for bagda shrimp farming, while it was only liming for golda farming. A small number of shrimp farmers (15%) used chemicals for treatment of shrimp diseases. Development of suitable farming technology to prevent disease contamination and innovation of proper treatments for diseases are required to overcome the disease problems for sustainable shrimp farming in Bangladesh.


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Development of a portable self-contained electronic meter for on the spot determination of temperature and salinity is described. Instant and remote measurements of temperature and salinity of sea and estuarine waters in the range of 25-30°C and 30-35°C for temperature with an accuracy ± 0.05°C and 0-37‰ and 31-37‰ for salinity with an accuracy of ± 0.2‰ and ± 0.05‰ respectively are possible with the instrument. The temperature compensations of the salinity measurements are done manually with the help of temperature charts. The temperature and salinity measurements can be fed to continuous recorders.


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The proximate compositions and amino acid make-up of silver jew fish (Johnius argentatus), Indian halibut (Psettodes erumei), grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) and pearl spot (Etroplus suratensis) are reported. Calorific values of these fishes have been calculated from their proximate compositions and their amino acid make-up compared with the available data for beef and egg. From the study, pearl spot is adjudged to be the most nutritive among the fishes studied, followed by Indian halibut, grey mullet and silver jew fish.


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Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus is one of the important aquaculture species in Bangladesh. Over the last few years spectacular development has been taking place in Thai pangas farming in Mymensingh district. Due to availability of easy breeding and culture techniques as well as quick return, more and more people are converting their rice fields into pangas farms overnight. The present study was carried out to examine health and disease status of Thai pangas mainly through clinical, histopathological and bacteriological techniques. In addition, for collecting primary data on disease and health status of Thai pangas and the resultant socioeconomic impacts on rural households, questionnaire interview and participatory rural appraisal tools were used with selected farming households in three upazilas of Mymensingh district. The most prevalent diseases as reported by the farmers were red spot, followed by anal protrusion, tail and fin rot, pop eye, dropsy and gill rot. Other conditions like cotton wool type lesion, ulceration and white spot were reported but with lower incidence. Four isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila were recovered from kidney and lesion of diseased fish. Hemorrhage over the body especially near mouth and caudal region was noticed in the fishes associated with aeromonad infection. Internally, kidney, liver and spleen became swollen and enlarged. The isolates varied with their pathogenicity. All the four isolates were sensitive to Nitrofurantoin, Cotrimoxazole and Tetracycline but were resistant to Amoxycilline. An attempt was made to treat diseased fish with extracts from neem leaf, garlic and turmeric. Recovery of infection was monitored through mortality and histopathology. General histopathological changes of different organs were also studied. Extract from neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf gave better result. Telangiectasis, lamellar hypertrophy and hyperplasia hemorrhage, lamellar fusion, necrosis of lamellar epithelial cells, presence of parasites and their cysts were the major pathology of gills. Hemorrhagic lesion, pyknotic nuclei and melanomacrophage centers (MMC) were found in the liver of fish. Major pathologies in kidney of fish included presence of MMC, necrotic and ruptured kidney tubules, severe haemopoietic necrosis, and hemorrhage. The economic loss due to disease in Thai pangas farming was estimated from the difference between expected production and actual production. On an average, Thai pangas farmers of Mymensingh incur a loss of Tk. 23,104/ha/cycle due to fish disease (3.6% of expected total production). The loss, however, varied with location and size of farms, type of farmers and management practices. The study also highlighted fish health management related problems and recommended further work for the development of user-friendly farmer-oriented fish health management packages.


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There is a number of famous theoretical and experimental works that oriented themselves to solve actual problem of coastal change, including the change of coastline, under versatile influence of oceanic wind waves. In this paper the author would like to give supplementally a few new behaviours of that phenomena observed along the coasts of Vietnam, such as coastal collapse & primitive on-the-spot accumulation, material hurl, etc. Most simple theoretical explanation of them grounding on the Newton's second law has been presented and as results of that there appeared such notion as indicator and criterion which could be used for demarcation of different behaviours in initial stage of general coastal changing processes.


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An analysis of the nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7 locus from 30 taxa representing 12 placental orders of mammals reveals the enriched occurrences of short interspersed clement (SINE) insertion events. Mammalian-wide interspersed repeats (MIRs) are present at orthologous sites of all examined species except those in the order Rodentia. The higher substitution rate in mouse and a rare MIR deletion from rat account for the absence of MIR in the rodents. A minimum of five lineage-specific SINE sequences are also found to have independently inserted into this intron in Carnivora, Artiodactyla and Lagomorpha. In the case of Carnivora, the unique amplification pattern of order-specific CAN SINE provides important evidence for the "pan-carnivore" hypothesis of this repeat element and reveals that the CAN SINE family may still be active today. Particularly interesting is the finding that all identified lineage-specific SINE elements show a strong tendency to insert within or in very close proximity to the preexisting MIRs for their efficient integrations, suggesting that the MIR clement is a hot spot for successive insertions of other SINEs. The unexpected MIR excision as a result of a random deletion in the rat intron locus and the non-random site targeting detected by this study indicate that SINEs actually have a greater insertional flexibility and regional specificity than had previously been recognized. Implications for SINE sequence evolution upon and following integration, as well as the fascinating interactions between retroposons and the host genomes are discussed.


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The paper discusses the four most destructive shrimp pathogens, such as MBV, the monodon baculovisrus, IHHNV, the infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus, Vibrio harveyi, the luminous bacteria, and WSBV, the white spot syndrome-associated baculovirus. The effects, detection method and treatment for the four pathogens were also briefly discussed.


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Fishes of the genus Crossocheilus in China is reviewed on the basis of specimens in Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Crossocheilus multirastellus is described from the upper Irrawaddy and upper Salween rivers. It is distinguished from all of its congeners by having two black longitudinal stripes on sides of body, 36-38 lateral line scales, 18-25 gill rakers, anus at midpoint between ventral fin and anal fin insertions, ventral fin extending over anus, a large deep blue rhomboid spot above the pectoral fin, and a straight mouth gape almost equal to head width. There are presently two species of Crossocheilus fishes in China. Crossocheilus bamaensis Fang and Crossocheilus liuchengensis Liang, Liu & Wu are recognized here as members of the genus Sinocrossocheilus.


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All Sinocrossocheilus species, except S. microstomatus, are reviewed. Four new species, S. labiata, S. papillolabra, S. nigrovittata, and S. longibulla, are described. The genus Sinocrossocheilus differs from other genera of Cyprinidae by the last simple dorsal fin ray being unserrated and unossified, the last unbranched anal fin ray being unserrated and unossified, the 5-branched anal fin rays, the mouth gap being inferior, the rostral cap covering the lower jaw and connecting directly with the lower lip, a row of fleshy lobes on the lower jaw, and a cloudy black spot above the pectoral fin. Sinocrossocheilus labiata is small and has 22 predorsal scales; S. longibulla has a very large air bladder; S. papillolabra possesses a well-developed ventral fin and a wide band covered by fleshy papillae on the lower lip; and S. nigrovittata possesses black longitudinal stripes along the lateral line. Crossocheilus bamaensis and Crossocheilus liuchengensis are transferred to the genus Sinocrossocheilus. Sinocrossocheilus species are endemic to the central and eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau of China, where river systems are anfractuous, including seasonal rivers, cave rivers, underground rivers, and streamlets between mountains. These separated rivers probably provide conditions for the allopatric speciation of the Sinocrossocheilus.


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Avalanche multiplication has been one of the major destructive failure mechanisms in IGBTs; in order to avoid operating an IGBT under abnormal conditions, it is desirable to develop peripheral protecting circuits monolithically integrated without compromising the operation and performance of the IGBT. In this paper, a monolithically integrated avalanche diode (D av) for 600V Trench IGBT over-voltage protection is proposed. The mix-mode transient simulation proves the clamping capability of the D av when the IGBT is experiencing over-voltage stress in unclamped inductive switching (UIS) test. The spread of avalanche energy, which prevents hot-spot formation, through the help of the avalanche diode feeding back a large fraction of the avalanche current to a gate resistance (R G) is also explained. © 2011 IEEE.


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Data on social organization of two bands of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) 14 were collected when the monkeys were crossing an open spot at Nanren and Bamei (northwest of Yunnan, China) using a sampling rule where individuals wit