962 resultados para Rijke tube
Conventional sample holder cells used to the electric characterization of ceramics at high temperature consists of an alumina tube and platinum wires and plates using a complex design. The high cost materials used in the conventional sampler holder cell were replaced by stainless steel and conventional ceramics. The sample holder was validated by characterizing yttria-stabilized-zirconia in a temperature range of 25 to 700 ºC. The results do not present variations, discontinuity or unusual noise in the electric signals. Several samples were characterized without maintenance, which demonstrates that the sample holder is electric and mechanic adequate to be used to electrical characterization of ceramics up to 700 ºC.
An UV-Ozone reactor was developed with an ignition tube extracted into HID mercury lamp used to irradiation on zinc oxide (ZnO) and fluorinated tin oxide (FTO) films for PLEDs devices. Different exposures times were used. In contact angle measurements revealed better results for ZnO and FTO by 15 and 5 min, respectively. In Diffuse Reflectance Infra-red Fourier Transformed (DRIFT) spectroscopy allowed the observation of water, hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide adsorbed on the untreated TCO surfaces. After the UV-Ozone treatment the contaminants were significantly reduced or eliminated and the PLEDs devices decreased threshold voltages in comparison with respectively untreated TCOs.
Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be easily distinguished due to their reactivity towards tribromoisocyanuric acid (TBCA). The test is performed by adding TBCA to the alcohol in a test tube heated in a boiling water bath. Orange color develops in the tube containing the primary alcohol, light yellow is observed in the tube containing the secondary alcohol while the tertiary alcohol results in a colorless mixture.
In the theoretical part, the different polymerisation catalysts are introduced and the phenomena related to mixing in the stirred tank reactor are presented. Also the advantages and challenges related to scale-up are discussed. The aim of the applied part was to design and implement an intermediate-sized reactor useful for scale-up studies. The reactor setting was tested making one batch of Ziegler–Natta polypropylene catalyst. The catalyst preparation with a designed equipment setting succeeded and the catalyst was analysed. The analyses of the catalyst were done, because the properties of the catalyst were compared to the normal properties of Ziegler–Natta polypropylene catalyst. The total titanium content of the catalyst was slightly higher than in normal Ziegler–Natta polypropylene catalyst, but the magnesium and aluminium content of the catalyst were in the normal level. By adjusting the siphonation tube and adding one washing step the titanium content of the catalyst could be decreased. The particle size of the catalyst was small, but the activity was in a normal range. The size of the catalyst particles could be increased by decreasing the stirring speed. During the test run, it was noticed that some improvements for the designed equipment setting could be done. For example more valves for the chemical feed line need to be added to ensure inert conditions during the catalyst preparation. Also nitrogen for the reactor needs to separate from other nitrogen line. With this change the pressure in the reactor can be kept as desired during the catalyst preparation. The proposals for improvements are presented in the applied part. After these improvements are done, the equipment setting is ready for start-up. The computational fluid dynamics model for the designed reactor was provided by cooperation with Lappeenranta University of Technology. The experiments showed that for adequate mixing with one impeller, stirring speed of 600 rpm is needed. The computational fluid dynamics model with two impellers showed that there was no difference in the mixing efficiency if the upper impeller were pumping downwards or upwards.
Useat voimalaitokset käyttävät hiiliteräksistä valmistettuja palamisilman esilämmittimiä, joissa höyrykattilan palamisilmaa lämmitetään matalapainehöyryllä. Joissakin tapauksissa esilämmittimet ovat kärsineet sisäpuolisen korroosion aiheuttamista putkirikoista. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää korroosiovaurioiden aiheuttajat ja tarkastella eri keinoja uusien korroosiovaurioiden ehkäisemiseksi. Keskeisimpänä uusien vaurioiden ehkäisykeinona tarkastellaan pinta-aktiivisia amiineja sisältäviä höyrykattilan jälkiannostelukemikaaliseoksia, joista tarkemman tarkastelun kohteena on kaupallinen Helamin 90 H Turb- kemikaaliseos. Pääasialliseksi korroosion aiheuttajaksi on usein epäilty höyryn sisältämää hiilidioksidia. Uusimpien näkemysten mukaan orgaaniset hapot, pääasiassa etikka- ja muurahaishappo ovat kuitenkin hiilidioksidia voimakkaampia korroosion aiheuttajia ilmanesilämmittimissä. Orgaaniset hapot väkevöityvät höyryn lauhtumisen alkaessa muodostuviin lauhdepisaroihin ja alentavat pH-tasoa radikaalisti. pH-tason aleneminen nopeuttaa metallipintoja suojaavan magnetiitin liukenemista ja vaikeuttaa myös sen uusiutumista. Orgaanisia happoja ja hiilidioksidia muodostuu orgaanisten aineiden osittaisessa hajoamisessa höyrykattilan vesi-höyrypiirissä. Pääasialliset orgaanisten aineiden lähteet ovat lisäveden mukana kattilaan kulkeutuva luonnon orgaaninen aines ja käytetyt orgaaniset jälkiannostelukemikaalit. Orgaanisten aineiden kuormaa voidaan pienentää parantamalla lisäveden valmistusprosessin orgaanisten aineiden erotustehokkuutta esimerkiksi käänteisosmoosilla. Mikäli lisäveden laadun parantaminen ei ole järkevästi toteutettavissa, voidaan orgaanisten jälkiannostelukemikaalien oikeanlaisella käytöllä neutraloida orgaanisten happojen vaikutus ilmanesilämmittimissä. Tehokkaimmaksi korroosion hillitsijäksi suoritettujen mittausten perusteella osoittautuivat kemikaaliseokset, jotka sisältävät alkaloivien amiinien lisäksi kalvoa muodostavaa pinta-aktiivista amiinia.
The objective of the work is to study fluid flow behavior through a pinch valve and to estimate the flow coefficient (KV ) at different opening positions of the valve. The flow inside a compressed valve is more complex than in a straight pipe, and it is one of main topics of interest for engineers in process industry. In the present work, we have numerically simulated compressed valve flow at different opening positions. In order to simulate the flow through pinch valve, several models of the elastomeric valve tube (pinch valve tube) at different opening positions were constructed in 2D-axisymmetric and 3D geometries. The numerical simulations were performed with the CFD packages; ANSYS FLUENT and ANSYS CFX by using parallel computing. The distributions of static pressure, velocity and turbulent kinetic energy have been studied at different opening positions of the valve in both 2D-axisymmetric and 3D experiments. The flow coefficient (KV ) values have been measured at different valve openings and are compared between 2D-axisymmetric and 3D simulation results.
A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation: S drive = H steam (ρ down + ρ mix) g where: ρ down - density of water in downcomer tubes; ρ mix - density of water in riser tubes; H steam - height of steam content section; g - acceleration of gravity. In steam boilers with natural circulation the circulation rate is usually between 10 and 30. Thus, consumption of water in the circulation circuit “circulation rate times” more than steam output of the boiler. There are two aspects of the design of natural water circulation loops. One is to ensure a sufficient mass flux of circulating water to avoid burnout of evaporator tubes. The other is to avoid tube wall temperature fluctuation and tube vibration due to oscillation of circulation velocity. The design criteria are therefore reduced, in principle, to those of critical heat flux, critical flow rate for burnout, and flow instability. In practical design, however, the circulation velocity and the void fraction at the evaporator tube outlet are used as the design criteria (Seikan I., et. al., 1999). This study has been made with assumption that the heat flux in the furnace of the boiler even all the time. The target of the study was to define the circulation rate of the boiler, thus average heat flux do not change it. I would like to acknowledge professionals from “Foster Wheeler” company for good and comfortable cooperation.
Cutin and suberin are structural and protective polymers of plant surfaces. The epidermal cells of the aerial parts of plants are covered with an extracellular cuticular layer, which consists of polyester cutin, highly resistant cutan, cuticular waxes and polysaccharides which link the layer to the epidermal cells. A similar protective layer is formed by a polyaromatic-polyaliphatic biopolymer suberin, which is present particularly in the cell walls of the phellem layer of periderm of the underground parts of plants (e.g. roots and tubers) and the bark of trees. In addition, suberization is also a major factor in wound healing and wound periderm formation regardless of the plants’ tissue. Knowledge of the composition and functions of cuticular and suberin polymers is important for understanding the physiological properties for the plants and for nutritional quality when these plants are consumed as foods. The aims of the practical work were to assess the chemical composition of cuticular polymers of several northern berries and seeds and suberin of two varieties of potatoes. Cutin and suberin were studied as isolated polymers and further after depolymerization as soluble monomers and solid residues. Chemical and enzymatic depolymerization techniques were compared and a new chemical depolymerization method was developed. Gas chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) was used to assess the monomer compositions. Polymer investigations were conducted with solid state carbon-13 cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C CP-MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and microscopic analysis. Furthermore, the development of suberin over one year of post-harvest storage was investigated and the cuticular layers from berries grown in the North and South of Finland were compared. The results show that the amounts of isolated cuticular layers and cutin monomers, as well as monomeric compositions vary greatly between the berries. The monomer composition of seeds was found to differ from the corresponding berry peel monomers. The berry cutin monomers were composed mostly of long-chain aliphatic ω-hydroxy acids, with various mid-chain functionalities (double-bonds, epoxy, hydroxy and keto groups). Substituted α,ω-diacids predominated over ω-hydroxy acids in potato suberin monomers and slight differences were found between the varieties. The newly-developed closed tube chemical method was found to be suitable for cutin and suberin analysis and preferred over the solvent-consuming and laborious reflux method. Enzymatic hydrolysis with cutinase was less effective than chemical methanolysis and showed specificity towards α,ω-diacid bonds. According to 13C CP-MAS NMR and FTIR, the depolymerization residues contained significant amounts of aromatic structures, polysaccharides and possible cutan-type aliphatic moieties. Cultivation location seems to have effect on cuticular composition. The materials studied contained significant amounts of different types of biopolymers that could be utilized for several purposes with or without further processing. The importance of the so-called waste material from industrial processes of berries and potatoes as a source of either dietary fiber or specialty chemicals should be further investigated in detail. The evident impact of cuticular and suberin polymers, among other fiber components, on human health should be investigated in clinical trials. These by-product materials may be used as value-added fiber fractions in the food industry and as raw materials for specialty chemicals such as lubricants and emulsifiers, or as building blocks for novel polymers.
Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutustutaan kolmeen kaupallisissa painevesilaitoksissa käytettyyn höyrystinkonstruktioon: U-putkipystyhöyrystimeen, U-putkivaakahöyrystimeen ja läpivirtaushöyrystimeen. Työssä tutustutaan näiden ratkaisujen erityispiirteisiin ja vertaillaan niitä keskenään.
PIXE (Particle Induce X-ray Emission spectrometry) was used for analysing stem bark and stem wood of Scots pine, Norway spruce and Silver birch. Thick samples were irradiated, in laboratory atmosphere, with 3 MeV protons and the beam current was measured indirectly using a photo multiplicator (PM) tube. Both point scans and bulk analyses were performed with the 1 mm diameter proton beam. In bulk analyses, whole bark and sectors of discs of the stem wood were dry ashed at 550 ˚C. The ashes were homogenised by shaking and prepared to target pellets for PIXE analyses. This procedure generated representative samples to be analysed, but the enrichment also enabled quantification of some additional trace elements. The ash contents obtained as a product of the sample preparation procedure also showed to be of great importance in the evaluation of results in environmental studies. Spot scans from the pith of pine wood outwards, showed clearly highest concentrations of manganese, calcium and zinc in the first spot irradiated, or 2-3 times higher than in the surrounding wood. For stem wood from the crown part of a pine this higher concentration level was found in the first four spots/mms, including the pith and the two following growth rings. Zinc showed increasing concentrations outwards in sapwood of the pine stem, with the over-all lowest concentrations in the inner half of the sapwood. This could indicate emigration of this element from sapwood being under transformation to heartwood. Point scans across sapwood of pine and spruce showed more distinct variations in concentrations relative to hearth wood. Higher concentrations of e.g. zinc, calcium and manganese were found in earlywood than in denser latewood. Very high concentrations of iron and copper were also seen for some earlywood increments. The ash content of stem bark is up to and order higher than for the stem wood. However, when the elemental concentration in ashes of bark and wood of the same disc were compared, these are very similar – this when trees are growing at spots with no anthropogenic contamination from the atmosphere. The largest difference was obtained for calcium which appeared at two times high concentrations in ashes of bark than in ashes of the wood (ratio of 2). Pine bark is often used in monitoring of atmospheric pollution, where concentrations in bark samples are compared. Here an alternative approach is suggested: Bark and the underlying stem wood of a pine trees are dry ashed and analysed. The elemental concentration in the bark ash is then compared to the concentration of the same element in the wood ash. Comparing bark to wood includes a normalisation for the varying availability of an element from the soil at different sites. When this comparison is done for the ashes of the materials, a normalisation is also obtained for the general and locally different enrichment of inorganic elements from wood to bark. Already a ratio >2 between the concentration in the bark ash and the concentration in the wood ash could indicate atmospheric pollution. For monitoring where bark is used, this way of “inwards” comparison is suggested - instead of comparing to results from analyses of bark from other trees (read reference areas), growing at sites with different soil and, locally, different climate conditions. This approach also enables evaluation of atmospheric pollution from sampling of only relative few individual trees –preferable during forest felling.
New luminometric particle-based methods were developed to quantify protein and to count cells. The developed methods rely on the interaction of the sample with nano- or microparticles and different principles of detection. In fluorescence quenching, timeresolved luminescence resonance energy transfer (TR-LRET), and two-photon excitation fluorescence (TPX) methods, the sample prevents the adsorption of labeled protein to the particles. Depending on the system, the addition of the analyte increases or decreases the luminescence. In the dissociation method, the adsorbed protein protects the Eu(III) chelate on the surface of the particles from dissociation at a low pH. The experimental setups are user-friendly and rapid and do not require hazardous test compounds and elevated temperatures. The sensitivity of the quantification of protein (from 40 to 500 pg bovine serum albumin in a sample) was 20-500-fold better than in most sensitive commercial methods. The quenching method exhibited low protein-to-protein variability and the dissociation method insensitivity to the assay contaminants commonly found in biological samples. Less than ten eukaryotic cells were detected and quantified with all the developed methods under optimized assay conditions. Furthermore, two applications, the method for detection of the aggregation of protein and the cell viability test, were developed by utilizing the TR-LRET method. The detection of the aggregation of protein was allowed at a more than 10,000 times lower concentration, 30 μg/L, compared to the known methods of UV240 absorbance and dynamic light scattering. The TR-LRET method was combined with a nucleic acid assay with cell-impermeable dye to measure the percentage of dead cells in a single tube test with cell counts below 1000 cells/tube.
It is generally accepted that the development of the modern sciences is rooted in experiment. Yet for a long time, experimentation did not occupy a prominent role, neither in philosophy nor in history of science. With the 'practical turn' in studying the sciences and their history, this has begun to change. This paper is concerned with systems and cultures of experimentation and the consistencies that are generated within such systems and cultures. The first part of the paper exposes the forms of historical and structural coherence that characterize the experimental exploration of epistemic objects. In the second part, a particular experimental culture in the life sciences is briefly described as an example. A survey will be given of what it means and what it takes to analyze biological functions in the test tube.
Mikkelin talousvedestä kahden kolmasosan tullessa Pursialan pohjavesialueelta on alueen suojeleminen tärkeää. Pohjaveden laatua uhkaavat etenkin alueella sattuneet pohjavedenpilaantumistapaukset. Merkittävimmät pohjaveden pilaantumistapaukset ovat VAPO Oy:n sahan aiheuttama pohjaveden pilaantuminen kloorifenoleilla (CP) ja VR:n ratapölkkykyllästämön aiheuttama pohjaveden pilaantuminen kreosoottiöljyllä sekä Rinnekadun Nesteen aiheuttama pohjaveden pilaantuminen MTBE:llä. Alueella on tehty tutkimuksia ja kunnostuksia pilaantumiin liittyen, mutta näiden tuloksia ei ole aikaisemmin koottu yhteen. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli koota tulokset samaan aineistoon. Työssä keskityttiin kloorifenolien leviämisen tarkasteluun sen Pursialan pohjavedenottamolle muodostaman suurimman uhan vuoksi. Kallioperätietojen, maanpintatietojen ja näytetietojen pohjalta laadittiin myös pienoismalli CP-pilaantuman leviämisen kokonaiskuvan hahmottamiseksi. Työn tavoitteena oli lisäksi tehdä riskitarkastelua CP-pilaantumaan liittyen ja etsiä keinoja hallita havaittuja riskejä. Riskinhallintaan liittyen työssä tutkittiin kloorifenoleilla pilaantuneen alueen maaperä- ja kalliotietoja sekä pohjaveden laatutietoja. Pursialan pohjavedessä on runsaasti rautaa ja mangaania sekä aggressiivista hiilihappoa. Pohjaveden pH on alueella noin 6,5, lämpötila noin 7,5 ºC ja happipitoisuus noin 0,7 mg/l. Pursialan kaupunginalueen kallioperässä on havaittavissa VAPO Oy:n sahalta vedenottamolle etenevä kalliopainanne, jota pitkin CP etenee. Alueen kallioperä on kiillegneissiä, jossa on pohjois–etelä-suuntaista rakoilua. Maaperätuloksien perusteella on havaittavissa vettä hyvin johtavien maakerrosten jatkuminen koko vedenottamon ja sahan välisen matkan, mikä tarkoittaa, että CP-pitoisella pohjavedellä voi olla aiemmin oletettua nopeampikin yhteys sahalta vedenottamolle. Suurin CP-pitoisuus noin 100 000 µg/l on mitattu KY-5-altaan kohdalle asennetun M14-pohjavesiputken pohjasta. Talousvesiasetuksen raja-arvo CP:lle on 10 µg/l. Sahan ja vedenottamon puolivälissä on havaittu yli 10 000 µg/l meneviä CP-pitoisuuksia. Suurin vedenottamon kaivoista (kaivo 10) mitattu pitoisuus on 149 µg/l. Jakotukilta raakavedestä otetuissa näytteissä tai talousvedessä ei ole kuitenkaan havaittu talousvesiasetuksen ylittäviä CP-pitoisuuksia. Pienoismallin perusteella CP sijaitsee sahan alueella lähellä kallionpintaa ja hajaantuu koko pohjavesipatjaan vedenottamolle päin mentäessä. CP-mittaustuloksissa on havaittavissa pulssimaisuutta. Tämä johtuu todennäköisesti Saimaan pinnan vaihtelun seurauksena muuttuvasta rantaimeytyneen pohjaveden määrästä. Saimaan pinnan nousu näyttäisi tuloksien perusteella nostavan CP-pitoisuuksia saha-alueella ja laskevan lähellä vedenottamoa. Pohjaveden pintatietojen perusteella tehdyn tarkastelun mukaan pohjavesi voi kulkeutua sahalta vedenottamolle parhaimmillaan noin vuodessa. Työssä arvioitiin KY-5–liuoksen vuosittaiseksi käyttömääräksi noin 648–970 m3. Allassakkaa arvioitiin syntyneen yhteensä noin 10–31 m3. Pohjaveteen arvioitiin joutuneen toiminnan aikana yhteensä noin 3 000–4 000 kg CP:tä. Kloorifenolit esiintyvät pohjavedessä lähes täysin kloorifenolaatteina. Kloorifenolien hajoaminen ja muuntuminen pohjavedessä on epätodennäköistä. Käsitteellisen mallin mukaan kloorifenolipilaantuman suurimmat riskit aiheutuvat kloorifenolien mahdollisuudesta pilata Pursialan vedenottamon talousvesi. Tällä hetkellä riskejä hallitaan kloorifenolien leviämisen tarkkailulla, sahan ja vedenottamon puolivälissä sijaitsevalla koepumppauksella sekä varautumalla aktiivihiilijauheen syöttöön talousvesiprosessiin. Koepumppauksen avulla on saatu ylös tällä hetkellä noin 69 kg kloorifenoleita. Tutkimuksen perusteella suositeltavimmat riskinhallintatoimet tulevaisuudessa ovat sahalla sijaitseva kunnostuspumppaus, sahan ja vedenottamon väliin sijoittuva suojapumppaus- ja vesiverhoyhdistelmä sekä sahan rannan kautta tapahtuvan rantaimeytymisen estäminen.
Taloudellisesti tärkeiden metallien varannot ja tuotanto eivät ole jakautuneet tasaisesti. Maantieteelliset alueet, joilla ei ole omia varantoja ovat riippuvaisia muualta tuoduista raaka-aineista. Euroopan komissio ja USA:n energiaministeriö ovat luokitelleet tietyt metallit kriittisiksi niiden taloudellisen merkittävyyden ja saatavuuteen liittyvien epävarmuustekijöiden johdosta. Tällaisten metallien saatavuutta voitaisiin mahdollisesti parantaa lisäämällä niiden talteenottoa jätteistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin Euroopan komission kriittiseksi luokittelemien metallien pitoisuuksia eräissä jätevirroissa. Kartoitetut jätteet olivat teollisissa poltto-prosesseissa syntyneitä polttojätteitä, prosessiteollisuuden jätesakkoja ja sähkö- ja elektroniikkajätteitä. Kartoituksen perusteella valittiin lupaavimmat jätteet ja suoritettiin niille talteenottokokeita. Talteenottokokeita suoritettiin kolmelle jätteelle. Yhdestä jätesakasta liuotettiin indiumia rikki- ja suolahapoilla. Kahden eri polttojätteen seoksesta liuotettiin galliumia rikkihapolla. Käytettyjen loisteputkien käsittelyprosessista peräisin olleesta sakasta liuotettiin maametalleja rikki- ja suolahapoilla sekä rikki- ja typpihapon seoksella. Indium liukeni heikosti (korkeintaan 25 %) huoneenlämmössä rikkihapolla. Suolahapolla se liukeni paremmin (68 %). Polttojätteen liuotuskokeissa galliumin talteenottoasteen todettiin riippuvan käytetyn liuottimen määrästä. Loisteputkijätesakasta liukeni yttriumia ja europiumia kaikilla käytetyillä happoliuoksilla noin 70–100 %. Käytetyillä happokonsentraatioilla ei havaittu suuria eroja yttriumin ja europiumin liukoisuuksissa. Näitä metalleja voitaisiin mahdollisesti ottaa talteen tämän tyyppisestä sakasta liuottamalla ne happoliuoksella ja saostamalla oksalaattina. Tarvittaessa liuokset voitaisiin puhdistaa tai metallit erottaa toisistaan neste–nesteuutolla, joka on tärkein maametallien tuotantoon käytetty hydrometallurginen menetelmä.
Laserpinnoitus on additiivinen prosessi, jossa lasertehon avulla sulatetaan pinnoitusainetta pinnoitettavan kappaleen pintaan. Laserpinnoituksella on mahdollista aikaansaada tiivis sekä kova, kulutusta ja korroosiota kestävä pinnoite kappaleen pintaan. Tässä työssä kohteena oli potkurilaitteen ohjausputken laserpinnoitus. Kyseisessä kohteessa pinnoitteelta vaaditaan hyvää korroosion- ja kulumisen kestoa. Työn tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoisuutta laserpinnoitusprosessista ja siinä vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Myös materiaaliominaisuuksien vaikutuksia sekä pinnoitus- että pinnoitettavien aineiden osalta selvitettiin. Työhön sisältyi myös kokeellinen osuus, jossa tavoitteena oli löytää kustannustehokkain pinnoiteaine tutkittuun kohteeseen. Kokeissa ohjausputki- sekä levyaihioon tehtiin koepinnoituksia. Kokeiden ja edelleen materiaalitutkimuksien avulla tutkittiin neljää eri pinnoitusainetta, jotka olivat Stellitti 21, Inconel 625, AISI 316L ja AISI 431. Kovuus- ja taivutuskokeiden perusteella kyseisistä aineista vain Stelliitti 21 täytti ohjausputken pinnoitteelle asetetut vaatimukset. Näin ollen Stelliitti 21 valikoitui kustannustehokkaimmaksi pinnoitusaineeksi ohjausputkien laserpinnoitukseen.