997 resultados para Realismo-Naturalismo português


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This research studies the application of syntagmatic analysis of written texts in the language of Brazilian Portuguese as a methodology for the automatic creation of extractive summaries. The automation of abstracts, while linked to the area of natural language processing (PLN) is studying ways the computer can autonomously construct summaries of texts. For this we use as presupposed the idea that switch to the computer the way a language is structured, in our case the Brazilian Portuguese, it will help in the discovery of the most relevant sentences, and consequently build extractive summaries with higher informativeness. In this study, we propose the definition of a summarization method that automatically perform the syntagmatic analysis of texts and through them, to build an automatic summary. The phrases that make up the syntactic structures are then used to analyze the sentences of the text, so the count of these elements determines whether or not a sentence will compose the summary to be generated


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This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.


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In this work, we investigate the symbolic construction of a particular spatiality, starting from the theoretical assumption that spaces are subjective constructions guided by different cultures, feelings and rationales, but mostly spaces are human constructs driven by social relations, as a result of the material investment and symbol that reflects the needs of a particular society at a given time of historical development. Accordingly, we analyze the construction and symbolic imagery of the central region of Portugal, the Alentejo, from the literary production (1916 – 1930) the English poet Florbela Espanca D'Alma Conception Espanca. Thus, we propose to analyze the florbelian work not only from its internal relations, but also external, emphasizing the link between history, space and literature. Thus, we propose to inquire about the symbolic dimension – the meanings of images and representations – which prompted one of the most controversial Portuguese poets of the early twentieth to look into the poetic construction of space Alentejo century, questioning not only the senses brokered by speech literary Florbela Espanca to invent your Alentejo, adorned with memories, pain and longing, but investigate how the socio-cultural environment influenced your work, in your life and ways to feel and live the Alentejo. To better understand how the poet means the Alentejo spatiality, throughout this work we question three categories of space in the work of Florbela Espanca: the region, the countryside and the landscape of the Alentejo. Thus, this research falls within the field of cultural history in the medical we will work with the entire literary output Florbela Espanca, letters, diaries, photos and biographical and literary criticism, by establishing the time frame of 1916 – beginning of intellectual activity Florbela Spank – the 1930 – publication of Blossom Heath (posthumous) and the suicide of the poet. Therefore, a constant symbolic exercise of words crossed by more subjective feelings of the subject, all the time our work will be guided by the question of what would be the Alentejo for the poet, who senses and meanings across this spatiality that marked so sovereignly happiest memories and sad life Florbela Espanca.


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In this study, we focus on the relativization strategies, in diachronic corpus of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Generally speaking, we aim to investigate the use of the relative in a historical perspective on BP, focusing on semantic-cognitive and discursive-pragmatic motivations involved and the correlation with the discursive traditions. The theoretical perspective underlying our study is the North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Talmy Givón, Sandra Thompson, Paul Hopper, Joan Bybee, Elizabeth Traugott, Mario Martelotta, Angelica Furtado da Cunha, among others, combined with contributions of Discursive Traditions, based on authors such as Kabatek, Koch and Oesterreicher. As for the methodology, our research is eminently qualitative, in the sense that it seeks to elucidate semantic-cognitive and discursive-pragmatic motivations related to the use of relativization strategies in BP; and it has quantitative support, with respect to measurable data aspect and characterization of the object of study and its frequency of use. For this investigation, we use the corpora of the project Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB), more specifically, the particular, official, reader and redactor letters written between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, from four states: Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. The results of this research reveal the variation in relativization strategies, in view of the increase in the relativa cortadora (prepositional chopping strategy) percentage in the corpus of this investigation, even though the occurrence of this strategy is more restricted to private letters. In addition, we found factors of cognitive nature such as reduction in cognitive cost and economy related to the occurrence of that relative strategy, principally in private letters; aspects such as the need for expressiveness and clearness related to the use, even if infrequent, of the relativa copiadora (resumptive strategy), especially in official letters; and factors of communicative order such as the public sphere of circulation of the sample letters, as in the redactor and reader letters, and the gap between the parties most directly involved in the use of the standard relative of our sample.


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This research aimed to verify the vocabulary difficulties faced by 9th year students while understanding the didactic book of Portuguese Language (DBPL) “Vontade de Saber Português”, used at the Municipal School Sebastião Rangel. We noticed the students had some doubts concerning the unknown vocabulary in the texts and, therefore, in text comprehension. The hypothesis is that one “difficult” word and the lexicon used by DBPL author can disturb student comprehension. We adopted some action which could simplify the little vocabulary understanding and contributed to extend it. For that reason, the job was theoretically based on Biderman (1999), Barbosa (1989), Dias (2004), Krieger (2012), Coelho (1993) and on National Curriculum Parameters of Portuguese Language, aiming to ally theory and practice. The application methodology of the proposal was done in order to the students understand that the word needs to be adapted to its context. At the begging of the job, the students read the texts and took notes of the “difficult” words, selecting, corpus. We analyzed the doubts, registering them. Then, we showed to the students the classification of abbreviated words after each entry. The students separated the words for grammar classes – lexical words” (KRIEGER, 2012). Such words have a very significant meaning to the comprehension of the read texts, being interesting to take a look in online dictionaries. In the creative glossary, done by the students, the words were spread in alphabetical order. They transcript the part where was the word and copied again, substituting the word to a clearer word. Finally, we asked the students a writing production using five words from the glossary; we showed them that the meaning of the words is not found only in the dictionary, but they can be used in different contexts. In the analyzes, was discovered that there is one necessity of a pedagogic didactic work more effective with elementary school lexicon. Thus, this proposal is not a closed receipt, but the infield location allowed a reflexive pedagogic practice about lexicon education.


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O presente relatório refere-se ao Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e apresenta-se dividido em duas partes. A parte I corresponde à dimensão reflexiva na qual se apresenta uma reflexão acerca do percurso desenvolvido ao longo das Práticas Pedagógicas nos vários contextos: Creche, Jardim-de-Infância e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Esta parte encontra-se estruturada de acordo com um conjunto de referentes: observação, planificação e intervenção, dificuldades e, por último, aprendizagens. Além disso, inclui-se o papel reflexivo e investigativo do educador e professor. A parte II apresenta a dimensão investigativa referente a um estudo realizado numa turma de 3.º ano de escolaridade, que incidiu na temática da integração pedagógica da Música no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da área curricular de Português. Esta investigação dispõe de um caráter qualitativo, uma vez que se pretendeu compreender as potencialidades da integração pedagógica da Música no processo de ensino e aprendizagem do Português. Após a organização e análise dos dados recolhidos pode sugerir-se que a utilização da canção, enquanto instrumento de integração, proporcionou aos alunos diversas aprendizagens no domínio da Música e na área de Português.


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No son pocos los discursos que la concepción moderna de la educación ha tendido a universalizar y a generalizar. La simple observación asistemática permite afirmar que el campo de la enseñanza deportiva se ha caracterizado tradicionalmente por concepciones generales y prácticas tanto universales como totalizadoras. Campo que se ha estructurado a partir de verdades inobjetables, discursos dogmáticos, con actores estereotipados, plagados de argumentos orientados siempre hacia la búsqueda de la norma como principio constitutivo para la enseñanza y en el que la aptitud física se ha entendido como objetivo a lograr, o lo que es más grave aún, como herramienta de categorización y definición del otro. Por lo tanto, el trabajo que aquí se presenta, da cuenta que la Biología, al establecer las diferentes formas de concepción y de intervención, y a pesar de ciertas formas progresistas desde donde se proclaman cambios fundamentales -la Iniciación Deportiva-, es la que gobierna ideológicamente el mundo de estas prácticas


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No son pocos los discursos que la concepción moderna de la educación ha tendido a universalizar y a generalizar. La simple observación asistemática permite afirmar que el campo de la enseñanza deportiva se ha caracterizado tradicionalmente por concepciones generales y prácticas tanto universales como totalizadoras. Campo que se ha estructurado a partir de verdades inobjetables, discursos dogmáticos, con actores estereotipados, plagados de argumentos orientados siempre hacia la búsqueda de la norma como principio constitutivo para la enseñanza y en el que la aptitud física se ha entendido como objetivo a lograr, o lo que es más grave aún, como herramienta de categorización y definición del otro. Por lo tanto, el trabajo que aquí se presenta, da cuenta que la Biología, al establecer las diferentes formas de concepción y de intervención, y a pesar de ciertas formas progresistas desde donde se proclaman cambios fundamentales -la Iniciación Deportiva-, es la que gobierna ideológicamente el mundo de estas prácticas


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No son pocos los discursos que la concepción moderna de la educación ha tendido a universalizar y a generalizar. La simple observación asistemática permite afirmar que el campo de la enseñanza deportiva se ha caracterizado tradicionalmente por concepciones generales y prácticas tanto universales como totalizadoras. Campo que se ha estructurado a partir de verdades inobjetables, discursos dogmáticos, con actores estereotipados, plagados de argumentos orientados siempre hacia la búsqueda de la norma como principio constitutivo para la enseñanza y en el que la aptitud física se ha entendido como objetivo a lograr, o lo que es más grave aún, como herramienta de categorización y definición del otro. Por lo tanto, el trabajo que aquí se presenta, da cuenta que la Biología, al establecer las diferentes formas de concepción y de intervención, y a pesar de ciertas formas progresistas desde donde se proclaman cambios fundamentales ?la Iniciación Deportiva-, es la que gobierna ideológicamente el mundo de estas prácticas


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Ao redigir a colectânea portuguesa de Ius proprium, na primeira metade do século XV, o compilador de el-rei D. Afonso V reservou um título exclusivo para a doação feita pelo marido à mulher e pela mulher ao marido. Trata-se de uma temática medieval em evidência na grande parte dos ordenamentos jurídicos do velho continente, inevitavelmente, condicionada pelo renascimento jurídico do Direito romano (séc. XII). Embora as Ordenações lusas dispensem a primazia alcançada pelo princípio justinianeu da proibição das doações entre cônjuges, não deixam de o ter em conta e enveredam por uma validade bastante condicionada, arraigada em fragmentos consuetudinários, castelhanos e do regime jurídico sucessório vigente no reino.


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Los jóvenes no cualificados, que participan en los dispositivos educativos de segunda oportunidad, recorren itinerarios de transición al mercado laboral cada vez más complejos. Por lo que conocer sus expectativas y su capacidad de agencia resulta ineludible para mejorar nuestro acompañamiento como profesionales de la intervención sociolaboral. En este artículo exploramos la adaptación de esos jóvenes a una exigencia creciente de cualificación, que los está excluyendo laboralmente. Frente a este proceso, observamos que contraponen una resistencia basada en su capital simbólico, a través de la afectividad y la estética. Nuestro interés por estas respuestas nace de la desorientación percibida entre los profesionales de los programas educativos. Incapaces de comprender las trayectorias divergentes que estos jóvenes plantean, ante los itinerarios homogéneos que se les ofrecen para su inserción social. Tras el análisis de las creaciones artísticas y estéticas de los adolescentes, intuimos que hay dos factores que activan su resistencia a las limitaciones de sus expectativas de éxito. Por un lado, una variable institucional, que apunta a una deficiente planificación de los itinerarios formativos, que los jóvenes perciben que les aboca a la infracualificación y a un mercado laboral precario e inestable. Y por otro lado, una resistencia a la exclusión, que se enraíza en un imaginario de éxito y de movilidad social propio de una juventud globalizada.


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El artículo reconstruye los principales aspectos de la labor del Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura entre la oposición antifranquista del interior. Se describen las circunstancias políticas que motivaron la fundación del Comité Español (1959-1977), así como las principales características de esa célula intelectual antifranquista. El artículo indaga en los objetivos ideológicos y políticos de la actividad del Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura entre las elites intelectuales y culturales disidentes durante el tardofranquismo. Nos concentramos especialmente en el capítulo que atañe a la ayuda directa dispensada por el Congreso por la Libertad de la Cultura a los intelectuales y artistas españoles mediante la concesión de becas de libros y bolsas de viaje a través del Comité d’Ecrivains et d’Editeurs pour une Entraide Européenne. Reconstruimos asimismo los nombres de los principales beneficiarios españoles de esas ayudas, así como la principal problemática vinculada al desarrollo del programa. El análisis histórico se apoya en documentos procedentes de diversos archivos nacionales e internacionales.


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O presente artigo situa-se nos domínios de especialidade da Fonética e Fonologia. Pretende-se, com efeito, destacar algumas características fonético-fonológicas do português culto falado em Angola, nomeadamente no domínio do vocalismo, identificadas e recolhidas de enunciados orais de cidadãos angolanos e residentes em Angola, estudantes e profissionais com nível de instrução médio-alto. No falar português desses indivíduos constam elementos que se opõem a determinados usos e hábitos linguísticos normativos do Português europeu, recomendados como usos e hábitos oficiais. Procura-se, assim, demonstrar que, pelo menos em relação ao sistema vocálico, o português angolano das camadas cultas da população difere do Português europeu.


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As influências do Romantismo, do Realismo, do Simbolismo e de outros ismos nas literaturas africanas oitocentistas, nomeadamente na angolana, cabo-verdiana, são-tomense e moçambicana. Alguns exemplos de textos e temáticas. Depoimento de Ana Mafalda Leite, professora da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa.