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This article studies the gender values that are promoted both in the literacy courses for gypsy women beneficiaries of the Social Integration Revenue Policy of the Region of Madrid and in the events that are organized for this group by public institutions and NGOs. The process of “socialization” that occurs in the educative groups for Gypsy women is focused on constructing an image of what it is to be a “Gypsy modern woman”. Through multiple mechanisms and discursive techniques a specific conception of gender equality is transmitted in these educative spaces. In addition to this, Gypsy women are continually urged to assume certain values and social practices (of gender identity, of "citizenship", of parenting, etc..), while an archetype of "Gypsy Woman" which condenses powerful stereotypes and prejudices about the "Gypsy culture" and the gender relations characteristics of this group is constructed.


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This article focuses on the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art as a creative process, seeking to analyse which effects of meaning the articulations between the visual and sound systems produce, and the meaning that children give to then. It describes a video art, identifying the languages that compose it and the relationships that link them. Such reading exercise had as corpus of analysis the Chair video art, by Masaru Ozaki, and counted with the theoretical and methodological support of the discourse semiotics, especially with studies on assembly procedures that articulate visual and auditory languages. Also, it presents a focal study with the meanings that a group of children gave to the video art. The findings indicate the importance of including the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art at school through the problematization of effects of meaning produced by the interrelation between different languages. And they suggest some subsidies that allow teachers from different areas of knowledge to reflect about the visuality in their pedagogical practice; the choice of the audiovisual materials taken to the classroom and other ways of seeing these texts edited.


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The objective of the study is to determine the psychometric properties of the Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire on Mathematics. 171 Secondary School Mathematics Teachers of the Central Region of Cuba participated. The results show acceptable internal consistency. The factorial structure of the scale revealed three major factors, consistent with the Model of the Three Constructs: beliefs about knowledge, about learning and teaching. Irregular levels in the development of the epistemological belief system about mathematics of these teachers were shown, with a tendency among naivety and sophistication poles. In conclusion, the questionnaire is useful for evaluating teacher’s beliefs about mathematics.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the assessment procedures and instruments used by teachers of Geography and History of Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The data have been extracted implementing a survey technique proceeded by a descriptive analysis. The results show that teachers generally have a traditional conception of assessment, reflected in the fact that they think that assessment should not change when teaching strategies are changed or when they innovate. On the other hand, although they consider that is necessary to employ a variety of instruments to assess well and to prevent school failure, they still use exams as the most objective and essential instrument in the assessment, while they don’t apply continuous assessment, only tests in a continuous way. The implementation of similar research in other areas or in other subjects shows the existence of contrasts in teacher assessment practices.


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El presente artículo trata de realizar una revisión histórica sobre los inicios de la formación permanente del profesorado de educación física en España y más concretamente en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza, como uno de los elementos fundamentales de la mejora de la calidad docente en los actuales sistemas educativos. Para ello, se realiza una profunda revisión legislativa desde los primeros intentos de actualización y formación del profesor del siglo XVIII hasta los cambios educativos surgidos hasta después de la Guerra Civil Española. Las conclusiones han demostrado que aunque los docentes de Gimnasia (Educación Física actual) siempre tuvieron un tratamiento y consideración especial que les diferenciaba del resto de docentes de otras materias, en contra de lo que se podía pensar, siempre han estado presentes desde el inicio de las actividades de Formación Permanente, en las diferentes propuestas de actividades para poder mejorar su docencia e incrementar la consideración social de esta materia, como una parte importante de los diferentes planes de estudio.


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The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989) is currently the most ratified international treaty. Several authors have highlighted its potential for both a moral education and citizenship. However, paradoxically, different studies report its limited or occasional incorporation into school practices. This article explores experiences of participation in schools,the third P of the CRC, from the plurality of voices and actors of the educational community,by means of 14 discussion groups in 11 autonomous communities in Spain. Discourse analysis evidence low levels of student participation in school life. But, at the same time, a favorable educational environment for the development of projects that contribute to child participation is found, as well as for the incorporation of the CRC as a mover and a referential integrator of the different schools projects. However, it is also an educational background conductive to projects for its development, such as the incorporation of the CRC as a referential integrator of the schools projects.


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Este trabajo estudia el proyecto editorial de la Revista de América (1912-1914), fundada en París y dirigida por Francisco García Calderón. Mi propósito es analizar el modo en que muchos de los vínculos entre los escritores latinoamericanos radicados en París entre fines del siglo XIX y la Primera Guerra Mundial se materializaron en la edición de revistas. Propongo examinar las estrategias de difusión de las producciones latinoamericanas en el Viejo Continente, como así también algunos aspectos ideológicos y de intervención intelectual que la revista llegó a articular. En un primer momento, me detengo en los rasgos materiales tanto del proyecto editorial de la revista como de los vínculos entre los latinoamericanos desterrados. Luego indago las distintas formas de mediación crítica, por un lado, y cultural, por otro, que la revista escenificó y, en algunos casos, desarrolló activamente. En efecto, la revista de García Calderón vuelve visible una dimensión mediadora en varios sentidos: mediación crítica entre productores y lectores, pues se propuso como instancia de difusión, al convocar a “a los mejores escritores latinoamericanos”. Al mismo tiempo, propuso otras dos mediaciones: entre pares, al funcionar como consagradora, seleccionando y agrupando simbólicamente a los escritores de cada país latinoamericano. Finalmente, una mediación intercontinental entre culturas en la contemporaneidad, que intentó acercar dos gestos en la acción de la revista: una legitimación del pensamiento y el arte “de ultramar” y una valoración de los desarrollos artísticos europeos del presente.


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We tried to extend the notion of truth, from the rational concept towards the subjective one. We not only exist by the thought, but also by the feeling. If we apply the scientific method to everything, we remain without art. We want to adhere ourselves to the intimate experience of the subjective thing. In art, the eye introduces the perspective and eliminates the interpretation possibility. Something similar happens with the matter: verb is to matter as name is to form. The Academy has given importance to the form, and it has forgotten the poetical qualities of the matter; it has focused on the figure and it has forgotten the background. However, we have to pay attention to the accidental thing, to the rupture of the protocol, to the frenzy of everything that is alive. For this reason, we pay attention to our intuition, to the sleepy subsoil of our ordinary experience whose inertia has lost the disruptive value of the action. At the end of this article we offer practical exercises, with which we wish to revitalize our centres of attention.


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The relationship between rhetoric and graphic design is presented in this article. The comparison between a classical orator and a graphic designer, between a discourse and a piece of design comes from the connections between with the communication and creativity. We will see how an application of the fundamentals of rhetoric can open new doors to the professional practice, the education of graphic design and the same theory of the rhetoric of the image.By the analysis of a design is exemplified the points of union that show how the arguments, operations, figures of discourse and rhetorical phases are present in the creative process of graphic design and how designers, perhaps unconsciously, use techniques that were traditional. In other words, graphic design is a rhetorical construction.There is then a transposition of a discourse model created by linguistic signs to a discourse model consists of visual and typographic signs, causing design is seen as a discursivediscipline that goes beyond the aesthetic component.


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The appearance of the open code paradigm and the demands of social movements have permeated the ways in which today’s cultural institutions are organized. This article analyzes the birth of a new critical and cooperative spatiality and how it is transforming current modes of cultural research and production. It centers on the potential for establishing the new means of cooperation that are being tested in what are defined as collaborative artistic laboratories. These are hybrid spaces of research and creation based on networked and cooperative structures producing a new societal-technical body that forces us to reconsider the traditional organic conditions of the productive scenarios of knowledge and artistic practice.


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This research is set in the context of today’s societies, in which the corporate visual symbology of a business, corporation or institution constitutes an essential way to transmit its corporate image. Traditional discursive procedures can be discovered in the development of these signs. The rhetorical strategies developed by the great classical authors appear in the logo-symbols expressing the corporate values of today’s companies. Thus, rhetoric is emerging once again in the sense it had many centuries ago: A repertory of rules that, paradoxically, standardizes the deviations of language and whose control is synonymous with power. The main objective of this study is to substantiate the rhetorical construction of logos using as a model of analysis the classical process of creating discourse. This involves understanding logos as persuasive discourses addressed to a modern audience. Our findings show that the rhetorical paradigm can be considered as a creative model for the con­struction of an original logo consistent with a company’s image.


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Contabilidade e Finanças, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2015


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El libro "Cachamanta runapaj jambi" ha sido elaborado por la Dra. Gloria Acero, al año siguiente de haber cumplido el compromiso de medicina rural en Cacha y por la Sra. María Adelina Pianalto, voluntaria italiana quien viene trabajando en dicha zona durante ocho años. Quienes estamos en contacto permanente con el sector indígena sabemos cuanta paciencia y dedicación hay que tener para incursionar en un campo tan misterioso y reservado como es el de la medicina autóctona, sabiendo por otra parte, que no hay investigaciones similares que se hayan publicado en la provincia del Chimborazo. Una lectura atenta de este libro nos da la impresión de estar ante una cultura distinta a la nuestra, en un mundo que no encaja en nuestros criterios. Lógicamente afloran muchísimos interrogantes: ¿Qué son las enfermedades en la mentalidad del indígena? ¿Cuáles son sus causas?. Porque las curaciones se enmarcan en condiciones estrictas de tiempo, lugar, oraciones, exorcismos, etc.. La medicación es de la mas extraña y sorprendente a nuestro modo de pensar: frente a los comprimidos, inyecciones y frasquitos asépticos, que nos dan las farmacias, están los remedios del campo que se venden en mercados abiertos: gajos de hierbas, minerales, mejunjes, seres vivos y elementos de estos seres: pelos, orina, uñas, gusanos, animales exóticos.


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Es evidente que para trabajar con shuar y vivir con ellos, es indispensable conocer su idioma. No hay gue dejarse engañar por Ia limitada freseología castellana que muchos de ellos manejan: puede ser algo muy útil para hablar de necesidades básicas o de asuntos convencionales pero, si se quiere conocer a fondo su mundo y su modo de pensar, resulta una pantalla, más que una ayuda. De esto no es difícíl convencerse, así gue son muchos los que emprenden eI estudio de Ia lengua, pero pronto se desaniman, aI chocar con las reales dificultades de una estructura idiomática demasiado diferente de la nuestra. El resultado es que son muy pocos los no-shuar que poseen la lengua. De esta constatación ha nacido eI presente fasciculo. Lo que me preocupaba desde eI comienzo, era eI deseo de ayudar a los interesados a aprender con facilidad, casi por juego, unos centenares de vocablos y de frases, para tomarle gusto al aprendizaje y superar así la fase inicial y más dura del estudio. Cuando uno ya sabe algo se anima a conversar, a preguntar y siente Ia necesidad de tomar en sus manos el AUJMATSATAI de Alfredo germani (Aju) y después la GRAMÁTICA de Siro Pellizzaro.


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É hoje amplamente reconhecida a relevância do papel desempenhado pelo professor de ciências no processo de ensino das temáticas científicas curriculares, tendo em vista a desejada aprendizagem dos alunos. Sem retirar a centralidade que estes têm no contexto da sua própria aprendizagem, os professores terão de procurar desenvolver competências didáticas que lhes permitam conceber, aplicar e avaliar estratégias capazes de reunir as melhores condições para os seus alunos aprenderem. Para este processo, assumidamente complexo, contribuem fontes diversas. Por exemplo, indicadores que resultam dos muitos estudos efetuados no âmbito da didática das ciências são deveras importantes. Destacam-se aqueles que se relacionam com a problematização, o trabalho prático, a história da ciência, a própria elaboração do conhecimento científico, a relação dos conceitos curriculares com os contextos social e tecnológico. Um bom nível dos saberes construídos pelos professores relativos aos temas curriculares a abordar é, igualmente, muito necessário. Um desempenho docente de qualidade está, também, articulado com uma atitude de disponibilidade do professor, quer para refletir sobre a sua própria experiência letiva, quer para a discutir e partilhar com outros colegas. Compreende-se, assim, que tenha havido a preocupação em elaborar o Guia do Professor, especialmente dirigido aos docentes responsáveis pela lecionação das temáticas de Geologia, do 12º ano. O documento, constituído por duas partes, tem a finalidade de ajudar os professores, de preferência trabalhando em cooperação com outros colegas, a pensar o desenvolvimento de estratégias de ensino adequadas às necessidades dos alunos timorenses do século XXI. Na primeira parte, são fundamentadas as orientações metodológicas, as quais incluem referências à educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável, algumas sugestões didáticas e observações relativas à avaliação das aprendizagens. Pretende-se que os professores desenvolvam um quadro de referência, o qual será importante para justificar algumas das decisões que terão de tomar na preparação das suas aulas e, depois, em situação de ato de ensino na sala de aula. Na segunda parte, são apresentados para cada uma das três Unidades Temáticas que integram o programa de Geologia do 12º ano, mapas de conceitos, propostas de planificação, sugestões diversas, recursos e recomendações de avaliação. Tudo isto visa proporcionar aos professores elementos que lhes permitam vir a reunir um conjunto de condições necessárias a uma abordagem sustentada e atual do programa, em íntima articulação com o manual, de modo que os alunos procedam a uma aprendizagem que conduza a uma cidadania ativa.