955 resultados para Orthogonal Laurent polynomials


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This paper deals with the approximate analysis of the step response of non-linear nonconservative systems by the application of ultraspherical polynomials. From the differential equations for amplitude and phase, set up by the method of variation of parameters, the approximate solutions are obtained by a generalized averaging technique based on ultraspherical polynomial expansions. The Krylov-Bogoliubov results are given by a particular set of these polynomials. The method has been applied to study the step response of a cubic spring mass system in presence of viscous, material, quadratic, and mixed types of damping. The approximate results are compared with the digital and analogue computer solutions and a close agreement has been found between the analytical and the exact results.


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The variety of electron diffraction patterns arising from the decagonal phase has been explored using a stereographic analysis for generating the important zone axes as intersection points corresponding to important relvectors. An indexing scheme employing a set of five vectors and an orthogonal vector has been followed. A systematic tilting from the decagonal axis to one of the twofold axes has been adopted to generate a set of experimental diffraction patterns corresponding to the expected patterns from the stereographic analysis with excellent agreement.


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In uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems, multiuser interference (MUI) occurs due to different carrier frequency offsets (CFO) of different users at the receiver. In this paper, we present a minimum mean square error (MMSE) based approach to MUI cancellation in uplink OFDMA. We derive a recursion to approach the MMSE solution. We present a structure-wise and performance-wise comparison of this recursive MMSE solution with a linear PIC receiver as well as other detectors recently proposed in the literature. We show that the proposed recursive MMSE solution encompasses several known detectors in the literature as special cases.


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It is well known that Alamouti code and, in general, Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) from complex orthogonal designs (CODs) are single-symbol decodable/symbolby-symbol decodable (SSD) and are obtainable from unitary matrix representations of Clifford algebras. However, SSD codes are obtainable from designs that are not CODs. Recently, two such classes of SSD codes have been studied: (i) Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIODs) and (ii) Minimum-Decoding-Complexity (MDC) STBCs from Quasi-ODs (QODs). In this paper, we obtain SSD codes with unitary weight matrices (but not CON) from matrix representations of Clifford algebras. Moreover, we derive an upper bound on the rate of SSD codes with unitary weight matrices and show that our codes meet this bound. Also, we present conditions on the signal sets which ensure full-diversity and give expressions for the coding gain.


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Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) from Complex Orthogonal Designs (CODs) are single-symbol decodable/symbol-by-symbol decodable (SSD); however, SSD codes are obtainable from designs that are not CODs. Recently, two such classes of SSD codes have been studied: (i) Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIODs) and (ii) Minimum-Decoding-Complexity (MDC) STBCs from Quasi-ODs (QODs). The class of CIODs have non-unitary weight matrices when written as a Linear Dispersion Code (LDC) proposed by Hassibi and Hochwald, whereas the other class of SSD codes including CODs have unitary weight matrices. In this paper, we construct a large class of SSD codes with nonunitary weight matrices. Also, we show that the class of CIODs is a special class of our construction.


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Two dimensional Optical Orthogonal Codes (OOCs) named Wavelength/Time Multiple-Pulses-per-Row (W/T MPR) codes suitable for use in incoherent fiber-optic code division multiple access (FO-CDMA) networks are reported in [6]. In this paper, we report the construction of W/T MPR codes, using Greedy Algorithm (GA), with distinct 1-D OOCs [1] as the row vectors. We present the W/T MPR codes obtained using the GA. Further, we verify the correlation properties of the generated W/T MPR codes using Matlab.


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An approximate dynamic programming (ADP) based neurocontroller is developed for a heat transfer application. Heat transfer problem for a fin in a car's electronic module is modeled as a nonlinear distributed parameter (infinite-dimensional) system by taking into account heat loss and generation due to conduction, convection and radiation. A low-order, finite-dimensional lumped parameter model for this problem is obtained by using Galerkin projection and basis functions designed through the 'Proper Orthogonal Decomposition' technique (POD) and the 'snap-shot' solutions. A suboptimal neurocontroller is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC). Further contribution of this paper is to develop an online robust controller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties. A weight update rule is presented that guarantees boundedness of the weights and eliminates the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition to be satisfied. Since, the ADP and neural network based controllers are of fairly general structure, they appear to have the potential to be controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems especially where it is difficult to obtain an accurate model.


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Bending analysis of closed cylindrical shells subjected to asymmetric load and having different support conditions is of interest in the design of chimneys, water towers, oil storage tanks, etc. A simple method of analyzing a long cantilever cylindrical shell, subjected to asymmetric load, is presented in the paper, using Schorer’s shell theory and orthogonal functions. The application of the solution has been illustrated with an example of a cantilever shell subjected to wind loads. The results obtained for this problem have been compared with the previously available results to illustrate the accuracy of the results obtained here. The solution presented can also be extended to a cylindrical shell with other support conditions, as well as to the study of free vibration of a cylindrical shell. The present solution will be very useful for designers who need to obtain numerical results for specific problems with minimum computational effort.


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In this paper, a single-story, bilinear-hysteretic structure, square in plan and supported on four columns, subjected to two horizontal ground motions is studied. The model is assumed to possess three degrees of freedom, viz., translational displacements along the two horizontal orthogonal directions and a rotation about the vertical axis. Interaction of the bending moments in the two perpendicular directions has been considered.


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It is well known that n-length stabilizer quantum error correcting codes (QECCs) can be obtained via n-length classical error correction codes (CECCs) over GF(4), that are additive and self-orthogonal with respect to the trace Hermitian inner product. But, most of the CECCs have been studied with respect to the Euclidean inner product. In this paper, it is shown that n-length stabilizer QECCs can be constructed via 371 length linear CECCs over GF(2) that are self-orthogonal with respect to the Euclidean inner product. This facilitates usage of the widely studied self-orthogonal CECCs to construct stabilizer QECCs. Moreover, classical, binary, self-orthogonal cyclic codes have been used to obtain stabilizer QECCs with guaranteed quantum error correcting capability. This is facilitated by the fact that (i) self-orthogonal, binary cyclic codes are easily identified using transform approach and (ii) for such codes lower bounds on the minimum Hamming distance are known. Several explicit codes are constructed including two pure MDS QECCs.


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A Space-Time Block Code (STBC) in K-variables is said to be g-Group ML-Decodable (GMLD) if its Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding metric can be written as a sum of g independent terms, with each term being a function of a subset of the K variables. In this paper, a construction method to obtain high-rate, 2-GMLD STBCs for 2(m) transmit antennas, m > 1, is presented. The rate of the STBC obtained for 2(m) transmit antennas is 2(m-2) + 1/2(m), complex symbols per channel use. The design method is illustrated for the case of 4 and 8 transmit antennas. The code obtained for 4 transmit antennas is equivalent to the rate-5/4 Quasi-Orthogonal design (QOD) proposed by Yuen, Guan and Tjung.


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In this paper, Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) with reduced Sphere Decoding Complexity (SDC) are constructed for two-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) fading multiple access channels. In this set-up, both the users employ identical STBCs and the destination performs sphere decoding for the symbols of the two users. First, we identify the positions of the zeros in the R matrix arising out of the Q-R decomposition of the lattice generator such that (i) the worst case SDC (WSDC) and (ii) the average SDC (ASDC) are reduced. Then, a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the lattice generator is provided such that the R matrix has zeros at the identified positions. Subsequently, explicit constructions of STBCs which results in the reduced ASDC are presented. The rate (in complex symbols per channel use) of the proposed designs is at most 2/N-t where N-t denotes the number of transmit antennas for each user. We also show that the class of STBCs from complex orthogonal designs (other than the Alamouti design) reduce the WSDC but not the ASDC.


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Modern wireline and wireless communication devices are multimode and multifunctional communication devices. In order to support multiple standards on a single platform, it is necessary to develop a reconfigurable architecture that can provide the required flexibility and performance. The Channel decoder is one of the most compute intensive and essential elements of any communication system. Most of the standards require a reconfigurable Channel decoder that is capable of performing Viterbi decoding and Turbo decoding. Furthermore, the Channel decoder needs to support different configurations of Viterbi and Turbo decoders. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable Channel decoder that can be reconfigured for standards such as WCDMA, CDMA2000, IEEE802.11, DAB, DVB and GSM. Different parameters like code rate, constraint length, polynomials and truncation length can be configured to map any of the above mentioned standards. A multiprocessor approach has been followed to provide higher throughput and scalable power consumption in various configurations of the reconfigurable Viterbi decoder and Turbo decoder. We have proposed A Hybrid register exchange approach for multiprocessor architecture to minimize power consumption.


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Tässä pro gradu-tutkielmassa tutkitaan yhdestä Helsingissä tehdystä kaavamuutoksesta jätettyjä kirjallisia mielipiteitä. Työ jäsentyy (not in my backyard) käsitteen ympärille. Työssä tutkitaan, mihin yhteisiin hyviin vedoten haagalaiset vastustavat alueensa täydennysrakentamista ja kuinka legitiimiä suora omaan taloudelliseen tai muuhun etuun vetoaminen on jätetyissä mielipiteissä. Nimby-käsite on kotoisin Yhdysvalloista, liberaalin politiikka-käsityksen maasta ja on alkujaan ollut jokseenkin vähäosaisten muodostaman ympäristöliikkeen taisteluhuuto. Käsitteen siirtyminen suomalaista täydennysrakentamiskaavaa jäsentäväksi käsitteeksi ei ole sujunut ongelmitta. Työssä osoitetaan termin ongelmallisuuden johtuvan osittain tästä siirtymästä. Termiin liittyvät ristiriidat helpottavat, kun käsitettä käyttää kuvailevana käsitteenä ja pyrkii tietoisesti eroon sen leimaavasta puolesta. Nimby-tutkimuksen valtavirrasta poiketen tässä työssä lähestytään käsitettä ”nimbyjen” itsensä lähtökohdista. Tästä seuraten yksi tämän työn tuloksista on uudenlainen erilaisten nimby-tyypien luokittelu. Tutkittujen mielipiteiden perusteella on olemassa 1) Nimby tiukasti paikkaan sidonnaisena ilmiönä eli ”paikallinen nimby”, 2)Nimby markkina-argumentaationa eli ”markkinanimby”, 3) Nimby edustuksen ongelmana eli ”edustusnimby” ja 4) Nimby liberaalin demokratiakäsityksen määrittämänä vaikuttamisena eli ”liberaali nimby”. Työn keskeiset teoreettiset työkalut toimittavat ranskalaiset Luc Boltanski ja Laurent Thévenot oikeuttamisen maailmojen teoriallaan ja sen laajennuksella, Thévenot’n käsityksellä poliittisen elämän kieliopeista. Suurin osa haagalaisista oikeuttaa kaavamuutoksen vastustamisensa johonkin yhteisen hyvän määritelmään vedoten. Tällaisista mielipiteistä valtaosa hyödyntää kodin maailman keinoja: vetoaa alueen perinteiseen miljööseen, vehreyteen ja toivoo muuttumattomuutta. Myös markkinoiden maailmaan vetoava taloudellinen argumentaatio ja tehokkuutta painottava teollinen argumentaatio ovat yleisiä, kuten muissakin Suomea koskevissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu. Kodin maailman suurempi osuus ja paikallisuuden vahvempi merkitys on yksi tämän työn havainnoista. Työn tulosten puoli liittyy poliittiseen toimintaan ja poliittiseen kulttuuriin. Nimby-liikkeet mielletään Pierre Rosanvallonia seuraten vastademokraattisiksi toimijoiksi. Mielipiteistä suuri osa, yli 40 prosenttia operoi ensisijaisesti omaan etuun vetoavan liberaalin kieliopin piirissä. Tämä on kiinnostava mahdollinen muutos suomalaisessa poliittisessa kulttuurissa, joka vaatii selvästi lisää tutkimusta.


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High-speed evaluation of a large number of linear, quadratic, and cubic expressions is very important for the modeling and real-time display of objects in computer graphics. Using VLSI techniques, chips called pixel planes have actually been built by H. Fuchs and his group to evaluate linear expressions. In this paper, we describe a topological variant of Fuchs' pixel planes which can evaluate linear, quadratic, cubic, and higher-order polynomials. In our design, we make use of local interconnections only, i.e., interconnections between neighboring processing cells. This leads to the concept of tiling the processing cells for VLSI implementation.