984 resultados para Mean Market


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PCR-based technique for GMO detection is the most reliable choice because of its high sensitivity and specificity. As a candidate of the European Union, Turkey must comply with the rules for launching into the market, traceability, and labeling of GMOs as established by EU legislation. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess soybean products in the Turkish market to verify compliance with legislation using qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay to detect the presence of GM soybean and to quantify its amount of GM soybean in the samples tested positive using real-time PCR. DNA extracted by the modified CTAB method was properly used for PCR amplification of food materials. The amplification of a 118 bp DNA fragment of the lectin gene from soybean by PCR was successfully achieved in all samples. The GMO screening was based on the detection of 35S promoter and NOS terminator sequences. The GM positive samples were subjected to detection of Roundup ReadyTM soybean (RR) using quantitative real-time PCR. It was found that 100% of the tested food samples contained less than 0.1 per cent of EPSPS gene.


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Pan bread samples available in the Brazilian market were evaluated for their physicochemical and sensory characteristics. Twelve pan breads, seven white and five whole grain breads, were evaluated. Moisture, water activity (Aw), firmness, and color (L*, a*, b*) of the crumb were evaluated on the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth days after purchasing the breads. Specific volume was evaluated on the first day of analysis with averages of 4.72 and 4.70 mL/g for the white and whole grain breads, respectively. The average results on the first day of analysis were: 37.03% and 41.23% moisture, 0.954 and 0.966 Aw, 276.27 and 267.83 gf firmness, 74.73 and 64.45 L* values, 0.37 and 3.85 a* values, and 15.51 and 18.98 b* values for the white and whole grain breads, respectively. The samples showed an increase in firmness, reduction in moisture and Aw, and no color changes over time. A survey conducted prior to the acceptance test showed that the three most important factors influencing purchase were taste (19.6%), tenderness (16.8%), and expiration date of the product (14.3%). The results showed that 37.2% of the panelists preferred white bread, 62.8% preferred bread with fibers, and 82.6% would probably or definitely buy white bread with fibers.


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Vesivoimalla on merkittävä rooli pohjoismaisessa sähköntuotantojärjestelmässä. Spot-markkinoille tarjottavan vesivoiman hinta riippuu vaihtoehtoisen tuotannon hinnasta ja odotetusta vesivoimantuottajien käytettävissä olevasta veteen sitoutuneen potentiaalienergian määrästä. Hydrologisella tilanteella tarkoitetaan tässä tämän potentiaalienergian poikkeamaa normaalitasostaan. Viime vuosina tuulivoimatuotanto pohjoismaisella sähkömarkkina-alueella on kasvanut voimakkaasti, ja on tullut aiheelliseksi tarkastella, millaisia vaikutuksia tällä on vesivoimantuottajien toimintaan. Työssä määritellään vesivoimalle vaihtoehtoisen sähköntuotannon tuotantokustannus, joka pitkällä aikavälillä toimii vertailutasona, jonka perusteella vesivoimantuottajat määrittävät markkinoilla tarjontahinnan tuotannolleen. Tarkastellaan, kuinka hydrologisen tilanteen ja vaihtoehtoisen tuotannon tuotantokustannusten muutokset vaikuttavat vesiarvoon, joka on hinta, jolla hintariippuvaista eli säätyvää vesivoimaa tarjotaan spot-markkinoille. Todetaan, että hydrologisen tilanteen vahvistuminen ja vaihtoehtoisen tuotantokustannuksen aleneminen alentavat vesiarvoja. Todetaan lisäksi, että tuulivoima vaikuttaa sähkön hinnanmuodostukseen markkinoilla samankaltaisesti kuin hintariippumaton vesivoimatuotanto. Esitetään aikasarjamalli vesivoimatuotannon hintariippuvuuden mallintamiseksi. Vertaillaan vesivoimatuottajien toimintaa kahdella vesivoimatuotantoa sisältävällä hinta-alueella, joista toisella tuulivoimatuotanto on kasvanut voimakkaammin kuin toisella. Havaitaan, että molemmilla hinta-alueilla hydrologisen tilanteen vahvistuminen on alentanut ja heikkeneminen nostanut vesiarvoja. Lisäksi havaitaan, että alueella, jonka tuulivoimatuotanto on kasvanut enemmän, vesiarvot ovat laskeneet suhteessa alueen, jolla tuulivoimatuotanto on kasvanut vähemmän, vesiarvoihin. Tuulivoiman voidaan todeta syrjäyttäneen markkinoilta tuotantokustannuksiltaan kalliimpaa tuotantoa.


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Valmistavan teollisuuden kiristyvät vaatimukset suunnittelusta markkinoille -ajassa (engl. time-to-market), laadussa, kustannustehokkuudessa ja turvallisuudessa luovat paineita uusien toimintatapojen etsimisessä. Usein laitteiston ohjausalgoritmeja ei ole mahdollista testata todellisen laitteiston kanssa, vaan ainoaksi ennakoivaksi vaihtoehdoksi jää todellisen laitteiston virtuaalinen mallintaminen. Eräs uusista toimintavoista on virtuaalinen käyttöönotto, jossa tuotantolinja tai laitteisto mallinnetaan ja sen käyttäytymistä simuloidaan ohjausalgoritmien parantamista ja todentamista varten. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa virtuaalinen käyttöönottoympäristö, jolla laitteiston 3D-mallinnettua virtuaalista mallia voidaan ohjata reaaliajassa todellisen laitteiston ohjauslaitteistolla. Käyttöönottoympäristön toteuttamisen lopullisena tavoitteena on tutkia, millaisia hyötyjä sillä voidaan saavuttaa Outotec (Finland) Oy:n automaatiojärjestelmien suunnittelussa ja käyttöönotossa kiristyvien vaatimusten täyttämiseksi. Työssä toteutetulla käyttöönottoympäristöllä pystytään simuloimaan 3D-mallinnetun laitteiston osan toimintaa reaaliajassa. Todellisen laitteiston ominaisuuksista määritettyjä vaatimuksia ei kustannussyistä täytetty, sillä ennen sitä haluttiin varmistua valitun alustan ominaisuuksista, toimivuudesta ja soveltuvuudesta. Toteutuksen katsotaan kuitenkin täyttävän pehmeän reaaliaikaisuuden kriteerin noin 40 ms aikatasolla ja 80 ms reaktioajalla. Toteutettu virtuaalinen käyttöönottoympäristö osoittautui toimivaksi ja soveltuvaksi, sekä sen todettiin tuovan potentiaalisia hyötyjä Outotec (Finland) Oy:lle, esimerkiksi kosketusnäyttöjen visualisoinnin parannus, hybridikäyttöönottomahdollisuus sekä automaatio-ohjauksien kehittäminen. Työn perusteella arvioidaan onko Outotec:lla tarvetta jatkaa valitulla alustalla todellisen laitteiston aikavaatimukset täyttävään reaaliaika-toteutukseen, jota työssä esitellään.


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This study focuses on understanding the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from an emerging market to a developed market. In particular, it examines the internationalisation process of a firm in the clothing and textile manufacturing industry in Ghana. Theoretically, the study is limited to the network internationalisation approach (e.g. Johanson & Mattsson, 1988; Johanson & Vahlne, 2009) and the industrial network approach (Håkansson & Snehota, 1995). Methodologically, a qualitative abductive case study approach is employed. The research process relies on a longitudinal method involving primary and secondary data and critical event analysis. Primary data has been collected from relevant informants at two different times in the internationalisation process. The research findings highlight the significance of both domestic and foreign business relationships in the internationalisation of an SME from an emerging African market to a developed country market. They show the greater importance of exogenous critical events than has been found in the research regarding firms in developed countries. Institutional actors were essential in the network and as sources of exogenous critical events. In addition, the successful SME should possess unique resources in the form of an entrepreneurial spirit, sufficient knowledge of internationalisation, and specific product knowledge. Theoretically, the present study contributes to business network research through providing an understanding of the process of developing network relationships and their impact in an African context. By focusing on SMEs, a contribution has been made in relation to the advancement of SME research. This research reveals empirical insight into SME internationalisation in a setting where an SME is internationalising to a developed country market from a newly emerging African market. Methodologically, the study provides an example of longitudinal research based on abductive methodology. The results provide implications for firms, managers, and policy-makers within the industry, especially on how to manage and use network relationships to promote SME internationalisation from newly emerging markets.


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Since the implement of opening policy, the overall economy of China has maintained rapid and stable development, which has now makes China become the world's second largest economy. China, it is to become the largest overseas market for many large global enterprises from various industries, this naturally also includes the Tablet PC industry that raised in recent years. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze different internal and external factors that influence the entry mode choices of Finnish SMEs in tablet industry entering Chinese market. The goal is to find out the suitable entry modes for the Finnish tablet or other relevant SMEs entering Chinese market. Qualitative analysis is the main research method in empirical part of this study. The interviews were carried out with the case company and other two Finnish business organizations in China. The result of the study indicated that the internal resource and external business environment affect the entry modes choices much more than other factors for SMES. The exporting mode and sales subsidiary could be a better choice for SMEs entering Chinese market. Furthermore, firms should fully learn the Chinese market combine with its own background before making decisions.


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The last two decades have provided a vast opportunity to live and explore the compulsive imaginary world or virtual world through massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). MMORPG gives a wide range of opportunities to its users to participate with multi-players on the same platform, to communicate and to do real time actions. There is a virtual economy in these games which is largely player-driven. In-game currency provides its users to build up their Avatars, to buy or sell the necessary goods to play, survive in the games and so on. As a part of virtual economies generated through EVE Online, this thesis mainly focuses on how the prices of the minerals in EVE Online behave by applying the Jabłonska- Capasso-Morale (JCM) mathematical simulation model. It is to verify up to what degree the model can reproduce the virtual economy behavior. The model is applied to buy and sell prices of two minerals namely, isogen and morphite. The simulation results demonstrate that JCM model ts reasonably well to the mineral prices, which lets us conclude that virtual economies behave similarly to the real ones.


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Since different stock markets have become more integrated during 2000s, investors need new asset classes in order to gain diversification benefits. Commodities have become popular to invest in and thus it is important to examine whether the investors should use commodities as a part for portfolio diversification. This master’s thesis examines the dynamic relationship between Finnish stock market and commodities. The methodology is based on Vector Autoregressive models (VAR). The long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and commodities is examined with Johansen cointegration while short-run relationship is examined with VAR models and Granger causality test. In addition, impulse response test and forecast error variance decomposition are employed to strengthen the results of short-run relationship. The dynamic relationships might change under different market conditions. Thus, the sample period is divided into two sub-samples in order to reveal whether the dynamic relationship varies under different market conditions. The results show that Finnish stock market has stable long-run relationship with industrial metals, indicating that there would not be diversification benefits among the industrial metals. The long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and energy commodities is not as stable as the long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and industrial metals. Long-run relationship was found in the full sample period and first sub-sample which indicate less room for diversification. However, the long-run relationship disappeared in the second sub-sample which indicates diversification benefits. Long-run relationship between Finnish stock market and agricultural commodities was not found in the full sample period which indicates diversification benefits between the variables. However, long-run relationship was found from both sub-samples. The best diversification benefits would be achieved if investor invested in precious metals. No long-run relationship was found from either sample. In the full sample period OMX Helsinki had short-run relationship with most of the energy commodities and industrial metals and the causality was mostly running from equities to commodities. During the first sub period the number of short-run relationships and causality shrunk but during the crisis period the number of short-run relationships and causality increased. The most notable result found was unidirectional causality from gold to OMX Helsinki during the crisis period.


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According to recent available information, the Brazilian economy may be entering a cycle of sustained growth. The dominant current interpretation points to the progresses made in terms of monetary stability, Balance of Payments and structural reforms. Indeed, without monetary stability and the commercial opening of the economy, investments would not be increasing and credit growth would not be helping the emergence of millions of new consumers. But these achievements should be taken as generally conditioning, rather than actually shaping the new picture. Some unexpected (not rarely positive) consequences of overcoming the long enduring semi-stagnation, the emergence of China as a major player, and its consequences on the necessary re-structuring of the Brazilian industry, seem to be decisive in the present day redefinition of the Brazilian GDP growth potential.