988 resultados para Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion
Top Row: Jessica M. Adair, Casey Arnett, Amy Lynn Babchek, Mary E. Bartlett, Rhonda Bass, Nancy Bidlack, Heather Bjerke, Stacy Bodrie, Dana Boonstra, Kellu Bowers, Pamela Bowser, Rachel L. Bradley, Michele Brotherton, Stacie Buckler, Hope Bufkin
Row 2: Saran Burnley, Jennifer Caraan, Barbara Carpenter, Nutrena Helene Watts, Aimee Schuman, Debra Jameson, Jennifer Jennings, Mary Cassette, Nikki Burns, Lisa Multhaupt, Jeffrey M. Adams, Christine Hepner, Julie Chamberlain, Andy Chan, Jennifer Choike
Row 3: Heather Chrisman, Abbey C. Clark, Renita Cobb, Amy Cotton, Cattleya Crossen, Kimberly Curl, Christy Debolt, Patricia DeLamielleure, Jennifer Dyer, Lisa L. Eliasom, Patricia Fowler Faling, Rita Fallone
Row 4: Richard Fisher, Rebecca J. Forbes, Tiffany Fowler, Karen R. Fritz, Debbie M. Fulton, Michelle J. Gaskill, Ellen M. Gavin, Emily Golin, Umeika Makita Griffith, Lydia D. Hampton, Natalie Michele Hoffman, Julie Holbird
Row 5: Kathryn A. Huffman, Tara Lynn Humphrey, Nicole Jaccques, Michelle C. Johnson, Bryan Wayne Kerridge, Violet H. Barkauskas, Beverly Jones, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Nola Pender, Susan Boehm, Noelle Kirouac, Sarah Kohn, Sherri Krajenta, Brian Kubinski, Stephanie L. Kuczera
Row 6: Heather Lange, Sang Hee Lee, Soya Lee, Natalie Lehrer, Kimberly Lilley, Elizabeth A. Lundy, Darcey Lutz-Guenther, Michelle J. Malicsi, Dawn Marteeny, Sheila Mendiola, Sharon Mitchell, Caryl S. Molton, Colette Montilla, Celeste Montone-Horne, Emily T. Mooney, Naima Moore
Row 7: Kami Nobis, Thresa M. Nugent, Michelle Ober, Nisha Patel, Stephanie Perrett, Holly Powers, Julie L. Pryor, Elizabeth K. Rachubinski, Anne Rammelkamp, Kathy Rarog, Erin Richards, Amy Roehrig, Catherine Ann Rosloniec, Tansey Rosset, Kimberly Sanders, Marla Sands, James C. Sausser
Row 8: Juana Sebree, Erin J. Showers, Prabhjyot Singh, Lynn Sinkel, Nicole LaDon Smith, Nicole M. Speck, Mickie Speers, Krista Stapleton, Karon Starr, Elizabeth Studley, Janice Brenda Supena, Rashelle Talbert,Kimberly Tocco, Edda Toting, Lisa Uren, Lori VanBergen
Row 9: Lisa VanStratton, kathleen Veenstra, Kristen Venadam, Rhonda E. Walkowe, Ching-Ru Bonny Wang, Deborah Webb, Ruthann Clausen Weiss, Debra R. White, Rochelle Whiteman, Tara Wilson, Jessica Wise, Sheryl Woloskie, Denice Annette Zakalata, Rebecca S. Zeiler
I denna uppsats analyseras två föreläsningar genomförda av Studie- och språkverkstaden på Stockholms universitet. Syftet är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning föreläsningarna kan bidra till studenters akademiska skriftspråkliga progression. Materialet, som består av observationer, enkätsvar, intervjuer och mejl, har analyserats med metoder från medierad diskursanalys (MDA, Scollon & Scollon 2004). I undersökningen deltar 30 studenter, den språkinstitution som studenterna är inskrivna på samt Studie- och språkverkstaden. Resultaten visar att faktorer som interaktionsordning, historisk kropp och diskurser har stor betydelse för hur föreläsningarna uppfattas och används av studenterna. Hur studenterna motiverar sitt handlande beror på vem som uppfattas som social aktör både före, under och efter föreläsningarna; hur interaktionsordningen ser ut har betydelse för utfallet av antal studenter som deltar på föreläsningarna; hur en diskurs presenteras har betydelse för hur studenterna motiverar sitt handlande under föreläsningen; förväntningar på förutsättningar och förkunskaper ser olika ut hos språkinstitutionen och studenterna: de yngre studenterna relaterar positivt sina akademiska erfarenheter till läroplanen Gy 2011, språkinstitutionen signalerar brist i förutsättningar och förkunskaper relaterade till Gy 2011; föreläsningarna har höjt eller aktualiserat studenternas medvetande om den akademiska diskursen, och slutligen konstateras att studenternas tidigare akademiska erfarenhet inte har någon större inverkan på utfallet av föreläsningarna.
von Wilh. Christian Müller, Dr. Lehrer am Lyceum zu Bremen
von Dr. August Ife, Lehrer der italien. u. französ. Sprache zu Berlin
von Dr. Karl Dove, Lehrer der kolonialen Landeskunde am Seminar für orientalische Sprachen, Privatdozent der Geographie an der Universität zu Berlin
eingerichtet von Anton Hesky, ehem. Normal-Lehrer zu Wesprim
Retrocyclin-1, a 0-defensin, protects target cells from human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) by preventing viral entry. To delineate its mechanism, we conducted fusion assays between susceptible target cells and effector cells that expressed HIV-1 Env. Retrocyclin-1 (4 mu M) completely blocked fusion mediated by HIV-1 Envs that used CXCR4 or CCR5 but had little effect on cell fusion mediated by HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus Envs. Retrocyclin-1 inhibited HIV-1 Env-mediated fusion without impairing the lateral mobility of CD4, and it inhibited the fusion of CD4-deficient cells with cells bearing CD4-independent HIV-1 Env. Thus, it could act without cross-linking membrane proteins or inhibiting gp120-CD4 interactions. Retrocyclin-1 acted late in the HIV-1 Env fusion cascade but prior to 6-helix bundle formation. Surface plasmon resonance experiments revealed that retrocyclin bound the ectodomain of gp41 with high affinity in a glycan-independent manner and that it bound selectively to the gp41 C-terminal heptad repeat. Native-PAGE, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and CD spectroscopic analyses all revealed that retrocyclin-1 prevented 6-helix bundle formation. This mode of action, although novel for an innate effector molecule, resembles the mechanism of peptidic entry inhibitors based on portions of the gp41 sequence.
Throughout the nineteenth century, German classical music production was an aesthetic point of reference for British concert audiences. As a consequence, a sizeable number of German musicians were to be found in Britain as performers, conductors, teachers, musicologists and managers. They acted as agents of intercultural transfer, disseminating performance and organisational practices which had a transformative effect on British musical life. This article moves away from a focus on high-profile visiting artists such as Mendelssohn Bartholdy or Wagner and argues that the extent to which transfer took place can be better assessed by concentrating on the cohort of those artists who remained permanently. Some of these are all but forgotten today, but were household names in Victorian Britain. The case studies have been selected for the range of genres they represent and include Joseph Mainzer (choral singing), Carl Rosa (opera), August Manns, Carl Hallé and Julius Seligmann (orchestral music), and Friedrich Niecks (musicology). On a theoretical level, the concept of ‘intercultural transfer’ is applied in order to determine aspects such as diffusion, adaptation or sustainability of artistic elements within the new cultural context. The approach confirms that ‘national’ cultures do not develop indigenously but always through cross-national interaction. Während des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts war die klassische Musikszene Deutschlands ästhetischer Bezugpunkt für das britische Konzertpublikum. Dies hatte zur Folge, dass vermehrt Deutsche als Musiker, Dirigenten, Lehrer, Musikwissenschaftler und Manager in Großbritannien tätig wurden. Sie fungierten als Vermittler interkulturellen Transfers, indem sie aufführungs- und organisationstechnische Praktiken verbreiteten und damit zu einer Transformation des britischen Musiklebens beitrugen. Vorliegender Artikel konzentriert sich weniger auf bekannte Künstler mit kurzfristigen Engagements (z. B. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Wagner), und argumentiert vielmehr, dass sich das Ausmaß des Transfers besser über solche Musiker feststellen lässt, die sich längerfristig ansiedelten. Einige davon waren allgemein bekannte Persönlichkeiten im Königreich, sind heute aber vergessen. Die Auswahl der Fallstudien gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Gattungen und beinhaltet Joseph Mainzer (Chorgesang), Carl Rosa (Oper), August Manns, Carl Hallé und Julius Seligmann (Orchestermusik), sowie Friedrich Niecks (Musikwissenschaft). Auf der Theorieebene wird das Konzept des ‘interkulturellen Transfers’ herangezogen, um Aspekte wie Diffusion, Anpassung oder Nachhaltigkeit künstlerischer Elemente im neuen kulturellen Kontext zu beleuchten. Der Ansatz bestätigt, dass sich ‘nationale’ Kulturen nicht indigen entwickeln sondern immer im Austausch mit anderen Kulturen
von Lic.Dr. Freiherr von Gall, Lehrer am Realgymnasium und an der Realschule zu Mainz
von L. Presburger, Lehrer an der Israelistischen Bürger- und Realschule zu Frankfurt a.M. ; mit einem Vorworte von Dr. M. Heß, Oberlehrer
This paper considers the analysis of data from randomized trials which offer a sequence of interventions and suffer from a variety of problems in implementation. In experiments that provide treatment in multiple periods (T>1), subjects have up to 2^{T}-1 counterfactual outcomes to be estimated to determine the full sequence of causal effects from the study. Traditional program evaluation and non-experimental estimators are unable to recover parameters of interest to policy makers in this setting, particularly if there is non-ignorable attrition. We examine these issues in the context of Tennessee's highly influential randomized class size study, Project STAR. We demonstrate how a researcher can estimate the full sequence of dynamic treatment effects using a sequential difference in difference strategy that accounts for attrition due to observables using inverse probability weighting M-estimators. These estimates allow us to recover the structural parameters of the small class effects in the underlying education production function and construct dynamic average treatment effects. We present a complete and different picture of the effectiveness of reduced class size and find that accounting for both attrition due to observables and selection due to unobservable is crucial and necessary with data from Project STAR
Peer effects have figured prominently in debates on school vouchers, desegregation, ability tracking and anti-poverty programs. Compelling evidence of their existence remains scarce for plaguing endogeneity issues such as selection bias and the reflection problem. This paper is among the first to firmly establish the link between peer performance and student achievement, using a unique dataset from China. We find strong evidence that peer effects exist and operate in a positive and nonlinear manner; reducing the variation of peer performance increases achievement; and our semi-parametric estimates clarify the tradeoffs facing policymakers in exploiting positive peers effects to increase future achievement.
El concurso de transformación mágica, esquema narrativo difundido en la tradición popular, se presenta en dos variantes principales: los hechiceros que compiten pueden metamorfosearse en varios seres o crear esos seres por medios mágicos. En cualquier caso el concursante ganador da a luz criaturas más fuertes que superan las de su oponente. La segunda variante fue preferida en el antiguo Cercano Oriente (Sumeria, Egipto, Israel). La primera se puede encontrar en algunos mitos griegos sobre cambiadores de forma (por ejemplo, Zeus y Némesis). El mismo esquema narrativo puede haber influido en un episodio de la Novela de Alejandro (1.36-38), en el que Darío envía regalos simbólicos a Alejandro y los dos monarcas enemigos ofrecen contrastantes explicaciones de ellos. Esta historia griega racionaliza el concurso de cuento de hadas, transfiriendo las fantásticas hazañas de creaciones milagrosas a un plano secundario pero realista de metáfora lingüística.
Tras mi reciente edición de los pseudo-aristotélicos Pepli Epitaphia, el presente trabajo se centra en los apochrypha a dichos epitafios que compuso Juan Tzetzes en el siglo xii, un conjunto de ocho dísticos elegíacos para los héroes que consideró meritorios de tal tarea, y para quienes no pudo encontrar un epitafio conservado en las fuentes manuscritas a las que tuvo acceso. Para lograr dicho propósito, también se investiga el grado de conocimiento y la transmisión de ese corpus epigramático en la literatura bizantina, además de considerar las lecciones y el sentido mismo de dos códices guardados en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (M y Md). En ellos, Constantino Láscaris copió, directamente a partir de Tzetzes, dos breves antologías de dichos componentes.
zusammengestellt von Theodor Gettinger, Lehrer an der Hauptschule in Hainburg