956 resultados para Kerouac, Jack, 1922-1969 - Crítica e interpretação


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Contains 1969 and 1971-73 issues of The South End, Wayne State University student paper, as well as correspondence, public statements, petitions and a tape-recording relating to controversies generated by the printing of alleged anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic articles in the newspaper. The correspondence consists for the most part of an exchange of letters between university officials, Jewish community leaders and Leonard N. Simons, a Detroit advertising executive, during the 1969 controversy, and correspondence with Philip Slomovitz, editor of the Detroit Jewish news, in 1972-73. The tape recording is of a February 2, 1969 interview with John Watson, editor of the South end.


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Letters (28) to Hans Nauen from family members and friends from Shanghai, Israel, USA. Most of the letters deal with private affairs. One deals with reparation.


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Congregation Mishkan Tefila was founded in 1858 as Mishkan Israel, and is considered to be the oldest conservative synagogue in New England. Its founding members were East Prussian Jews who separated from Ohabei Shalom, which was predominately Polish at the time. In 1894, Mishkan Israel and another conservative synagogue, Shaarei Tefila, merged to form Congregation Mishkan Tefila. The synagogue moved its religious school to Walnut Street in Newton in 1955, and began planning for a new building in Chestnut Hill on Hammond Pond Parkway. The groundbreaking ceremony was on November 13, 1955. In 1958, services were held for the first time in the new synagogue building. This collection contains plays, annual reports, programs for events and dinners, and newsletters.


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In 1916, the Jewish community of Boston established Beth Israel Temple Beth-El, located on the East Side of Providence, dates back to 1849, with the creation of the group "Sons of Israel." On September 10, 1849, Solomon Pareira, Leonard Gavitts and Morris Steinberg were granted an acre of land along the New London Turnpike (now Reservoir Avenue) to establish a cemetery. In 1854, the Congregation of the Sons of Israel and David was established, leading to president Solomon Pareira's deeding of the cemetery land in 1857 for the sole utilization of the congregation. This collection contains programs, sermons and newsletters. Although the congregation was originally Orthodox, it affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Union for Reform Judaism) in 1877.


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The Birth of the Minority State Church Development of the legal relationship between the state of Finland and the Finnish Orthodox Church 1917 1922 Mika Nokelainen, University of Helsinki, Finland. The present research seeks to explain how the legal relationship developed between the state of Finland and the Orthodox Church of Finland. The main focus is on three statutes: 1) the Statute of the Orthodox Church in Finland as stated by Prime Minister J. K. Paasikivi s cabinet in November 1918, 2) The Republican Constitution of July 1919 and 3) The Freedom of Religion Act of 1923. This study examines how different political goals influenced the three statutes mentioned above. Another important factor that is taken into account is the attitude of the Lutheran Church of Finland, the church of the national majority, towards the Orthodox minority and its judicial position in the country. Finland became independent in December 1917, in the aftermath of the November Revolution in Russia. The Orthodox Church already had hundreds of years of history in Finland. In the 19th century, several statutes by emperors of Russia had made the Orthodox Church an official state church of Finland. Due to the long history of the Orthodox Church in Finland, Prime Minister Paasikivi s cabinet made the decision to support the church in the spring of 1918. Furthermore, the cabinet s goal to occupy East Karelia increased its willingness to support the church. The Finnish-national Orthodox Church was needed to educate the East-Karelians. A new statute on the Orthodox Church in Finland came into force in November 1918, reorganising the administration, economy and legal relationship between the church and state in Finland. With this statue, the cabinet gained some authority over the church. Sections of this statute made possible, for example, the cabinet s interference in the internal affairs of the church. The Republican Constitution of 1919 included the principle of freedom of religion. The state, which previously had been Lutheran, now became non-denominational. However, the Republican Constitution explicitly mentioned the Lutheran as well as the Orthodox Church, which indirectly confirmed the position of the Orthodox Church as the second state church of Finland. This position was finally confirmed by the Freedom of Religion Act in 1923. In general, the Lutheran Church of Finland did not resist the judicial position of the Orthodox Church. However, some Lutherans regarded the Orthodox Church with suspicion because of its intimate connection with Russia.


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Copies of photos and documents pertaining to Regina Teitelbaum's sports activities in Jewish sports events during the 1920s and 1930s, including clippings about these events (from Der Makkabi, 1935), and certificates for Teitelbaum's accomplishments.


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The birth of the Modern Consumer Society in Finnish short films 1920-1969 The main subject of this research is Finnish short films in 1920-1969. These short films were produced by film studios for private enterprises, banks, advisory organizations, communities and the state. The evolution of short films on consumer affairs was greatly influenced by a special tax reduction system that was introduced in 1933 and lasted until 1964. The tax reduction system increased the production volumes of educational short films significantly. This study covers 342 Finnish short films, more than any other study in the field before this. The aim of this research is to examine how short films introduced Finns to modern consumer society. The cinemagoers were an excellent target group for different advisory groups as well as advertisers. Short films were used by organizations and private enterprises from very early on. In the 1920's Finns were still living in rural areas and agriculture was the dominant industry. Consumer society was still in its infancy, and the prevalent attitude to industrially produced goods was that of suspicion. From the cultural and ideological point of view the evolution of trust was one of the first steps towards the birth of the consumer society. Short films were an excellent means for helping to transform public attitudes. During the war period short films were an important means of propaganda. Short films were produced in abundance and shown for big audiences. They guided people how to survive shortages caused by the war. Even though the idea of rationalization was presented in short films somewhat in the 1920's and 1930's it became a national virtue during the war period. The idea of rationalization widened from the industry to households expecially in the late 1940's and the 1950's. New household apparati and the way in which daily chores were taken care of were presented not as luxury consumption but as a way of rationalization and saving money and effort. Banks and the advisory organizations guided the public to save their money for a specific target. Short films were use to help the public to acceps industrial goods and the notions of planning and saving. The ideological change from an agrarian society to consumer society was based on old acricultural ideas and self-sufficiency was evolved into rational and economizing consumerism. This made Finnish consumer society to value durable consumer goods and own homes. The public was also encouraged to consider their own decisions in the national context - especially after the second world war Finland laced capital, and personal savings were strongly presented as a way to help the whole nation. Modern hedonistic values were not dominant in Finland in the1950's and 1960's. Initial traces of modern hedonism can be seen in the films, but they were only marginal paths in the bigger.


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Jacalin [Artocarpus integrifolia (jack fruit) agglutinin] is made up of two types of chains, heavy and light, with M(r) values of 16,200 +/- 1200 and 2090 +/- 300 respectively (on the basis of gel-permeation chromatography under denaturing conditions). Its complete amino acid sequence was determined by manual degradation using a 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene 4'-isothiocyanate double-coupling method. Peptide fragments for sequence analysis were obtained by chemical cleavages of the heavy chain with CNBr, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and iodosobenzoic acid and enzymic cleavage with Staphylococcus aureus proteinase. The peptides were purified by a combination gel-permeation and reverse-phase chromatography. The light chains, being only 20 residues long, could be sequenced without fragmentation. Amino acid analyses and carboxypeptidase-Y-digestion C-terminal analyses of the subunits provided supportive evidence for their sequence. Computer-assisted alignment of the jacalin heavy-chain sequence failed to show sequence similarity to that of any lectin for which the complete sequence is known. Analyses of the sequence showed the presence of an internal repeat spanning residues 7-64 and 76-130. The internal repeat was found to be statistically significant.


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This dissertation is a narrative account of the negotiations concerning the question of the Far East and the Shandong issue at the Washington Conference, leading to treaties, agreements and resolutions. In this dissertation, a certain stress is laid on the interaction between the Conference and the internal situation in China, particularly concerning the question of the implications of the Conference for Cabinet politics in Peking. Through the narrative account of the Conference, the general aim is an attempt to reassess the achievements of the Washington Conference. Too often the Washington Conference has been viewed negatively. The political aim behind the legal framework was to open the door to China as a sovereign State member of the international community whose territorial integrity was internationally recognized, despite its chaotic internal situation. It is undeniable that the Washington Conference opened a new chapter in modern Chinese history. The violations of the agreements concerning China that occurred in the 1930s should not lead to the belief that these agreements were of no value. Peace may not be lasting and evolves according to circumstances; agreements are transitory, and new situations need new arrangements. This dissertation tries to demonstrate that the agreements in themselves were not the cause of their failure, but the failure was due to the lack of determination on the part of the Signatories Powers to defend them.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 4(1) -numeron liitteen.


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The coherence of the Soviet bloc was seriously tested at the turn of the 1970s, as the Soviet Union and its allies engaged in intensive negotiations over their relations with the European Communities (EC). In an effort to secure their own national economic interests many East European countries began independent manoeuvres against the wishes of their bloc leader. However, much of the intra-bloc controversy was kept out of the public eye, as the battle largely took place behind the scenes, within the organisation for economic cooperation, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). The CMEA policy-making process vis--vis the EC is described in this study with reference to primary archival materials. This study investigates the negotiating positions and powers of the CMEA member states in their efforts to deal with the economic challenge created by the progress of the EC, as it advanced towards the customs union. This entails an analysis of the functioning principles and performance of the CMEA machinery. The study traces the CMEA negotiations that began in 1970 over its policy toward the EC. The policy was finally adopted in 1974, and was followed by the first official meeting between the two organisations in early 1975. The story ends in 1976, when the CMEA s efforts to enter into working relations with the EC were seemingly frustrated by the latter. The first major finding of the study is that, contrary to much of the prior research, the Soviet Union was not in a hegemonic position vis--vis its allies. It had to use a lot of its resources to tame the independent manoeuvring of its smaller allies. Thus, the USSR was not the kind of bloc leader that the totalitarian literature has described. Because the Soviet Union had to spend so much attention on its own bloc-politics, it was not able to concentrate on formulating a policy vis--vis the EC. Thus, the Soviet leadership was dependent on its allies in those instances when the socialist countries needed to act as a bloc. This consequently opened up the possibility for the USSR s allies to manoeuvre. This study also argues that when the CMEA did manage to find a united position, it was a force that the EC had to reckon with in its policy-making. This was particularly the case in the implementation of the EC Common Commercial Policy. The other main finding of the study is that, although it has been largely neglected in the previous literature on the history of West European integration, the CMEA did in fact have an effect on EC decision-making. This study shows how for political and ideological reasons the CMEA members did not acknowledge the EC s supranational authority. Therefore the EC had no choice but to refrain from implementing its Common Commercial Policy in full.


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Se llev a cabo un estudio con el objetivo de determinar el mejoramiento de la composicin qumica de la biomasa verde y tratada con Urea como proceso de amonificacin. El pasto utilizado fue el Guinea (Panicum maximum, Jacq) CV Colonial el cual se encontraba en etapa de plena maduracin (75 das). Durante el mes de septiembre del 2011 se realiz un corte de uniformidad para proceder al muestreo durante el mes de noviembre en la Finca Santa Rosa, Universidad Nacional Agraria. Managua, Nicaragua.Los tratamiento consistieron en cuatro niveles de plicacin de Urea; 0, 1, 3 y 5 % en base al forraje verde a tratar, diluido en 0.5 lt de agua, y almacenados en bolsas de polietileno durante 21 das a temperatura ambiente.El diseo utilizado fue un DCA (Diseo completo al Azar) con tres repeticiones. Las variables de estudio para cada tratamiento fueron,porcentajes de; materia seca, protena cruda, fibra cido detergente (FAD), fibra neutro detergente (FND) y cenizas. Se realizaron anlisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separaciones de medias, usando Tukey (P<0.05). Para el anlisis estadstico las variables codificadas en porcentajes se transformaron, segn, 2 arco seno p (Dos veces Arco seno de la raz cuadrada de la proporcin).Se encontr diferencias significativas (P 0.05) para las variables Materia seca (MS), Protena Cruda (PC)y, Cenizas (CEN), no encontrando diferencias estadsticas ( P > 0.05) para las variables Fibra Neutro Detergente (FND) y Fibra cido Detergente FAD).El porcentaje de materia seca vario desde 48.04 % hasta 24.30 % para 0 y 5 % de Urea respectivamente. La PC pas de 3.36 % para el tratamiento sin Urea a 8.37 % cuando se aplic 5 % de Urea mientras la CEN aumento de 7.85 % a 8.60 % para 0 y 3 % de urea. La FDN y FAD aunque no presentaron diferencias estadsticas para los tratamientos evaluados, fue mejorado (disminucin del contenido fibroso) con el tratamiento 5% de Urea. Se concluye que el tratamiento de 5 % de Urea es el ms recomendado para la amonificacin de forraje verde del pasto guinea (Panicum maximum, Jacq) CV Colonial. Con estos resultados se confirma que con el uso de esta tecnologa se evidencia la transformacin de materiales maduros de baja o nula calidad en alimentos que provean nutrientes al animal durante las pocas críticas


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Objetivo y metodologa: Dentro del perfil buscado por la Universidad Catlica Argentina para sus Ingenieros Industriales se encuentran, entre otras, las siguientes cualidades distintivas: Entender que la Ingeniera es una profesin creativa e innovadora que, combinando la ciencia y la tecnologa, junto con la economa, la administracin y la sociologa, se propone tratar y resolver problemas integrando todos los elementos involucrados y buscando, dentro de un marco tico, la mejor solucin en beneficio de la calidad de vida del hombre y de la sociedad./.../ El anlisis de este caso se enmarcara dentro de la Teora Crítica de la Tecnologa y el concepto de cdigo tcnico, observando cmo estos cdigos actan de manera oculta o invisible, estratificando valores e intereses en normas, reglas, criterios y procedimientos. En cuanto a este ltimo punto, se presentar el Value Sensitive Design (VSD) o Diseo por Valores, una metodologa de diseo que actualmente asoma como una luz de esperanza para la integracin de los valores a los desarrollos tecnolgicos e ingenieriles...


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Contenido: Verdad e historia / Octavio N. Derisi Estructura de la obra de arte / Omar Argerami En el bicentenario de un opsculo kantiano / Manuel Trevijano Amor y libertad en la filosofa de Gabriel Marcel / Carmen Valderrey Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografa


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Resumen: En la actualidad, coexisten diferentes formas de entender la tecnologa y el proceso tecnolgico. En tanto que la tecnologa ocupa un lugar de relevancia en las sociedades actuales, las apreciaciones que se derivan de una u otra posicin pueden diferir ampliamente en las formas y mecanismos de abordaje y, por ende, en sus consecuencias. Desde la Teora Crítica de la Tecnologa, Andrew Feenberg propone que el desarrollo tecnolgico debera ser un proceso democrtico, que permita la participacin de los diversos actores involucrados. Considera incorporar a aquellos grupos que en muchos de los procesos de desarrollo que se llevan a cabo en el presente no participan en la etapa de diseo y que sufren sus impactos. Para que este proceso de democratizacin sea posible, los diferentes actores sociales deben estar preparados. El presente trabajo profundizar sobre el perfil del ingeniero emergente de la Teora Crítica de la Tecnologa y su contraste con el modelo propuesto en las carreras de ingeniera. Intentar determinar de qu modo el perfil de ingeniero vigente puede contribuir a la implementacin de procesos de democratizacin en el diseo tecnolgico.