995 resultados para Internal feedback


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Abstract Image

A new experimental procedure based on attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy has been developed to investigate surface species under liquid phase reaction conditions. The technique has been tested by investigating the enhanced selectivity in the hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated aldehyde citral over a 5% Pt/SiO2 catalyst toward unsaturated alcohols geraniol/nerol, which occurs when citronellal is added to the reaction. The change in selectivity is proposed to be the result of a change in the citral adsorption mode in the presence of citronellal. Short time on stream attenuated total internal reflection infrared spectroscopy has allowed identification of the adsorption modes of citral. With no citronellal, citral adsorbs through both the C═C and C═O groups; however, in the presence of citronellal, citral adsorption occurs through the C═O group only, which is proposed to be the cause of the altered reaction selectivity.


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Near-Earth asteroid (25143) Itokawa was visited by the Hayabusa spacecraft in 2005, resulting in a highly detailed surface shape and topography model. This model has led to several predictions for the expected radiative torques on this asteroid, suggesting that its spin rate should be decelerating. Through an observational survey spanning 2001 to 2013 we have successfully measured an acceleration in its spin rate of dω/dt = 3.54 (± 0.38) × 10^(-8) rad day^(-2), equivalent to a decrease of its rotation period of ~ 45 ms year^(-1). Using the shape model determined from the Hayabusa spacecraft, we applied a detailed thermophysical analysis, to reconcile the predicted YORP strength with that observed. We find that the center-of-mass for Itokawa must be shifted by ~20 m along the long-axis of the asteroid to reconcile observations with theory. This can be explained if Itokawa is composed of two separate bodies with very different bulk densities of 1740 ± 110 kg m^(-3) and 2730 ± 440 kg m^(-3), and was formed from the merger of two separate bodies, consistent with the collapse of a binary system or the re-accumulation of material from a catastrophic collisional disruption. We demonstrate that an observational measurement of radiative torques, when combined with a detailed shape model, can provide insight into the interior structure of an asteroid.


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Aqueous core/polymer shell microcapsules with mommuclear and polynuclear core morphologies have been formed by internal phase separation from water-in-oil emulsions. The water-in-oil emulsions were prepared with the shell polymer dissolved in the aqueous phase by adding a low boiling point cosolvent. Subsequent removal of this cosolvent (by evaporation) leads to phase separation of the polymer and, if the spreading conditions are correct, formation of a polymer shell encapsulating the aqueous core. Poly(tetrahydrofuran) (PTHF) shell/aqueous core microcapsules, with a single (mononuclear) core, have been prepared, but the low T-g (-84 degreesC) of PTHF makes characterization of the particles more difficult. Poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(isobutyl methacrylate) have higher T-g values (105 and 55 degreesC, respectively) and can be dissolved in water at sufficiently high acetone concentrations, but evaporation of the acetone from the emulsion droplets in these cases mostly resulted in polynuclear capsules, that is, having cores with many very small water droplets contained within the polymer matrix. Microcapsules with fewer, larger aqueous droplets in the core could be produced by reducing the rate of evaporation of the acetone. A possible mechanism for the formation of these polynuclear cores is suggested. These microcapsules were prepared dispersed in an oil-continuous phase. They could, however, be successfully transferred to a water-continuous phase, using a simple centrifugation technique. In this way, microcapsules with aqueous cores, dispersed in an aqueous medium, could be made. It would appear that a real challenge with the water-core systems, compared to the previous oil-core systems, is to obtain the correct order of magnitude of the three interfacial tensions, between the polymer, the aqueous phase, and the continuous oil phase; these control the spreading conditions necessary to produce shells rather than "acorns".


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A multiuser scheduling multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cognitive radio network (CRN) with space-time block coding (STBC) is considered in this paper, where one secondary base station (BS) communicates with one secondary user (SU) selected from K candidates. The joint impact of imperfect channel state information (CSI) in BS → SUs and BS → PU due to channel estimation errors and feedback delay on the outage performance is firstly investigated. We obtain the exact outage probability expressions for the considered network under the peak interference power IP at PU and maximum transmit power Pm at BS which cover perfect/imperfect CSI scenarios in BS → SUs and BS → PU. In addition, asymptotic expressions of outage probability in high SNR region are also derived from which we obtain several important insights into the system design. For example, only with perfect CSIs in BS → SUs, i.e., without channel estimation errors and feedback delay, the multiuser diversity can be exploited. Finally, simulation results confirm the correctness of our analysis.


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This study compares the internal dynamics of religious change in the 'post-evangelical' Ikon community in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and a charismatic, multiethnic congregation in Harare, Zimbabwe. Although the theological ideas behind Ikon and the congregation vary widely, the processes whereby both groups manage change are broadly similar and have wider theoretical significance. Accordingly, this article analyses how people use the religious resources of their traditions to construct 'havens' in which change is facilitated. Havens are conceived of as safe spaces where people use religious resources to challenge ethnic boundaries and power structures. They can be seen to function as mechanisms for disrupting long-entrenched feedback patterns of opposition and conflict. © 2010 The Editor of Ethnopolitics.


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In this paper, we investigate an amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-input multiple-output - spatial division multiplexing (MIMO-SDM) cooperative wireless networks, where each network node is equipped with multiple antennas. In order to deal with the problems of signal combining at the destination and cooperative relay selection, we propose an improved minimum mean square error (MMSE) signal combining scheme for signal recovery at the destination. Additionally, we propose two distributed relay selection algorithms based on the minimum mean squared error (MSE) of the signal estimation for the cases where channel state information (CSI) from the source to the destination is available and unavailable at the candidate nodes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed combiner together with the proposed relay selection algorithms achieve higher diversity gain than previous approaches in both flat and frequency-selective fading channels.


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Timely and individualized feedback on coursework is desirable from a student perspective as it facilitates formative development and encourages reflective learning practice. Faculty however are faced with a significant and potentially time consuming challenge when teaching larger cohorts if they are to provide feedback which is timely, individualized and detailed. Additionally, for subjects which assess non-traditional submissions, such as Computer-Aided-Design (CAD), the methods for assessment and feedback tend not to be so well developed or optimized. Issues can also arise over the consistency of the feedback provided. Evaluations of Computer-Assisted feedback in other disciplines (Denton et al, 2008), (Croft et al, 2001) have shown students prefer this method of feedback to traditional “red pen” marking and also that such methods can be more time efficient for faculty.
Herein, approaches are described which make use of technology and additional software tools to speed up, simplify and automate assessment and the provision of feedback for large cohorts of first and second year engineering students studying modules where CAD files are submitted electronically. A range of automated methods are described and compared with more “manual” approaches. Specifically one method uses an application programming interface (API) to interrogate SolidWorks models and extract information into an Excel spreadsheet, which is then used to automatically send feedback emails. Another method describes the use of audio recordings made during model interrogation which reduces the amount of time while increasing the level of detail provided as feedback.
Limitations found with these methods and problems encountered are discussed along with a quantified assessment of time saving efficiencies made.


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In recent years, sonification of movement has emerged as a viable method for the provision of feedback in motor learning. Despite some experimental validation of its utility, controlled trials to test the usefulness of sonification in a motor learning context are still rare. As such, there are no accepted conventions for dealing with its implementation. This article addresses the question of how continuous movement information should be best presented as sound to be fed back to the learner. It is proposed that to establish effective approaches to using sonification in this context, consideration must be given to the processes that underlie motor learning, in particular the nature of the perceptual information available to the learner for performing the task at hand. Although sonification has much potential in movement performance enhancement, this potential is largely unrealised as of yet, in part due to the lack of a clear framework for sonification mapping: the relationship between movement and sound. By grounding mapping decisions in a firmer understanding of how perceptual information guides learning, and an embodied cognition stance in general, it is hoped that greater advances in use of sonification to enhance motor learning can be achieved.